130 research outputs found

    Izin Isteri dalam Poligami Perspektif Undang Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

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    Pernikahan adalah suatu hubungan cinta , kasih sayang dan kesenangan , pernikahan sebagai sarana untuk menciptakan kasih sayang, serta perisai untuk suami dan istri dari bahaya kekejian. Dalam buku al-Hikmah konstitusi, wa Falsafatuh , Sheikh Ali Ahmad al - Jurjawi menjelaskan Imam Syafii pendapat bahwa laki-laki poligami harus benar-benar, tanpa persetujuan dari istri. Poligami harus dilakukan selama jika jumlah istri tidak lebih empat. Sementara itu, menurut Hanafi poligami dapat dilakukan tanpa izin dari istri, tapi diperlukan untuk melakukan keadilan diberkaitan dengan kepuasan psikis, seperti seks. Hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia suami yang akan menikhan diminta untuk mendapatkan izin poligami dari istri, sedangkan istri dalam hukum Islam bukan persyaratan dalam menahan poligam

    Selected Concepts of Community Development and Operational Explanation from Islamic Context

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    Community development is being discussed in relates with its own concepts such as empowerment, participation and community potential. The concepts are often emphasized by scholars in describing the reality of community development. Islam is an extraneous in community development’s discipline, but Islam actually has its own explanation in regards of those concepts. In fact, Islam gives a detailed description of how the concept should be practiced within community development. The describable concepts by Islamic context are actually more practicable with the guidance of operational based. To explore the reality, this paper is examining the verses of Quran, traditions of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization. This paper shows that Islam is a way of life and directly guides the community development regardless of differences among the community. This paper also shows that Islam has long been the principle and the practice of community development. No wonder, Islam is seen as a top way of life as compare to other systems. Keywords: Selected concepts of community development, empowerment, community participation, community potential and operational explanation by Islamic context

    Selective Participation – The Disempowerment amongst Bario Youth in Sarawak Malaysia

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    Participation is one part of an element of the empowerment; with it a person can control their capitals to gain their needs without depending outsiders. However, in reality, the issues concerned by public are always about the lacking of participation of youth in a local organization. Without participation, a youth will be in the state of disempowerment. To be more specific, this article listed out three research objectives; to describe the Bario youth’s participation in community organizations; to identify the factors of youth’s participations; to identify a barriers faced by Bario youths to participate in organization. This research studied on those issues encountered among Bario youth in Sarawak. This study was conducted through a survey research framework and the samples were chose by convenience sampling. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistic; the percentages and mean presenting the data. The result showed that, Bario youths were not participated in the local organization, especially when the organizations were dominated by other groups of age. They were participated in the organization by which they are free to make a decision on behalf of their affairs. The barrier is, the other group ages did not give chances to them in contributing their efforts to the organization. By considering those realities, researchers decided that Bario youths were disempowerment. Keywords: Participation, barriers of participation, empowerment, disempowerment

    The exploration of social capital and its relation with economic empowerment of Orang Kuala in Johor, Malaysia

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    Trust economic empowerment is an issue that is rarely debated in discussing the reality of Orang Asli’s economy. Instead, other issues such as lagging behind, poverty, and marginalization of Orang Asli often become the hot topics for discussion. History, however, has shown that Orang Asli have been conducting economic activities with other communities for ages, even though the returns of the aforementioned activities are not encouraging for them. Orang Asli also have shown, through their history, their ability to fulfil other communities’ needs. Such a relationship directly indicates the relation of social capitals and economic empowerment among Orang Asli. In order to examine this issue, a study was carried out. The study was conducted on seven interviewees, who are the Orang Kuala villagers, residing at Bumiputera Dalam, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia. Data were gathered by using in-depth interview method and semi-structured interview protocol technique. Data gathered were then analysed by using QSR NVivo software. The findings of this study showed that Orang Kuala have social capitals but the relationship differs according to the types of social capital, the bonding social and the bridging social capital. In particular, Orang Kuala have weak bonding social capital but possess a strong bridging social capital. They also show the ability to empower their economy through self-reliant, participation in businesses, increase in revenues and ability to control their income. As a conclusion, this study concluded that the economic empowerment of Orang Kuala is a result of bridging social capital

    Pengamalan Kualitas Sifat Pribadi Kepimpinan Tradisional Bagi Kepala Daerah dalam Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan Rakyat

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    The purpose of this study is to comprehend personal characters in Indonesia's traditional leadership and its correlation with the regional leadership. This study uses descriptive analyses method by library research. The result shows that the regional leaders have low quality of personal characters that may lead to the failure to fulfill community's welfare. Therefore the regional leaders have to implement the personal characters of Indonesia's traditional leaders along with the Regional Governance Law No. 12 2008, revised by Law No. 23 2014 in order to increase the people's income, improve education, guarantee health facilities and housing, as well as reduce poverty and unemployment rate in the region

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efikasi-kendiri guru sekolah menengah di Malaysia dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan alam sekitar

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    The aim of this study was to identify the factors that influence teacher's self-efficacy in Environmental Education in schools. The factors that have been identified are teachers' attitudes and awareness towards the environment and teachers' perception towards school principal's instructional leadership practices. The study involved 300 teachers from 30 secondary schools in Perlis represent North Zone, Selangor represent Central Zone, Pahang represent East Zone, Malacca representing South Zone and Sarawak represents East Malaysia. However, analysis of the study involves 263 respondents (87.7%) from 283 questionnaires collected. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (Multiple Linear Regression stepwise method) were used to analyse the data and present the findings. Overall, the results showed that the level of teacher self-efficacy in implementation of Environmental Education is moderate (M = 3.53, SD = .30). According to the perceptions of teachers, principals instructional leadership practices (M = 3:36, SD = .77) was moderate and teacher awareness towards the environment (M = 3.60, SD = .58) was also moderate. However, the attitude towards the environment is good and positive (M = 4.22, SD = .42). The result indicates that the factors that influence teachers self-efficacy in implementation of Environmental Education is the teacher environmental awareness (β = .323, p = .000), teachers' perception towards principals instructional leadership practices for Dimensions of Climate Fostering Teaching and Education Learning Environment (β = .298, p = .001), attitude towards the environment (β = .234, p = .000) and teachers' perception towards principals instructional leadership practices to Dimensions of Teaching and Management Environment Programme (β = –.219, p = .012). These factors explain 34.4% variance of teacher self-efficacy. Based on the findings, some suggestions to the school and the Ministry of Education were presented

    Lecture-Centred or Student-Centered: A Case Study in a Public University

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    This study is aimed to investigate the current practice of teaching methods among lecturers in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. A total of 357 lecturers participated in this study. The result showed that the general practice was influenced by lecturer’s field and years of teaching experience, not gender, qualification and designation. Comparing the specific teaching methods applied in three fields, it found that lecturers in science and technology used lecture and discussion much more frequently than those from engineering and social science. Among the six specific teaching methods, discussion and lecture were the most frequently used teaching method, which is scored significantly higher than the other four teaching methods. However, an interesting finding was reported  when  lecturers were asked to rate their preference in the six specific teaching methods.  Lecture was rated at the lowest level of preference but it was reported as one of the most frequently used teaching method. It may imply the changes on lecturers’ perspectives. Discussion method obtained the highest preference score, which is also applied frequently in current teaching practice. Keywords: general teaching practice, teaching method, lecture

    Keyboard warrior, online predator or cyber bully? The growing menace of child exposure to internet harm based on research evidence

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    The internet has come along with a myriad of positive and negative challenges. One of the positive developments is the increased access for all age categories, especially people of young ages; however, it is not without a side effect. A cyberbullying threat has become interesting areas of research over the years because of the importance of the concepts toward understanding children’s online behaviours and making the internet safe again for the kids to surf. Thus, this article seeks to provide a further understanding of the phenomenon by reporting the findings of a study performed in Selangor, a state of Malaysia. A questionnaire was administered to 375 respondents selected using stratified random sampling from a population of 6,671 primary and secondary school pupils aged 9 to 16 years. The key findings revealed that most children had been involved in the act of cyberbullying. Interestingly, most of them were aware of online threats but did not know that it was bad behaviour. However, most of them were rarely involved in a sex-related cyberbullying incident. A collective approach to guarantee the internet safety of children and balance their online prospects and risks is recommended to ensure children’s online safety

    Sleep habits and sleep problems among Palestinian students

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>The aim of this study was to describe sleep habits and sleep problems in a population of undergraduates in Palestine. Association between self-reported sleep quality and self-reported academic achievement was also investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sleep habits and problems were investigated using a convenience sample of students from An-Najah National University, Palestine. The study was carried out during spring semester, 2009. A self-administered questionnaire developed based on The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV criteria and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>400 students with a mean age of 20.2 ± 1.3 were studied. Reported mean duration of night sleep in the study sample was 6.4 ± 1.1 hours. The majority (58.3%) of students went to bed before midnight and 18% of the total sample woke up before 6 am. Sleep latency of more than one hour was present in 19.3% of the students. Two thirds (64.8%) of the students reported having at least one nocturnal awakening per night. Nightmares were the most common parasomnia reported by students. Daytime naps were common and reported in 74.5% of the study sample. Sleep quality was reported as "poor" in only 9.8% and was significantly associated with sleep latency, frequency of nocturnal awakenings, time of going to bed, nightmares but not with academic achievement.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Sleep habits among Palestinian undergraduates were comparable to those reported in European studies. Sleep problems were common and there was no significant association between sleep quality and academic achievement.</p