30 research outputs found

    On The Comparative Analysis Of Beta And Kumaraswamy Priors Using Stigmatized Attributes

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    Hussain et al 2011 compared bayes estimator of population proportion of a stigmatized attribute with the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) but this paper compares two priors: beta and kumaraswamy in the Bayesian analysis using various values of n, x, p1 and p2 and it was observed that across the sample sizes considered over different values of  x’s, p1 and p2 using R package software for simulation, the mean square error and bias of the Kumaraswamy prior are smaller than that of Beta prior when the proportion of stigmatized attribute increases from 0.1 to 0.4 Keyword: Prior, Beta, kumaraswamy, Stigmatized, Attribut

    Improved Modified Ratio Estimation of Population Mean Using Information on Size of the Sample

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    In sample surveys, auxiliary information is used for estimation to improve the efficiency of estimators. Increased precision can be obtained when the variable under study is highly correlated with auxiliary information. In this study, the sample size has been used as information for improved estimation of population mean of the main variable under study. A new modified generalized ratio type estimator of population mean has been proposed and the efficiency was examined using Murthy (1967) and Mukhopadhyay (2009) dataset. The large sample properties, the bias and the mean squared error of the newly proposed modified ratio estimator were obtained up to first order of approximation. The optimum value of the characterizing scalar which minimizes the mean squared error was obtained and the minimum value of the mean squared error of the proposed modified ratio estimator for this optimum value was also obtained. A theoretical comparison of the proposed modified ratio estimators was made with the other existing related estimators of population mean using auxiliary information. The conditions under which the proposed modified ratio estimators perform better than the other existing estimators of population mean are given. A numerical study was also carried out to see the performances of the proposed modified ratio estimators and some existing related ratio estimators of population mean and verify the conditions under which the proposed modified ratio estimators are better than some other existing related ratio estimators considered. It was shown that the proposed modified ratio estimators perform better than some existing related ratio estimators as they are having lower mean squared errors. Keywords: Ratio Estimator, Sample size, Bias, Mean Squared Error, Efficienc

    Survival Estimation Using Bootstrap, Jackknife and K-Repeated Jackknife Methods

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    Three re-sampling techniques are used to estimate the survival probabilities from an exponential life-time distribution. The aim is to employ a technique to obtain a parameter estimate for a two-parameter exponential distribution. The re-sampling methods considered are: Bootstrap estimation method (BE), Jackknife estimation method (JE) and the k-repeated Jackknife estimation method (KJE). The methods were computed to obtain the mean square error (MSE) and mean percentage error (MPE) based on simulated data. The estimates of the two-parameter exponential distribution were substituted to estimate survival probabilities. Results show that the MSE value is reduced when the K–repeated jackknife method is used

    Evaluation of the Push-pull Model on the Effect of COVID-19 on the Employment Stability in the Private and Informal Sector in parts of Lagos State, Nigeria

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    This study tends to examine the push-pull model on the effect of covid-19 on the employment stability in the private and informal sector in parts of Lagos state, Nigeria. Survey method was adopted and population was drawn from employees across the low income private and informal sector in some of the LGA of Lagos state, Nigeria. Questionnaire was sent through the Google form via e-mails and WhatsApp to about 245 target respondents and 229 was returned completed. A Push-Pull model was developed using stochastic statistical model to obtain the transition probabilities and the stationary distribution. The results revealed that 132, with transitional probability of 0.5788, of low-income private sector employees remain on the job and are willing to pull back to work while 92 individuals with transitional probability of 0.4057 wish to explore other industries and only 5 employees with transitional probability of 0.0165 were ready to defect to other industry

    Alternative Estimation Method for a Three-Stage Cluster Sampling in Finite Population

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    Abstract This research investigates the use of a three-stage cluster sampling design in estimating population total. We focus on a special design where certain number of visits is being considered for estimating the population size and a weighted factor of / is introduced. In particular, attempt was made at deriving new method for a three-stage sampling design. In this study, we co mpared the newly proposed estimator with some of the existing estimators in a three-stage sampling design. Eight (8) data sets were used to justify this paper. The first fou


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    The problem of high manufacturing costs has led to the shutdown of many manufacturing companies in Nigeria. This study examines the relationship between cost reduction strategies and the growth of manufacturing companies in Nigeria using data from annual reports of 40 manufacturing companies quoted on the Nigeria Stock Exchange within the period of 2012-2016. 40 manufacturing companies were sampled purposively for this study. The study took changes in material cost, changes in labour cost and changes in administrative overhead as variables for cost reduction strategies while changes in turnover as the variable for Growth. Correlation analysis was conducted to determine the association cost reduction strategies and growth while, regression analysis was used to determine the impact of cost reduction strategies on the growth of manufacturing companies. Results showed a positive significant relationship between cost reduction strategies and growth of manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study recommends that manufacturing companies should implement value analysis in order to reduce material costs and the implementation of cost reduction strategies in all manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Key words: Strategic Management Accounting, Cost reduction strategies, Value analysis, Budget Discipline, Nigeri

    Extension of Mangat Randomized Response Technique Using Alternative Beta Priors

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    In this study, an extension of Mangat Randomized ResponseTechnique using alternative beta priors has been considered and new Bayesestimators of population proportion of respondents possessing stigmatizedattribute were developed when data were gathered through administrationof survey questionnaire on induced abortion on 300 maturedwomen in the metropolis. Dominance picture of the proposed Bayes estimatorshas been portrayed for a wide range of values of population proportionassuming alternative Beta distributions as Prior information. Itis observed that the proposed Bayes estimators performed better than theBayes estimator proposed by Hussain et al [15] when a simple Beta priorwas used for small, medium as well as large sample sizes respectively.This is evident as our proposed Bayes estimators have least mean squarederrors (MSEs) as ¼ approaches one

    On efficiency of some ratio estimators in double sampling design using some existing agricultural data

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    In this paper, three sampling ratio estimators in double sampling design were proposed with the intention of finding an alternative double sampling design estimator to the conventional ratio estimator in double sampling design discussed by Cochran (1997), Okafor (2002) , Raj (1972) and Raj and Chandhok (1999). Their efficiency were also determined based on the conditions attached to their supremacy in terms of their estimated mean square error (mse) obtained to the first degree of approximation. In other to justify this, three existing agricultural and an employment data sets were used which suggested that one of the proposed estimators is better and preferred to the conventional one. Keywords: efficiency, estimator, product, ratio Agrosearch Vol. 8 (1&2) 2006: pp. 27-3