313 research outputs found

    Patenting of Computer Related Inventions: a Look at Bilsky and Its Applicability in the Indian Scenario

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    On 30th October 2008, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held en banc that a computer related invention is patentable if "(1) it is tied to a particular machine or apparatus, or (2) it transforms a particular article into a different state or thing". The 'useful, concrete and tangible result' test laid down by the same Court in State Street was effectively overruled. On June 1st 2009, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has granted a petition for a writ of certiorari against the decision in Bilski. Bilski is regressive in many senses, but is also consistent with precedent. The aim of this paper is to study the evolution of the law in relation to software patents over the years in the USA and compare this with the present Indian position. This paper aims to outline the position of law in the United States as it stands now. It also advances arguments as to what the United States Supreme Court should hold in the Bilski case, now that it has granted an order of certiorari. It then looks at the position of Indian law before concluding on how the Courts can interpret the present law and whether any change in the law is needed to that effect. In India, the statute excludes from patentable subject matter - "computer programs per se or algorithms". There is no Indian case law in relation to the interpretation of this clause. Clearly, how this is interpreted would make a considerable difference to the patentability of software in the Indian scenario. The paper is limited in scope to legal arguments and does not look at policy questions, as to whether software should be granted patent protection or not. [1] State Street Bank & Trust Co. v. Signature Financial Group, Inc., 149 F.3d 136


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    ABSTRACTSponges are one of the animals from the phylum porifera and are marine invertebrates that live in coral reef ecosystems. Sponges are multi-cellular marine biota whose tissue and organ functions are very simple. Sponge Stylissa carteri can produce secondary metabolites from metabolic processes in the cells that exist in the body. This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity of the ethanolic extract of sponge Stylissa carteri from Mantehage Island, North Minahasa. Sponge Stylissa carteri was extracted by maceration method using ethanol as solvent. The antioxidant activity test was carried out using the DPPH method (1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl), which was measured by means of a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results of the study showed that the ethanolic extract of the sponge Stylissa carteri performed the antioxidant activity at each concentration, at a concentration of 0,5 mg/L (77,7 %), at a concentration 0,6 mg/L (86,13 %) and the highest was at a concentration of 0.7 mg/L with an inhibition value of 90.03%.Keywords: Antioxidant, DPPH, Stylissa carteri, MantehageABSTRAKSpons ialah salah satu spesies dari filum porifera juga merupakan invertebrata laut yang hidup pada ekosistem terumbu karang. Spons merupakan biota laut multi sel yang fungsi jaringan dan organnya sangat sederhana. Spons Stylissa carteri dapat menghasilkan metabolit sekunder dari proses metabolisme dalam sel yang ada pada tubuhnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak etanol spons Stylissa carteri dari pulau Mantehage, Minahasa Utara. Spons Stylissa carteri diekstrak dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan metode DPPH (1,1-difenil-2- pikrilhidrazil) yang diukur dengan alat spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa ekstrak etanol spons Stylissa carteri memiliki aktivitas antioksidan disetiap konsentrasi, Pada konsentrasi 0,5 mg/L (77,7 %), konsentrasi 0,6 mg/L (86,13 %) dan yang tertinggi pada konsentrasi 0,7 mg/L dengan nilai inhibisi 90,03%.Kata Kunci : Antioksidan, DPPH, Stylissa carteri, Mantehag

    Analisis Kinerja Organisasi Kantor Pertanahan Kota Semarang

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    Organizational performance is an outcome at the level or organization unit analysis. The performance at this organizational level is related to the organizational goals, organizational design, and organizational management. Badan Pertahanan Nasional (BPN) is non-ministerial governmentagencieswhichis under and responsible to the President. It is conducted by the head office (in accordance with Government Regulation number 10 of 2006). BPN has a duty to carry out government task in the land sector of national, regional, and sectoral. This research will analyze organizational performance anddimensions whether support or impede the organizational performance in Land Office of Semarang. This research uses organization theory and five dimensions of work measurement, which are dimensions of productivity, quality of service, responsiveness, responsibility, andaccountability. Methods of collecting data used by researcher are through interview and documentation with all matters related to the Land Office of Semarang. The result of this research shows that Organizational Performance in Land Office of Semarang is still not optimal. This is happened because there are still found some obstacles on dimensions of productivity, like human resources problem and lack of agrarian socialization to the people, and also the length of time to finish a task. While supporting dimensions of organizational performance in Land Office of Semarang that work well are dimensions ofservice quality, responsiveness, responsibility, andaccountability. To solve the problem, there are some solutions to optimize the organization performance that can be done by Land Office of Semarang like doing education and training to improve the quality of human resources, doing socialization to the people regularly and thoroughly, and adding honorary workers to ease the workload in Land Office of Semarang


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    ABSTRACTTunicate Didemnum molle is a marine biota that has bioactive components that can be used as raw material for medicines. This study aims to determine the antimicrobial activity of extracts and fractions of Didemnum molle on microbial growth of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. The sample was extracted by maceration using ethanol and fractionated using, n-hexane, chloroform and methanol. Antimicrobial activity was tested using the disc diffusion test method (Kirby and Bauer). Ethanol extract of Didemnum molle inhibited the growth of microbes of Staphylococcus aureus (8.12 mm) and Candida albicans (9.00 mm). Chloroform fraction inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus (9.10 mm), Escherichia coli (10.00 mm) and Candida albicans (9.65 mm). While the methanol fraction is only able to inhibit microbial growth of Candida albicans (10.00 mm). The hexane fraction shows no activity against all test microbes. Keywords : Tunikata Didemnum molle, antimicrobial, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus   aureus, Candida albicans.                                                                                                     ABSTRAKTunikata Didemnum molle merupakan biota laut yang memiliki komponen bioaktif yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku obat-obatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antimikroba dari ekstrak dan fraksi tunikata Didemnum molle terhadap pertumbuhan mikroba Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus dan Candida  albicans. Sampel diekstraksi dengan cara maserasi menggunakan etanol dan difraksinasi menggunakan, n-heksan, kloroform dan metanol. Aktivitas antimikroba diuji menggunakan metode disc diffusion test (Kirby dan Bauer). Ekstrak etanol Didemnum molle menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba Staphylococcus aureus (8,12 mm) dan Candida albicans (9,00 mm). Fraksi kloroform menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba Staphylococcus aureus (9,10 mm), Escherichia coli (10,00 mm) dan Candida albicans (9,65 mm). Sementara fraksi metanol hanya mampu menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba Candida albicans (10.00 mm). Fraksi heksan tidak menunjukkan aktivitas terhadap semua mikroba uji. Kata Kunci : Tunikata Didemnum molle, antimikroba, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans


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    ABSTRACTHabitat of sponge Stylissa sp., were under the sea and these sponges contain active compounds, which are more active than the compounds produced by terrestrial plants. Antioxidants are inhibitors of oxidation reactions due to the free radicals, which can cause weak damage to unsaturated cells, cell wall membranes, blood vessels, DNA bases, and lipid tissue, that causing disease. The study was conducted to determine the antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts  of sponge Stylissa sp., which is located on the Bangka Island, Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency. Sponge Stylissa sp., was extracted by maceration with using ethanol. Testing of antioxidant activity was carried out by the DPPH method measured by a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results of the study showed that ethanol extracts of sponge Stylissa sp., has antioxidant activity in each concentration and the highest at a concentration of 100 mg / L. The conclusion is a ethanol extract of sponge Stylissa sp. have high antioxidant activity with a concentration of 25 mg/L (77,40%), concentration of 50 mg/L (85,63%), concentration of 75 mg/L (88,66%), and concentration 100 mg/L (88,96%). Key words: Stylissa sp. Sponge, Antioxidant, DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) ABSTRAKHabitat dari spons Stylissa sp. terdapat di bawah laut dan spons ini mengandung senyawa aktif yang persentase keaktifannya lebih besar dibandingkan dengan senyawa-senyawa yang dihasilkan oleh tumbuhan darat. Antioksidan adalah zat penghambat reaksi oksidasi akibat radikal bebas yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan lemah tak jenuh, membran dinding sel, pembuluh darah, basa DNA, dan jaringan lipid sehingga menimbulkan penyakit. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol biota laut spons Stylissa sp. yang terdapat di pulau Bangka, Kecamatan Likupang, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Spons Stylissa sp. ini diekstrak dengan metode maserasi menggunakan etanol. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan ini dilakukan dengan metode DPPH yang diukur dengan alat spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa ekstrak etanol spons Stylissa sp. memiliki aktivitas antioksidan disetiap konsentrasi dan yang tertinggi pada konsentrasi 100 mg/L. Kesimpulan yang didapat bahwa ekstrak etanol spons Stylissa sp. memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang tinggi dengan konsentrasi 25 mg/L (77,40%), konsentrasi 50 mg/L (85,63%), konsentrasi 75 mg/L (88,66%), dan konsentrasi 100 mg/L (88,96%). Kata Kunci : Spons Stylissa sp., Antioksidan, DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil

    Enzyme Production Using an Extremophilic Biocatalyst

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    Bio-detergents are useful in many markets because they contain enzymes that can break down proteins and in turn enhance stain removal. However, many of these enzymes deactivate at high temperatures so sterilization and stain removal must be done in two separate processes. This process produces extremozymes, enzymes derived from extremophilic microorganisms that have optimal activity and stability at harsh conditions, to be used in bio-detergents. The thermostable characteristics of this enzyme allow it to accomplish high levels of protein breakdown at temperatures conducive to sterilization. It is expected that this characteristic provides a 15% price premium over the leading incumbant. The extremophilic biocatalyst used for this process is Natronomonas pharaonis and the selected enzyme has optimal activity at 60℃ and pH 10.0. The target production rate is 4,500 MT per year with the final product being 87% and selling for 36.00/kg.Accordingtoa10−yearprofitabilityanalysis,thepredictedIRRis1536.00/kg. According to a 10-year profitability analysis, the predicted IRR is 15%. In 2021 the Net Present Value will be 880,900. In the third year of production the ROI will be 17.36%

    Uji Efek Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Suji (Dracaena Angustifolia Roxb) Terhadap Edema Kaki Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar

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    Suji (Dracaena angustifolia Roxb.) has been used empirically by the people of NorthSulawesi to cure the disease. Flavonoids and steroids in suji leaves suspected to haveantiinflammatroy effects. This study aims to examine the antiinflammatory effects of ethanolextract from suji leaves (Dracaena angustifolia Roxb.) on edema of white males wistar footinduced with 5% white egg solution, and to determine an effective dose of extract to decreasethe edema volume ofrat foot. The test was done using rat hind paw edema or esthablished anartificial inflammation in left foot of white male rats.The treatments were carried out on fivegroups, the positive control group was administered with diclofenac sodium, the negativecontrol group was administered with aquadest, and the extract groups were administered with100 mg/KgBB, 300 mg/KgBB and 1000 mg/KgBB of suji leaf extract. Edema volume weremeasured every hour for 7 hours using a glass tube. The average of edema volume (mL) andtime (hour) was plotted in a curve to form Area Under Curve (AUC). The AUC values wereused to calculate the percentage of antiinflammatory on each group compared to the negativecontrol group. Obtained data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by LSD test withconfident level was 0,05. The result of this study indicate that suji leaf can reduce edemavolume of rat foot that induced with 5% white egg solution and antiinflamatory of ethanolextract from suji leaf 100 mg/KgBB by 33,19 %, 300 mg/KgBB by 14,04 % and 1000mg/KgBB by 5,80 %

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Daun Paku Sisik Naga (Drymoglossum Piloselloides L.presl) Terhadap Peroksidasi Lipid Hati Pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar Yang Diinduksi Ccl4

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    The aims of this research was to determine the effect of ethanol extract paku sisik nagaleaves against lipid peroxidation in male wistar liver induced by CCl4. Method of thisresearch used laboratory experiment using 9 white male wistar were divided into 3 treatmentgroups. All groups were given treatment during ten days. The first group (negative control)was given distilled water ad libitum, the second group was given ethanol extract of paku sisiknaga leaves 97.02 mg/kg body weight per oral and the third group (positive control) wasgiven Curcuma 45 mg/kg body weight per oral. On the tenth day, after two hours oftreatment all groups were given CCl4 1mL/kg body weight intraperitonial, eighteen hoursafter that rats in all groups were dissected and taken his liver. Then rat liver analyzed byTBARS method (Thiobarbiturate Acid Reactive Subtance) to measure the levels of MDA(Malondialdehyde) which is an indicator of lipid peroxidation in the rat liver. Data wereanalyzed by SPSS ver.20, significant difference between treatments was tested by one-wayANOVA. The results showed a significant difference with 95% confidence level (α = 0.05)with a mean value of MDA 3,828 μM negative control group, group of ethanol extract ofpaku sisik naga leaf was 2,666 μM and 2,211 μM for positive control group. Ethanol extractof paku sisik naga leaves with dose 97.02 mg/kg body weight can prevent the process of lipidperoxidation in rat liver

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sodium Lauril Sulfat (Sls) Sebagai Surfaktan Terhadap Sifat Fisik Dan Uji Disolusi Tablet Ketoprofen

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    Ketoprofen (acid 2-(3-benzoilfenil) propanoat) was derivated of propionat acid which has analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory with poor solubillity in water. This research allowed to increase the dissolution rate of ketoprofen tablets and effect on the physical characteristic by adding sodium lauril sulfat as surfactant. Sodium lauryl sulfat is a surfactant that can be used to improve wetting and dissolution rate. This study was done with make four formula of ketoprofen tablets by different concentration of sodium lauryl sulfat (0%, 0,5%, 1%, and 1,5%) as a wetting agent. Ketoprofen without sodium lauryl sulfat was used as control. The tablets were made by wet granulation method. Tablet produced were tested for the physical characterisation (uniformity of weight, and hardness, friability, and disintegration time tablet) and dissolution test. The dissolution test were done by using pedal method with dissolution buffer of phosphate buffer pH 7,2 with spinning rate of 100 rpm in the temperature 37±0,5ºC for 60 minutes. The parameter used in this research is Dissolution Efficiency or DE30 (%). Data gained then analyzed statistically by using one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and LSD (Least Significant Difference). The result showed the data have signifficant differences at the confidence of 95% The result of this study indicate that the addition of sodium lauryl sulfate had not effects on hardness, fragility and weight uniformity of tablets, but it has effect on the disintegration time. By adding more sodium lauryl sulfat, the disintegration time and the dissolution rate were greater. The percentage of ketoprofen dissolved after 30th minute, for formula I, II, III and IV respectively were 14,64% ; 29,66% ; 32,06% ; 35,81%. Key words: sodium lauryl sulfate, tablet, ketoprofen, dissolutio
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