6,911 research outputs found

    The flavor of neutrinos in muon decays at a neutrino factory and the LSND puzzle

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    The accurate prediction of the neutrino beam produced in muon decays and the absence of opposite helicity contamination for a particular neutrino flavor make a future neutrino factory the ideal place to look for the lepton flavor violating (LFV) decays of the kind \mu^+\ra e^+\nuebar\numu and lepton number violating (LNV) processes like \mu^-\ra e^-\nue\numu. Excellent sensitivities can be achieved using a detector capable of muon and/or electron identification with charge discrimination. This would allow to set experimental limits that improve current ones by more than two orders of magnitude and test the hypothesis that the LSND excess is due to such anomalous decays, rather than neutrino flavor oscillations in vacuum.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penentuan tindak pidana dalam perkembangannya hukum pidana dan bagaimana konsep-konsep perkembangannya hukum pidana sekarang dan mendatang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Tindak pidana atau perbuatan pidana merupakan suatu pelanggaran yang norma-norma dinyatakan bersalah, karenanya harus dihukum (penegakan hukum) demi rasa keadilan. Untuk dapat di pidana harus memenuhi unsur-unsur tindak pidana (delik-delik) yang tertuang dalam KUHP, terdiri dari unsur subyektif dan unsur obyektif. Penentuan tindak pidana dalam perkembangannya dapat dilihat dalam penegakan hukum terhadap tindak pidana, transnasional, tindak pidana teroris, tindak pidana money laundering, tindak pidana korupsi, perlindungan saksi dan korban yang aturannya diatur di luar KUHP. 2. Perkembangan hukum pidana tidak hanya dibatasi masalah teknis semata dari para ahli hukum, tetapi juga membutuhkan pandangan dari ahli-ahli nonhukum, karena itu berkaitan dengan interaksi manusia dan kita semua sebagai warga negara RI. Selain memahami, memantapkan, dan mengerti tujuan, para ahli hukum pidana bergulat dengan masalah-masalah hukum dan kemasyarakatan. Prinsip-prinsip hukum pidana di Indonesia yang berlaku sekarang dan pada masa datang adalah hukum pidana untuk menegaskan atau menegakkan kembali nilai-nilai sosial dasar (basic social values) perilaku hidup bermasyarakat dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) yang dijiwai oleh falsafah dan ideologi negara Pancasila. Dalam penegakan hukum harus dapat memenuhi rasa keadilan masyarakat.Kata kunci:  Kajian Hukum,  Tindak Pidana,  Perkembangan, Hukum Pidan

    Fine-grained entanglement loss along renormalization group flows

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    We explore entanglement loss along renormalization group trajectories as a basic quantum information property underlying their irreversibility. This analysis is carried out for the quantum Ising chain as a transverse magnetic field is changed. We consider the ground-state entanglement between a large block of spins and the rest of the chain. Entanglement loss is seen to follow from a rigid reordering, satisfying the majorization relation, of the eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix for the spin block. More generally, our results indicate that it may be possible to prove the irreversibility along RG trajectories from the properties of the vacuum only, without need to study the whole hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; minor change

    Analisis Sistem Dan Prosedur Persediaan Obat-obatan Dalam Upaya Mendukung Pengendalian Intern (Studi Pada Rumah Sakit Islam Unisma Malang)

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    This study aims to run the company's internal control systems and procedures based on the analysis of the inventory. This research is a descriptive case study approach. The data used is secondary data. Data was collected by the method of documentation. The data analysis includes a system and procedure inventory consisting of related functions, documents used, records are used, the required information management, and procedures that create network, as well as in analyzes that include elements of internal control consists of the organizational structure, systems authorizations , the practice of healthy, quality employees in accordance with the responsibilities. Results of this research are systems and procedures existing inventory at the islamic hospital Unisma is good enough to support the internal control this can be seen on the separation of functions reception and procurement, each procedure requires authorization from the competent authorities, documents and records that there can be creating a healthy practice. However, the existing system at the islamic hospital Unisma have a weakness for physical inventory counting system it can cause error information needed to make a purchase inventory management