314 research outputs found

    The lateral-directional characteristics of a 74-degree Delta wing employing gothic planform vortex flaps

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    The low speed lateral/directional characteristics of a generic 74 degree delta wing body configuration employing the latest generation, gothic planform vortex flaps was determined. Longitudinal effects are also presented. The data are compared with theoretical estimates from VORSTAB, an extension of the Quasi vortex lattice Method of Lan which empirically accounts for vortex breakdown effects in the calculation of longitudinal and lateral/directional aerodynamic characteristics. It is indicated that leading edge deflections of 30 and 40 degrees reduce the magnitude of the wing effective dihedral relative to the baseline for a specified angle of attack or lift coefficient. For angles of attack greater than 15 degrees, these flap deflections reduce the configuration directional stability despite improved vertical tail effectiveness. It is shown that asymmetric leading edge deflections are inferior to conventional ailerons in generating rolling moments. VORSTAB calculations provide coarse lateral/directional estimates at low to moderate angles of attack. The theory does not account for vortex flow induced, vertical tail effects

    Recent extensions to the free-vortex-sheet theory for expanded convergence capability

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    A new version of the free vortex sheet formulation is presented which has greatly improved convergence characteristics for a broad range of geometries. The enhanced convergence properties were achieved largely with extended modeling capabilities of the leading edge vortex and the near field trailing wake. Results from the new code, designated FVS-1, are presented for a variety of configurations and flow conditions with emphasis on vortex flap applications

    Charge distribution uncertainty in differential mobility analysis of aerosols

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    The inference of particle size distributions from differential mobility analyzer (DMA) data requires knowledge of the charge distribution on the particles being measured. The charge distribution produced by a bipolar aerosol charger depends on the properties of the ions produced in the charger, and on the kinetics of charge transfer from molecular ions or ion clusters to the particles. A single parameterization of a theoretically predicted charge distribution is employed in most DMA analyses regardless of the atmospheric conditions being probed. Deviations of the actual charge distribution from that assumed in the data analysis will bias the estimated particle size distribution. We examine these potential biases by modeling measurements and data inversion using charge distributions calculated for a range of atmospheric conditions. Moreover, simulations were performed using the ion-to-particle flux coefficients predicted for a range of properties of both the particles and ions. To probe the biases over the full range of particle sizes, the measurements were simulated through an atmospheric new particle formation event. The differences between the actual charge distribution and that according to the commonly used parametrization resulted in biases as large as a factor of 5 for nucleation-mode particles, and up to 80% for larger particles. Incorrect estimates of the relative permittivity of the particles or not accounting for the temperature and pressure effects for measurements at 10 km altitude produced biases in excess of 50%; three-fold biases result from erroneous estimates of the ion mobility distribution. We further report on the effects of the relative permittivity of the ions, the relative concentrations of negative and positive ions, and truncation of the number of charge states considered in the inversion

    Ascorbate Free Radical Reductase mRNA Levels Are Induced by Wounding

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    Partitioning of evapotranspiration using a stable isotope technique in an arid and high temperature agricultural production system

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    Agricultural production in the hot and arid low desert systems of southern California relies heavily on irrigation. A better understanding of how much and to what extent irrigated water is transpired by crops relative to being lost through evaporation would improve the management of increasingly limited water resources. In this study, we examined the partitioning of evapotranspiration (ET) over a field of forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), which was under evaluation as a potential biofuel feedstock, based on isotope measurements of three irrigation cycles at the vegetative stage. This study employed customized transparent chambers coupled with a laser-based isotope analyzer to continuously measure near-surface variations in the stable isotopic composition of evaporation (E, δE), transpiration (T, δT) and ET (δET) to partition the total water flux. Due to the extreme heat and aridity, δE and δT were very similar, which makes this system highly unusual. Contrary to an expectation that the isotopic signatures of T, E, and ET would become increasingly enriched as soils became drier, our results showed an interesting pattern that δE, δT, and δET increased initially as soil water was depleted following irrigation, but decreased with further soil drying in mid to late irrigation cycle. These changes are likely caused by root water transport from deeper to shallower soil layers. Results indicate that about 46% of the irrigated water delivered to the crop was used as transpiration, with 54% lost as direct evaporation. This implies that 28 − 39% of the total source water was used by the crop, considering the typical 60 − 85% efficiency of flood irrigation. The stable isotope technique provided an effective means of determining surface partitioning of irrigation water in this unusually harsh production environment. The results suggest the potential to further minimize unproductive water losses in these production systems

    Dynamics of Anti-influenza Mucosal IgA Over a Season in a Cohort of Individuals Living or Working in a Long-term Care Facility

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    BACKGROUND: Serological surveys are used to ascertain influenza infection and immunity, but evidence for the utility of mucosal immunoglobulin A (IgA) as a correlate of infection or protection is limited. METHODS: We performed influenza-like illness (ILI) surveillance on 220 individuals living or working in a retirement community in Gainesville, Florida from January to May 2018, and took pre- and postseason nasal samples of 11 individuals with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-confirmed influenza infection and 60 randomly selected controls. Mucosal IgA against 10 strains of influenza was measured from nasal samples. RESULTS: Overall, 28.2% and 11.3% of individuals experienced a 2-fold and 4-fold rise, respectively, in mucosal IgA to at least 1 influenza strain. Individuals with PCR-confirmed influenza A had significantly lower levels of preseason IgA to influenza A. Influenza-associated respiratory illness was associated with a higher rise in mucosal IgA to influenza strains of the same subtype, and H3N2-associated respiratory illness was associated with a higher rise in mucosal IgA to other influenza A strains. CONCLUSIONS: By comparing individuals with and without influenza illness, we demonstrated that mucosal IgA is a correlate of influenza infection. There was evidence for cross-reactivity in mucosal IgA across influenza A subtypes

    Gestational Age at Birth and Risk of Developmental Delay: The Upstate KIDS Study

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    Objective—To model the association between gestational age at birth and early child development through 3 years of age. Study Design—Development of 5868 children in Upstate KIDS (New York State; 2008–2014) was assessed at 7 time-points using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ). The ASQ was implemented using gestational age corrected dates of birth at 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months. Whether children were eligible for developmental services from the Early Intervention Program (EIP) was determined through linkage. Gestational age was based on vital records. Statistical models adjusted for covariates including sociodemographic factors, maternal smoking and plurality. Results——Compared to gestational age of 39 weeks, adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals of failing the ASQ for children delivered at \u3c 32, 32–34, 35–36, 37, 38, and 40 weeks gestational age were: 5.32 (3.42, 8.28), 2.43 (1.60, 3.69), 1.38 (1.00, 1.90), 1.37 (0.98, 1.90), 1.29 (0.99, 1.67), 0.73 (0.55, 0.96), and 0.51 (0.32, 0.82). Similar risks of being eligible for EIP services were observed (aOR: 4.19, 2.10, 1.29, 1.20, 1.01, 1.00 (ref), 0.92, 0.78, respectively for \u3c 32, 32–34, 37, 38, 39 (ref), 40, 41 weeks). Conclusion—Gestational age was inversely associated with developmental delays for all gestational ages. Evidence from our study is potentially informative for low-risk deliveries at 39 weeks but it is notable that deliveries at 40 weeks exhibited further lower risk

    The Borrego Mountain, California, earthquake of 9 April 1968: A preliminary report

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    The largest earthquake to hit California in more than 15 years occurred at 02:28:58.9 GCT on 9 April 1968 near Borrego Mountain, on the western edge of the Imperial Valley. The Seismological Laboratory at Pasadena has tentatively assigned the shock a magnitude of 6.5, an epicentral location of 33 ° 08.8' N, 116 ° 07.5' W, and a focal depth of 20 km. The earthquake was felt throughout most of southern California and adjacent areas, but the absence of severe damage and casualties was in large part due to the relatively undeveloped nature of the epicentral region. Indeed, it would have been difficult to pick a location in the southernmost part of the State more remote from centers of population

    Camouflaged as degraded wax: hygroscopic aerosols contribute to leaf desiccation, tree mortality, and forest decline

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    Some 40 years ago, air pollution caused widespread forest decline in Central Europe and eastern North America. More recently, high levels of tree mortality worldwide are thought to be driven by rising temperatures and increasing atmospheric drought. A neglected factor, possibly contributing to both phenomena, is the foliar accumulation of hygroscopic aerosols. Recent experiments with experimentally added aerosols revealed that foliar aerosol accumulation can (i) create the microscopic impression of 'wax degradation', considered an important proxy of forest decline associated with air pollution, though the mechanism remains unexplained; and (ii) increase epidermal minimum conductance (g min), a measure of cuticular permeability and completeness of stomatal closure—both could lead to reduced drought tolerance. Here, those studies with applied aerosol are extended by addressing plant responses to reduction of ambient aerosol. Scots pine, silver fir, and common oak seedlings were grown for 2 years in greenhouses ventilated with ambient air (AA) or air filtered to remove nearly all aerosol particles (FA). Removal of ambient aerosol prevented the development of amorphous structures viewed in the electron microscope that have typically been interpreted as degraded waxes. Lower g min values suggested that FA plants had better stomatal control and therefore greater drought tolerance than AA plants. The co-occurrence of apparent wax degradation and reduced drought tolerance in AA plants suggests a common cause. This may be mediated by the deliquescence and spreading of hygroscopic aerosols across the leaf surface. The liquid film produced may penetrate the stomata and facilitate unproductive stomatal transpiration. In this way, aerosol pollution may enhance the impacts of atmospheric drought, and may damage trees and forests on large spatial scales
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