871 research outputs found

    Searching for the Top: observation of the heaviest elementary particle at the LHC

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    Bij de Large Hadron Collider in Genève laten fysici protonen botsen met hoge energie in een poging om het model te begrijpen dat alle elementaire deeltjes en hun onderlinge wisselwerkingen beschrijft. Uit de brokstukken van de botsingen, waarbij nieuwe deeltjes worden gemaakt, probeerde Alexander Doxiadis te achterhalen welke deeltjes er precies werden geproduceerd. De zwaarste van de zes quarks, de top-quark, is een speciaal deeltje in dit model. Door met de ATLAS-detector te meten hoe vaak de top-quark wordt geproduceerd bij botsingen met een energie van 7 TeV liet Doxiadis zien hoe goed ze deze detector begrijpen of het model de werkelijkheid goed beschrijft bij deze energie en, of er nieuwe fysicamodellen een rol hebben gespeeld. Doordat de meting is uitgevoerd met de data van de eerste vijf maanden van botsingen op deze energie is het bijzonder dat hij de top-quark daadwerkelijk heeft kunnen waarnemen. Theoretische voorspelling en gemeten waarde komen goed overeen

    Preparing Ourselves for the City of Tomorrow

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    DR haplotype diversity of the cynomolgus macaque as defined by its transcriptome

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    The DR region of particular primate species may display allelic polymorphism and gene copy number variation (region configuration polymorphism). The sum of these distinct types of polymorphism is defined as complexity. To date, however, the DR region of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) has been poorly defined. Transcriptome analysis of a pedigreed colony, comprising animals from Indonesia and Indochina, revealed a total of 15 Mafa-DRA and 57 DRB alleles, specifying 28 different region configurations. The DRA alleles can be divided into two distinct lineages. One lineage is polymorphic, but the majority of the amino acid replacements map to the leader peptide. The second lineage is at best oligomorphic, and segregates with one specific Mafa-DRB allele. The number of Mafa-DRB genes ranges from two to five per haplotype. Due to the presence of pseudogenes, however, each haplotype encodes only one to three bona fide DRB transcripts. Depending on the region configuration in which the Mafa-DRB gene is embedded, identical alleles may display differential transcription levels. Region configurations appear to have been generated by recombination-like events. When genes or gene segments are relocated, it seems plausible that they may be placed in the context of distinct transcription control elements. As such, DRB region-related transcription level differences may add an extra layer of polymorphism to this section of the adaptive immune system

    Definition of Mafa-A and -B haplotypes in pedigreed cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis)

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I B gene/allelic repertoire was investigated in a pedigreed population of cynomolgus macaques of mixed Indonesian/Malaysian origin. The Mafa-B alleles detected in this cohort are mostly specific for a given geographic area, and only a small number of alleles appears to be shared with other populations. This suggests the fast evolution of Mafa-B alleles due to adaptation to new environments. In contrast to humans, the B locus in Old World monkeys displays extensive copy number variation. The Mafa-B and previously defined -A gene combinations segregate in families and thus allowed the definition of extended haplotypes. In many cases it was possible to assign a particular Mafa-I allele to one of these Mafa-A/B haplotypes as well. The presence of a large number of stable haplotypes in this cohort of animals, which was pedigreed for up to eight generations, looks promising for developing discriminative MHC typing tools that are less cumbersome. Furthermore, the discovery of 53 unreported Mafa-B sequences expands the lexicon of alleles significantly, and may help in understanding the complex organisation of the macaque B region

    Extensive DRB region diversity in cynomolgus macaques: recombination as a driving force

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    The DR region of primate species is generally complex and displays diversity concerning the number and combination of distinct types of DRB genes present per region configuration. A highly variable short tandem repeat (STR) present in intron 2 of nearly all primate DRB genes can be utilized as a quick and accurate high through-put typing procedure. This approach resulted previously in the description of unique and haplotype-specific DRB-STR length patterns in humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques. For the present study, a cohort of 230 cynomolgus monkeys, including self-sustaining breeding groups, has been examined. MtDNA analysis showed that most animals originated from the Indonesian islands, but some are derived from the mainland, south and north of the Isthmus of Kra. Haplotyping and subsequent sequencing resulted in the detection of 118 alleles, including 28 unreported ones. A total of 49 Mafa-DRB region configurations were detected, of which 28 have not yet been described. Humans and chimpanzees possess a low number of different DRB region configurations in concert with a high degree of allelic variation. In contrast, however, allelic heterogeneity within a given Mafa-DRB configuration is even less frequently observed than in rhesus macaques. Several of these region configurations appear to have been generated by recombination-like events, most probably propagated by a retroviral element mapping within DRB6 pseudogenes, which are present on the majority of haplotypes. This undocumented high level of DRB region configuration-associated diversity most likely represents a species-specific strategy to cope with various pathogens

    Genomic plasticity of the MHC class I A region in rhesus macaques: extensive haplotype diversity at the population level as revealed by microsatellites

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    The Mamu-A genes of the rhesus macaque show different degrees of polymorphism, transcription level variation, and differential haplotype distribution. Per haplotype, usually one “major” transcribed gene is present, A1 (A7), in various combinations with “minor” genes, A2 to A6. In silico analysis of the physical map of a heterozygous animal revealed the presence of similar Mamu-A regions consisting of four duplication units, but with dissimilar positions of the A1 genes on both haplotypes, and in combination with different minor genes. Two microsatellites, D6S2854 and D6S2859, have been selected as potential tools to characterize this complex region. Subsequent analysis of a large breeding colony resulted in the description of highly discriminative patterns, displaying copy number variation in concert with microsatellite repeat length differences. Sequencing and segregation analyses revealed that these patterns are unique for each Mamu-A haplotype. In animals of Indian, Burmese, and Chinese origin, 19, 15, or 9 haplotypes, respectively, could be defined, illustrating the occurrence of differential block duplications and subsequent rearrangements by recombination. The haplotypes can be assigned to 12 unique combinations of genes (region configurations). Although most configurations harbor two transcribed A genes, one or three genes per haplotype are also present. Additionally, haplotypes lacking an A1 gene or with an A1 duplication appear to exist. The presence of different transcribed A genes/alleles in monkeys from various origins may have an impact on differential disease susceptibilities. The high-throughput microsatellite technique will be a valuable tool in animal selection for diverse biomedical research projects

    Improved Xenobiotic Metabolism and Reduced Susceptibility to Cancer in Gluten-Sensitive Macaques upon Introduction of a Gluten-Free Diet

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    A non-human primate (NHP) model of gluten sensitivity was employed to study the gene perturbations associated with dietary gluten changes in small intestinal tissues from gluten-sensitive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).Stages of remission and relapse were accomplished in gluten-sensitive animals by administration of gluten-free (GFD) and gluten-containing (GD) diets, as described previously. Pin-head-sized biopsies, obtained non-invasively by pediatric endoscope from duodenum while on GFD or GD, were used for preparation of total RNA and gene profiling, using the commercial Rhesus Macaque Microarray (Agilent Technologies),targeting expression of over 20,000 genes.When compared with normal healthy control, gluten-sensitive macaques showed differential gene expressions induced by GD. While observed gene perturbations were classified into one of 12 overlapping categories--cancer, metabolism, digestive tract function, immune response, cell growth, signal transduction, autoimmunity, detoxification of xenobiotics, apoptosis, actin-collagen deposition, neuronal and unknown function--this study focused on cancer-related gene networks such as cytochrome P450 family (detoxification function) and actin-collagen-matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) genes.A loss of detoxification function paralleled with necessity to metabolize carcinogens was revealed in gluten-sensitive animals while on GD. An increase in cancer-promoting factors and a simultaneous decrease in cancer-preventing factors associated with altered expression of actin-collagen-MMP gene network were noted. In addition, gluten-sensitive macaques showed reduced number of differentially expressed genes including the cancer-associated ones upon withdrawal of dietary gluten. Taken together, these findings indicate potentially expanded utility of gluten-sensitive rhesus macaques in cancer research

    Blood ties: ABO is a trans-species polymorphism in primates

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    The ABO histo-blood group, the critical determinant of transfusion incompatibility, was the first genetic polymorphism discovered in humans. Remarkably, ABO antigens are also polymorphic in many other primates, with the same two amino acid changes responsible for A and B specificity in all species sequenced to date. Whether this recurrence of A and B antigens is the result of an ancient polymorphism maintained across species or due to numerous, more recent instances of convergent evolution has been debated for decades, with a current consensus in support of convergent evolution. We show instead that genetic variation data in humans and gibbons as well as in Old World Monkeys are inconsistent with a model of convergent evolution and support the hypothesis of an ancient, multi-allelic polymorphism of which some alleles are shared by descent among species. These results demonstrate that the ABO polymorphism is a trans-species polymorphism among distantly related species and has remained under balancing selection for tens of millions of years, to date, the only such example in Hominoids and Old World Monkeys outside of the Major Histocompatibility Complex.Comment: 45 pages, 4 Figures, 4 Supplementary Figures, 5 Supplementary Table

    A snapshot of the Mamu-B genes and their allelic repertoire in rhesus macaques of Chinese origin

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    The major histocompatibility complex class I gene repertoire was investigated in a large panel of rhesus macaques of Chinese origin. As observed in Indian animals, subjects of Chinese derivation display Mamu-B gene copy number variation, and the sum of expressed genes varies among haplotypes. In addition, these genes display differential transcription levels. The majority of the Mamu-B alleles discovered during this investigation appear to be unique for the population studied. Only one particular Mamu-B haplotype is shared between Indian and Chinese animals, and it must have been present in the progenitor stock. Hence, the data highlight the fact that most allelic polymorphism, and most of the Mamu-B haplotypes themselves, are of relatively recent origin and were most likely generated after the separation of the Indian and Chinese rhesus macaque populations