131 research outputs found

    Angular Distribution of Decay Leptons from e^+e^- \to W^+W^- at Threshold

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    The reaction e+eW+W e^+e^- \to W^+W^- produces a WW-boson pair with a non-trivial spin correlation at threshold. This correlation leads to a characteristic angular correlation between the leptons produced in W±±νW^{\pm} \to \ell ^{\pm} \nu (angles relative to the ee^- beam direction): dσ/dcosθ+dcosθ(1cosθ+)(1+cosθ)(1+cosθcosθ+)d \sigma /d \cos \theta_+ d \cos \theta_- \sim (1-\cos \theta_+) (1+ \cos \theta_-) (1+\cos \theta_- \cos \theta_+) . If only the \ell^- is observed, its angular distribution is dσ/dcosθ(1+cosθ)(3cosθ)d \sigma / d \cos \theta_- \sim (1+\cos \theta_-)(3-\cos \theta_-) , implying a forward-backward asymmetry of 3/8. An analytic result is also given for the azimuthal correlation. These results are reproduced by a Monte Carlo program, that also enables us to study the effects of the WW decay width. The threshold behaviour, which stems from the dominance of ν\nu-exchange, is contrasted with that due to γ\gamma- and ZZ-exchange, which is relevant for annihilation in the helicity state eReL+e^-_Re^+_L.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX, simpler derivation of main results, also added a comparison with Monte Carlo expectation

    Dielectric studies of dispersions of carbon nanotubes in liquid crystal 5CB

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    The frequency dependences of the imaginary ε″ and real ε′ parts of complex dielectric permittivity inherent to planarly aligned layers of nematic liquid crystals 5CB doped with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNT) were investigated in a wide range of frequencies (f = 10⁻²-10⁶ Hz) and CNT concentrations (c = 0-0.25 wt.%). It has been shown that the studied frequency range can be divided in three parts according to behavior of ε′ (f) and ε″ (f) curves. The low-frequency range (10⁻² < f < 10¹ Hz) reflects the near-electrode processes in the cell. The ratio ε″/ε′ used to characterize these processes sharply grows if the concentration of CNT exceeds 0.05 wt.%. The moderate frequency range (10¹ < f < 10⁵ Hz) corresponds to the alternating current conductivity, σАС. At the nanotubes concentration less than 0.025 wt.%, σАС does not depend on the frequency that implies its ionic origin. In its turn, at the c ≥ 0.025 wt.%, σАС is a power function of the frequency that is typical for electronic hopping mechanism. The transition from the ionic to electronic conductivity can be explained by the percolation theory with the critical concentration of nanotubes 0.031 wt.% and percolation parameter 2.5. The high-frequency range (10⁵ < f < 10⁶ ) is mainly attributed to dipole volume polarization. For c < 0.05 wt.% such polarization is well described by the Debye equation. The time of dielectric relaxation in this frequency range increases with nanotubes content. This is explained by effective interaction of nanotubes with 5CB molecules

    New fast-relaxed liquid crystal materials for optical communication networks

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    Recording the dynamic holograms with microsecond relaxation times under action of laser pulses was obtained in composites based on the novel class of liquid crystals (LC), namely in ionic metal-alkanoates. Holographic parameters of the recording and relaxation characteristics were studied for doped lyotropic ionic LC and sandwich-like cells with photo-sensitive impurities for purposes of real-time dynamic holography applications. The thin cells demonstrate high-velocity dynamic grating recording under laser pulses both of nanosecond and picosecond durations at the visible wavelengths. The cells exhibit a fast temperature relaxation time (with the time constant 30 μs for the store heat density more than 50 kJ/s). Ionic lyotropic smectic LCs possess a high intrinsic anisotropic conductivity as compared with other LCs – dielectrics. To explain the relaxation mechanisms in ionic smectic LC matrix, the temperature dependences of the electro-conductivity have been investigated. The charge currier mobility and activation energy in cells were estimated. The mechanism of high-velocity resonance nonlinearity due to the saturation of excited states in photosensitive centers and mechanisms of the grating erasure connected with charge transport in the ionic LC matrix were discussed

    Features to the Physical Rehabilitation of Children from ССР Conditions of the Specialized Center.

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    У статті розглянуто особливості реабілітації дітей із церебральним паралічем. Метою лікування й реабілітації дітей із ДЦП є зменшення ступеня інвалідності, підвищення можливості самообслуговування, тобто максимальне пристосування до щоденного життя. Відповідно, фізична реабілітація в умовах спеціалізованого центру посідає важливе місце, тому що покращує фізичний стан, сприяє ефективній корекції функціональної недостатності опорно-рухового апарату, забезпечує тренування серцево-судинної та дихальної систем, що приводить до кращої активності дитини в навчальній діяльності й адаптації в суспільстві. In this article we considered the features of rehabilitation of children with children’s cerebral paralysis. The object of rehabilitation of children with children’s cerebral paralysis is increase possibility adaptation in daily life. Consequently a physical rehabilitation in the condition of the specialized center improves a bodily condition, instrumental in the effective correction of functional insufficiency body movement, provides training of sertsevosudinnoy and pulmonary system which results in the best activity of child in educational activity and adaptation in society


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    Objective of research: The purpose of our research was to develop a DNA diagnostic method for anaplasmosis in cattle. Materials and methods: Blood samples were obtained from the tail vein with the use of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as an anticoagulant. The extraction of DNA was performed with the kit Sorb-M. To analyze the gene msp4 the following sequences belonging to different isolates Anaplasma marginale were used. To select primers the conserved elements of sequences were detected with the server СlustalW2. The specificity of primers was checked by a BLASTN search. The results of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were estimated using 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis was performed within 40 minutes at the field intensity 5 V/cm. Fragments of gene msp4 obtained as a results of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were purified, ligated and cloned in E. coli cells. Transformation was performed using the heat shock method. Search for E. coli colonies containing pGEM-msp4 plasmid was conducted by the PCR method using standard M13 primers with the following analysis of PCR results by electrophoresis. Target colonies of E. coli were cultured overnight at 37 °С in 2 ml LB medium containing ampicillin in a 100 mcg /ml concentration. Sequencing of received plasmids pGEM-msp4 was carried out by Sanger method and the genetic analyzer Applied Biosystems 3130.  Results and discussion: Development and approbation of primers on the basis of the MSP4 gene of Anaplasma marginale to perform DNA diagnostics of anaplasmosis in cattle by PCR method were described. Due to PCR sensitivity along with the use of primers, it is possible to identify 100 and more gene copies. TheЦель исследования – разработка метода ДНК-диагностики анаплазмоза крупного рогатого скота.  Материалы и методы. Пробы крови отбирали из хвостовой вены с использованием ЭДТА в качестве антикоагулянта. ДНК выделяли с помощью набора Sorb-M. Для анализа гена msp4 были использованы соответствующие последовательности, принадлежащие разным изолятам Anaplasma marginale. Выявление консервативных участков последовательностей для подбора праймеров проводили с помощью сервера СlustalW2. Видоспецифичность праймеров проверяли с использованием алгоритма BLASTN. Результаты полимеразной цепной реакции (ПЦР) оценивали методом электрофореза в 2%-ном агарозном геле. Электрофорез проводили в течение 40 минут при напряженности поля 5 В/см. Полученные в результате ПЦР фрагменты гена msp4 были очищены, лигированы и клонированы в клетках E. coli. Трансформацию проводили методом теплового шока. Поиск колоний E. coli DH5α, содержащих плазмиду pGEM-msp4, проводили методом ПЦР с использованием стандартных праймеров M13 с последующим анализом результатов ПЦР методом электрофореза. Целевые колонии наращивали в течение ночи при 37 °С в 2 мл среды LB, содержащей ампициллин в концентрации 100 мкг/мл. Секвенирование полученных плазмид pGEM-msp4 осуществляли по методу Сэнгера и генетического анализатора Applied Biosystems 3130. Результаты и обсуждение. Описаны разработка и апробация праймеров к гену msp4Anaplasma marginale для ДНК-диагностики анаплазмоза крупного рогатого скота методом ПЦР. Чувствительность ПЦР с использованием этих праймеров позволяет выявить 100 и больше копий гена. Проведенные испытания свидетельствуют о 100%-ной повторяемости и воспроизводимости данного метода

    Down-Regulated NOD2 by Immunosuppressants in Peripheral Blood Cells in Patients with SLE Reduces the Muramyl Dipeptide-Induced IL-10 Production

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    Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) such as Toll-like receptors are aberrantly expressed of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, for playing immunopathological roles. basal productions of cytokines (IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10) were significantly increased in immunosuppressant naïve patients and patients with active disease despite immunosuppressants compared with HCs. Upon MDP stimulaiton, relative induction (%) of cytokines (IL-1β) from PBMC was significantly increased in immunosuppressant naïve patients with inactive disease, and patients with active disease despite immunosuppressant treatment compared with HCs. Immunosuppressant usage was associated with a decreased basal production and MDP induced relative induction (%) of IL-10 in patients with inactive disease compared with immunosuppressant naïve patients and HCs.Bacterial exposure may increase the NOD2 expression in monocytes in immunosuppressant naïve SLE patients which can subsequently lead to aberrant activation of PBMCs to produce proinflammatory cytokines, implicating the innate immune response for extracellular pathogens in the immunopathological mechanisms in SLE. Immunosuppressant therapy may downregulate NOD2 expression in CD8+ T lymphocytes, monocytes, and DCs in SLE patients which subsequently IL-10 reduction, contributing towards the regulation of immunopathological mechanisms of SLE, at the expense of increasing risk of bacterial infection

    Isolation of a Glucosamine Binding Leguminous Lectin with Mitogenic Activity towards Splenocytes and Anti-Proliferative Activity towards Tumor Cells

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    A dimeric 64-kDa glucosamine-specific lectin was purified from seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. “brown kidney bean.” The simple 2-step purification protocol involved affinity chromatography on Affi-gel blue gel and gel filtration by FPLC on Superdex 75. The lectin was absorbed on Affi-gel blue gel and desorbed using 1M NaCl in the starting buffer. Gel filtration on Superdex 75 yielded a major absorbance peak that gave a single 32-kDa band in SDS-PAGE. Hemagglutinating activity was completely preserved when the ambient temperature was in the range of 20°C–60°C. However, drastic reduction of the activity occurred at temperatures above 65°C. Full hemagglutinating activity of the lectin was observed at an ambient pH of 3 to 12. About 50% activity remained at pH 0–2, and only residual activity was observed at pH 13–14. Hemagglutinating activity of the lectin was inhibited by glucosamine. The brown kidney bean lectin elicited maximum mitogenic activity toward murine splenocytes at 2.5 µM. The mitogenic activity was nearly completely eliminated in the presence of 250 mM glucosamine. The lectin also increased mRNA expression of the cytokines IL-2, TNF-α and IFN-γ. The lectin exhibited antiproliferative activity toward human breast cancer (MCF7) cells, hepatoma (HepG2) cells and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (CNE1 and CNE2) cells with IC50 of 5.12 µM, 32.85 µM, 3.12 µM and 40.12 µM respectively after treatment for 24 hours. Flow cytometry with Annexin V and propidum iodide staining indicated apoptosis of MCF7 cells. Hoechst 33342 staining also indicated formation of apoptotic bodies in MCF7 cells after exposure to brown kidney bean lectin. Western blotting revealed that the lectin-induced apoptosis involved ER stress and unfolded protein response

    Consequence of one-electron oxidation and one-electron reduction for aniline

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    Quantum-chemical calculations were performed for all possible isomers of neutral aniline and its redox forms, and intramolecular proton-transfer (prototropy) accompanied by π-electron delocalization was analyzed. One-electron oxidation (PhNH2 – e → [PhNH2]+•) has no important effect on tautomeric preferences. The enamine tautomer is preferred for oxidized aniline similarly as for the neutral molecule. Dramatical changes take place when proceeding from neutral to reduced aniline. One-electron reduction (PhNH2 + e → [PhNH2]-•) favors the imine tautomer. Independently on the state of oxidation, π- and n-electrons are more delocalized for the enamine than imine tautomers. The change of the tautomeric preferences for reduced aniline may partially explain the origin of the CH tautomers for reduced nucleobases (cytosine, adenine, and guanine)

    Wastewater treatment of concentrated apple juice production plants

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