38 research outputs found

    Linguistic rhetoric of Soviet discourse: official vs personal register (J. Stalin – A. Dovzhenko)

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    Within the conception of the Sochi Linguistic & Rhetorical School the paper discusses the diglossia of the Soviet discourse employed in the former USSR, distinguishes official and personal registers as well as shows their difference drawing on Joseph Stalin’s speech of 31 January 1944 to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks concerning Alexander Dovzhenko’s screenplay “Ukraine in Flames” and in the writer’s diaries. The comparison reveals a few specific linguistic rhetorical features of cognitive communicative type ontologically characteristic of the Soviet linguistic personality’s communicative cognitive activity in a totalitarian state. The cognitive features of Stalin’s individual discourse representing the official register and his system of argumentation rest on the significative component of linguistic units, arguments from literature to illustrate the postulates and dogmas of Marxist-Leninist doctrine forming the foundation of the Soviet discourse. It is also found that the official register represented by Stalin’s speech is characterized by the following features: 1) repetition; 2) sarcastic remarks; 3) dramatic mutually exclusive contrast of mental spaces (“our own, true in the last resort” and destructed, represented by the opponent’s discourse); 4) rigidly adversarial characteristic of the alternative linguistic rhetorical worldview; 5) appeal to the Soviet collective linguistic personality’s opinion; 6) ideological translation from one subdiscourse into the other, from personal register into the official one; 7) biased retelling of the discourse regarded as anti-Soviet; 8) appeal to the facts lacking in the discourse under criticism; 9) “ideological editing” taking on the form of peremptory lecturing with consequences threatening the liberty of the person under criticism. The personal register of the Soviet Ukrainian writer Dovzhenko is characterized by a broad interpretation of reality devoid of the “Marxist-Leninist blinds” and a more objective interpretation of the world due to a bigger ratio of denotative references (“evidential arguments” like “I say” and “I heard” etc) and communicative cognitive activity relative to two axiological hierarchies: national and Christian, i.e. the dominance of human values over class morality. It is proved that Dovzhenko’s screenplay was criticized within Stalin’s official register for its deviation from the cognitive schemas and the model of the Soviet discourse, for the focus on Ukraine and its citizens rather than on class struggle

    Review of Epidemiological Situation on Brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2014, and Prognosis for 2015

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    Represented is the analysis and assessment of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2014. Human morbidity rates in 2014 exceed the indexes of 2013 by 7.7 %. Negative trend in the live-stock animal incidence (cattle and small ruminants), as well as in the numbers of registered index potentially hazardous territories, as regards brucellosis, remains. The highest brucellosis morbidity rates are in the North-Caucasian, Southern and Siberian Federal Districts. The quantity of brucellosis cases among the population has increased in Central and Far-Eastern Federal Districts. Put forward is the prognosis on the human brucellosis morbidity rates for 2015

    Hygienic assessment of school and family risk factors for health disorders of primary school students

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    The article presents the results of the hygienic assessment of the health status of children of primary school age and the factors that affect their health. The assessment of the educational process mode and the school cafeteria menu was carried out. The authors studied the awareness of parents about the norms of children's nutrition and the rules of the organization of the child's workplace. Recommendations on the organization of the educational process at school and at home are givenВ статье изложены результаты гигиенической оценки состояния здоровья детей младшего школьного возраста и факторов, влияющих на их здоровье. Проведена оценка режима учебного процесса и меню школьной столовой. Изучена информированность родителей о нормах питания детей и о правилах организации рабочего места ребенка. Даны рекомендации по организации учебно-воспитательного процесса в школе и до

    Rational nutrition of knowledge workers on the example of employees of the Nizhneturinsky linear production department of the main gas pipekine

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    The purpose of the study isclarification of the features and evaluation of the nutrition of workers of the Nizhneturinsky medical facility MG LLC "Gazprom TransgazYugorsk".Цель исследования – выяснить особенности и оценить питание рабочих Нижнетуринского ЛПУ МГ ООО "Газпром трансгаз Югорск"

    Hygienic assessment of the nutrition of students

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    The article discusses the nutritional habits students of the Ural State Medical University in comparison with students of non-medical universities.В статье рассмотрены особенности питания студентов УГМУ в сравнении со студентами немедицинских ВУЗов

    Hygienic assessment of the nutrition of students

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    The article discusses the nutritional habits students of the Ural State Medical University in comparison with students of non-medical universities.В статье рассмотрены особенности питания студентов УГМУ в сравнении со студентами немедицинских ВУЗов

    Study of nutrition of students of the Ural state medical university

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    The purpose of the study is to study and evaluate the nutrition of USMU students in accordance with the recommended norms of healthy nutrition.Цель исследования – изучить и оценить питание студентов УГМУ на соответствие с рекомендуемые нормами здорового питания

    Hygienic assessment of the conditions of stay of children in the organization of additional education in Nevyansk

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    The authors of this article assessed the sanitary and hygienic state of the institution of additional education, its mode of operation and structure. The evaluation criteria were the compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the territory of the building, offices, temperature regime, ventilation, natural and artificial illumination. Also, a questionnaire was conducted to identify hygienic risk factors and the impact of the institution of additional education on the health of childrenАвторы данной статьи оценивали санитарно-гигиеническое состояние учреждения дополнительного образования, его режим работы и устройство. Критериями оценки являлось соответствие санитарно-эпидемиологических требований к территории здания, кабинетам, температурному режиму, вентиляции, естественной и искусственной освещенности. Также проведено анкетирование, позволяющее выявить гигиенические факторы риска и влияние учреждения дополнительного образование на здоровье дете