151 research outputs found

    Raised Intracellular Calcium Contributes to Ischemia-Induced Depression of Evoked Synaptic Transmission

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    Oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) leads to depression of evoked synaptic transmission, for which the mechanisms remain unclear. We hypothesized that increased presynaptic [Ca2+]i during transient OGD contributes to the depression of evoked field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs). Additionally, we hypothesized that increased buffering of intracellular calcium would shorten electrophysiological recovery after transient ischemia. Mouse hippocampal slices were exposed to 2 to 8 min of OGD. fEPSPs evoked by Schaffer collateral stimulation were recorded in the stratum radiatum, and whole cell current or voltage clamp recordings were performed in CA1 neurons. Transient ischemia led to increased presynaptic [Ca2+]i, (shown by calcium imaging), increased spontaneous miniature EPSP/Cs, and depressed evoked fEPSPs, partially mediated by adenosine. Buffering of intracellular Ca2+ during OGD by membrane-permeant chelators (BAPTA-AM or EGTA-AM) partially prevented fEPSP depression and promoted faster electrophysiological recovery when the OGD challenge was stopped. The blocker of BK channels, charybdotoxin (ChTX), also prevented fEPSP depression, but did not accelerate post-ischemic recovery. These results suggest that OGD leads to elevated presynaptic [Ca2+]i, which reduces evoked transmitter release; this effect can be reversed by increased intracellular Ca2+ buffering which also speeds recovery


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    The paper presents some results of a research project, which purpose is working out and testing of theoretical and methodological approach to the study of modern trends in the field of non-standard socio-labour relations at the regional labour market. The authors elaborated the research toolkit and methods for studying of non-standard forms of employmentand socio-logical survey program, conducted approbation of survey’s toolkit and summarized the results of the pilot study concerns the use of non-standard forms of labour relations in the Sverdlovsk oblast.В статье представлены некоторые результаты исследовательского проекта, целью которого является разработка и апробация теоретико-методического подхода к изучению современных трендов в сфере нестандартных социально-трудовых отношений на региональном рынке труда. Авторами разработаны инструментально-методический аппарат изучения нестандартных форм занятости на региональном рынке труда и программа социо-логического опроса руководителей организаций, проведена апробации инструментария опроса, обобщены итоги пилотажного исследования проблем применения нестандартных форм социально-трудовых отношений на территории Свердловской области.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках научного проекта № 14-12-66003

    Цифровизация занятости: понятийный аппарат

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    Purpose:  is to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of digitalization of employment based on an assessment of the depth of penetration of information and communication technologies into labor processes and clarification of the essential characteristics of the phenomenon of "digital employment".Methods: the goal was achieved using traditional methods: desk research, structural and logical analysis, systematization and generalization of information. The empirical database was formed on the basis of sociological methods: a structured survey of the able-bodied population of the Ural Federal District and an expert survey of representatives of the business and scientific community. The scale of digitalization of employment in the region was determined by the methods of statistical analysis. When processing the results of an expert survey, the methods of semantic and SWOT analysis of content were used.Results:  the relevance of clarifying the conceptual apparatus of digitalization of employment is problematized. Sociological assessments showed a high level of penetration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the labor sphere (81.3%) and a variety of formats, modes and nature of employment in the digital segment of the labor market, its differences from the non-digital sector. The intensity of the use of ICT has a high variation: from less than 30% during the working day to 70–100%. IT specialists and specialists who use ICT in their work mainly work remotely or in a hybrid format (51%), while those employed using digital platforms work in the office (66.7%). In the segment of platform employment, there are difficulties with self-identification of the place of work and employment status. The essential features of the phenomenon of "digital employment" are identified and the key criteria for classifying employment as a digital type are expertly substantiated, the author's definition of the concept of "digital employment" is formulated, and an enlarged classification is proposed.Conclusions and Relevance: the application of the author's approach can form the basis for refining the methodology for assessing the scale of digital employment and its characteristics. Digitalization of employment generates both positive and negative consequences. Research on digital employment is promising in terms of sustainability or instability of working conditions and social risks.Цель работы: развитие теоретико-методологических основ исследования цифровизации занятости на основе оценки использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий в трудовых процессах и уточнения сущностных характеристик феномена «цифровая занятость».Методы.   В работе использованы традиционные методы: кабинетное исследование, структурно-логический анализ, систематизация и обобщение информации. Эмпирическая база данных сформирована на основе социологических методов: структурированного опроса трудоспособного населения Уральского федерального округа и экспертного опроса представителей бизнес- и научного сообщества. Масштаб цифровизации занятости в регионе определялся методами статистического анализа. При обработке результатов экспертного опроса использованы методы семантического и SWOT-анализа контента.Результаты работы.   Проблематизирована актуальность уточнения понятийного аппарата цифровизации занятости. Социологические оценки показали высокий уровень масштабов проникновения информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ) в трудовую сферу (81,3%), разнообразие форматов, режимов и характера занятости в цифровом сегменте рынка труда, его отличие от нецифрового сектора. Интенсивность применения ИКТ имеет высокую вариацию: от менее 30% до 70–100% в течение рабочего дня. IT-специалисты и специалисты, применяющие в работе ИКТ, в основном работают в дистанционном или гибридном форматах (51%), а занятые с применением цифровых платформ – в офисе (66,7%). В сегменте платформенной занятости наблюдаются сложности с самоидентификацией места работы и статуса занятости. Выявлены существенные черты феномена «цифровой занятости», экспертно обоснованы ключевые признаки цифровой занятости. Сформулировано авторское определение понятия «цифровая занятость» и предложена его укрупненная классификация, где характер условий труда может быть как стандартным, так и нестандартным.Выводы.  Применение авторского подхода может лечь в основу уточнения методики оценки масштабов цифровой занятости и ее характеристик. Цифровизация занятости порождает как позитивные, так и негативные последствия. Перспективны исследования цифровой занятости с точки зрения устойчивости либо неустойчивости условий труда и соответствующих социальных рисков

    Changes in the indices of prooxidant and antioxidant systems in blood plasma in men with atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer

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    Aim. To study changes in the indices of prooxidant and antioxidant systems in plasma in men with atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer. Materials and methods. The study included 60 healthy men, 42 patients with atrophic gastritis and 50 men, nicardipine patients with gastric cancer stage II according to TNM. All patients underwent serological diagnosis of diffuse atrophic gastritis (definition of pepsinogens and gastrin-17) and Helicobacter pylori infection. The diagnosis of "atrophic gastritis" was verified by morphological examination of biopsy specimens obtained during fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. Diagnosis of gastric cancer was carried out in the Krasnoyarsk regional oncologic dispensary on the basis of a comprehensive instrumental and morphological examination. All patients spectrophotometric methods in plasma was determined the content of diene conjugates (DC), malonic dialdehyde (MDA), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Results. The concentration of SOD, GST, GPO and catalase had no significant differences in patients with atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer and prevailed in comparison with healthy persons. Patients with cancer of the stomach content in the blood plasma DK 2.7 times and MDA at 35.2 times higher than healthy individuals, indicating severe oxidative stress in patients with cancer. In patients with atrophic gastritis was observed similar but less pronounced pattern. Conclusion. The results indicate the presence of oxidative stress in men with atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer

    Uninvestigated Dyspepsia and Heartburn Overlap Syndrome at Industrial Hub of Eastern Siberia

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    Aim. A study of the overlap syndrome of uninvestigated dyspepsia and heartburn at an industrial hub city of Eastern Siberia.Materials and methods. A total of 1,382 subjects (684 men and 698 women, mean age 40.6 years) were randomly selected and examined for the central district of Krasnoyarsk. The clinical check-up and interviewing results were registered with a standard questionnaire. Heartburn was diagnosed as per the Montreal Consensus. Since no endoscopic patient examination had been performed, dyspepsia was assumed uninvestigated. Dyspepsia was diagnosed as per the Rome IV criteria. The study conduction complied with ethical standards. Each participant signed an informed examination consent, in accordance to the regulations by the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki. The survey data were analysed with common statistical methods.Results. Heartburn, uninvestigated dyspepsia and their overlap syndrome had prevalence of 12.4, 21.1 and 5% in study population, respectively. Uninvestigated dyspepsia was registered in 40.4% patients with and 18.4% — without heartburn (p < 0.001). The risk factors of overlap syndrome were age >40 years (p = 0.002), obesity (p = 0.002), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and/or aspirin intake (p = 0.004) and tobacco smoking (p = 0.007). Among total patients with the heartburn/uninvestigated dyspepsia overlap syndrome, only 33.3% systemically had proton pump inhibitors, and only 17.4% had a prokinetic therapy.Conclusion. The heartburn/uninvestigated dyspepsia overlap syndrome is an actual issue in the Krasnoyarsk population. Attention is warranted to this problem to optimise treatment and prevention measures

    Critical Assessment of the Capabilities of Rosstat to Create a Model for Analysing the Impact of Digital Employment on Fertility

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    The paper examines the statistical practice of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) in measuring employment. The study aimed to determine the metrics that can be used to develop a model for analysing the impact of digital employment on fertility of the population. The paper presents the authors’ interpretation of the concept of «digital employment», grouping it into forms. This position served as a conceptual basis for achieving the goal. The main research method is a critical content analysis of relevant methodological, reference and information resources. As a result, the main metrics of digital employment, measured in the Russian practice of labour force surveys, were determined. Two blocks of metrics were identified, measured by two aggregated forms of digital employment: standard and non-standard. A hypothesis has been put forward about the multidirectional influence of various forms of digital employment on fertility.Предметом исследования является статистическая практика Росстата по измерению занятости населения. Целевой фокус направлен на вычленение метрик, возможных к использованию при разработке модели анализа влияния цифровой занятости на рождаемость населения. В работе представлены авторское толкование понятия «цифровая занятость» и группировка цифровой занятости по формам. Авторская позиция послужила концептуальной основой выполнения цели. Основной метод исследования — критический контент-анализ методологических, нормативно-справочных и информационных ресурсов по предмету исследования. В результате работы определены основные метрики цифровой занятости, измеряемые в российской практике обследования рабочей силы. Выделены два блока метрик по укрупненным формам цифровой занятости (стандартная и нестандартная). Выдвинута гипотеза о разнонаправленном влиянии разных форм цифровой занятости на показатели рождаемости.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 22-18-00614)

    Functional activity of peripheral blood monocytes in patients with opisthorchiasis coupled to liver fibrosis intensity

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    The aim is to examine activity of peripheral blood monocytes from patients with opisthorchiasis coupled to intensity of liver fibrosis. Materials and Methods. A total of 74 patients with chronic opisthorchiasis (39 males and 35 females, average age 42.3 years) and 32 apparently healthy subjects (17 males and 15 females, average age 41.5 years) aged 24 to 60 years were enrolled. Opisthorchiasis was mainly diagnosed by parasitological assays to detect adult parasite eggs or bodies in duodenal contents and/or feces in all 74 patients. Liver fibrosis was assessed by elastometry according to the METAVIR scale. Functional activity of peripheral blood monocytes was performed in all patients with opisthorchiasis and healthy individuals from the control group by chemiluminescent analysis to measure intensity of reactive oxygen species production in lucigenin- and luminol-dependent spontaneous and zymosan-induced reactions. Results. Liver fibrosis F2 and F3—F4 stage according to METAVIR scale was found in 20.3% and 17.6% of patients with opisthorchiasis, respectively. While analyzing total pool of reactive oxygen species in the luminol-dependent process in patients with opisthorchiasis, a significantly decreased monocyte functional activity was observed as compared to healthy subjects that was evidenced by significantly decreased maximum intensity of produced reactive oxygen species as well as area under the chemiluminescence curve both in spontaneous and zymosan-induced reaction. Such parameters in liver fibrosis F3—F4 compared to F0—F1 in zymosan-induced response were lowered. Monocyte functional activity in spontaneous luminol-dependent reaction did not differ significantly depending on liver fibrosis intensity in patients with opisthorchiasis. The phagocytosis activation index in patients with opisthorchiasis with liver fibrosis F3—F4 compared to F0—F1 and F2 stage was lower. Similar changes were observed in the lucigenin-dependent reaction. Conclusion. The data obtained undoubtedly provide promising evidence to interpret the mechanisms behind liver fibrosis in patients with opisthorchiasis and create new opportunities for development of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies

    Practical Aspects of Clinical Manifestations, Pathogenesis and Therapy of Alcoholic Liver Disease and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Expert Opinion

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    Aim: to present the results of an expert discussion of modern aspects of the clinical manifestations, pathogenesis and treatment of alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).Key points. ALD and NAFLD are characterized by high prevalence and have a significant impact on public health. For the diagnosis of liver pathology, it is important to determine the stage of fibrosis and the severity of the exacerbation of the disease. In the treatment of ALD, it is recommended to achieve abstinence, proper nutrition, the appointment of B vitamins, drugs with cytoprotective activity. In severe hepatitis, corticosteroids may be prescribed. In the treatment of NAFLD, diet and lifestyle modification, weight loss, the use of insulin sensitizers, vitamin E, statins (in the presence of hyperlipidemia) and drugs with metabolic activity are effective.Currently, a point of view is being actively expressed about the synergism of the action of alcohol and the metabolic syndrome on the development of fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The current international consensus recommends a change in the nomenclature of NAFLD and ALD and proposes the terms “metabolically associated steatotic liver disease” and “metabolically associated alcoholic liver disease”.Conclusion. The closeness of the clinical manifestations and pathogenesis of NAFLD and ALD justifies attention to drugs with metabolic activity, which are recommended by the Russian Gastroenterological Association and Russian Scientific Liver Society for the treatment of these diseases. The experts support the suggestion to quantify alcohol consumption in patients with NAFLD in order to change the management of patients, if necessary