1,006 research outputs found

    Can universality of the QCD evolution be checked in W boson decays into hadrons?

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    Hadron multiplicity from WW boson is calculated in pQCD. The agreement of our theoretical predictions with the LEP data says in favor of universality of the QCD evolution in hard processes.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    On passage through resonances in volume-preserving systems

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    Resonance processes are common phenomena in multiscale (slow-fast) systems. In the present paper we consider capture into resonance and scattering on resonance in 3-D volume-preserving slow-fast systems. We propose a general theory of those processes and apply it to a class of viscous Taylor-Couette flows between two counter-rotating cylinders. We describe the phenomena during a single passage through resonance and show that multiple passages lead to the chaotic advection and mixing. We calculate the width of the mixing domain and estimate a characteristic time of mixing. We show that the resulting mixing can be described using a diffusion equation with a diffusion coefficient depending on the averaged effect of the passages through resonances.Comment: 23 pages and 9 Figure

    RPA Green's Functions of the Anisotropic Heisenberg Model

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    We solve in random-phase approximation the anisotropic Heisenberg model, including nearest and next-nearest neighbour interactions by calculating all Green's functions and pair correlation functions in a cumulant decoupling scheme. The general exposition is pedagogic in tone and is intended to be accessible to any graduate student or physicist who is not an expert in the field.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Thermal Bogoliubov transformation in nuclear structure theory

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    Thermal Bogoliubov transformation is an essential ingredient of the thermo field dynamics -- the real time formalism in quantum field and many-body theories at finite temperatures developed by H. Umezawa and coworkers. The approach to study properties of hot nuclei which is based on the extension of the well-known Quasiparticle-Phonon Model to finite temperatures employing the TFD formalism is presented. A distinctive feature of the QPM-TFD combination is a possibility to go beyond the standard approximations like the thermal Hartree-Fock or the thermal RPA ones.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", August 23 -- 27, 2009, Dubna, Russi

    The effective action and equations of motion of curved local and global vortices: Role of the field excitations

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    The effective actions for both local and global curved vortices are derived, based on the derivative expansion of the corresponding field theoretic actions of the nonrelativistic Abelian Higgs and Goldstone models. The role of excitations of the modulus and the phase of the scalar field and of the gauge field (the Bogolyubov-Anderson mode) emitted and reabsorbed by vortices is elucidated. In case of the local (gauge) magnetic vortex, they are necessary for cancellation of the long distance divergence when using the transverse form of the electric gauge field strength of the background field. In case of global vortex taking them into account results in the Greiter-Wilczek-Witten form of the effective action for the Goldstone mode. The expressions for transverse Magnus-like force and the vortex effective mass for both local and global vortices are found. The equations of motion of both type of vortices including the terms due to the field excitations are obtained and solved in cases of large and small contour displacements.Comment: 16 pages, no figures; accepted for publication in Int. Journ. Mod. Phys.

    Effects of Frustrated Surface in Heisenberg Thin Films

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    We study by extensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and analytical Green function (GF) method effects of frustrated surfaces on the properties of thin films made of stacked triangular layers of atoms bearing Heisenberg spins with an Ising-like interaction anisotropy. We suppose that the in-plane surface interaction JsJ_s can be antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic while all other interactions are ferromagnetic. We show that the ground-state spin configuration is non linear when JsJ_s is lower than a critical value JscJ_s^c. The film surfaces are then frustrated. In the frustrated case, there are two phase transitions related to disorderings of surface and interior layers. There is a good agreement between MC and GF results. In addition, we show from MC histogram calculation that the value of the ratio of critical exponents γ/ν\gamma/\nu of the observed transitions is deviated from the values of two and three Ising universality classes. The origin of this deviation is discussed with general physical arguments.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figure

    Localization of Bogoliubov quasiparticles in interacting Bose gases with correlated disorder

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    We study the Anderson localization of Bogoliubov quasiparticles (elementary many-body excitations) in a weakly interacting Bose gas of chemical potential μ\mu subjected to a disordered potential VV. We introduce a general mapping (valid for weak inhomogeneous potentials in any dimension) of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations onto a single-particle Schr\"odinger-like equation with an effective potential. For disordered potentials, the Schr\"odinger-like equation accounts for the scattering and localization properties of the Bogoliubov quasiparticles. We derive analytically the localization lengths for correlated disordered potentials in the one-dimensional geometry. Our approach relies on a perturbative expansion in V/μV/\mu, which we develop up to third order, and we discuss the impact of the various perturbation orders. Our predictions are shown to be in very good agreement with direct numerical calculations. We identify different localization regimes: For low energy, the effective disordered potential exhibits a strong screening by the quasicondensate density background, and localization is suppressed. For high-energy excitations, the effective disordered potential reduces to the bare disordered potential, and the localization properties of quasiparticles are the same as for free particles. The maximum of localization is found at intermediate energy when the quasicondensate healing length is of the order of the disorder correlation length. Possible extensions of our work to higher dimensions are also discussed.Comment: Published versio

    Bare vs effective pairing forces. A microscopic finite-range interaction for HFB calculations in coordinate space

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    We propose a microscopic effective interaction to treat pairing correlations in the 1S0^{1}S_0 channel. It is introduced by recasting the gap equation written in terms of the bare force into a fully equivalent pairing problem. Within this approach, the proposed interaction reproduces the pairing properties provided by the realistic AV18AV18 force very accurately. Written in the canonical basis of the actual Bogolyubov transformation, the force takes the form of an off-shell in-medium two-body matrix in the superfluid phase multiplied by a BCS occupation number 2ρm2 \rho_{m}. This interaction is finite ranged, non local, total-momentum dependent and density dependent. The factor 2ρm2 \rho_{m} emerging from the recast of the gap equation provides a natural cut-off and makes zero-range approximations of the effective vertex meaningful. Performing such an approximation, the roles of the range and of the density dependence of the interaction can be disentangled. The isoscalar and isovector density-dependences derived ab-initio provide the pairing force with a strong predictive power when extrapolated toward the drip-lines. Although finite ranged and non local, the proposed interaction makes HFB calculations of finite nuclei in coordinate space tractable. Through the two-basis method, its computational cost is of the same order as for a zero-range force.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures. Published versio

    Lessons from All Logs Summation in Yukawa Theories

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    Some features of old results in the total summation of all logarithmic contributions of all diagrams in Yukawa theory are presented. We discuss some lessons from this picture for the description of Pomeron, odderon, etc. in QCD.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Observation of Leggett's collective mode in a multi-band MgB2 superconductor

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    We report observation of Leggett's collective mode in a multi-band MgB2 superconductor with T_c=39K arising from the fluctuations in the relative phase between two superconducting condensates. The novel mode is observed by Raman spectroscopy at 9.4 meV in the fully symmetric scattering channel. The observed mode frequency is consistent with theoretical considerations based on the first principle computations.Comment: Accepted for PR