226 research outputs found

    Design: immersionnyy stage of project algorithm as metodika of mastering of hypertext

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    Possibility of the use of technology of the immersive use of hypertext is examined in visual-analog and bibliographic variantsРассматривается возможность применения технологии иммерсивного использования гипертекста в визуально-аналоговом и библиографическом варианта

    Antibacterial and quorum sensing regulatory activities of some traditional Eastern-European medicinal plants

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    The objective of this study was to screen extracts of twenty Eastern European medicinal plants, using wild-type and reporter Chromobacterium violaceum bioassays, for novel components that target bacterial cells and their quorum sensing (QS) communication systems. Three types of activity and their combinations were revealed: (i) direct antimicrobial growth-inhibitory activity, (ii) non-specific and specific pro-QS activities, (iii) anti-QS activity. Among seven plant extracts showing direct growth-inhibitory activity, the strongest effect was shown by Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (bearberry) leaves. Many plants stimulated violacein production by wild-type C. violaceum ATCC 31532 in a non-specific manner, and only the herb Bidens tripartita (three-lobe beggarticks) contained compounds that mimic acyl-homoserine lactone and operated as a QS agonist. Anti-QS activity was found in eleven plants including Quercus robur (oak) cortex, Betula verrucosa (birch) buds and Eucalyptus viminalis (Manna Gum) leaves. Subsequent statistical analysis showed differences between antimicrobial and anti-QS activities, whereas both activities were defined by phylogenetic position of the medicinal resource plant. Finally, extract from Quercus robur cortex revealed at least two fractions, showing different anti-QS mechanisms. These data confirm that multi-component anti-infectious mechanisms are used by plants, which may be useful for drug development


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    Background. Immune thrombocytopenia in children is not a rare disease. Currently, this diagnosis is found in 2 times more often than 5-10 years ago. Acute immune thrombocytopenia is increasingly taking on a chronic course. Aims. At present, it is impossible to predict the outcome of the disease. But the chronic course of the disease significantly reduces the quality of life of children and their parents. The purpose of the study is to determine the likely causes of the development and chronicity of the disease. Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis of 433 case histories of the cancer department of the Regional Children’s Hospital in Irkutsk was conducted. Statistical processing of the received data was carried out with the help of the Matlab program and statistical package “Statistica 6.0”. Results. The main trigger factor is ARVI and vaccination against poliomyelitis. Sensitization to herpes viruses can be a provoking factor in the development of the disease when re-encountering the virus. The brighter the clinic, the more children receive immunoglobulin treatment and the disease often ends with complete recovery. Children with minimal clinical manifestations are treated with hormones and more often the disease passes into a chronic form. Conclusion. If the child is discharged from the hospital with only a clinical improvement, then there is a greater likelihood of a chronic process

    Magnetic stratigraphy of the Ordovician in the lower reach of the Kotuy River: the age of the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum and the rate of geomagnetic reversals on the eve of the superchron

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Until recently, the existing data prevented the geophysicists from accurately dating the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum, which outcrops in the middle reach of the Kotuy River, constraining the time of its formation to a wide interval from the end of the Late Cambrian to the beginning of the Silurian. The obtained paleomagnetic data unambiguously correlate the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum to the Nyaian regional stage and constrain its formation, at least a considerable part of it, by the Tremadocian. This result perfectly agrees with the data on the Bysy-Yuryakh conodonts studied in this work and yields a spectacular example of the successful application of paleomagnetic studies in solving important tasks of stratigraphy and, correspondingly, petroleum geology. Within the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum, we revealed a large normal-polarity interval corresponding to the long ( > 1 Ma) period when the geomagnetic reversals were absent. This result, in combination with the data for the Tremadocian and Middle–Upper Cambrian sequences of the other regions, indicates that (1) the rate of occurrence of the geomagnetic reversals on the eve of the Ordovician Moyero superchron of reversed polarity was at most one reversal per Ma; (2) the superchron does not switch on instantaneously but is preceded by a certain gradual change in the operation conditions of the dynamo mechanism which, inter alia, manifests itself by the reduction of the frequency of geomagnetic reversals with the approach of the superchron. This finding supports the views according to which a process preparing the establishment of the superchrons takes place at the core–mantle boundary


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    The dependence of the accuracy of the X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) aerosol results on the number of emitters cut from the single loaded filter was studied. Analyses were performed using the synthetic "filters" in the form of the thin organic films of known analyte contents simulating real aerosol samples collected on the aspiration filters. The diameter of their working surface was 9 cm, which allowed to cut out 5 emitters with 3 cm diameter and to estimate the dependence of error of XRF results when varying the number (n) of emitters from 1 to 5. It was established that when using one emitter (n = 1) cut out from the central part of the inhomogeneous "filter" the error (variation coefficient Vni) in XRF results can reach 40%; when increasing their number the Vnivalue decreases, and when n = 5, it is about 6%, and this corresponds to a random error of the method. However, this procedure substantially increases the labor intensity of the analytical works. The applicability of the emitter was evaluated, consisting of the whole "filter" material of a working surface diameter of9 cm. Under these conditions the background intensity increases, which reduces the contrast of the X-ray spectrum by 6 times. The contrast decreases only by 25% when using double-layer emitters. Thus, for XRF it is recommended to collect the aerosols on filters with 5 cm diameter and to measure the analytical signal from the material of the whole sample.Key words: X-ray fluorescence analysis, aspiration filters loaded by aerosols, sample preparation, synthetic organic films, accuracy in the analysis results.(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2016.20.3.002 T.V. Stepanova, A.N. Smagunova, V.S. TolmachevaIrkutsk State University1 K. Marx St., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation Изучена зависимость точности результатов рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа (РФА) аэрозолей от количества излучателей, вырезанных из одного нагруженного фильтра. Исследования выполняли с помощью синтетических «фильтров» в виде тонких органических пленок с известным содержанием аналитов, имитирующих реальные пробы аэрозолей, собранные на аспирационные фильтры. Диаметр их рабочей поверхности составлял 9 см, что позволило вырезать 5 излучателей диаметром 3 см и оценить зависимость погрешности результатов РФА при изменении числа (n) излучателей от 1 до 5. Установлено, что при использовании одного (n = 1) излучателя, вырезанного из центральной части неоднородного «фильтра», погрешность (коэффициент вариации Vнi) результатов РФА может достигать 40 %; с ростом их числа величина Vнi уменьшается, и при n = 5 она составляет примерно 6 %, что соответствует случайной погрешности метода, но этот прием существенно увеличивает трудоемкость аналитических работ. Оценили возможность использования излучателя, состоящего из всего материала «фильтра» с диаметром рабочей поверхности 9 см. В этих условиях возрастает интенсивность фона, что снижает контрастность рентгеновского спектра в 6 раз. При использовании двухслойных излучателей контрастность уменьшается только на 25 %, поэтому для РФА рекомендовали отбирать аэрозоли на фильтры диаметром 5 см и измерять аналитический сигнал от материала всей пробы.Ключевые слова: рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ, нагруженные аэрозолями аспирационные фильтры, приготовление излучателей, синтетические органические пленки, точность результатов анализа.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2016.20.3.00

    Molecular genetic markers of myocardial infarction in combination with type 2 diabetes

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    Aim. To study associations of rs2464196 and rs11212617 polymorphisms with the development of myocardial infarction (MI) in combination with type 2 diabetes  (T2D).Material and methods. The study included two groups: main group (n=115) — patients with prior myocardial infarction and T2D, comparison  group (n=116) — patients with myocardial  infarction without T2D, hospitalized  from December 1, 2018 to December  31, 2019 at the Regional Vascular Center № 1 of the City Clinical Hospital № 1. Participants were comparable in sex and age. Patients underwent  clinical and instrumental investigations,  a genetic test for single nucleotide polymorphisms, which showed associations with the development  of MI and T2D according to genome-wide  association study (GWAS): rs2464196 of the HNF1A  gene, rs11212617 of the ATM gene.Results. Carriage of the AA genotype of the HNF1A  rs2464196 polymorphism was found to be associated MI in combination with T2D in the general group (odds  ratio (OR), 3,180, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1,206-8,387, p=0,015). After division of the group by sex, significant differences  remained only in women (OR=9,706, 95% CI, 1,188-79,325, p=0,011).Conclusion. The data obtained can make it possible to identify a priority group of patients for personalized prevention of cardiovascular diseases

    New results of U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons from upper Wuchiapingian (Upper Permian) deposits in northeastern Russia

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The first results are presented for U-Pb SHRIMP-II dating of zircons from the upper part of the Khivachian regional horizon (stage) of the Regional Stratigraphic Scale (RSS) of the Permian in northeastern Russia. The obtained isotope age of 255 ± 2 Ma is close to that of the present boundary between the Wuchiapingian and Changhsingian stages of the Permian system in the International Stratigraphic Scale (254.1 Ma). Based on the distribution of bivalves—Intomodesma spp. and Claraioides aff. primitivus (Yin)—in the sections considered, their relations to the stratigraphic positions of the samples considered and dated formerly, and in view of the interregional correlation of recent δ 13 С org data for clayey rocks, one may assume with certainty that most of the regional zone of Intomodesma costatum corresponds to the upper part of the Wuchiapingian stage. Here, the Changhsingian stage in northeastern Asia complies only with the uppermost part of this zone within the I. postevenicum subzone and, partially, of Otoceras layers within the Otoceras concavum zone