48 research outputs found

    Improvement of the system of monitoring investment activities of the territories of advanced development of region

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    Within the framework of the implementation of the stimulating policy the most significant mechanism for increasing the investment activity of the regions of the Far East is the creation and development of territories of advanced socio-economic development (TASED). In addition to attracting investors to the regions where TASED has been created, the tasks of socio-economic development are being addressed, aimed at improving the quality of life of the population, ensuring comfortable conditions and innovative development in the scientific and technical aspect. The taxation regime is a feature of the status of a TASED resident, hence the benefits should be effective, reduce the level of tax burden, stimulate the activities of enterprises, which, as a result, should contribute to the inflow of investments and increase the efficiency of the entire mechanism of territorial development. Based on this, an assessment of the effects of the PDA activity is necessary, since it will allow determining the contribution of the incentive mechanism to ensuring financial flows and the implementation of new development directions. At the moment, the current methodology for assessing the effectiveness and monitoring of the performance indicators of the TASED does not include certain components that allow assessing the achievement of goals for the innovative and socio-economic development of the territories where the TASED operates. The purpose of the study is to improve the monitoring system of the TASED activities based on the methodological tools for assessing the impact of tax incentives on the growth of regional investment activity. Methods of analysis, systematization, comparison, generalization, grouping, modeling, pair correlation (Pearson’s coefficients), statistical methods were used. In the course of the study, the key aspects of the existing monitoring system were highlighted: methodological, technical, organizational and financial. In order to improve the monitoring system in the methodological aspect, the author’s methodology is proposed. Approbation of the methodology made it possible to identify the relationship between the investment activity of residents, TASED and the region and the use of investments, and to group residents that have a positive effect on the development of the regional economy. The informational and organizational aspects of the monitoring system have been supplemented. In conclusion, an improved model for monitoring TASED activities is presented. The author’s proposals introduced into the methodology, the grouping of residents by the type of benefits used, proposals for improving the model for monitoring the activities of the TASED are of certain interest and represent the novelty of the study. Proposals and recommendations are aimed at improving the methodological support of the system for monitoring the activities of the TASED and can be introduced into the practical activities of the bodies that make decisions on the development of industries and complexes in the Far East, as well as serve as the basis for the development of subsequent scientific research

    Adaptations of epilithic lichens to the microclimate conditions of the White Sea coast

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    Anatomical and functional features of the following three epilithic lichens Umbilicaria torrefacta, Physcia caesia, Physcia dubia were studied. These species have different morphological characteristics of thalli and occupy similar environmental conditions on supralittoral of the White Sea coast. The studied lichens are widespread in the territory of Karelia. U. torrefacta is an obligate epilithic species, Physcia caesia and Physcia dubia colonize both bark of trees and stones. Within the study area, these species were found only on coastal boulders. Photobiont of all studied lichens is unicellular green alga of the genus Trebouxia (Purvis et al. 1992). Based on the study, it was found that Ph. caesia adapts to the environmental conditions through the variability of photosynthetic pigments level which is confirmed by a strong variation of the chlorophylls a/b ratio and chlorophylls/carotenoids ratio (coefficient of variation, CV > 42%) with the stability of anatomical structures (CV ≤ 11%) – functional adaptation. Lichen Ph. dubia adapts through the variability of anatomical layers (upper cortex, algal layer, medullae, lower cortex, thallus thickness) (CV > 22%), and amounts of photosynthetic pigments (CV > 19%) – structural and functional adaptation. For U. torrefacta, the structural adaptation to environmental conditions (CV thickness of anatomical layers > 28%, CV amounts of photosynthetic pigments – 7, 8%) was recorded

    Cell wall functional activity and metal accumulation of halophytic plant species Plantago maritima and Triglochin maritima on the White Sea littoral zone (NW Russia)

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    The presented study supplements the knowledge on ion-exchange capacity, swelling capacity (elasticity) of the plant cell wall, and the accumulation of heavy metals in halophytic species Plantago maritima and Triglochin maritima in the tidal zone of the White Sea western coast. The littoral soils of the coastal territories are sandy or rocky-sandy, medium and slightly saline with poor content of organic substances, Mn, Zn, Ni, and Pb. Studied soils are considered as uncontaminated by heavy metals because they contain background amounts of Fe and Cu. Sea water is significantly polluted by Fe (3.8 MPC) and Ni (55 MPC), has poor content of Zn and Cu and background level of Pb and Mn. The coastal dominant plant species P. maritima and T. maritima were characterized by intensive metals accumulation which was reflected in the coefficient of biological absorption (CBA) of metal by a whole plant. For P. maritima the following metal accumulation series was obtained: Cu (3.29)> Zn (2.81)> Ni (1.57)> Pb (1.30)> Mn (1.21)> Fe (0.97), and for T. maritima: Ni (3.80)> Fe (2.08)> Cu (1.91)> Zn (1.84)> Pb (1.51)> Mn (1.31). Roots accumulated 50–70% of Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Mn of the total metal content in the plant while leaves and stems contained 30–50%. Fe was allocated mainly in the roots (80%). The ion-exchange capacity of the plant cell wall for P. maritima and T. maritima was established as follows correspondingly: 3570–3700 and 2710–3070 μmol g-1 dry cell weight per leaf; 2310–2350 and 1160–1250 μmol g-1 dry cell weight per root

    Cluster analysis of blood serum inflammation markers of conditionally healthy people

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    Determination of inflammatory markers in blood of conventionally healthy people is of interest due to opportunity of detecting diseases at early (preclinical) stages, as well as latent forms of pathological processes. The level of inflammation may serve as an additional criterion to forming control groups in clinical and biological studies. The aim of the study is to identify some inflammatory and autoimmune markers in a group of conventionally healthy people and to conduct a cluster analysis of the data obtained. The study involved 100 apparently healthy people (without clinical signs of infections, somatic, neurological or mental diseases) aged 19 to 88 years. The levels of IL-10, TNFα, IL-6 and autoantibodies to S100b and MBP were determined in blood serum using ELISA. Enzymatic activity of leukocyte elastase (LE) and functional activity of the α1-proteinase inhibitor (α1-PI) were determined spectrophotometrically. Protease inhibitory index (PII) was calculated as the ratio of LE to α1-PI. Cluster analysis, as well as the Shapiro–Wilk, Kruskal–Wallis, and ANOVA methods were used as the main approach to statistical data processing. All the subjects were divided into three clusters, according to their immunological parameters. The selected clusters were statistically significantly different from each other, in terms of LE activity, protease-inhibitory index (PII), as well as IL-10 and TNFα levels. The indices of a distinct cluster (43% of total cohort) are most close to average indices assessed for the general sample, which gives ground to consider the values of immune indicators from this cluster as physiological norm, corresponding to the background immunity state in healthy people. Combination of immunological parameters in two other clusters (30 and 27% of the subjects, respectively) may reflect different variants of inflammatory reactions. These clusters are characterized by multidirectional changes in LE activity and protease-inhibitory index, compared to the standard values, thus suggestive for different variants of latent inflammatory reactivity, which are realized in the patients presented in these clusters. The obtained clusters did not differ by age of the subjects (p = 0.3476), which makes it possible to exclude a significant influence of age on the determined immune parameters, and by gender characteristics (p = 0.7233). The selected clusters did not differ statistically in the functional activity of α1-PI and in the level of autoantibodies to S100b and MBP. Thus, the group of conditionally healthy people is heterogeneous in terms of inflammation markers. Inflammatory reactions of varying severity were detected in about half of the cases. Probably, this may indicate the presence of a latent pathological process and requires a detailed clinical examination


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    Background. Given that the imbalance in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines plays an important role in the pathogenesis of sepsis, estimation of its prognostic value in patients in the early stages from the disease onset or injury is of concern.Aim of study. To study changes in concentrations of biomarkers for inflammation on day 1–2 in patients with a high risk for sepsis.Materials and methods. On day 1-2 from the admission, blood tests were performed in 48 patients with a high risk of sepsis: 9 — with mediastinitis, 6 — with widespread purulent peritonitis, 24 — with severe concomitant injury, 9 — with acute destructive pancreatitis. Sepsis occurred in 28 patients of group 1. Group 2 consisted of 20 patients without sepsis. We investigated concentration of procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, interleukine-6 and -10, lipopolysaccharide-bindidng protein and soluble receptor for interleukine-2.Result. Significant differences in concentrations of groups were identified on day 1-2 in CRP (P=0.00009), IL-2R (P=0.0005) LBP (P=0.00002) and IL-6 (P=0.0192).Conclusion. Hyper LBP and CRP on the background of high IL-2R, IL-6, increase the risk of sepsis


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    В качестве одного из подходов стратегического управления университетской деятельностью рассмотрен кластерный подход, сводящийся к построению шести возможных видов кластеров разного уровня. Приведен также пример миссии произвольной выпускающей кафедры.As one of the approaches of strategic management of university activity is considered cluster approach, reducing to building of six possible types clusters of different level. It is also brought an example of the missions of any turning out department

    The hemostatic parameters in pregnant women with different types of diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in pregnancy is on the rise. Despite that gestational hypercoagulability is a physiological condition, diabetic pregnancy is associated with a high risk of venous thromboembolic complications (VTEC). There are many surveys related to the hemostatic parameters in non-pregnant women, but studies in pregnant women are not enough.AIMS: To assess the coagulation and vascular-platelet hemostasis parameters in pregnant women with various types of diabetes mellitus, taking into account its correction method. The data were compared with these indicators in women with preeclampsia and healthy pregnant women at the same gestational age.MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational, single-center, retrospective cohort study was carried out at D.O. Ott ­Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Medicine. The study included 1994 pregnant women who presented several groups taking into account the type of DM and its correction method, a group of women with preeclampsia (PE), and healthy women. The analysis of clinical data was carried out at 28–32 gestational weeks from 2012 to 2017. The study’s primary endpoint was taken as indicators of fibrinogen content, prothrombin index, thrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and international normalized ratio (INR) antithrombin III, D-dimer, von Willebrand factor, and fibronectin. Additionally, the incidence of VTEC during pregnancy and within six weeks after delivery, gestational arterial hypertension, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, premature birth, and stillbirth cases was assessed.RESULTS: in pregnant women with various types of diabetes mellitus and preeclampsia, a state of pathological hypercoagulation was observed compared to the control group. These changes were characterized by an increase and activation of the following blood parameters: fibrinogen, the degree and rate of platelet aggregation, D-dimer, homocysteine, von Willebrand factor, and fibronectin. At the same time, the content of antithrombin III was significantly reduced in patients with DM. Correlation analysis established a direct relationship between the range of the studied factors with the degree of glycemic control and the frequency of obstetric complications.CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy is associated with a hypercoagulation condition and overexpression in the synthesis of endothelial dysfunction markers. Moreover, the severity of these processes depends on the type of DM and the severity of metabolic disorders. In diabetic pregnancy, exceptional attention to coagulation indicators, regular monitoring, and preventive treatment is required in order to improve the perinatal outcomes

    Severe Diverticulitis Associated to <i>Clostridioides difficile</i> Infection in a 91 Year Old Patient (Clinical Case)

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    Aim. To present a clinical case of a 91-year-old patient with a severe course of diverticulitis combined with the development of Clostridioides difficile-associated disease.Key points. On admission the patient complained of pain in the left iliac region, increased body temperature, constipation and bloating. The medical history showed that constipation increased on the background of prolonged bed rest and discontinuation of psyllium. According to the laboratory and instrumental examinations, the patient had signs of acute diverticulitis, antibacterial therapy was corrected twice, positive dynamics of the condition was noted. However, a few days later, the patient developed a clinic of C. difficile-associated disease, which required the prescription of anticlostridial therapy (vancomycin), until the laboratory confirmation of the accession of this infection was obtained. Combined therapy of exacerbation of diverticular disease and C. difficile-associated disease made it possible to achieve a steady improvement of the condition.Conclusion. The exclusion of possible development of C. difficile-associated disease on the background or prior antibiotic therapy is an important condition for correct and adequate management of a patient with exacerbation of diverticular disease. If the patient develops a clinical picture of C. difficile-associated disease, treatment may be initiated before laboratory confirmation

    Innate and acquired immunity indices in assessing the clinical severity of patients with childhood schizophrenia

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    The results of previous studies suggest pathogenetic role of immune system in the development of schizophrenia. Examination of adolescent and young adult schizophrenic patients showed that the activity/ level of distinct parameters of innate and acquired immunity correlates with acuity and severity of pathological process in the brain. Presumably, evaluation of immune system characteristics in patients with childhood schizophrenia, concerning severity of their clinical symptoms, along with potential therapeutic aspect, may be the basis for early diagnosis of these conditions, and monitoring and prognosis of the further progression of the disease. The objective of our study was to compare clinical and immunological indices in children with schizophrenia to analyze the possibility of using these parameters for determination of the degree of activity of the pathological process. Sixty-two patients (39 boys and 23 girls) from 4 to 17 years of age with childhood schizophrenia were examined. Psychopathological and psychometric methods (PANSS and CGI-S scales) were used to assess mental state of the patients. Immunological parameters were determined in blood serum taken by fingerprick. Activity of leukocyte elastase (LE) and a1-proteinase inhibitor (a1-PI) was determined by spectrophotometric method. To determine the level of autoantibodies to S-100B and MBP, we used enzyme immunoassay. The study revealed activation of innate (by activity of LE and a1-PI) and acquired (by the level of autoantibodies to S-100B and MBP neuroantigens) immunity markers in blood serum of children with schizophrenia. Correlation analysis showed the significant positive correlation between complex evaluation of activation level of the immune system and severity of the patients’ state on the CGI-S scale (r = 0.64, p &lt; 0.0001), as well as severity of negative symptoms according to the PANSS scale (r = 0.34, p = 0.0077). The revealed correlations suggest an opportunity for using immunological parameters (LE and a1-PI activity, and antibodies to neuroantigens), as the additional laboratory criteria for the assessment of clinical state in patients with childhood schizophrenia


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    Аppearance of a malignant tumor is associated with impaired mechanisms of proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis ability. However, these changes are not enough for immune system to recognize and destroy mutated cells. Weak immunogenicity of tumor-associated antigens (TAA) and the insufficiency of co-stimulating molecules on the surface of tumor cells is a reason for this phenomenon Since biochemical processes of tumor cells and healthy tissue cells are identical, therefore creation of effective chemotherapeutic drugs is limited not by selectivity of their action. So antitumor vaccination is the most effective specific method for both preventing recurrence of a disease and a therapeutic treatment tool in oncology. Xenogeneic proteins are highly immunogenic and effective in breaking immune tolerance to human analogs. In our work, we used sheep testicular AG as a source xenogenic TAAs. Sheep testicles contain a large set of TAAs. Experimental mice were immunized with type liposomal testicular vaccine from sheep, one month after vaccination, to induce tumor growth, cells of carcinoma LLC were implanted in mouse. The life expectancy of the experimental group of mice was 2 times higher compared to the syngenetic control and 20% of them did not develop the tumor at all. In the spleen of mice who did not have tumors after pre-vaccination sheep liposomal testicular AG, T-regulatory cells and T-memory cells were measured. We found a credible decrease in both naive Treg (CD4+CD25+), activated (CD4+CD25+FoxP3+) and both T-memory (CD4+CD44+) and central memory (CD4+CD44+CD62L+) in spleen pre-vaccination mice with compared to the contral intact spleen. Content of IFNg and IL-10 in supernatants of mouse slenocytes derived from vaccinated mice with no tumors was investigated and showed a reliable decrease in the amount of IL-10, but not IFNg. We believe that immunization with xenogenic tumor AGs can lead to the formation of a protective antitumor response