8 research outputs found

    Skin barrier of young children. Prevention of dermatitis

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    Skin diseases in children during the first year of life is a relevant topic for both pediatricians and parents. Absence of knowledge on appropriate care coupled with anatomical and physiological characteristics of baby's skin are risk factors for skin diseases in this group of patients [1, 5]. This is demonstrated by the increased incidence of skin diseases in children, which also encourages further study of mechanisms of skin protection from aggressive environmental factors [1, 11, 7]. This awareness helped to define the key priorities in the treatment and prevention of dermatological diseases in pediatrics


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    Atopic dermatitis (Ad) is a multifactorial skin disease. As shown by recent studies, a significant role in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis is a disturbance of the structural elements of the skin barrier, which contributes to skin xerosis, increase of its permeability to allergens and development of chronic inflammation. As a result, an allergic inflammation develops in the skin. Accordingly, in the treatment of atopic dermatitis great attention should be paid to effective external therapy. In the period of exacerbation of the skin process effective and safe external preparations are drugs of activated zinc pyrithione (APTS) - a line of Skin-Cap products. Use of APTS in atopic dermatitis in children leads to a significant reduction in the severity of inflammation, reduction of the area of skin lesions and severity of symptoms, reducing the need for additional administration of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory drugs, allowing you to reach persistent clinical remission

    Mark A. Wade and Rosa Nikolaevna Murtazaeva

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    this paper are to: 1) describe the current post-secondary agricultural education system in Russian Academies, 2) identify barriers and opportunities to program development and success, and 3) discuss efforts that have been undertaken to improve agribusiness curriculum and teacher training at Volgograd State Agricultural Academ


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    Research objective: to study and analyze clinical and epidemiological features of meningococcal disease at present stage. Material and methods. A prospective analysis of the epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data was carried out in 118 patients with invasive meningococcal disease, who were hospitalized in the City Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases No.1 in Tashkent. Results and discussion. The epidemiological situation of meningococcal disease in Uzbekistan is characterized by signs of the inter-epidemic period, when there is an increasing incidence of meningococcal disease in the age structure, and high proportion of patients aged 7-14 years (17.9%) and 20-29 (39.8%). The leading serogroup among the laboratory-confirmed cases is the N.meningitidis serogroup A (99.1%), while currently there have been cases of disease caused by N.meningitidis serogroup W135 and C. The characteristic hemorrhagic rash associated with persistent hyperthermia which appeared only on the 3-4th day of the disease was a clinical feature of the generalized forms of meningococcal disease, which greatly complicated timely diagnosis. In patients who suffered from the combined form of meningococcal disease and pure meningitis we often observed such pathological complications as sensorineural hearing loss (3.3%), encephalopathy (11.8%), as well as the development of severe necrosis with scarring at the localization of rash. Conclusion. The current epidemic situation and the clinical course of invasive forms of meningococcal disease require decisive preventive measures. Nowadays, the vaccination against meningococcal infection is one of the most important trends in reducing morbidity and mortality of meningococcal disease in children and adults

    Опыт применения генно-инженерных биологических препаратов в терапии бронхиальной астмы у детей

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    Current article represents the modern clinical guidelines on management of severe bronchial asthma (BA) in children and practical use of genetically engineered biologic drugs. Clinical efficacy and safety of omalizumab has its special role. Efficacy analysis was carried out in real-life' clinical setting (considering high economical expenses of biological treatment) to estimate effective response predictors and principles of patients selection for such therapy. Two years of anti-IgE treatment experience in inpatient pediatric department settings demonstrates that omalizumab inclusion to treatment of children with severe asthma resistant to standard therapy allows to solve asthma symptoms, to forgo high doses inhaled glucocorticosteroids, to improve lung function parameters, and to increase significantly quality of life in 95% of our patients.В статье представлены современные рекомендации по терапии тяжелой бронхиальной астмы (БА) у детей и возможности применения генно-инженерных биологических препаратов. Особое место отводится описанию клинической эффективности и безопасности препарата омализумаб. Учитывая высокие экономические затраты на биологическую терапию, проведен анализ эффективности препарата в реальной клинической практике с оценкой предикторов эффективности и правилами отбора пациентов для данной терапии. На примере двухлетнего опыта лечения анти-IgЕ-терапии БА в условиях педиатрического стационара показано, что включение препарата омализумаб в терапию детей с тяжелой, резистентной к стандартной терапии БА позволяет решить проблему контроля симптомов, отказаться от применения сверхвысоких доз ингаляционных глюкокортикостероидов, улучшить показатели функции дыхания и существенно повысить качество жизни у 95% пациентов

    Immunocytochemical Localization of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) in the Liver and Testis of Rats injected with Testosterone-BSA, Hydrocortisone-BSA or Corticosterone-BSA.

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