219 research outputs found

    How to increase engagement with environmentalism: Perceived threat, behavioural control, and subjective norms as psychological predictors of eco-activism

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    Background: Climate change-related worry is increasing, with more people taking part in environmental activism over time. Despite its increasing prevalence, there are several gaps in the literature in terms of psychological predictors of activism. Thereby, this study examined Health Belief Model (HBM) and Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) variables in relation to five dimensions of environmental activism. Six additional variables conceptually related to activism were also included as potential predictors: eco-anxiety, climate self-efficacy, rebelliousness, eudaimonic well-being, depression, and coping strategies. Method: The study included 142 participants, predominantly females (71%), from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds and countries of origin, with a mean age of 36 years (S.D. +/- 14.34). Bivariate correlational and subsequent multiple regression analyses were run against each of the five dependent variables. Results/Discussion: It was found that: joining an environmentalist organisation or donating money for these purposes were predicted by eco-anxiety, specifically cognitive-emotional and functional impairment due to climate change, and by the TPB attitudes toward climate action. Also, it was found that: the intention to take part in activism was predicted by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control TPB variables; the severity and barriers variables from the HBM model, along with denial and the TPB attitudes variable predicted the belief that acting now to mitigate climate change would be beneficial; perceived susceptibility to the deleterious effects of climate change, knowledge about such, and perceived severity variables from the HBM predicted direct proenvironmental behaviours, along with attitudes; and, past environmental action was predicted only by the attitudes toward climate action variable. Conclusion: In conclusion, the unique contribution of this paper is demonstrating that perceived threat, behavioural control, and subjective norms are all important in predicting activism

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    Folk Literature: An Indispensable Tool in Child Language Acquisition and Development

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    Researches carried out by various language development experts indicate that babies babble a lot at 3 to 6 months due to biological readiness, and not due to reinforcement. At about 10 to 13 months, they are able to utter their first words. These are followed by two word utterances at 18 to 24 months and by this time, they are aware of the importance of expressing certain concepts and the role of language in communicating with others. These developments can be achieved because these children have been immersed in a network of social interactions among members of the society. This supports the fact that society is an indispensable element in child language development. But language is not learned in a social vacuum. As verbal language is the most pronounced aspect of representation language, children acquire it through modeling and imitation of adult who expand and recast children utterances to improve their linguistic ability. It is on this premise that this paper sees folk literature as an indispensable tool in the language acquisition skill of the children in the pre-primary and primary education sector. This paper adopts the interactionist theory of language acquisition which posits that language learning results from the interaction of the learners innate ability and their language environment, especially the feedback they receive from adult fluent speakers to monitor and improve their output. The result of the findings show that through the use of some instructional devices such as songs, riddles, anecdotes and the like, especially in the mother tongue of the child at the early stage, children’s phonological, syntactical and semantic outputs are greatly improved. The study, therefore, recommends among other things that the use of folk literature as an institutional device taught in the mother tongue of the learner, should be include in the educational curriculum at the early stages of child language acquisition to enable the child acquire the full potentials of language acquisition.

    Developing the mental and worldview of the Igbo child through Igbo epic poetry

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    The study focuses on these and aimed at unraveling how the mental and worldview of the Igbo child can be developed via epic poetry. The study is a documentary research and uses the descriptive approach in the analysis of data collected from Eke Une an Igbo epic poem. The findings of the study indicate that Igbo epic poems Eke Une is capable of developing the mental and worldview of the Igbo child as it is capable of inculcating the belief in the supernatural being, making him be on the know of the Igbo man’s quest to achieve greatness despite the risk involved, communalism among the Igbo nation and more importantly the belief by the Igbo people that lust usually go with negative consequences. The study concludes that Igbo epic poems which are some of the Igbo rich oral heritage are essential in children’s overall development. Keywords: Mental development, Worldview, Epic poem, Communalism, Igb

    Evaluation of the anti-diabetic effect of the methanol leaf extract and fractions of Dennettia tripetala G. Bak (Annonaceae) in alloxan- induced diabetic mice

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    This study evaluated the anti-diabetic properties of the methanol extract and fractions of Dennettia tripetala leaves in alloxan diabetic rats. The crude  methanol extract (ME), n-hexane  (NF), ethyl acetate  (EAF), butanol  (BF) and water  (WF) fractions,  were tested for anti-diabetic activity in  alloxan-induced diabetic mice. The extracts and its fractions were screened for phytochemical constituents. Glibenclamide was used as the standard anti-diabetic treatment   Fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels were determined using a glucometer.  Lipid profile parameters were also assessed.  Histopathological examination of the pancreas was performed. The presence of glycosides, saponins, reducing sugars, fats and oil, alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, proteins and tannins were detected in ME, and the fractions. Treatment of the rats with the extract and its fractions reduced FBG levels significantly (p < 0.05) within 10 hours of acute treatment and 14 days short term treatment.  The highest reduction was by the crude extract,( ME 500 mg/kg) with percentage reduction of 62.89 %. The study revealed  significant (p < 0.05) reductions in serum triglyceride, serum cholesterol and LDL levels  by the extracts and its fractions  while a significant (p <  0.05) increase  in HDL levels was evident .  The effect of the extract and fractions on body weight indicated a moderate weight gain. Treatment with high dose of the extract and fractions (500 mg/kg) resulted in marked rejuvenation of the pancreatic β cells. The results of this study suggest that the leaves of Dennetia tripetala are endowed with potent anti-diabetic and antilipidemic properties.   Keywords: Dennetia tripetala, Antidiabetic, Alloxan, Lipid profile, Histopathplogy

    Produção de bioferramentas para o estudo da deubiquitinase USP2

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Silvio Marques ZanataDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/12/2016Inclui referências : f. 65-70Resumo: A ubiquitinação está envolvida em vários processos no organismo, desde ciclo celular até vias de sinalização de apoptose. Por esse amplo envolvimento, é de extrema importância uma fina regulação que é realizada por enzimas chamadas deubiquitinases (DUBs) que hidrolisam ligações isopeptídicas. Dentre todas as DUBs, USP é a família mais extensa tendo como membro USP2 que possui duas isoformas fruto de processamento alternativo: USP2a (de 69kDa) e USP2b (de 45kDa) que se diferenciam apenas na região N-terminal. Alguns estudos relacionam essas isoformas com a via da p53, miogênese, tumores de próstata, agressividade de tumores de mama e manutenção dos níveis de Na+ e pressão sanguínea. Apesar desses estudos, a distribuição tecidual da USP2 ainda não está completamente estabelecida. A presença de duas isoformas distintas de processamento e a inexistência de anticorpos comerciais que possam distinguir entre as duas isoformas justifica a produção de reagentes confiáveis para o estudo de USP2. Desde modo, o objetivo foi produzir anticorpo monoclonal, isoforma específico, para USP2a e clonar, produzir proteína recombinante em bactérias e superexpressar USP2b em células eucariontes. USP2a foi produzida em E. coli BL21(DE3)STAR fusionada com etiqueta de histidina e purificada por coluna de Ni-NTA. A proteína purificada foi usada para imunizar camundongos balb/c. O soro policlonal desses animais foi testado por western blot para a presença de anticorpo anti-USP2a quanto ao reconhecimento da proteína endógena e superexpressa em linhagens de próstata LNCaP e RWPE-1 tendo dois animais positivos usados para a fusão com mieloma. Os hibridomas após a diluição limitante foram varridos por ELISA chegando-se a um clone 4GD2 que reconheceu USP2a superexpressa em HEK293T e não reconheceu USP2b superexpressa em HEK293T, indicando que obteve-se sucesso na produção de um anticorpo monoclonal isoforma específico para USP2a. Além disso, a isoforma USP2b foi clonada com sucesso nos vetores pET28a(+) e pcDNA3.1(-)6his. Esta isoforma não foi expressa em E. coli mesmo com várias mudanças no sistema, desde cepa bacteriana até temperatura, meio e tempo de expressão, mas foi superexpressa em HEK293T. As ferramentas produzidas serão de extrema importância para estudos de mapeamento tecidual, análise de cinética e busca de novos parceiros moleculares para essas isoformas. Palavras-chave: USP2, USP2a, USP2b, anticorpo monoclonal, proteína recombinante.Abstract: Several physiological processes involve ubiquitylating modification, from cell cycle to apoptosis pathways. Because this involvement has a large range, it is extremely important that this post-translational modification be tightly regulated. Enzymes called deubiquitinases (DUBs) hydrolyze isopeptide bond and have a pivotal role in this regulation. Among all DUBs, the USP is the largest family. USP2, a member of this family, has two isoforms from alternative splicing: USP2a (69kDa) and USP2b (45kDa) and differences rely within their N-terminal regions. These isoforms have related to p53 pathway, myogenesis, prostate tumors, breast tumors aggressiveness and maintenance of Na+ levels and blood pressure. Despite these studies, the tissue distribution of USP2 is not completely established. Absences of commercial antibody that recognize specific isoforms justify the production of reliable reagents to study USP2. Thus, the aims of this study were (1) to express both USP2a and USP2b in heterologous bacterial system; (2) to overexpress USP2b in mammalian cells and (3) to produce monoclonal antibodies specific to USP2a isoform. USP2a was produced in E. coli BL21(DE3)STAR fused with polyhistidine tag and purified by Ni-NTA column. The purified protein was used to immunize Balb/c mice strain. We have tested the polyclonal serum of these animals by western blot to the presence of antibody anti-USP2a that recognize endogenous and overexpressed protein in prostate line LNCaP and RWPE-1. Two animals were positive and employed in fusion procedures. After hybridoma supernatant screenings for anti-USP2a presence by ELISA, we isolated the clone 4GD2, which was stable and still secreting antibodies after several freeze-thaw cycles. Monoclonal antibody 4GD2 recognizes USP2a overexpressed in HEK293T cells and does not cross-react with USP2b, suggesting that MoAb 4GD2 is highly specific. In addition, USP2b was successfully cloned in pET28a(+) and pcDNA3.1(-)6his vectors, both expression vectors for prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems, respectively. We were not able to express successfully USP2b in E. coli under different protocols (e.g. temperature, medium and time parameters changes), however we expressed His-tagged USP2b in HEK293T cells. The produced tools will be extremely important in further studies, such as tissue and temporal USP2 expression mapping, USP2 expression and disappearing kinetics in cell lines and characterization of new molecular partners for this DUB. Key words: USP2, USP2a, USP2b, monoclonal antibody and recombinant protein

    Farm-scale evaluation of two widely used sanitation practices for reducing primary inoculums of apple scab in organic apple production

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    Effects of two widely used sanitation practices were evaluated at farm-scale level on leaf degradation and primary infection by Venturia inaequalis in an organic apple orchard (Eperjeske) on two apple cultivars (Jonathan and Prima) from 2011 to 2013. The tested sanitation practices were eradication of fallen leaves by collection and disc cultivation. Treatments of eradication of fallen leaves by collection and disc cultivation reduced signifi cantly (P< 0.001) leaf litter density with 70–85 and 40–55%, respectively, compared to untreated plots in both years. Above treatments in the same order reduced spring scab incidence with 40–50, and 10–20%, respectively, compared to untreated plots. Incidence of leaf scab in autumn was not signifi cantly lower (P< 0.05) in the treatments in the years

    Preliminary study on micro area based spatial distribution of Monilinia fructigena in an organic apple orchard

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    In this study, we aimed to report a preliminary study on micro area based spatial distribution of Monilinia fructigenain an organic apple orchard. Results showed that number of symptomatic fruit ranged between 22 and 42 in 2013 and between25 and 35 in 2014. Number of asymptomatic fruit ranged between 111 and 187 in 2013 and between 119 and 167 in 2014.Disease incidence of fruit ranged between 19.7 and 23.2% in 2013 and between 19.1 and 26.5% in 2014. Disease aggregationindex ranged between 0.111 and 0.335 in 2013 and between 123 and 401 in 2014. Three of the four trees showed significantwithin canopy aggregation of disease for fruit brown rot symptoms in both years. However, the remaining one tree exhibitedrandom patterns during both years. Disease aggregation indicated a disease spread by fruit-to-fruit contact and/or an aggregatedpattern of insect damage

    Preliminary study on micro area based spatial distribution of Monilinia fructigena in an organic apple orchard

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    In this study, we aimed to report a preliminary study on micro area based spatial distribution of Monilinia fructigena in an organic apple orchard. Results showed that number of symptomatic fruit ranged between 22 and 42 in 2013 and between 25 and 35 in 2014. Number of asymptomatic fruit ranged between 111 and 187 in 2013 and between 119 and 167 in 2014. Disease incidence of fruit ranged between 19.7 and 23.2% in 2013 and between 19.1 and 26.5% in 2014. Disease aggregation index ranged between 0.111 and 0.335 in 2013 and between 123 and 401 in 2014. Three of the four trees showed significant within canopy aggregation of disease for fruit brown rot symptoms in both years. However, the remaining one tree exhibited random patterns during both years. Disease aggregation indicated a disease spread by fruit-to-fruit contact and/or an aggregatedpattern of insect damage