110 research outputs found

    Educational Practices Within High Schools and their Relationship to Developing Students Innovation Skills in Saudi Arabia

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    The current study focused on the Relationship between educational practices and the development of students innovative thinking skills within high schools in Saudi Arabia. One of the most important contributions added by current research in the field of science is to enrich theoretical frameworks in the field of development of innovation among high school students and to learn about the most important practices applied by secondary teachers to develop innovative thinking skills and to learn about the relationship between educational practices within secondary schools and the development of innovative thinking skills of students. (62) Another teacher and questionnaire to measure innovative thinking for high school students applied to me (113) Secondary students in Saudi Arabia in the academic year 2022/2023, The sample was randomly selected. The results of the study found that computational averages ranged from (3.51-3.61), with teachers applying practices that stimulate innovative thinking to a moderate degree. The results also indicated a statistically positive correlation between the dimensions of innovative thinking skills and innovative thinking-inducing educational practices among secondary students with a correlation factor of (0.897)

    The Relationship Between Social Aversion and Bullying Behavior and The Social and Psychological Adjustment of The Infected and The Recovered from Corona Virus

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    This study aimed at finding out the relationship between social aversion and bullying and the social and psychological adjustment of a sample of university students who were infected or recovered from corona virus. Three measures were developed by the researcher (a. social aversion measure, b. bullying behavior measure and c. the social and psychological adjustment measure). These measures were administered to a sample of (210) students (101 infected and 109 recovered). Results showed significant positive correlation between social aversion and social and psychological adjustment of both the infected and the recovered students. There was also a significant correlation between bullying and social and psychological adjustment of the recovered students, but not of the infected students. Moral aversion and psychological bullying were the most common and influential factors affecting the social and psychological adjustment of both the infected and the recovered people. Negligence was the least influential one for both groups. There were no differences between the scores of infected groups and the recovered group on the social aversion measure, but there were significant differences between their scores on the bullying measure and on the social and psychological adjustment measure and on two of its pivots: the psychological adjustment and health adjustment in favor of the recovered group

    Educational Practices Within High Schools and their Relationship to Developing Students Innovation Skills in Saudi Arabia

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    The current study focused on the Relationship between educational practices and the development of students innovative thinking skills within high schools in Saudi Arabia. One of the most important contributions added by current research in the field of science is to enrich theoretical frameworks in the field of development of innovation among high school students and to learn about the most important practices applied by secondary teachers to develop innovative thinking skills and to learn about the relationship between educational practices within secondary schools and the development of innovative thinking skills of students. (62) Another teacher and questionnaire to measure innovative thinking for high school students applied to me (113) Secondary students in Saudi Arabia in the academic year 2022/2023, The sample was randomly selected. The results of the study found that computational averages ranged from (3.51-3.61), with teachers applying practices that stimulate innovative thinking to a moderate degree. The results also indicated a statistically positive correlation between the dimensions of innovative thinking skills and innovative thinking-inducing educational practices among secondary students with a correlation factor of (0.897)

    National HRD in Oman: a Stakeholder Perspective on the Implementation of the National Training Programme

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    This paper is set within the context of Oman, where National Human Resource Development (NHRD) has been utilized to develop the knowledge and skills of the indigenous population, create job opportunities for a greater number of job seekers and reduce the nation’s dependency on expatriate labour (Omanization). The National Training Programme (NTP) is the key initiative that aims to achieve Omanization and which provides the context for this paper. The NTP is overseen by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM) and involves a tripartite agreement between Trainees, Training Providers, and Employers. This “training mingled with employment” commenced in 2003 and has provided training for more than 36,000 individuals, in areas as diverse as commerce, industry, and craftwork. However, despite these encouraging figures, produced by the Ministry, there is a lack of empirical research that surfaces the voices of the other stakeholders involved in the NTP policy implementation. This paper addresses this void and illustrates how the key stakeholder groups: the Ministry of Manpower, Training Providers, Employers, and Trainees viewed the implementation of the NTP policy. In doing so, we highlight the complexities of the relationships involved and illuminate an emerging ‘blame culture’, which, if left unacknowledged, will hinder the implementation of the NTP, and impact negatively on Omanization. We conclude with implications for practice and argue that, in order to enhance the future implementation and success of the NTP, on-going participatory action research is required that includes all stakeholder groups, if the challenges of this emerging ‘blame culture’ are to be understood fully

    The Feeling of Psychological Security After the Corona Pandemic and Its Relationship to The Motivation for Achievement Among Gifted Students

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    The research aims to try to reveal the level of feeling of psychological security among talented university students after the Corona pandemic and its relationship to motivation for achievement, and the differences between female students of theoretical and applied colleges in the extent of a sense of psychological security and motivation for achievement After the Corona pandemic, the research tools (psychological security scale, and the achievement motivation scale) were applied after verifying their psychometric characteristics, on a total sample of (211) talented female students of Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, including (102 female students in theoretical colleges, and 109 female students in applied colleges). The results indicated that (15.69%) of female students of theoretical colleges have an average sense of psychological security, and (84.31%) have a sense of psychological insecurity, while (100%) of students of applied colleges do not have a sense of psychological security, and from the total sample, the percentage of those who have an average sense of psychological security (7.58%), and the percentage of ((92.42%) have a sense of psychological insecurity after the Corona pandemic. The results also found a significant and positive correlation between the sense of psychological security and the motivation for achievement for the research sample, And the presence of statistically significant differences between female students in theoretical and applied colleges of gifted women on the scale of psychological security in the direction of students of theoretical faculties, they are more psychologically secure after the Corona pandemic, and on the scale of motivation for achievement in the direction of students of applied colleges, they are more motivated to achieve after the Corona pandemic

    Knowledge Monitoring, Goal Orientations, Self-Efficacy, And Academic Performance: A Path Analysis

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between knowledge monitoring and motivation as defined by self-efficacy and goal orientations.  A path model was proposed to hypothesize the causal relations among predictors of the students’ total score in the Educational Psychology course.  The sample consisted of undergraduate students enrolled in two sections of the Educational Psychology course at a large Midwestern university.  The data collection process took place during two semesters (Fall 2010 and Spring 2011).  Subjects completed a knowledge monitoring assessment (KMA) and combined scale of self-efficacy and goal orientations online.  Results of the study confirmed the positive correlations between knowledge monitoring, self-efficacy, mastery goals, and total exam score.  The path analysis revealed that two predictors had significant direct effects on total score, knowledge monitoring and mastery goals.  Self-efficacy had a significant direct effect on mastery goals.  Although self-efficacy significantly correlated with total score, the parameter between self-efficacy and total score was not significant.  Knowledge monitoring did not significantly correlate with self-efficacy and mastery goals.  The path analysis revealed no significant exogenous parameters from or to performance goals.  The current study provided some insights in understanding the relationship between knowledge monitoring and motivation as defined by self-efficacy and goal orientations.  Recommendations and suggestions for future research were discussed

    Psychological Security and Its Relationship to Empathy Among a Sample of Early Childhood in Jubail Industrial City

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    The current research aims at revealing the relationship between psychological security and empathy in the stage of early childhood at the Jubail Industrial City. Its significance can be attributed to the importance of developing empathy among children, enlightening the community and educators about the importance of psychological security and its relationship to empathy among children in the early childhood stage. An analytical descriptive approach was employed as it suits the nature of the current research. A random sample comprising 204 children in the early childhood stage. Having applied the psychological security [1] and empathy scales [2] to the research sample, the following result was reached. There is a statistically significant correlation between psychological security and empathy in a sample of children in the early childhood stage in Jubail Industrial City

    A Systematic Review of the Selected Evidences on the Effectiveness of Inter-professional Education (IPE) in Developing Interprofessional Learning Environment

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    Purpose: This systematic review aimed to provide available evidence in determining for the effectiveness of IPE as a modality in developing interprofessional learning environment for healthcare students.Methods: The computerized searches from 2009-2015 in ten electronic databases were performed. Two independent reviewers were consulted to assess the eligibility, level of evidences and methodological quality in each study. Result: nine out of ten studies were retrieved. These studies include (a) two RCT studies; scored eight and seven out of eight, (b) Three quasi-experimental pretestposttest design; scored seven, six, and six out of eight, (c) Three controlled before and after study; scored six, six, five and five out of eight, and (d) one controlled longitudinal; scored six out of eight respectively.Conclusion: Based on the systematic review, evidence showed that IPE was effective in building strong interprofessional learning environment. On the other hand, the authors recommend considering conduct of similar systematic review grounded on IPE with larger sample size within the health allied discipline

    Influence of culture on pain comorbidity in women with and without temporomandibular disorder-pain

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    Evidence on cultural differences in prevalence and impact of common chronic pain conditions, comparing individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) versus individuals without TMD, is limited. The aim was to assess cross-cultural comorbid pain conditions in women with chronic TMD pain. Consecutive women patients (n = 122) with the index condition of chronic TMD pain diagnosed per the research diagnostic criteria for TMD and TMD-free controls (n = 121) matched for age were recruited in Saudi Arabia, Italy and Sweden. Self-report questionnaires assessed back, chest, stomach and head pain for prevalence, pain intensity and interference with daily activities. Logistic regression was used for binary variables, and ancova was used for parametric data analysis, adjusting for age and education. Back pain was the only comorbid condition with a different prevalence across cultures; Swedes reported a lower prevalence compared to Saudis (P 50% due to back pain compared to Italians or Swedes (P < 0·01). Headache was the most common comorbid condition in all three cultures. The total number of comorbid conditions did not differ cross-culturally but were reported more by TMD-pain cases than TMD-free controls (P < 0·01). For both back and head pain, higher average pain intensities (P < 0·01) and interference with daily activities (P < 0·01) were reported by TMD-pain cases, compared to TMD-free controls. Among TMD-pain cases, Italians reported the highest pain-related disability (P < 0·01). Culture influences the associated comorbidity of common pain conditions. The cultural influence on pain expression is reflected in different patterns of physical representation

    A 3-D vision-based man-machine interface for hand-controlled telerobot

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    This work presents a robust telerobotic system that consists of a real-time vision-based operator hand tracking system (client) and a slave robot (server) which are interconnected through a LAN. The tracking system: 1) monitors the operator hand motion and 2) determines its position and orientation which are used to control the slave robot. Two digital cameras are used to monitor a four-ball-based feature frame that is held by the operator hand. To determine the three-dimensional (3-D) position a tracking algorithm based on uncalibrated cameras with weak perspective projection model is used. This allows finding 3-D differential position and orientation of the operator hand. The features of the proposed system are: 1) a metric for color matching to discriminate the balls from their background; 2) a uniform and spiral search approach to speed up the detection; 3) tracking in the presence of partial occlusion; 4) consolidate detection by using shape and geometric matching; and 5) dynamic update of the reference colors. The operator can see the effects of the previous motion which enables making the necessary corrections through repetitive operator hand-eye interactions. Evaluation shows that the static and dynamic errors of the tracking algorithm are 0.1% and 0.6% for a centered workspace of 20/sup 3/ in/sup 3/ that is 40-60 in away from the cameras. Running the tracking algorithm on two PCs in parallel allowed: 1) a parallel image grabbing delay of 60 ms; 2) a stereo matching delay of 50 ms; and 3) a global refresh rate of 9 Hz