22 research outputs found

    Early Loading of Cast-in-Situ Reinforced Concrete Structures

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    The article provides an overview of the existing methods of early loading of monolithic structures. It is shown that keeping concrete up to standard strength without taking into account the stages of loading leads to a significant increase in the cost of work, especially in winter. Based on experimental studies, formulas are proposed for calculating the required strength by the moment of loading of monolithic foundations, walls, columns, ceilings. Instructions are given on the design of early loading technology. The results of full-scale tests of floors under conditions of early loading are given. The technology of tiered heat treatment of monolithic structures is described

    Technical operation of industrial buildings on risk assessment

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    The object of the given research is the method to control technical operation of industrial buildings. The method is based on examining the technical state of structures and determining the damage from various scenarios of their damages. The survey results are presented as zoning maps of technical state of structures. Further, a damage map is drawn taking into account material and social losses from possible accidents. The damage areas are found for each accident scenario. These maps are applied to the building plan to get zoning according to the priority for repairing. An example of drawing these maps to control the technical operation of an industrial building is given. It is shown that survey errors can be of two types. Errors that consist in the wrong category definition of the technical structural state result in accidents or unnecessary costs for reinforcing structures. To take into ac-count possible survey errors, indicators to be used in specialized organization or maintenance service evaluations are proposed. An example of a quantitative assessment of accident risks is given taking into account inspection and technical operation errors. The technical result is to increase the operational reliability of buildings and reduce the risk of damage in case of possible construction accidents. © 2023 Author(s)

    Choosing of optimal start approximation for laplace equation numerically solving

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    In the last few years, repeatedly increased the role of simulation systems for solution of physical problems, particularly in the microwave and electronics. This article focuses on the promising methods for setting an initial approximation for the numerical solution of the Laplace equation. We investigate Dirichlet problem for a case of two-dimensional area with lime border, numerical scheme for solving this equation is widely knowns it finite difference method. One of the major stages in the algorithm for that numerical solution is choosing of start approximation, usually as the initial values of the unknown function are assumed to be zero, which may serve as a lead to a large number of iterations in finding the numerical solution. It is shown that there is a way to set a start approximation, which can significantly reduce the number of iterations in the solution of the Laplace equation.Keywords: Laplace equation; approximation; net; Dirichlet problem; finite differencemethod

    The Method of Forming Reinforced Concrete Structures by Means of Descending Concrete

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    В статье описаны технологические особенности метода скользящей опалубки, сложность технологии, недостатки, влияющие на технологическую и экономическую эффективность при выборе проектного решения. В сравнении, с представленным способом формования железобетонных конструкций посредством опускающегося бетона. Который является более простым и технологически эффективным. Что послужит основанием для разработки научной методологии системного проектирования при строительстве промышленных и гражданских сооружений. Раскрыто явление торможения строительного процесса при формовании железобетонных изделий на площадке строительства на уровне механизации и автоматизации. Предложены условия для ускорения, удешевления, внедрения роботизации процесса строительства на примере нового способа, что обеспечит ряд технико-экономических преимуществ в будущем. Актуальность нового способа подтверждается отсутствием фундаментальных теоретических исследований в этой области знаний и обоснования возможной области практического применения новой технологии. Как в Росатоме, в Роскосмосе, в Министерстве обороны. Представленный способ является продолжением (целеполагание) профессора А. Ф. Мацкевича на монолитный процесс как" технология которая должна быть малолюдной".The article describes a new method for molding reinforced concrete structures by means of descending concrete in various building conditions. The urgency of the problem is confirmed by the absence of fundamental theoretical studies in this field of knowledge and justification of the field of practical application of the new technology. The phenomenon of inhibition in the level of mechanization and automation of the building process for the molding of reinforced concrete structures at the construction site is disclosed. Proposals on its acceleration, reduction in cost, introduction of robotization are formulated, which will provide a number of technical and economic advantages of the new method. A comparative analysis of the method of sliding formwork and the method of descending concrete was carried out, technological shortcomings, shortcomings in the tooling, defects in the production of work were revealed. The advantages of this technology are established as more simple and technologically efficient, which in future will serve as a basis for developing a scientific methodology for system design in the construction of industrial and civil structures

    Heat loss from defects of hinged facade systems of buildings

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    The object of investigation hinged facade systems (HFS) used in buildings. Characteristic violations of the HFS technology were identified. The heat loss which depends on a range of structural features of HFS, such as geometrical, thermal, and physical properties of HFS elements, was analyzed. The effect of HFS properties on changes in heat flow and temperature fields was studied. An experiment was designed, computer simulation and laboratory tests were conducted. Different types of HFS defects were analyzed. Finite-element models were developed in the software ELCUD. Laboratory tests proved the adequacy of finite-element models. The comparative results obtained from tests and numerical models were consistent. Mathematical models of the joint effect of these factors were developed. An analysis of the factors\u2019 effect on heat loss through HFS elements was performed. An effective way to ensure the energy efficiency of buildings \u2013 energy certification with control at the construction stage, was considered. The results can be used for the energy classification of buildings

    Element Sequence in the Name Formula in Russian Tradition

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    Цель настоящей статьи заключается в том, чтобы выявить исторические и идеологические подтексты перехода от традиционного для России использования последовательности «имя — отчество — фамилия» (ИОФ) к новой последовательности: «фамилия — имя — отчество» (ФИО). Этот переход начался в 1930–1940-е гг. в советской официальной сфере (прежде всего в паспортных данных и в других документах), а в дальнейшем распространился и на неофициальное общение. Изменение стандарта официального именования было вызвано не только распространением различного рода списков, но и кардинальным изменением отношения к человеку — резким снижением статуса его индивидуальности и, соответственно, уважительного отношения к нему. В настоящее время для неофициальной сферы характерно сосуществование двух именных формул (ИОФ и ФИО), что привело к стихийному изобретению правил их применения. Материалом для их рассмотрения послужило обсуждение этой ситуации в социальных сетях. Общий смысл остается прежним: формула ИОФ используется при уважительном обращении, а ФИО воспринимается как канцелярский стандарт. Вместе с тем считается, что последовательность ИОФ следует выбирать для номинации живых, «своих», уважаемых лиц с высоким статусом, несудимых. ФИО больше подходит мертвым, «чужим», людям низкого статуса, осужденным. Подобного рода «правила» можно рассматривать как способы экспликации своей и чужой идентичности в разных социальных контекстах. Противопоставление официального и неофициального сохраняется, но не имеет такого определяющего значения, как прежде. «Создание» правил идет по пути детализации и конкретизации этого противопоставления. Можно полагать, что подобного рода конструирование призвано не только разрешить возникающие проблемы при выборе конкретной формулы именования, но и формализовать набор возможных экспликаций своей и чужой идентичности в разных социальных контекстах.he purpose of the article is to identify historical and ideological implications of the shift from the traditional Russian sequence: name — middle name — surname to an inverted one: surname — name — middle name. The shift began in 1930–1940s in the Soviet official communication (first of all, in passport data and other documents) and later extended to informal communication. Apart from the spread of multiple rosters and lists, the change in the official naming standard was also caused by the cardinal shift in attitude to a person, a sharp decrease of the status of individuality with the associated decline of respect. Presently, in the informal sphere both naming expressions co-exist (name — middle name — surname and surname — name — middle name), which induces spontaneous norm-setting rules for their use. The current study is based on the related discussions in social media. The common semantics is the same: name — middle name — surname formula is used for the respectful treatment, while the surname — name — middle name formula is regarded as belonging to bureaucratic style. At the same time, it is generally thought that name — middle name — surname sequence should be applied to the living, friends, esteemed persons with high profile, people with no criminal record. The surname — name — middle name sequence is more suitable for the dead, foreigners, people of low status or with a criminal record. These unwritten “conventions” may be regarded as “friend or foe” identity markers in different social contexts. The opposition of the official and unofficial persists, but it is not as acute as before. The rules are “elaborated” through specification and concretization of this opposition. Supposedly, such constructions are aimed further than preventing possible communication failures when choosing a particular naming formula; ultimately, these are a means of identity policies delimitation in various social settings


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    The paper considers a problem of automatic domain term extraction from documents corpus by means of a contrast collection. Existing contrastive methods successfully extract often used terms but mishandle rare terms. This could yield poorness of the resulting thesaurus. Assessment of point-wise mutual information is one of the known statistical methods of term extraction and it finds rare terms successfully. Although, it extracts many false terms at that. The proposed approach consists of point-wise mutual information application for rare terms extraction and filtering of candidates by criterion of joint occurrence with the other candidates. We build “documents-by-terms” matrix that is subjected to singular value decomposition to eliminate noise and reveal strong interconnections. Then we pass on to the resulting matrix “terms-by-terms” that reproduces strength of interconnections between words. This approach was approved on a documents collection from “Geology” domain with the use of contrast documents from such topics as “Politics”, “Culture”, “Economics” and “Accidents” on some Internet resources. The experimental results demonstrate operability of this method for rare terms extraction