118 research outputs found

    The effect of essential oils on quality and safety parameters of meat during its storage

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    This article researches the basic principles of mechanism for finding the concentrations of essential oils (EO) which are efficient for antimicrobial action, when used as a natural alternative to synthetic analogues. The effect of EO of rosemary, sage, garlic, laurel, cloves, basil and thyme on the structural components of meat, its physical and chemical, organoleptic and microbiological quality indices was studied. The effect of EO on duration of microorganisms’ growth phases is analyzed. It is shown that the reasonable concentration of the essential-oil mixture (EOM) is equal to 0.1%, since at this concentration the optimal inhibition of saprophytic microflora was provided with satisfactory organoleptic quality indices (“taste peculiar for this type of product”, “pleasant fragrance”, “spicy aroma”). The analysis of histological structural changes in muscle tissue showed that application of EOM slows down autolytic processes, which correlates with the data obtained in research of the specific electrical conductivity in water extracts from the muscle tissue. The autolysis process in the control samples was more intensive in comparison with the experimental samples stored in the EOM. Thus, by 84th hour of storage in the control sample the basophilic staining of the samples slices was observed, as well as almost complete disappearance of the striation of muscle fibers. In the muscle tissue slices the disintegration of individual fragments into myofibrils, and myofibrils into sarcomeres, was observed in form of a granular mass, sometimes enclosed in endomysium. The meat fibers were deformed and their separation was observed. The same changes with the studied samples stored in the EOM occurred only after 204 hours of storage. The above studies of changes in the specific electrical conductivity of water extract from meat during storage showed the presence of complexes of EOM components formed with proteins and lipids of muscle tissue. The obtained data are confirmed by histological studies. Thus, the use of EOM allowed elongation of the cold storage period of semi-finished natural lump products by 2.6 times, which proves the practical benefits of its use in the meat-processing industry

    Гиперкоагуляция — прогностический фактор, влияющий на эффективность иммунотерапии у больных метастатическим раком почки?

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    In experimental systems, interference with coagulation can affect tumor biology. Tumor-mediated activation of the hemostatic system has been implicated in both the formation of tumor stroma and the promotion of hematogenous metastasis. We emphasize that hypercoagulation is a frequent symptom in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (MRCC) patients and clinically correlates with progression of the disease. It has been suggested that hypercoagulation is a possible negative predictor for a response to immunotherapy in MRCC patients.

    Малые дозы цитокинов и их комбинация с 5-фторурацилом при диссеминированном раке почки. Предварительные результаты рандомизированного исследования

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    There is no standard care for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (MRCC). High and intermediate IL-2 regimens are difficult to recommend due to their high toxicity. A combination of low-dose cytokines is assumed to be effective and safe in MRCC patients. A prospective randomized study was started in 2003.Methods: The eligibility criteria included histopathologically confirmed MRCC, ECOG PS 0—2, no autoimmune diseases, no brain metastases, and normal organ function. All patients were randomized in three arms: IL-2 alone, 1.5 MIU, iv, t.i.w., weeks 1—3 or IL-2 1.0 MIU, iv, t.i.w., weeks 1—3 plus IFN 5 MIU, sc, t.i.w, weeks 1—3 or biochemotherapy group 5-FU, 500 mg/m 2 , iv, once a week, weeks 1—3 plus IL-2 1.0 MIU, iv, t.i.w., weeks 1—3 plus IFN 5 MIU, sc, t.i.w., weeks 1—3. Cycles were repeated every three weeks. A response was evaluated according to RECIST every 2 cycles.Results: 64 patients were enrolled of whom 63 were analyzed. The patients’ median age was 55.4 years (range 16—74). 55.6% of the patients had a poor prognosis (as described by Motzer et al., 2002). Bone metastases were present in 52.4%. Sixteen patients treated with IL-2 alone showed no CR, no PRs, 2 SDs, and 14 PDs. Of the 23 patients in IL-2+IFN group, 5 PRs, 8 SDs, and 10 PDs were observed, with a response rate of 21.7%. Amongst the 24 patients in 5-FU+IL-2+IFN group, 1 CR, 3 PRs, 10 SDs, and 10 PDs were shown, with a response rate of 16.7%. One-year survival was 20.0%, 81.3% and 81.0%, respectively. Flu-like syndrome was the most common side effect in the patients receiving IFN (89.1%, grade 1, CTC). Hypotension associated with IL-2 (all groups) was seen in 56.3% (grade 1 in 50% and grade 2 in 6.3%). The other toxicities were 12.7% grade 1 neutropenia and vomiting in 4.7% (group 3).Conclusions: Small-dose IL-2 in combination with IFN and 5-FU in MRCC is feasible, tolerable, with the efficacy comparable to other more toxic therapeutic modalities.

    Современные возможности лечения распространенного почечно-клеточного рака: резолюция по итогам Совета Экспертов

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    The article presents the results of the meeting of the Advisory board “Modern treatment approaches for advanced renal cell carcinoma”, held on Apr 24, 2017, with the aim to discuss current approaches to inoperable, locally advanced and advanced renal cell carcinoma. To discuss the Russian experience with lenvatinib in the routine clinical practice and get the experts’ opinion on the perspectives directions of lenvatinib study in renal cell carcinoma landscape. Представлены результаты заседания Экспертного Совета «Современные возможности лечения распространенного почечно-клеточного рака», состоявшегося 24 апреля 2017 года с целью обсуждения существующих подходов к терапии неоперабельного, местно-распространенного и диссеминированного почечно-клеточного рака, российского опыта применения ленватиниба в реальной клинической практике и получения экспертного мнения относительно перспективных направлений изучения ленватиниба при раке почки. 


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    Лучевая терапия (ЛТ) на весь головной мозг является общепринятым стандартом при множественных (более 3-х очагов) метастазах в головном мозге. Но эффективность ЛТ различна  в зависимости от нозологической формы опухолевого заболевания и биологических характеристик опухоли. Так, если при раке молочной железы эффективность (частота полных и частичных регрессий метастазов в головном мозге) ЛТ на весь головной мозг при церебральных метастазах достигает 60%, то при меланоме не превышает 10%. При проведении  ЛТ на весь головной мозг (без противоопухолевой лекарственной терапии) медиана выживаемости колеблется от 1,5–3,0 месяцев при меланоме до 4,0–6,5 месяцев при раке легкого и раке молочной железы. Большинство летальных исходов (до 70–80%) у пациентов с церебральными метастазами связано с системным прогрессированием опухолевого процесса. Следует также учитывать риск когнитивных нарушений при ЛТ на весь головной мозг, который увеличивается у пациентов с более длительной выживаемостью (1 год и более), с относительно хорошим прогнозом. Многие пациенты, получающие таргетную терапию, живут более одного года. В связи с этим остается открытым вопрос о последовательности использования противоопухолевой лекарственной терапии и ЛТ на весь головной мозг у групп больных с относительно хорошим прогнозом, получающих таргетную терапию. Эффективность  таргетной терапии при метастатическом поражении головного мозга по литературным данным, а также по результатам собственных исследований, достигает: 50–66% при HER2-позитивном раке молочной железы с медианой выживаемости больных до 17,5 месяцев, 30–44,5% при меланоме с мутацией V600EBRAF с медианой выживаемости больных до 8,0 месяцев, 76–87% при аденокарциноме легкого с мутациями EGFR с медианой выживаемости больных до 18–22 мес., 55–69% при аденокарциноме легкого с транслокацией ALK с медианой выживаемости от 15 мес. до 49,5 мес. На основании данных этих исследований можно предложить проведение таргетной терапии в качестве первой линии лечения как одну из возможных опций в лечении больных с множественным метастатическим поражением головного мозга. Необходимы дальнейшие исследования по изучению таргетной терапии у пациентов с церебральными метастазами

    The stability of vibratory systems in the case of random parametric excitation

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    Thrombophilia is known for its role in the pathogenesis of spontaneous loss of pregnancy. However, in-depth hemostasis tests are costly, and cannot be routinely used. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a method adjustable to screening for thrombophilia in women with recurrent pregnancy loss and also to evaluate its efficacy.Materials and methods. A comprehensive examination – clinical, laboratory and instrumental – was performed in 103 women with spontaneous pregnancy loss in the past and 33 women (control) with two or more spontaneous deliveries without significant complications. Diagnosis of thrombophilia was made on the basis of full scale hemostasis tests performed for all patients. The tests included measurements and analyses of 30 standard parameters of hemostasis. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using parametric and nonparametric methods.Results. A thorough assessment of medical history and medical records together with the current results of clinical, instrumental  and laboratory examination allowed us to determine10  major criteria (markers)  for predicting the presence of thrombophilia. These included certain details of medical history, as well as the family and obstetric-gynecological background. The developed markers laid the groundwork for the proposed screening method, where each of the markers gave 1 point to the total score. As part of the screening data analysis, we developed a matrix for the probable risk of having thrombophilia. Selection of patients with a total screening score of 3 or more points allowed increasing 2.6-fold (by 53.4%) the efficacy of laboratory diagnosis of thrombophilia in women with recurrent pregnancy loss.Conclusion. The novelty of the proposed screening method is that the analysis begins at the stage of pregnancy planning and it precedes the laboratory tests; the approach does not require additional expenses. According to our estimate, the use of this method increased the rate of thrombophilia detection by 160%

    Long-term forecasting of international relations as strategic planning of national security policy

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    The contemporary transformation and chaos in international relations reduce its predictability, which must be compensated by strengthening the normative content of its analysis that is in fact strategic planning. The deepening of international relations in recent years allows one to make a pessimistic conclusion about the most likely and dangerous scenario for the development of international relations - «the strengthening of military power struggles among the major local human civilizations» and they represent a militarypolitical coalitions and power centers. It should be noted that an effective tool for the implementation of this confrontation is the system of military and civilian instruments used to provide comprehensive multi-factor and multi-dimensional effect on an object. Today, the most striking example of such an integrated infl uence policy is the new public diplomacy. For implementation of such an integrated approach Russia needs to reform the system of national security to include in it not only the traditional enforcement agencies, but also the organizations of business and civil society, as well as to improve coordination between its individual parts. However, the implementation of such a reform is impossible without national ideology that forms the regulatory priorities of national development and national securit