4,919 research outputs found

    Interpreting the time variable RM observed in the core region of the TeV blazar Mrk 421

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    In this work we interpret and discuss the time variable rotation measure (RM) found, for the first time over a 1-yr period, in the core region of a blazar. These results are based on a one-year, multi-frequency (15, 24, and 43 GHz) Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) monitoring of the TeV blazar Markarian 421 (Mrk 421). We investigate the Faraday screen properties and its location with respect to the jet emitting region. Given that the 43 GHz radio core flux density and the RM time evolution suggest a similar trend, we explore the possible connection between the RM and the accretion rate. Among the various scenarios that we explore, the jet sheath is the most promising candidate for being the main source of Faraday rotation. During the one-year observing period the RM trend shows two sign reversals, which may be qualitatively interpreted within the context of the magnetic tower models. We invoke the presence of two nested helical magnetic fields in the relativistic jet with opposite helicities, whose relative contribution produce the observed RM values. The inner helical field has the poloidal component (BpB_{\rm p}) oriented in the observer's direction and produces a positive RM, while the outer helical field, with BpB_{\rm p} in the opposite direction, produces a negative RM. We assume that the external helical field dominates the contribution to the observed RM, while the internal helical field dominates when a jet perturbation arises during the second observing epoch. Being the intrinsic polarization angle parallel to the jet axis, a pitch angle of the helical magnetic field Ļ•ā‰³70āˆ˜\phi\gtrsim 70^\circ is required. Additional scenarios are also considered to explain the observed RM sign reversals.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Published on MNRA

    Investigating the Effects of Finite Resolution on Observed Transverse Jet Profiles

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    Both the emission properties and evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) radio jets are dependent on the magnetic fields that thread them. Faraday Rotation gradients are a very important way of investigating these magnetic fields, and can provide information on the orientation and structure of the magnetic field in the immediate vicinity of the jet; for example, a toroidal or helical field component should give rise to a systematic gradient in the observed Faraday rotation across the jet, as well as characteristic intensity and polarization profiles. However, real observed radio images have finite resolution, usually expressed via convolution with a Gaussian beam whose size corresponds to the central lobe of the point source response function. This will tend to blur transverse structure in the jet profile, raising the question of how well resolved a jet must be in the transverse direction in order to reliably detect transverse structure associated with a helical jet magnetic field. We present results of simulated intensity, polarization and Faraday rotation images designed to directly and empirically investigate the effect of finite resolution on observed transverse jet structures

    Multifrequency Polarimetry of the Nrao 140 Jet: Possible Detection of a Helical Magnetic Field and Constraints on its Pitch Angle

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    We present results from multifrequency polarimetry of NRAO 140 using the Very Long Baseline Array. These observations allow us to reveal the distributions of both the polarization position angle and the Faraday rotation measure (RM). These distributions are powerful tools to discern the projected and line-of-sight components of the magnetic field, respectively. We find a systematic gradient in the RM distribution, with its sign being opposite at either side of the jet with respect to the jet axis. The sign of the RM changes only with the direction of the magnetic field component along the line of sight, so this can be explained by the existence of helical magnetic components associated with the jet itself. We derive two constraints for the pitch angle of the helical magnetic field from the distributions of the RM and the projected magnetic field; the RM distribution indicates that the helical fields are tightly wound, while that of the projected magnetic field suggests they are loosely wound around the jet axis. This inconsistency may be explained if the Faraday rotator is not cospatial with theemitting region. Our results may point toward a physical picture in which an ultra-relativistic jet (spine) with a loosely wound helical magnetic field is surrounded by a sub-relativistic wind layer (sheath) with a tightly wound helical magnetic field.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Choreographic solution to the general relativistic three-body problem

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    We revisit the three-body problem in the framework of general relativity. The Newtonian N-body problem admits choreographic solutions, where a solution is called choreographic if every massive particles move periodically in a single closed orbit. One is a stable figure-eight orbit for a three-body system, which was found first by Moore (1993) and re-discovered with its existence proof by Chenciner and Montgomery (2000). In general relativity, however, the periastron shift prohibits a binary system from orbiting in a single closed curve. Therefore, it is unclear whether general relativistic effects admit a choreographic solution such as the figure eight. We carefully examine general relativistic corrections to initial conditions so that an orbit for a three-body system can be closed and a figure eight. This solution is still choreographic. This illustration suggests that the general relativistic N-body problem also may admit a certain class of choreographic solutions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, text improved, accepted for publication in PR

    The wave front set of oscillatory integrals with inhomogeneous phase function

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    A generalized notion of oscillatory integrals that allows for inhomogeneous phase functions of arbitrary positive order is introduced. The wave front set of the resulting distributions is characterized in a way that generalizes the well-known result for phase functions that are homogeneous of order one.Comment: 12 pages, published versio

    CharOphytes as a hyperaccumulator of lleaVy metals: role of calcirlCation and applicability in restoration of polluted water bodies

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    Uptake of heavy metals to produceanintemal concentration greaterthaninthe external environment appears widespread in aquatic organisms. Thus remediation of metaland heavy metal contaminated waters by aquatic plants has a prominent role in aquatic eco-systems. Here we discuss the capacity of a characean alga Nitella pseudoflabellata to accumulate heavy metals, in the context of calcite encrustation Preliminary Investigations based on varylng concentrations of Cr6+ and Ca showed a positive correlation between calcification of plants and shoot elongation. Similar trend was observed between Cr levelsand calcification of plants. Subsequentlymicrocosms were maintained for a period of 1 year for two heavy metal treatments; 012 mgL-1 cr6+and Oļ½„01 mgļ½„Lll Cd withthe objective of assessmg the role of calcite encrustation on heavy metal accumulation, In bothcases, alkaline areas contained over 50% of total heavy metals, elucidating c?1cification to play a significant role. Speciation of sediment showed 35 % of total Cr, in the formof carbonate-bound, whereas carbonate-bound kaction of Cd was observed 43怀% of total Cd. Thick marl sediment frequently observed in charophyte habitats suggests long termstorage of heavy metalsinless bioavailableforms could be possible Furthermore charophytes compare well to commonly used vascular plants in their role in remediation舟om hydroponic environments at dilute heavy metal concentrations. Thuscharophytes canbe a potential tool for naturalremediation of heavy metal contaminated water bodies.Articleäæ”å·žå¤§å­¦å±±åœ°ę°“ē’°å¢ƒę•™č‚²ē ”ē©¶ć‚»ćƒ³ć‚æćƒ¼ē ”ē©¶å ±å‘Š 6: 73-82(2010)departmental bulletin pape

    On the jets, kinks, and spheromaks formed by a planar magnetized coaxial gun

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    Measurements of the various plasma configurations produced by a planar magnetized coaxial gun provide insight into the magnetic topology evolution resulting from magnetic helicity injection. Important features of the experiments are a very simple coaxial gun design so that all observed geometrical complexity is due to the intrinsic physical dynamics rather than the source shape and use of a fast multiple-frame digital camera which provides direct imaging of topologically complex shapes and dynamics. Three key experimental findings were obtained: (1) formation of an axial collimated jet [Hsu and Bellan, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 334, 257 (2002)] that is consistent with a magnetohydrodynamic description of astrophysical jets, (2) identification of the kink instability when this jet satisfies the Kruskal-Shafranov limit, and (3) the nonlinear properties of the kink instability providing a conversion of toroidal to poloidal flux as required for spheromak formation by a coaxial magnetized source [Hsu and Bellan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 215002 (2003)]. A new interpretation is proposed for how the n=1 central column instability provides flux amplification during spheromak formation and sustainment, and it is shown that jet collimation can occur within one rotation of the background poloidal field.Comment: Physics of Plasmas (accepted

    LINE-1 Hypomethylation in a Choline-Deficiency-Induced Liver Cancer in Rats: Dependence on Feeding Period

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    Chronic feeding of methyl-donor (methionine, choline, folic acid, and vitamin B12) deficient diet induces hepatocellular carcinoma formation in rats. Previous studies have shown that promoter CpG islands in various cancer-related genes are aberrantly methylated in this model. Moreover, the global genome in methyl-donor-deficient diet fed rats contains a lesser amount of 5-methylcytosine than control livers. It is speculated that more than 90% of all 5-methylcytosines lie within the CpG islands of the transposons, including the long/short interspersed nucleotide elements (LINE and SINE). It is considered that the 5-methylcytosines in LINE-1 limit the ability of retrotransposons to be activated and transcribed; therefore, the extent of hypomethylation of LINE-1 could be a surrogate marker for aberrant methylation in other tumor-related genes as well as genome instability. Additionally, LINE-1 methylation status has been shown to be a good indicator of genome-wide methylation. In this study, we determined cytosine methylation status in the LINE-1 repetitive sequences of rats fed a choline-deficient (CD) diet for various durations and compared these with rats fed a choline-sufficient (CS) diet. The methylation status of LINE-1 was assessed by the combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA) method, where the amount of bisulfite-modified and RsaI-cleaved DNA was quantified using gel electrophoresis. Progressive hypomethylation was observed in LINE-1 of CD livers as a function of feeding time; that is, the amount of cytosine in total cytosine (methylated and unmethylated) increased from 11.1% (1 week) to 19.3% (56 weeks), whereas in the control CS livers, it increased from 9.2% to 12.9%. Hypomethylation in tumor tissues was slightly higher (6%) than the nontumorous surrounding tissue. The present result also indicates that age is a factor influencing the extent of cytosine methylation

    Gravitational wave forms for a three-body system in Lagrange's orbit: parameter determinations and a binary source test

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    Continuing work initiated in an earlier publication [Torigoe et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 251101 (2009)], gravitational wave forms for a three-body system in Lagrange's orbit are considered especially in an analytic method. First, we derive an expression of the three-body wave forms at the mass quadrupole, octupole and current quadrupole orders. By using the expressions, we solve a gravitational-wave {\it inverse} problem of determining the source parameters to this particular configuration (three masses, a distance of the source to an observer, and the orbital inclination angle to the line of sight) through observations of the gravitational wave forms alone. For this purpose, the chirp mass to a three-body system in the particular configuration is expressed in terms of only the mass ratios by deleting initial angle positions. We discuss also whether and how a binary source can be distinguished from a three-body system in Lagrange's orbit or others.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; text improved, typos corrected; accepted for publication in PR
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