26 research outputs found

    System management and labour relations transformation in relation with talented, healthy and sportsman staff

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    The relevance of this article is to study new principles of work and interaction with staff. Currently, there is a transformation of labour relations. All these forces employers to actively search for talented employees inside and outside their companies, and then ensure their development and worthy use in solving priority business tasks. There is a need for system personnel management. The aim of the research is to explore ways to manage successful effective employees in information technology companies as an approach to human resources management. Research methods: as a research method, the questionnaire method was used to analyse the organization of the employee management system in Russian companies related to information technology. Research results: the article examines the experience of applying the concept of personnel management in IT companies. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the system of personnel management in the field of information technology was studied. It is shown that being an actively developing field related to information technologies - it is constantly in need of personnel. It is determined that not all employees of information technology companies are highly qualified, which may be due to the high demand for labour resources. It is revealed that the activities carried out in almost all companies include staff motivation and the formation of a remuneration system (compensation and incentives); recruitment; evaluation of company personnel; training management. It is determined that the need for changes may be due to such factors as changing the company's work profile, the arrival of a new boss, setting new tasks for the HR Department. It is revealed that representatives of companies see the need to make changes in the company's motivation in the remuneration system, training and development of personnel, career management and performance management, creating an effective team and evaluating personnel. It is shown that the system of motivation of ordinary employees and successful employees does not differ critically in most companies. They are motivated by additional payments (bonuses) and gratitude for the work done. It is determined that the motivating factors are corporate sports, individual types of incentives, additional payments for work experience. It is shown that the main motives for work from the point of view of employees are decent and guaranteed financial remuneration, the presence of certain job responsibilities and clear company policy, as well as the presence of diversity in work and interest in it. Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in marketing, management, Economics, personnel management, management psychology

    Temporal dynamics of femtosecond-TALIF of atomic hydrogen and oxygen in a nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharge-assisted methane-air flame

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    The temporal dynamics of the spatial distribution of atomic hydrogen and oxygen in a lean methane-air flame, forced by a nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharge-induced plasma, are investigated via femtosecond two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence technique. Plasma luminescence that interferes with the fluorescence from H and O atoms was observed to decay completely within 15 ns, which is the minimum delay required for imaging measurements with respect to the discharge occurrence. During discharge, H atoms in the excited state rather than the ground state, produced by electron-impact dissociation processes, are detected at the flame front. It was found that the temporal evolution of H and O fluorescence intensity during a cycle of 100 µs between two discharge pulses remains constant. Finally, the decay time of O-atoms produced by the discharge in the fresh methane-air mixture was about 2 µs, which suggests a faster reaction between O-atoms and methane than in air

    Modeling of the complete life cycle of raw materials in the mathematical apparatus of problem-oriented modification of color networks Petri-DN-networks

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The article considers the issues of increasing the efficiency of waste management through mathematical modeling and description of technological processes of the full life cycle of raw materials. The practical result is the proposed network model of the process of transformation of raw materials in the course of a complete life cycle, using the example of wood in the technological process for the production of MDF panels

    Microplastics in the Syr Darya River Tributaries, Uzbekistan

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    The objective of the study was a pre-screening of the microplastic (MP) content in surface water and benthic sediments of Kara Darya and Chirchiq rivers, the first-order tributaries of the Syr Darya River (Uzbekistan). For the first time, surface water and benthic sediment samples were taken from this region, and quantitative screening of MPs 0.15–5.00 mm in size was performed. A combined visual and μRaman-based methodology was used to quantify and characterize artificial polymer microparticles from the surface water and bottom sediments of two rivers. The average abundance of MPs in the Kara Darya River and Chirchiq River waters was found to be 4.28 ± 0.09 and 0.95 ± 0.36 items per m3, and that in benthic sediments attained 244 ± 28.9 and 333 ± 11.5 items per kg of dry soil, respectively. MP concentration in surface water and benthic sediments of the Kara Darya River significantly exceeded (p-value < 0.01) that in the Chirchiq River. Microfibers were most abundant; the proportion of MP fibers in the water of the Kara Darya and Chirchiq rivers amounted to 89 and 95%, respectively, and that in benthic sediments of the rivers was 86 and 84%, respectively. The dominance of microfibers may indicate the route of entry to the rivers through domestic wastewater treatment plant discharges. The polymer microparticles in the surface water and benthic sediments of the Kara Darya and Chirchiq rivers were mainly represented by polyethylenterephtalate (PET), which accounted for half of all MPs detected in the Kara Darya River. Microparticles of textile origin were particularly abundant in the Kara Darya River, where viscose and nylon fibers were also found, which suggests the leading role of synthetic textiles in the pollution. The reported data are the first experimental evidence of MP pollution of the Syr Darya tributaries, but the distribution and circulation of MPs in surface water in Central Asia requires further comprehensive studies


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    The article lists factors affecting the socio-economic situation and questions concerning unemployment in Russia are discussed specifically. The purpose is to identify weak points in the labor market. Visual support reflects the dynamics of unemployment in Russia during economy crisis. Unemployment trends by federal districts, the causes of regional unemployment imbalances are examined. The novelty of the author’s approach is to forecast the unemployment rate for future periods with expert assessments to determine the risk of deviation of unemployment from trend. Data were analyzed in terms of unemployment level in Europe and comparison with Russian indicators was conducted. Based on the research, causes of unemployment in Russia and ways of its decline were discovered. Appropriate conclusions were made

    A new technology of vehicle parts' washing at low temperatures

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    Ensuring the required reliability of vehicles used in the Arctic is a complicated task. It can be solved only if a holistic approach is taken by manufacturers and companies operating vehicles. In the course of operation, surfaces of vehicles' parts, components and assemblies become contaminated, which deteriorates operating characteristics and reduces the operating life of the components and the vehicle as a whole. The technical servicing of vehicles includes their maintenance and repair that are impossible without washing and cleaning of components and assemblies' parts. One of the factors increasing the reliability of a repaired vehicle is the improvement of the efficiency of parts' washing. Taking this into account, this paper determines the following methods for its implementation: optimization of washing parameters (duration; temperature and composition of a detergent solution (synthetic detergents and their concentration)), and the use of a more effective detergent solution. As an example of such a solution, we considered a 3% solution of MS-8 synthetic detergent with potassium monoborate (PMB) in a concentration of 5 g/l. To determine the influence of PMB on the washing mode, we analyzed the relationship between the detergency and the temperature of solutions with and without PMB. The results confirm that PMB added to the MS-8 solution ensures the required quality of washing at lower temperatures of the detergent solution, thus reducing energy consumption during parts' washing when repairing vehicle components. © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Method for the level optimization of vehicle parameters when using fuels of different quality in cold climates

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    The task of improving the efficiency of a motor vehicle during operation in cold climates is reduced to the task of ensuring integrated optimization of the main engine values and parameters with an unconditional assessment of ICE fuel quality. The task of ICE integrated optimization includes: justification of the choice of the main ICE values, based on the objectives and optimal solution of the tasks of efficient vehicle operation; assessment of the technology level of fuel and determination of its optimal composition; determination of the optimal parameters for the elements of ICE subsystems. Based on the proposed method for level optimization of ICE parameters when using fuels of different quality, an automated diesel fuel quality control system for vehicles used in regions with cold climates in the form of software was developed. © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Application of the RFID technology in logistics

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    The paper describes the issues of using the RFID technology in transport and warehouse logistics. The features of RFID technology application in the system of logistics information systems as well as in the system of transportation and warehousing were analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of its introduction were considered. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the application of the RFID technology would significantly increase the efficiency of logistics processes. © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved