6 research outputs found

    Bound q\bar q Systems in the Framework of the Different Versions of the 3-Dimensional Reductions of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation

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    Bound q\bar q systems are studied in the framework of different 3-dimensional relativistic equations derived from the Bethe-Salpeter equation with the instantaneous kernel in the momentum space. Except the Salpeter equation, all these equations have a correct one-body limit when one of the constituent quark masses tends to infinity. The spin structure of the confining qq interaction potential is taken in the form xγ10γ20+(1x)I1I2x\gamma_{1}^{0}\gamma_{2}^{0}+(1-x)I_{1}I_{2}, with 0x10\leq x \leq 1. At first stage, the one-gluon-exchange potential is neglected and the confining potential is taken in the oscillator form. For the systems (u\bar s), (c\bar u), (c\bar s) and (u\bar u), (s\bar s) a comparative qualitative analysis of these equations is carried out for different values of the mixing parameter x and the confining potential strength parameter. We investigate: 1)the existence/nonexistence of stable solutions of these equations; 2) the parameter dependence of the general structure of the meson mass spectum and leptonic decay constants of pseudoscalar and vector mesons. It is demonstrated that none of the 3-dimensional equations considered in the present paper does simultaneously describe even general qualitative features of the whole mass spectrum of q\bar q systems. At the same time, these versions give an acceptable description of the meson leptonic decay characteristics.Comment: 22 pages, 5 postscript figures, LaTeX-file (revtex.sty

    Electromagnetic Meson Form Factors in the Salpeter Model

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    We present a covariant scheme to calculate mesonic transitions in the framework of the Salpeter equation for qqˉq\bar{q}-states. The full Bethe Salpeter amplitudes are reconstructed from equal time amplitudes which were obtained in a previous paper\cite{Mue} by solving the Salpeter equation for a confining plus an instanton induced interaction. This method is applied to calculate electromagnetic form factors and decay widths of low lying pseudoscalar and vector mesons including predictions for CEBAF experiments. We also describe the momentum transfer dependence for the processes π0,η,ηγγ\pi^0,\eta,\eta'\rightarrow\gamma\gamma^*.Comment: 22 pages including 10 figure

    Features of Toxic Nephropathy Development during Antibiotic Therapy

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    Antibacterials can have nephrotoxic effects because medicinal products of this class are primarily excreted by the kidneys. The aim of the study was to analyse literature data on the mechanisms, risk factors and specific features of toxic nephropathy development during antibiotic therapy. The article considers mechanisms of development of acute interstitial nephritis, acute tubular necrosis, crystal deposits in the tubules, proximal or distal tubulopathy with electrolyte abnormalities during the use of antibiotics. Nephrotoxicity was shown to be most often associated with the use of aminoglycosides, beta-lactams, and vancomycin. The authors analysed the dependence of nephrotoxicity on antibacterial agent lipophilicity and drug-drug interactions. The main risk factors for developing nephropathy are older age; male sex; black race; hypovolemia; arterial hypotension; angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or their combinations; and individual genetic characteristics. Nephrotoxicity is associated with genetic characteristics of the systems responsible for metabolism and excretion of antibacterial products: cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, P-glycoprotein, multidrug resistance protein (MRP), multidrug and toxin extrusion (MATE), breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), and organic anion transporters. Severe generalised infections change pharmacokinetic parameters of antibacterial products. This should be taken into account when prescribing the hydrophilic antibiotics that are excreted by tubular secretion and reabsorbed in the renal tubules. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of the method comprising a combination of dose adjustment based on therapeutic drug monitoring results and renal function monitoring for improving the safety of antibiotic therapy

    Особенности развития токсической нефропатии при проведении антибиотикотерапии

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    Antibacterials can have nephrotoxic effects because medicinal products of this class are primarily excreted by the kidneys. The aim of the study was to analyse literature data on the mechanisms, risk factors and specific features of toxic nephropathy development during antibiotic therapy. The article considers mechanisms of development of acute interstitial nephritis, acute tubular necrosis, crystal deposits in the tubules, proximal or distal tubulopathy with electrolyte abnormalities during the use of antibiotics. Nephrotoxicity was shown to be most often associated with the use of aminoglycosides, beta-lactams, and vancomycin. The authors analysed the dependence of nephrotoxicity on antibacterial agent lipophilicity and drug-drug interactions. The main risk factors for developing nephropathy are older age; male sex; black race; hypovolemia; arterial hypotension; angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or their combinations; and individual genetic characteristics. Nephrotoxicity is associated with genetic characteristics of the systems responsible for metabolism and excretion of antibacterial products: cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, P-glycoprotein, multidrug resistance protein (MRP), multidrug and toxin extrusion (MATE), breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), and organic anion transporters. Severe generalised infections change pharmacokinetic parameters of antibacterial products. This should be taken into account when prescribing the hydrophilic antibiotics that are excreted by tubular secretion and reabsorbed in the renal tubules. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of the method comprising a combination of dose adjustment based on therapeutic drug monitoring results and renal function monitoring for improving the safety of antibiotic therapy.Антибактериальные препараты могут оказывать нефротоксическое действие, поскольку препараты этой группы преимущественно элиминируются почками. Цель работы — анализ данных литературы о механизмах, факторах риска и особенностях развития токсической нефропатии при проведении антибиотикотерапии. Рассмотрены механизмы развития острого интерстициального нефрита, острого некроза канальцев, отложения кристаллов внутри канальцев, проксимальной или дистальной тубулопатии с аномалиями расходования электролитов на фоне применения антибиотиков. Показано, что нефротоксичность наиболее часто ассоциирована с применением аминогликозидных, бета-лактамных антибактериальных средств, ванкомицина. Проанализирована зависимость нефротоксичности от липофильности антибактериальных препаратов и межлекарственного взаимодействия. Определено, что основными факторами риска развития нефропатии являются пожилой возраст, мужской пол, негроидная раса, гиповолемия, артериальная гипотензия, прием ингибиторов ангиотензинпревращающего фермента, блокаторов рецепторов ангиотензина II, нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов или их комбинации, индивидуальные генетические особенности. Отмечена связь нефротоксичности и генетических особенностей систем метаболизма и выведения антибактериальных средств: изоферментов цитохрома P450, Р-гликопротеина, белков семейства множественной лекарственной резистентности MRP (multidrug resistance-associated protein) и MATE (multidrug and toxin extrusion protein), белка резистентности рака молочной железы BCRP (breast cancer resistance protein). Тяжелая генерализованная инфекция изменяет фармакокинетические параметры антибактериальных лекарственных средств, что следует учитывать при назначении гидрофильных антибиотиков, которые выводятся путем канальцевой секреции и реабсорбируются в почечных канальцах. Показано, что коррекция дозирования антибактериальных лекарственных препаратов на основе результатов терапевтического лекарственного мониторинга в совокупности с контролем функции почек является эффективным методом повышения безопасности антибиотикотерапии

    Demographic Aspects of a Pandemic and the Transformation of the Function of a State During the Post-Pandemic Period

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    Целью данной статьи является оценка влияния COVID-19 на демографическое и экономическое развитие Грузии и некоторых наиболее инфицированных стран. Распространение пандемии во многом связано с миграцией, урбанизацией, возрастной структурой населения и другими демографическими факторами. В статье рассмотрены государственные меры по борьбе с кризисом, вызванным коронавирусом.The following article assesses, against the background of Georgia and some of the infected countries, the impact of the COVID-19 on the demographic and economic development. The outbreak of the pandemic is, in essence, determined by migration, level of urbanization, age structure and other demographic factors. The magnitude of the COVID-19 is dependent not only on the condition of health system and politics, but also on the level of economic management and development. The Corona Virus epidemic has demonstrated the utter absurdity of the libertarian view with regard to the omnipotence of a market and the ensuing crisis has actually put an end to such a belief. As opposed to this, the crisis has manifested the importance of a stabilizing and organizing function of a state’s social-economic role. Globally, the paradigm of demand and supply proved to be ineffective within the networks of healthcare and private hospitals. The healthcare, as a market product, in fact failed, despite the fact that the countries with developed market economy directed a significant portion of their national product toward healthcare. The size of losses is quite impressive and dealing with it is impossible on the level of corporations — it can only be achieved by a state which is an institution that determines the targeted use of all kinds of resources and regulates the behavior rules for its citizens

    Abstracts of The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium

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    This abstract book contains abstracts of the various research ideas presented at The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium.The RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium served as a perfect venue for practitioners, engineers, researchers, scientists, managers and decision-makers from all over the world to exchange ideas and technology about the latest innovation developments dealing with risk minimization