197 research outputs found

    The Impact of DSM-IV Mental Disorders on Adherence to Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Among Adult Persons Living with HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Review

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    This is a systematic review of eighty-two published studies investigating the impact of DSM-IV mental disorders on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) adherence and persistence among persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Sixty-two articles examined depression, with 58 % (N = 32/62) finding lower cART adherence and persistence. Seventeen articles examined one or more anxiety disorders, with the majority finding no association with cART adherence or persistence. Eighty percent of the studies that evaluated the impact of psychotic (N = 3), bipolar (N = 5) and personality disorders (N = 2) on cART adherence and persistence also found no association. Seven out of the nine studies (78 %) evaluating the impact of antidepressant treatment (ADT) on cART adherence found improvement. Adherence and depression measurements varied significantly in studies; common research measurements would improve data harmonization. More research specifically addressing the impact of other mental disorders besides depression on cART adherence and RCTs evaluating ADT on cART adherence are also needed. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10461-012-0212-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    In Vivo Dissection of the Intrinsically Disordered Receptor Domain of Tim23

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    In the intermembrane space (IMS) of mitochondria, the receptor domain of Tim23 has an essential role during translocation of hundreds of different proteins from the cytosol via the TOM and TIM23 complexes in the outer and inner membranes, respectively. This intrinsically disordered domain, which can even extend into the cytosol, was shown, mostly in vitro, to interact with several subunits of the TOM and TIM23 complexes. To obtain molecular understanding of this organizational hub in the IMS, we dissected the IMS domain of Tim23 in vivo. We show that the interaction surface of Tim23 with Tim50 is larger than previously thought and reveal an unexpected interaction of Tim23 with Pam17 in the IMS, impairment of which influences their interaction in the matrix. Furthermore, mutations of two conserved negatively charged residues of Tim23, close to the inner membrane, prevented dimerization of Tim23. The same mutations increased exposure of Tim23 on the mitochondrial surface, whereas dissipation of membrane potential decreased it. Our results reveal an intricate network of Tim23 interactions in the IMS, whose influence is transduced across two mitochondrial membranes, ensuring efficient translocation of proteins into mitochondria. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Conventional and molecular epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Manitoba

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    BACKGROUND: To describe the demographic and geographic distribution of tuberculosis (TB) in Manitoba, thus determining risk factors associated with clustering and higher incidence rates in distinct subpopulations. METHODS: Data from the Manitoba TB Registry was compiled to generate a database on 855 patients with tuberculosis and their contacts from 1992–1999. Recovered isolates of M. tuberculosis were typed by IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to identify risk factors involved in clustering. RESULTS: A trend to clustering was observed among the Canadian-born treaty Aboriginal subgroup in contrast to the foreign-born. The dominant type, designated fingerprint type 1, accounts for 25.8% of total cases and 75.3% of treaty Aboriginal cases. Among type 1 patients residing in urban areas, 98.9% lived in Winnipeg. In rural areas, 92.8% lived on Aboriginal reserves. Statistical models revealed that significant risk factors for acquiring clustered tuberculosis are gender, age, ethnic origin and residence. Those at increased risk are: males (p < 0.05); those under age 65 (p < 0.01 for each age subgroup); treaty Aboriginals (p < 0.001), and those living on reserve land (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Molecular typing of isolates in conjunction with contact tracing data supports the notion of the largest ongoing transmission of a single strain of TB within the treaty-status population of Canada recorded to date. This data demonstrates the necessity of continued surveillance of countries with low prevalence of the disease in order to determine and target high-risk populations for concentrated prevention and control measures

    Intraoperative pain during caesarean delivery: Incidence, risk factors and physician perception

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    Background: Intraoperative pain is a possible complication of neuraxial anaesthesia for caesarean delivery. There is little information available about its incidence, risk factors and physician perception. Methods: Parturients undergoing spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean delivery were enrolled. Before surgery, parturients were asked about preoperative anxiety on a verbal numerical scale (VNS), anticipated analgesic requirement, postoperative pain levels, Spielberger STATE-TRAIT inventory index, Pain Catastrophizing Scale. After surgery, parturients were asked to answer questions (intraoperative VNS pain). The anaesthesiologist and obstetrician were asked to fill out a questionnaire asking about perceived intraoperative pain. Influence of preoperative anxiety on intraoperative pain (yes/no) was assessed using logistic regression. Mc Fadden's R2 was calculated. The agreement in physician perception of intraoperative pain with reported pain by the parturient was examined by calculating Cohen's kappa and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI). Results: We included 193 parturients in our analysis. Incidence of intraoperative pain was 11.9%. Median intraoperative VNS pain of parturients with pain was 4.0 (1st quartile 4.0; 3rd quartile 9.0). Preoperative anxiety was not a good predictor of intraoperative pain (p-value of β-coefficient = 0.43, Mc Fadden's R2 = 0.01). Including further preoperative variables did not result in a good prediction model. Cohen's kappa between reported pain by parturient and by the obstetrician was 0.21 (95% CI: 0.01, 0.41) and by the anaesthesiologist was 0.3 (95% CI: 0.12, 0.48). Conclusions: We found a substantial incidence (11.9%) of intraoperative pain during caesarean delivery. Preoperative anxiety did not predict intraoperative pain. Physicians did not accurately identify parturients' intraoperative pain. Significance: Intraoperative pain occurred in 11.9% and severe intraoperative pain occurred in 1.11% of parturients undergoing elective caesarean delivery under spinal anaesthesia. We did not find any preoperative variables that could reliably predict intraoperative pain. Obstetricians and anaesthesiologists underestimated the incidence of intraoperative pain in our cohort and thus, more attention must be put to parturients' pain

    Zolpidem: Efficacy and side effects for insomnia

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    Insomnia is linked to fatigue, distractibility, mood instability, decreased satisfaction, and overall decreased quality of life. Optimal therapy can aid patients in returning to baseline and increase their quality of life. Zolpidem is a helpful drug for the treatment of insomnia in conjunction with cognitive-behavioral therapy. When prescribed to elderly patients, the dose should be adjusted to account for their slower drug metabolism. Still, zolpidem is considered a reasonable choice of therapy because it has a lower incidence of residual daytime sleepiness and risk of falls when compared to other drugs. The most concerning adverse effects, which are often the most publicized, include the complex behaviors that have been seen in patients taking Zolpidem, such as sleeping, hallucinations, increased suicidality, driving cars while asleep, and even a few cases of committing homicide. Even so, zolpidem could be a suitable pharmacological treatment for insomnia. Decisions for whether or not to prescribe it and the dosage should be made on a case-by-case basis, considering both the psychical and psychiatric risks posed to the patient with insomnia versus if the patient were to take zolpidem to treat their condition

    Identification of a predominant isolate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using molecular and clinical epidemiology tools and in vitro cytokine responses

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) surveillance programs in Canada have established that TB in Canada is becoming a disease of geographically and demographically distinct groups. In 1995, treaty status aboriginals from the province of Manitoba accounted for 46% of the disease burden of this sub-group in Canada. The TB incidence rates are dramatically high in certain reserves of Manitoba and are equivalent to rates in African countries. The objective of our study was to identify prevalent isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the patient population of Manitoba using molecular epidemiology tools, studying the patient demographics associated with the prevalent strain and studying the in vitro cytokine profiles post-infection with the predominant strain. METHODS: Molecular typing was performed on all isolates available between 1992 to1997. A clinical database was generated using patient information from Manitoba. THP-1 cells were infected using strains of M. tuberculosis and cytokine profiles were determined using immunoassays for cytokines IL-1β, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-γ and TNF-α. RESULTS: In Manitoba, 24% of the disease burden is due to a particular M. tuberculosis strain (Type1). The strain is common in patients of aboriginal decent and is responsible for at least 87% of these cases. Cytokine assays indicate that the Type1 strain induces comparatively lower titers of IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α in infected THP-1 cells as compared to H37Ra and H37Rv strains. CONCLUSION: In Manitoba, Type1 strain is predominant in TB patients. The majority of the cases infected with this particular strain are newly active with a high incidence of respiratory disease, positive chest radiographs and pulmonary cavities. In vitro secretion of IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α is suppressed in Type1 infected culture samples when compared to H37Ra and H37Rv infected cells

    Identification of elements that dictate the specificity of mitochondrial Hsp60 for its co-chaperonin

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    Type I chaperonins (cpn60/Hsp60) are essential proteins that mediate the folding of proteins in bacteria, chloroplast and mitochondria. Despite the high sequence homology among chaperonins, the mitochondrial chaperonin system has developed unique properties that distinguish it from the widely-studied bacterial system (GroEL and GroES). The most relevant difference to this study is that mitochondrial chaperonins are able to refold denatured proteins only with the assistance of the mitochondrial co-chaperonin. This is in contrast to the bacterial chaperonin, which is able to function with the help of co-chaperonin from any source. The goal of our work was to determine structural elements that govern the specificity between chaperonin and co-chaperonin pairs using mitochondrial Hsp60 as model system. We used a mutagenesis approach to obtain human mitochondrial Hsp60 mutants that are able to function with the bacterial co-chaperonin, GroES. We isolated two mutants, a single mutant (E321K) and a double mutant (R264K/E358K) that, together with GroES, were able to rescue an E. coli strain, in which the endogenous chaperonin system was silenced. Although the mutations are located in the apical domain of the chaperonin, where the interaction with co-chaperonin takes place, none of the residues are located in positions that are directly responsible for co-chaperonin binding. Moreover, while both mutants were able to function with GroES, they showed distinct functional and structural properties. Our results indicate that the phenotype of the E321K mutant is caused mainly by a profound increase in the binding affinity to all co-chaperonins, while the phenotype of R264K/E358K is caused by a slight increase in affinity toward co-chaperonins that is accompanied by an alteration in the allosteric signal transmitted upon nucleotide binding. The latter changes lead to a great increase in affinity for GroES, with only a minor increase in affinity toward the mammalian mitochondrial co-chaperonin

    Traditional knowledge of wild edible plants used in Palestine (Northern West Bank): A comparative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A comparative food ethnobotanical study was carried out in fifteen local communities distributed in five districts in the Palestinian Authority, PA (northern West Bank), six of which were located in Nablus, two in Jenin, two in Salfit, three in Qalqilia, and two in Tulkarm. These are among the areas in the PA whose rural inhabitants primarily subsisted on agriculture and therefore still preserve the traditional knowledge on wild edible plants.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on the use of wild edible plants were collected for one-year period, through informed consent semi-structured interviews with 190 local informants. A semi-quantitative approach was used to document use diversity, and relative importance of each species.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>The study recorded 100 wild edible plant species, seventy six of which were mentioned by three informants and above and were distributed across 70 genera and 26 families. The most significant species include <it>Majorana syriaca, Foeniculum vulgare, Malvasylvestris</it>, <it>Salvia fruticosa, Cyclamen persicum, Micromeria fruticosa, Arum palaestinum, Trigonella foenum-graecum</it>, <it>Gundelia tournefortii</it>, and <it>Matricaria aurea</it>. All the ten species with the highest mean cultural importance values (mCI), were cited in all five areas. Moreover, most were important in every region. A common cultural background may explain these similarities. One taxon (<it>Majoranasyriaca</it>) in particular was found to be among the most quoted species in almost all areas surveyed. CI values, as a measure of traditional botanical knowledge, for edible species in relatively remote and isolated areas (Qalqilia, and Salfit) were generally higher than for the same species in other areas. This can be attributed to the fact that local knowledge of wild edible plants and plant gathering are more spread in remote or isolated areas.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Gathering, processing and consuming wild edible plants are still practiced in all the studied Palestinian areas. About 26 % (26/100) of the recorded wild botanicals including the most quoted and with highest mCI values, are currently gathered and utilized in all the areas, demonstrating that there are ethnobotanical contact points among the various Palestinian regions. The habit of using wild edible plants is still alive in the PA, but is disappearing. Therefore, the recording, preserving, and infusing of this knowledge to future generations is pressing and fundamental.</p

    Apple polyphenol extract improves insulin sensitivity in vitro and in vivo in animal models of insulin resistance

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    Background: Apple polyphenols could represent a novel nutritional approach in the management and control of blood glucose, especially in type 2 diabetics. The aim of this study was to test the therapeutic potential of an apple polyphenol extract (APE) in an insulin-resistant rat model and to determine the molecular basis of insulin sensitivity action in skeletal muscle cells.Methods: Acute effect of APE on the postprandial hyperglycemic response was assayed in 15 week old obese Zucker rats (OZR), by using a meal tolerance test (MTT). The ability of APE to improve whole peripheral insulin sensitivity was also assayed in a chronic study by using the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms, rat L6 myotubes were used. Glucose uptake was measured by using 2-[3H]-Deoxy-Glucose (2-DG) and specific inhibitors, as well as phosphorylation status of key kinases, were used to determine the implicated signaling pathway.Results: In vivo study showed that nutritional intervention with APE induced an increase of insulin sensitivity with an increase of glucose infusion rate (GIR) of 45 %. Additionally, in vitro results showed a synergistic effect between APE and insulin as well as increased glucose uptake through GLUT4 translocation in muscle cells. This translocation was mediated by phosphatydil inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARγ) signaling pathways.Conclusions: As a whole, this study describes the mechanisms involved in the insulin sensitizing effect of APE, which could be considered a promising ingredient for inclusion in nutritional products focused on the management of chronic diseases such as diabetes.This research was supported by funds from Abbott Laboratories S.A

    Sh3pxd2b Mice Are a Model for Craniofacial Dysmorphology and Otitis Media

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    Craniofacial defects that occur through gene mutation during development increase vulnerability to eustachian tube dysfunction. These defects can lead to an increased incidence of otitis media. We examined the effects of a mutation in the Sh3pxd2b gene (Sh3pxd2bnee) on the progression of otitis media and hearing impairment at various developmental stages. We found that all mice that had the Sh3pxd2bnee mutation went on to develop craniofacial dysmorphologies and subsequently otitis media, by as early as 11 days of age. We found noteworthy changes in cilia and goblet cells of the middle ear mucosa in Sh3pxd2bnee mutant mice using scanning electronic microscopy. By measuring craniofacial dimensions, we determined for the first time in an animal model that this mouse has altered eustachian tube morphology consistent with a more horizontal position of the eustachian tube. All mutants were found to have hearing impairment. Expression of TNF-α and TLR2, which correlates with inflammation in otitis media, was up-regulated in the ears of mutant mice when examined by immunohistochemistry and semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The mouse model with a mutation in the Sh3pxd2b gene (Sh3pxd2bnee) mirrors craniofacial dysmorphology and otitis media in humans