14,326 research outputs found

    From Quark Gluon Plasma to a Perfect Fluid of Quarks and Beyond

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    With high energy heavy ion collisions one tries to create a new forms of matter that is similar to the one present at the birth of our Universe. Recent development on flow pattern, initial energy-density and freeze-out temperature shows that most likely this new form of matter is in a deconfined state, has colored degrees of freedom and is more fluid-like than gas-like. In present paper we calculate estimations on the physical properties of this new-old matter.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 44th International School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice, Sicily, 29 August - 7 September 200

    The psychometric properties of ADCS - activities of daily living inventory and comparison of different ADL scores

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    Several multi-item activities of daily living (ADL) scales have been developed for assessment of functional status of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in the last few decades. A disadvantage of the large number of scales is that scores of different ADL scales cannot be compared directly with each other. ADL scales which are used by McNamee’s (Townsend's disability scale) and Hill’s (Medicare Beneficiary definitions and Katz index of ADL) provide suitable tools for modelling the cost-effectiveness of different treatments in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, since they report empirical results about the relationship between the degree of functional impairment (healthcare costs) and the prevalence of institutionalisation. The IDEAL trial examines the efficacy of Exelon Patch with the ADCS - Activities of Daily Living Inventory (ADCS-ADL). This ADL instrument is not directly comparable to the ADL scales used by McNamee and Hill. However, the use of the ADL scale from the IDEAL study to predict the prevalence of institutionalisation with scales by Hill and McNamee would be desirable. Because of the generic nature of the ADL construct, and considering the fact that these well validated ADL instruments identify the main physical impairments and functional disabilities in Alzheimer's disease, we should expect high overlap in item content between different ADL instruments. The high overlap in item content between instruments, and the similar wording and scoring criteria, makes it possible to pair each impairment with another. The intention of this study was to establish the link between these ADL scales in order to provide appropriate conditions for further economic analyses on the dataset provided by the IDEAL study

    Global existence and exponential decay for hyperbolic dissipative relativistic fluid theories

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    We consider dissipative relativistic fluid theories on a fixed flat, compact, globally hyperbolic, Lorentzian manifold. We prove that for all initial data in a small enough neighborhood of the equilibrium states (in an appropriate Sobolev norm), the solutions evolve smoothly in time forever and decay exponentially to some, in general undetermined, equilibrium state. To prove this, three conditions are imposed on these theories. The first condition requires the system of equations to be symmetric hyperbolic, a fundamental requisite to have a well posed and physically consistent initial value formulation. The second condition is a generic consequence of the entropy law, and is imposed on the non principal part of the equations. The third condition is imposed on the principal part of the equations and it implies that the dissipation affects all the fields of the theory. With these requirements we prove that all the eigenvalues of the symbol associated to the system of equations of the fluid theory have strictly negative real parts, which in fact, is an alternative characterization for the theory to be totally dissipative. Once this result has been obtained, a straight forward application of a general stability theorem due to Kreiss, Ortiz, and Reula, implies the results above mentioned.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    Quantum Computing on Lattices using Global Two-Qubit Gate

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    We study the computation power of lattices composed of two dimensional systems (qubits) on which translationally invariant global two-qubit gates can be performed. We show that if a specific set of 6 global two qubit gates can be performed, and if the initial state of the lattice can be suitably chosen, then a quantum computer can be efficiently simulatedComment: 9 page

    Operator algebra quantum homogeneous spaces of universal gauge groups

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    In this paper, we quantize universal gauge groups such as SU(\infty), as well as their homogeneous spaces, in the sigma-C*-algebra setting. More precisely, we propose concise definitions of sigma-C*-quantum groups and sigma-C*-quantum homogeneous spaces and explain these concepts here. At the same time, we put these definitions in the mathematical context of countably compactly generated spaces as well as C*-compact quantum groups and homogeneous spaces. We also study the representable K-theory of these spaces and compute it for the quantum homogeneous spaces associated to the universal gauge group SU(\infty).Comment: 14 pages. Merged with [arXiv:1011.1073

    Extreme Supernova Models for the Superluminous Transient ASASSN-15lh

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    The recent discovery of the unprecedentedly superluminous transient ASASSN-15lh (or SN 2015L) with its UV-bright secondary peak challenges all the power-input models that have been proposed for superluminous supernovae. Here we examine some of the few viable interpretations of ASASSN-15lh in the context of a stellar explosion, involving combinations of one or more power inputs. We model the lightcurve of ASASSN-15lh with a hybrid model that includes contributions from magnetar spin-down energy and hydrogen-poor circumstellar interaction. We also investigate models of pure circumstellar interaction with a massive hydrogen-deficient shell and discuss the lack of interaction features in the observed spectra. We find that, as a supernova ASASSN-15lh can be best modeled by the energetic core-collapse of a ~40 Msun star interacting with a hydrogen-poor shell of ~20 Msun. The circumstellar shell and progenitor mass are consistent with a rapidly rotating pulsational pair-instability supernova progenitor as required for strong interaction following the final supernova explosion. Additional energy injection by a magnetar with initial period of 1-2 ms and magnetic field of 0.1-1 x 10^14 G may supply the excess luminosity required to overcome the deficit in single-component models, but this requires more fine-tuning and extreme parameters for the magnetar, as well as the assumption of efficient conversion of magnetar energy into radiation. We thus favor a single-input model where the reverse shock formed in a strong SN ejecta-CSM interaction following a very powerful core-collapse SN explosion can supply the luminosity needed to reproduce the late-time UV-bright plateau.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    On the Explanation of the Paramagnetic Meissner Effect in Superconductor/Ferromagnet Heterostructures

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    An increase of the magnetic moment in superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) bilayers V(40nm)/F [F==Fe(1,3nm), Co(3nm), Ni(3nm)] was observed using SQUID magnetometry upon cooling below the superconducting transition temperature Tc in magnetic fields of 10 Oe to 50 Oe applied parallel to the sample surface. A similar increase, often called the paramagnetic Meissner effect (PME), was observed before in various superconductors and superconductor/ferromagnet systems. To explain the PME effect in the presented S/F bilayers a model based on a row of vortices located at the S/F interface is proposed. According to the model the magnetic moment induced below Tc consists of the paramagnetic contribution of the vortex cores and the diamagnetic contribution of the vortex-free region of the S layer. Since the thickness of the S layer is found to be 3-4 times less than the magnetic field penetration depth, this latter diamagnetic contribution is negligible. The model correctly accounts for the sign, the approximate magnitude and the field dependence of the paramagnetic and the Meissner contributions of the induced magnetic moment upon passing the superconducting transition of a ferromagnet/superconductor bilayer

    The Initial-Boundary Value Problem in General Relativity

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    In this article we summarize what is known about the initial-boundary value problem for general relativity and discuss present problems related to it.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to a special volume for Mario Castagnino's seventy fifth birthda
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