134 research outputs found

    Comparing the Preventive Measures of Prophet Muhammads Teachings to Preventive Medicine in Combating COVID-19

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    This study follows the partial inductive approach to identify the Prophetic Sayings pertaining to the subject. By comparing with contemporary preventive medicine principles, this study aims to present the most salient preventive measures found in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and which can be useful in preventing COVID-19 epidemic. In addition, it follows the analytical approach in studying the subjects which could be related to the protection against infection transmission and compare them with well-established principles of preventive medicine. And the study follows a deductive approach to identify the most important rules and instructions pertaining to the subject from the Prophetic Sayings. The study found that the most preventive principles found in the Prophetic sayings are daily hand washing while massaging them, ensuring the cleanliness of the mouth and nose, encouraging the use of available means such as handkerchiefs to prevent the spread of coughing and sneezing droplets, burying the secretions of the nose and mouth if handkerchiefs are not available, and the frequent use of toothpicks to brush the teeth and tongue. Furthermore, the study found that the Prophetic Sayings accentuate the importance of strictly enforced isolation and quarantine during an epidemic. Such measures are found to coincide with the teachings of Islamic faith

    Dizajniranje i sinteza novih derivata tiofenkarbohidrazida, tienopirazola i tienopirimidina s antioksidativnim i antitumorskim djelovanjem

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    2-Amino-5-acetyl-4-methyl-thiophene-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (1) and 5-acetyl-2-amino-4-methylthiophene-3-carbohydrazide (2) were synthesized and used as starting materials for the synthesis of new series of 1-(5-amino-4-(3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole-1-carbonyl)-3-methylthiophen-2-yl) ethanone (3a), 1-(5-amino-4-(4-chloro-3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole-1-carbonyl)-3-methylthiophen-2-yl) ethanone (3b), 1-(4-methyl-2-amino-5-acetylthiophene-3-carbonyl) pyrazolidine-3,5-dione (4), (Z)-N\u27-(4-methyl-2-amino-5-acetylthiophene-3-carbonyl) formohydrazonic acid (5a), (Z)-ethyl-N\u27-(4-methyl-2-amino-5-acetylthiophene-3-carbonylformo hydrazonate (5b), 6-acetyl-3-amino-2,5-dimethylthieno2,3-dpyrimidin-4(3H)-one (8), 5-methyl-3-amino-2-mercapto-6-acetylthieno2,3-dpyrimidin-4(3H)-one (10) and 5-methyl-6-acetyl-2-thioxo-2,3-dihydrothieno2,3-dpyrimidin-4(1H)-one (12) as potential antioxidant and antitumor agents. Pharmacological results showed that compounds 6a, 6b, 8, 10 and 12 exhibited promising antitumor and antioxidant activity.Etilni ester 2-amino-5-acetil-4-metil-tiofen-3-karboksilne kiseline (1) i 5-acetil-2-amino-4-metiltiofen-3-karbohidrazid (2) sintetizirani su i upotrebljeni kao reaktanti u sintezi novih spojeva 1-(5-amino-4-(3,5-dimetil-1H-pirazol-1-karbonil)-3-metiltiofen-2-il) etanona (3a), 1-(5-amino-4-(4-klor-3,5-dimetil-1H-pirazol-1-karbonil)-3-metiltiofen-2-il) etanona (3b), 1-(4-metil-2-amino-5-acetiltiofen-3-karbonil) pirazolidin-3,5-diona (4), (Z)-N\u27-(4-metil-2-amino-5-acetiltiofen-3-karbonil) formohidrazonske kiseline (5a), (Z)-etil-N\u27-(4-metil-2-amino-5-acetiltiofen-3-karbonilformo hidrazonata (5b), 6-acetil-3-amino-2,5-dimetiltieno2,3-dpirimidin-4(3H)-one (8), 5-metil-3-amino-2-merkapto-6-acetiltieno2,3-dpirimidin-4(3H)-ona (10) i 5-metil-6-acetil-2-tiokso-2,3-dihidrotieno2,3-dpirimidin-4(1H)-ona (12) kao potencijalnih antioksidansa i citostatika. Farmakološka ispitivanja ukazuju na to da spojevi 6a, 6b, 8, 10 i 12 imaju značajno antitumorsko i antioksidativno djelovanje

    A survey on internet of things enabled smart campus applications

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    The fictional future home, workspace or city, as predicted by science TV shows of the 1960s, is now a reality. Modern microelectronics and communication technologies offer the type of smart living that looked practically inconceivable just a few decades ago. The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the main drivers of the future smart spaces. It enables new operational technologies and offers vital financial and environmental benefits. With IoT, spaces are evolving from being just 'smart' to become intelligent and connected. This survey paper focuses on how to leverage IoT technologies to build a modular approach to smart campuses. The paper identifies the key benefits and motivation behind the development of IoT-enabled campus. Then, it provides a comprehensive view of general types of smart campus applications. Finally, we consider the vital design challenges that should be met to realise a smart campus

    Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) communities in char-lands and water channels across the Swat River Basin: implication for conservation planning

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    Recent anthropogenic sources and excess usage have immensely threatened the communities and habitat ecology of this region’s medicinally and economically significant crops. Therefore, our study aims to evaluate the community structure and related environmental characteristics sustaining Nasturtium officinale communities along the river basin (RB) in Northwest Pakistan, using the clustering procedure (Ward’s method) and Redundancy analysis (RDA). From 340 phytosociological plots (34 × 10 = 340), we identified four ecologically distinct assemblages of N. officinale governed by different environmental and anthropogenic factors for the first time. The floristic structure shows the dominance of herbaceous (100%), native (77%), and annual (58.09%) species indicating relatively stable communities; however, the existence of the invasive plants (14%) is perturbing and may cause instability in the future, resulting in the replacement of herbaceous plant species. Likewise, we noticed apparent variations in the environmental factors, i.e., clay percentage (p = 3.1 × 10−5), silt and sand percentage (p< 0.05), organic matter (p< 0.001), phosphorus and potassium (p< 0.05), and heavy metals, i.e., Pb, Zn, and Cd (p< 0.05), indicating their dynamic role in maintaining the structure and composition of these ecologically distinct communities. RDA has also demonstrated the fundamental role of these factors in species–environment correlations and explained the geospatial variability and plants’ ecological amplitudes in the Swat River wetland ecosystem. We concluded from this study that N. officinale communities are relatively stable due to their rapid colonization; however, most recent high anthropogenic interventions especially overharvesting and sand mining activities, apart from natural enemies, water deficit, mega-droughts, and recent flood intensification due to climate change scenario, are robust future threats to these communities. Our research highlights the dire need for the sustainable uses and conservation of these critical communities for aesthetics, as food for aquatic macrobiota and humans, enhancing water quality, breeding habitat, fodder crop, and its most promising medicinal properties in the region

    Machine learning models to detect anxiety and depression through social media : a scoping review

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    Despite improvement in detection rates, the prevalence of mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression are on the rise especially since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Symptoms of mental health disorders have been noted and observed on social media forums such Facebook. We explored machine learning models used to detect anxiety and depression through social media. Six bibliographic databases were searched for conducting the review following PRISMA-ScR protocol. We included 54 of 2219 retrieved studies. Users suffering from anxiety or depression were identified in the reviewed studies by screening their online presence and their sharing of diagnosis by patterns in their language and online activity. Majority of the studies (70%, 38/54) were conducted at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic (2019–2020). The studies made use of social media data from a variety of different platforms to develop predictive models for the detection of depression or anxiety. These included Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Sina Weibo, and a combination of different social sites posts. We report the most common Machine Learning models identified. Identification of those suffering from anxiety and depression disorders may be achieved using prediction models to detect user's language on social media and has the potential to complimenting traditional screening. Such analysis could also provide insights into the mental health of the public especially so when access to health professionals can be restricted due to lockdowns and temporary closure of services such as we saw during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Preliminarno ispitivanje antimikotskog i citotoksičnog djelovanja derivata cikloalkil[b]tiofena PLS-DA analizom

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    A series of 2-[(arylidene)amino]-cycloalkyl[b]thiophene-3-carbonitriles (2a-x) was synthesized by incorporation of substituted aromatic aldehydes in Gewald adducts (1a-c). The title compounds were screened for their antifungal activity against Candida krusei and Criptococcusneoformans and for their antiproliferative activity against a panel of 3 human cancer cell lines (HT29, NCI H-292 and HEP). Forantiproliferative activity, the partial least squares (PLS) methodology was applied. Some of the prepared compounds exhibited promising antifungal and proliferative properties. The most active compounds for antifungal activity were cyclohexyl[b]thiophene derivatives, and forantiproliferative activity cycloheptyl[b]thiophene derivatives, especially 2-[(1H-indol-2-yl-methylidene)amino]-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-4H-cyclohepta[b]thiophene-3-carbonitrile (2r), which inhibited more than 97 % growth of the three cell lines. The PLS discriminant analysis (PLS-DA)applied generated good exploratory and predictive results and showed that the descriptors having shape characteristics were strongly correlated with the biological data.Koristeći supstituirane aromatske aldehide u Gewaldovim aduktima 1a-c sintetizirani su derivati 2-[(ariliden)amino]-cikloalkil[b]tiofen-3-karbonitrila (2a-x). Ispitano je antimikotsko djelovanje tih spojeva na gljivice Candida krusei i Criptococcus neoformans te antiproliferativno djelovanje na tri humane tumorske stanične linije (HT29, NCI H-292 i HEP). Za antiproliferativno djelovanje primijenjena je metoda parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata (PLS) koristeći softverski program Pentacle. Neki od ispitanih spojeva pokazuju obećavajuće antimikotsko i antiproliferativno djelovanje. Najjače antimikotsko djelovanje imaju cikloheksil[b]tiofen derivati, a najjače antiproliferativno djelovanje cikloheptil[b]tiofen derivati, posebice 2-[(1H-indol-2-il-metiliden)amino]-5,6,7,8-tetrahidro-4H-ciklohepta[b]tiofen-3-karbonitril (2r), koji inhibira više od 97 % rast svih triju ispitivanih staničnih linija. Primijenjena PLS diskriminirajuća analiza dala je dobre istraživačke i prognostičke rezultate i pokazala da deskriptori dobro koreliraju s biološkim rezultatima

    Characterizing the morbid genome of ciliopathies

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    Background Ciliopathies are clinically diverse disorders of the primary cilium. Remarkable progress has been made in understanding the molecular basis of these genetically heterogeneous conditions; however, our knowledge of their morbid genome, pleiotropy, and variable expressivity remains incomplete. Results We applied genomic approaches on a large patient cohort of 371 affected individuals from 265 families, with phenotypes that span the entire ciliopathy spectrum. Likely causal mutations in previously described ciliopathy genes were identified in 85% (225/265) of the families, adding 32 novel alleles. Consistent with a fully penetrant model for these genes, we found no significant difference in their “mutation load” beyond the causal variants between our ciliopathy cohort and a control non-ciliopathy cohort. Genomic analysis of our cohort further identified mutations in a novel morbid gene TXNDC15, encoding a thiol isomerase, based on independent loss of function mutations in individuals with a consistent ciliopathy phenotype (Meckel-Gruber syndrome) and a functional effect of its deficiency on ciliary signaling. Our study also highlighted seven novel candidate genes (TRAPPC3, EXOC3L2, FAM98C, C17orf61, LRRCC1, NEK4, and CELSR2) some of which have established links to ciliogenesis. Finally, we show that the morbid genome of ciliopathies encompasses many founder mutations, the combined carrier frequency of which accounts for a high disease burden in the study population. Conclusions Our study increases our understanding of the morbid genome of ciliopathies. We also provide the strongest evidence, to date, in support of the classical Mendelian inheritance of Bardet-Biedl syndrome and other ciliopathies

    Autozygome-guided exome sequencing in retinal dystrophy patients reveals pathogenetic mutations and novel candidate disease genes

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    Retinal dystrophy (RD) is a heterogeneous group of hereditary diseases caused by loss of photoreceptor function and contributes significantly to the etiology of blindness globally but especially in the industrialized world. The extreme locus and allelic heterogeneity of these disorders poses a major diagnostic challenge and often impedes the ability to provide a molecular diagnosis that can inform counseling and gene-specific treatment strategies. In a large cohort of nearly 150 RD families, we used genomic approaches in the form of autozygome-guided mutation analysis and exome sequencing to identify the likely causative genetic lesion in the majority of cases. Additionally, our study revealed six novel candidate disease genes (C21orf2, EMC1, KIAA1549, GPR125, ACBD5, and DTHD1), two of which (ACBD5 and DTHD1) were observed in the context of syndromic forms of RD that are described for the first time