49 research outputs found

    The study of pedagogical institute students’ level of knowledge and their understanding of terrorist threat

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    The paper contains the results of the investigation of pedagogical institute students’ level of knowledge and the peculiarities of their understanding of the terrorist threat. It explains the ways of enhancing the level of student awareness about terrorism and terrorist threatВ статье отражены результаты исследования уровня знаний и особенностей понимания террористической угрозы студентами педагогического вуза, обоснованы пути повышения уровня информированности студентов по вопросам терроризма и террористической угроз

    Structure of the bacteriophage PhiKZ non-virion RNA polymerase

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    Bacteriophage ΦKZ (PhiKZ) is the archetype of a family of massive bacterial viruses. It is considered to have therapeutic potential as its host, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is an opportunistic, intrinsically antibiotic resistant, pathogen that kills tens of thousands worldwide each year. ΦKZ is an incredibly interesting virus, expressing many systems that the host already possesses. On infection, it forms a ‘nucleus’, erecting a barrier around its genome to exclude host endonucleases and CRISPR-Cas systems. ΦKZ infection is independent of the host transcriptional apparatus. It expresses two different multi-subunit RNA polymerases (RNAPs): the virion RNAP (vRNAP) is injected with the viral DNA during infection to transcribe early genes, including those encoding the non-virion RNAP (nvRNAP), which transcribes all further genes. ΦKZ nvRNAP is formed by four polypeptides thought to represent homologues of the eubacterial β/β′ subunits, and a fifth with unclear homology, but essential for transcription. We have resolved the structure of ΦKZ nvRNAP to better than 3.0 Å, shedding light on its assembly, homology, and the biological role of the fifth subunit: it is an embedded, integral member of the complex, the position, structural homology and biochemical role of which imply that it has evolved from an ancestral homologue to σ-factor

    Test of the RF system for damping ring

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    RF system for VEPP-5 damping ring is described. The system consists of RF power supply, waveguide section, and 700 MHz cavity. Results of computer simulations and measurements of HOM spectrum and damping efficiency are presented together with the results of cavity testing at operating power level

    Status of RF system for VEPP-5 damping ring

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    The paper presents the RF system of VEPP-5 damping ring created at BINP Novosibirsk. The RF system operates at 700 MHz and consists of the generator based on KU-393 klystron, transmitting waveguide with wave-to-coax adapters, accelerating cavity, and control system. HOM cavities are damped with resistive loads to eliminate the beam instability. Parameters and results of cold measurement tests and high power level tests are presented.Представлена ВЧ-система накопителя-охладителя для ВЭПП-5, созданная в БИЯФ, Новосибирск. ВЧ-система работает на частоте 700 МГц и состоит из генератора на клистроне КУ-393,передающего волновода с коаксиально-волноводными переходами, ускоряющего резонатора и системы управления и контроля. Для устранения пучковой неустойчивости высшие моды резонатора подавлены с помощью резистивных нагрузок. Приведены параметры и результаты холодных измерений и горячих испытаний ВЧ-системы.Представлено ВЧ-система нагромаджувача-охолоджувача для ВЕПП-5, що створена в БІЯФ, Новосибірськ. ВЧ-система працює на частоті 700 МГц і складається з генератора на клістроні КУ-393, передаючого хвилеводу з коаксіально-хвилеводними переходами, прискорюючого резонатора і системи керування і контролю. Для усунення пучкової нестійкості вищі моди резонатора подавлені за допомогою резистивних навантажень. Наведено параметри і результати холодних вимірів і гарячих випробувань ВЧ- системи


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    The experiment had proved compatibility of biosytall and bone tissue in the conditions of tuberculous inflammation. Clinical researches show the positive effect of usage of biosytall in combination with native bone in the radical surgery in case of tuberculosis of bones and joints, which consisted in surgery time saving, reduction of operational and postoperational bleeding, with the same amount of positive results in the screening group


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    The experiment had proved compatibility of biosytall and bone tissue in the conditions of tuberculous inflammation. Clinical researches show the positive effect of usage of biosytall in combination with native bone in the radical surgery in case of tuberculosis of bones and joints, which consisted in surgery time saving, reduction of operational and postoperational bleeding, with the same amount of positive results in the screening group.В эксперименте доказана совместимость биоситалла с костной тканью в условиях туберкулёзного воспаления. В клиническим исследовании выявлен положительный эффект применения биоситалла в сочетании с аутокостью при радикально-пластических операциях по поводу костно-суставного туберкулеза, заключающийся в сокращении длительности операции, уменьшении объема интра- и послеоперационной кровопотери при одинаковом с контрольной группой количестве положительных результатов