19 research outputs found

    Пространственная организация объектов энергетики: особенности и перспективы развития (на примере белорусской практики)

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    The paper considers spatial organization of energy facilities with an emphasis on modern practice of the Republic of Belarus. The efficiency of enterprise operation in any industry including power industry is largely due to their architectural and planning organization. Knowledge of mechanisms and specific features of the changes taking place here makes it possible to justify a promising strategy for project activities, and therefore, it allows to manage development processes of the industry and thereby avoid many negative consequences. Energy facilities are a typological unit of industrial architecture, their formation has been started due to transition of industrial production to electric energy. Today the typology shows functional approach in architectural shaping, it includes a fairly large variety of constituent units and demonstrates a tendency towards diversification. In Belarus energy facilities in the architectural aspect of their classification are limited mostly to thermal power plants operating on different types of fuel. Currently the diversification is developing in the following areas: construction of hydropower facilities (small plants on reservoirs, medium power plants, low-pressure plants, run-of-the-river hydraulic power stations), alternative energy (wind power stations, photovoltaic power stations and biogas plants) and conventional energy (thermal power plant, mini-combined heat and power plant operating on renewable fuel). The results of Belarusian practice in construction of all types of facilities (hydropower, alternative and conventional energy), peculiarities of the architectural and planning organization of facilities at the current stage, correlation with global trends in the development of industrial architecture have been characterized in the paper. The paper has determined typological features of alternative energy facility architecture, opportunities and directions for implementation of architectural approaches, problems and prospects to develop scientific support for the project process.В статье рассматривается пространственная организация объектов энергетики с акцентом на современную практику Республики Беларусь. Эффективность функционирования предприятий любой отрасли, в том числе энергетической, в значительной степени обусловлена их архитектурно-планировочной организацией. Знание механизмов и особенностей происходящих здесь изменений дает возможность обосновывать перспективную стратегию проектной деятельности, а значит, позволяет управлять процессами развития отрасли и тем самым избежать многих негативных последствий. Объекты энергетики являются типологической группой промышленной архитектуры, их формирование началось в связи с переходом промышленного производства на электрическую энергию. Сегодня типология отражает функциональный подход в архитектурном формообразовании, включает достаточно большое многообразие составляющих единиц и демонстрирует тенденцию к диверсификации. В Беларуси объекты энергетики в архитектурном аспекте их классификации были представлены достаточно ограничено, основную массу составляли теплофикационные электростанции, работающие на разных видах топлива. В настоящее время диверсификация получила развитие в таких направлениях, как строительство объектов гидроэнергетики (малые станции на водохранилищах и станции средней мощности, низконапорные, русловые, на реках), альтернативной энергетики (ветроэлектростанции, фотоэлектрические станции и биогазовые установки) и традиционной энергетики (ТЭС и мини-ТЭЦ на возобновляемом топливе). Охарактеризованы результаты белорусской практики строительства объектов всех направлений (гидроэнергетика, альтернативная и традиционная энергетика), особенности архитектурно-планировочной организации объектов на современном этапе, корреляция с общемировыми тенденциями развития промышленной архитектуры. Определены типологические признаки архитектуры объектов альтернативной энергетики, возможности и направления практической реализации архитектурных подходов, проблемы и перспективы развития научного сопровождения проектного процесса

    Spatial Organization of Energy Facilities: Specific Features and Development Prospects (on the Example of Belarusian Practice

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    The paper considers spatial organization of energy facilities with an emphasis on modern practice of the Republic of Belarus. The efficiency of enterprise operation in any industry including power industry is largely due to their architectural and planning organization. Knowledge of mechanisms and specific features of the changes taking place here makes it possible to justify a promising strategy for project activities, and therefore, it allows to manage development processes of the industry and thereby avoid many negative consequences. Energy facilities are a typological unit of industrial architecture, their formation has been started due to transition of industrial production to electric energy. Today the typology shows functional approach in architectural shaping, it includes a fairly large variety of constituent units and demonstrates a tendency towards diversification. In Belarus energy facilities in the architectural aspect of their classification are limited mostly to thermal power plants operating on different types of fuel. Currently the diversification is developing in the following areas: construction of hydropower facilities (small plants on reservoirs, medium power plants, low-pressure plants, run-of-the-river hydraulic power stations), alternative energy (wind power stations, photovoltaic power stations and biogas plants) and conventional energy (thermal power plant, mini-combined heat and power plant operating on renewable fuel). The results of Belarusian practice in construction of all types of facilities (hydropower, alternative and conventional energy), peculiarities of the architectural and planning organization of facilities at the current stage, correlation with global trends in the development of industrial architecture have been characterized in the paper. The paper has determined typological features of alternative energy facility architecture, opportunities and directions for implementation of architectural approaches, problems and prospects to develop scientific support for the project process

    Przydatne dla zbioru danych naukowych i projektowania systemowego diagnozowanie stanu naprężenia - odkształcenia w metalach za pomocą sensorów półprzewodnikowych

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    Article describes the data science approaches to diagnostics of metal stress-strain state using semiconductor sensor suitable for system design. It has been described the elongation curves (on permanent loading 370-450 MPa) in time of St3 (kp, sp) specimens in initial state, after treatment in He and H2 with pressure 35 MPa and temperature 623 К during 10 hours as well as a curves of the average signal of semiconductor sensors that controls this process and spectral sensitivity of the semiconductor sensors of the visible range depending on the time of the exposure of the samples.W artykule pokazano możliwość diagnozowania stanu naprężenia-odkształcenia w metalach za pomocą sensorów półprzewodnikowych, przydatne dla zbioru danych naukowych i projektowania systemowego. Przedstawiono krzywe wydłużenia (przy stałym naprężeniu 370-450 MPa) w czasie próbek ze stali St3 (kp, sp) w stanie wejściowym, po obrobce w He i w H2 z ciśnieniem 35 MPa przy temperaturze 623 К w ciągu 10 godz., a także krzywe średniego sygnału sensora półprzewodnikowego, który obserwuje ten proces i czujność spektralna sensorów półprzewodnikowych diapazonu widocznego w zależności od czasu ekspozycji próbek

    Resistance to hydrogen peroxide in Helicobacter pylori: Role of catalase (KatA) and Fur, and functional analysis of a novel gene product designated 'KatA-associated protein', KapA (HP0874)

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    Helicobacter pylori infection elicits an aggressive inflammatory response that the bacterium is able to resist by virtue of its well-adapted antioxidant defence mechanisms. Catalase (KatA) appears to be a key enzyme in this resistance. Upstream of katA, a low-affinity ferric uptake regulator (Fur)-box has been identified. Downstream of katA, an ORF (HP0874) with no known function has also been identified. Non-polar isogenic mutants of katA, fur and HP0874 were constructed by allelic exchange. The impact of these mutations on the catalase activities and bacterial viability following exposure to hydrogen peroxide was studied. Concurrently, the effect of variation in the iron content of the media used to grow the cells was determined. The data showed that catalase-deficient isolates of H. pylori were hypersensitive to hydrogen peroxide, whereas wild-type cells could resist Ο 100 mM hydrogen peroxide. Fur-deficient mutants and cells grown on low-iron-containing medium showed a distinct reduction in catalase activity and increased sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide. The data suggest a direct or indirect effect of Fur and iron on the activity of catalase. HP0874-deficient mutants showed no reduction in catalase activity but showed an increased sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide. That is, the protein encoded by HP0874 appears to have a role in resistance to hydrogen peroxide not directly related to catalase activity. This is the first report of a functional relationship of the product of this ORF. There is evidence of protein-protein interaction between KatA and the product encoded by HP0874, and the name 'KatA-associated protein' (KapA) is proposed