13 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of the Volatility Structures of the Stock Prices of Energy Companies Traded on the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange and International Gold and Oil Prices

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    The return of its stock exchange and the companies traded within are one of the important indicators for a national economy. Due to the global structure of stock markets, returns are closely related to both national and international market variables. This study makes a comparative analysis of the volatility structures of the energy companies traded in the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) and the combined stock market index and gold and oil prices in international markets for the period between January 01, 2021, and June 31, 2023. The research focused on two issues. The first is the analysis of the volatility structure of the six series examined. For this purpose, four different models were examined. The second focus is to determine whether the returns in international indices have a causal effect on the Kazakhstan stock market (composite stock market index) and the returns of oil and energy companies traded in the stock market. The results revealed that other indices and returns have a similar variable variance structure, except for the KASE. The relevant coefficient estimation was found to be significant in both conditional standard deviation models for the KASE index. The coefficient estimate of the GARCH-M(1,1) model in the OIL index was significant, whereas conditional standard deviation models and the relevant coefficients of both conditional standard deviation models were found to be statistically insignificant in the other returns. This is an indication of the structural compatibility of Kazakhstan's stock market composite index and energy and oil companies with international markets. Furthermore, the causality analysis results showing that international indices have a causal effect on KASE and KZAP is another indicator that the Kazakhstan market works in harmony with the international markets


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    Objective of research: To determine the intermediate hosts of nematodes and their role in the distribution of causative agents of animal protostrongylidosis in Uzbekistan. Materials and methods: Research was conducted in 2010-2015 in biogeocenoses of Fergana valley (Namangan, Fergana, Andijan regions), in the north-west of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Syrdarya and Zhizzakh regions). Natural invasion of land mollusks - intermediate hosts of helminths was investigated under field conditions. To identify the species belonging of land mollusks, we carried out a standard anatomization of reproductive system of mollusks using Magnifier MBS-9. 10554 individuals of land mollusks were investigated by the method of Azimov et al. and by compressor method of Boev. To conduct a morphological study of third-stage protostrongylid larvae, feet of infected mullusks were separated and placed into artificial gastric juice where the cap was destroyed and infected larvae released. Results and discussion: Terrestrial mollusks of 11 genera Vallonia, Gibbulinopsis, Pupilla, Pseudonapaeus, Bradybaena, Angiomphalia, Xeropicta, Deroceras, Candaharia, Maсrochlamys and Succinea were identified as intermediate hosts of Protostrongylidae in Uzbekistan. Their infestation with protostrongylid larvae was on average 21,0 %. Among the mollusks examined, X. candaсharica (33,3 %) proved to be the most infected with nematode larvae. In plain and foothill-mountain zones, protostrongylid larvae are detected in these mollusks in May. In plain, the peak of invasion was registered in July (18.3%), in foothills and mountain range characterized by two rises in July (38.2%) and October (43.5).Цель исследования - установление промежуточных хозяев нематод и их роли в распространении возбудителей протостронгилидозов животных Узбекистана. Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили в 2010-2015 гг. в биогеоценозах Ферганской долины (Наманганской, Ферганской и Андижанской областях), северо-востока Узбекистана (Ташкентской, Сырдарьинской и Жиззахской областях). В полевых условиях изучена естественная зараженность наземных моллюсков - промежуточных хозяев гельминтов. Для установления видовой принадлежности наземных моллюсков проводили стандартное анатомирование репродуктивной системы моллюсков с использованием бинокулярной лупы МБС-9. Исследовано 10554 особей наземных моллюсков по методу Азимова и др. и компрессорным методом Боева. Для морфологического изучения личинок третьей стадии протостронгилид отделяли ножки зараженных моллюсков и помещали их в искусственный желудочный сок, в котором разрушался чехлик и освобождались инвазионные личинки. Результаты и обсуждение. В качестве промежуточных хозяев протостронгилид Узбекистана зарегистрированы наземные моллюски 11 родов: Vallonia, Gibbulinopsis, Pupilla, Pseudonapaeus, Bradybaena, Leucozonella, Xeropicta, Deroceras, Candaharia, Macrochlamys и Succinea. Зараженность их личинками протостронгилид составила, в среднем, 21,0 %. Среди исследованных моллюсков широко распространенными и наиболее зараженными личинками нематод оказались X. candaсharica (33,3 %). В равнинном и предгорно-горном поясе личинки протостронгилид в этих моллюсках обнаруживают в мае. Пик инвазии в равнинном поясе приходится на июль (18,3 %), в предгорно-горном поясе характеризуется двумя подъемами: в июле (38,2 %) и октябре (43,5 %)

    Complexes of land mollusks of various biotopes of the ugam and pskom mountain ranges

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    High numbers, wide distribution, large species diversity, low mobility and low ability to overcome geographical barriers, ease of material collection and sensitive response to changes in the environment make a group of land mollusks a convenient object of biogeographically and ecological research

    Complexes of land mollusks of various biotopes of the ugam and pskom mountain ranges

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    High numbers, wide distribution, large species diversity, low mobility and low ability to overcome geographical barriers, ease of material collection and sensitive response to changes in the environment make a group of land mollusks a convenient object of biogeographically and ecological research


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    High abundance, widespread, large species diversity, low mobility and insignificant ability to overcome geographical barriers, ease of collecting materials and sensitive reaction to changes in the environment make the group of terrestrial mollusk a convenient object of bio-geographical and ecological researches


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    High abundance, wide distribution, large species diversity, low mobility and low ability to overcome geographical barriers, ease of material collection and sensitive reaction to changes of external environments make the group of terrestrial mollusk in this territory convenient object of biographical and environmental studies

    Przemysł tekstylny : kwestie zarządzania wzrostem działalności innowacyjnej w przedsiębiorstwach

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    The article analyzes the textile industry of Kazakhstan, considers its main problems and gives the main ways to increase the competitiveness of the industry by increasing the innovative activity of textile enterprises. During the research, the following problems were identified: having various opportunities for the development of the textile industry in Kazakhstan, most of the raw materials necessary for textile products are exported without processing; low coverage of textile products in the domestic market, ensuring the studied requirements mainly due to the import of textile products; low competitiveness of textile enterprises, etc. Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), therefore, indicators of textile production in these countries were considered for comparison. This study discusses the RCA index of textiles for the EAEU member countries. Today, the EAEU includes five member states: Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic. The purpose of this work is to analyze the textile industry status in Kazakhstan and provide ways to increase the innovative activity of textile enterprises. The article considers: (a) the status and key problems of the textile industry in Kazakhstan, (b) the innovative activity of enterprises in Kazakhstan, (c) ways to increase the innovative activity of textile enterprises in Kazakhstan. The article presents methods for increasing the innovative activity of textile enterprises. These are: (a) transition to the production of competitive innovative textile products from domestic textile raw materials, (b) increase in the share of export-oriented products, (c) introduction of new equipment and new production methods by attracting foreign direct investment in the industry, (d) filling the deficit of specialists by attracting specialists from abroad. The implementation of these methods can have a positive impact on the development of the textile industry in Kazakhstan.Artykuł analizuje przemysł tekstylny Kazachstanu, rozważa jego główne problemy i podaje główne sposoby na zwiększenie konkurencyjności przemysłu poprzez zwiększenie innowacyjnej działalności przedsiębiorstw tekstylnych. W trakcie badań zidentyfikowano następujące problemy: posiadające różne możliwości rozwoju w przemyśle tekstylnym w Kazachstanie większość surowców niezbędnych do produkcji wyrobów włókienniczych jest wywożona bez przetwarzania; niskie pokrycie wyrobów włókienniczych na rynku krajowym, zapewniając badane wymagania głównie ze względu na import wyrobów włókienniczych; niska konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstw tekstylnych itp. Kazachstan jest członkiem Eurazjatyckiej Unii Gospodarczej (EAEU), w związku z czym wzięto pod uwagę wskaźniki produkcji tekstylnej w tych krajach. W tym badaniu omówiono wskaźnik RCA tekstyliów dla krajów członkowskich EAEU. Dziś EAEU obejmuje pięć państw członkowskich: Białoruś, Kazachstan, Federację Rosyjską, Armenię i Republikę Kirgiską. Celem tej pracy jest analiza statusu przemysłu tekstylnego w Kazachstanie i zapewnienie sposobów na zwiększenie innowacyjnej działalności przedsiębiorstw tekstylnych. Artykuł rozważa: (a) status i kluczowe problemy przemysłu włókienniczego w Kazachstanie, (b) działalność innowacyjną przedsiębiorstw w Kazachstanie, (c) sposoby zwiększenia działalności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw tekstylnych w Kazachstanie. W artykule przedstawiono metody zwiększenia innowacyjnej działalności przedsiębiorstw tekstylnych. Są to: (a) przejście do produkcji konkurencyjnych innowacyjnych wyrobów włókienniczych z krajowych surowców tekstylnych, (b) wzrost udziału produktów zorientowanych na eksport, (c) wprowadzenie nowego sprzętu i nowych metod produkcji poprzez przyciągnięcie bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych w branży, (d) wypełnienie deficytu specjalistów poprzez przyciągnięcie specjalistów z zagranicy. Wdrożenie tych metod może mieć pozytywny wpływ na rozwój przemysłu tekstylnego w Kazachstanie