Hygienic assessment of school and family risk factors for health disorders of primary school students


The article presents the results of the hygienic assessment of the health status of children of primary school age and the factors that affect their health. The assessment of the educational process mode and the school cafeteria menu was carried out. The authors studied the awareness of parents about the norms of children's nutrition and the rules of the organization of the child's workplace. Recommendations on the organization of the educational process at school and at home are givenВ статье изложены результаты гигиенической оценки состояния здоровья детей младшего школьного возраста и факторов, влияющих на их здоровье. Проведена оценка режима учебного процесса и меню школьной столовой. Изучена информированность родителей о нормах питания детей и о правилах организации рабочего места ребенка. Даны рекомендации по организации учебно-воспитательного процесса в школе и до

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