29,326 research outputs found

    Computed tomography and magnetic resonance diagnosis of variations in the anatomical location of the major salivary glands in 1680 dogs and 187 cats

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    During assessment of routine clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heads of dogs, variations in the location of mandibular and zygomatic salivary glands (SGs) were observed incidentally. The aims of this retrospective study were to describe anatomical variations of the major SGs found on MRI and computed tomography (CT) studies of the head in dogs and cats and to investigate possible clinical relevancy. No anatomical variation of the SGs was seen in cats, but in dogs, although variation of the parotid SG was not identified, that of the mandibular SG was found in 33/1680 animals (2%), either unilaterally (6/33 right-sided, 13/33 left-sided) or bilaterally (14/33). The Border terrier breed (19/33, 58%) was over-represented. Each atypically located mandibular SG was positioned medial to the digastric muscle and rostral to the retropharyngeal lymph node. The sublingual glands were difficult to delineate from the mandibular glands. Anatomical variation of one zygomatic gland (3/4 left-sided) was identified in four small-breed dogs (0.2%). Each atypically located zygomatic gland was tilted at the ventrorostral aspect of the masseter muscle underneath the skin surface. MRI and CT characteristics were not different between typically and atypically located SGs. None of the dogs had clinical signs related with SG disease. It was concluded that, with suspected breed predispositions, incidental unilateral or bilateral anatomical variations of mandibular and zygomatic SGs can be encountered in dogs and an awareness of these possible variations may be important in pre-surgical planning

    Is there Evidence for a Hubble bubble? The Nature of Type Ia Supernova Colors and Dust in External Galaxies

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    We examine recent evidence from the luminosity-redshift relation of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) for the 3σ\sim 3 \sigma detection of a ``Hubble bubble'' -- a departure of the local value of the Hubble constant from its globally averaged value \citep{Jha:07}. By comparing the MLCS2k2 fits used in that study to the results from other light-curve fitters applied to the same data, we demonstrate that this is related to the interpretation of SN color excesses (after correction for a light-curve shape-color relation) and the presence of a color gradient across the local sample. If the slope of the linear relation (β\beta) between SN color excess and luminosity is fit empirically, then the bubble disappears. If, on the other hand, the color excess arises purely from Milky Way-like dust, then SN data clearly favors a Hubble bubble. We demonstrate that SN data give β2\beta \simeq 2, instead of the β4\beta \simeq 4 one would expect from purely Milky-Way-like dust. This suggests that either SN intrinsic colors are more complicated than can be described with a single light-curve shape parameter, or that dust around SN is unusual. Disentangling these possibilities is both a challenge and an opportunity for large-survey SN Ia cosmology.Comment: Further information and data at http://qold.astro.utoronto.ca/conley/bubble/ Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Performance of a steel spar wind turbine blade on the Mod-0 100 kW experimental wind turbine

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    The performance and loading of a large wind rotor, 38.4 m in diameter and composed of two low-cost steel spar blades were examined. Two blades were fabricated at Lewis Research Center and successfully operated on the Mod-0 wind turbine at Plum Brook. The blades were operated on a tower on which the natural bending frequency were altered by placing the tower on a leaf-spring apparatus. It was found that neither blade performance nor loading were affected significantly by this tower softening technique. Rotor performance exceeded prediction while blade loads were found to be in reasonable agreement with those predicted. Seventy-five hours of operation over a five month period resulted in no deterioration in the blade

    Deceleration of the solar wind in the Earth foreshock region: ISEE 2 and IMP 8 observations

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    The deceleration of the solar wind in the region of the interplanetary space filled by ions backstreaming from the Earth bow shock was studied using a two spacecraft technique. This deceleration, which is correlated with the "diffuse" but not with the "reflected" ion population, depends on the solar wind bulk velocity: at low velocities (below 300 km/sec) the velocity decrease is about 5 km/sec, while at higher velocities (above 400 km/sec) the decrease may be as large as 30 km/sec. Along with this deceleration, the solar wind undergoes a deflection of about 1 deg away from the direction of the Earth bow shock. The energy balance shows that the kinetic energy loss far exceeds the thermal energy which is possibly gained by the solar wind, therefore, at least part of this energy must go into waves and/or into the backstreaming ions

    Shelf Life of Ground Beef from Cattle Fed Distillers Grains Containing Different Amounts of Oil

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    Beef shoulder clods were collected from steers fed one of four finishing diets: no distillers grains and three with distillers grains containing different amounts of oil. Raw ground beef patties were evaluated for changes in objective color, discoloration, and lipid oxidation during simulated retail display (7 days). Cooked beef links in refrigerated (18 days) and frozen storage (198 days) were analyzed for lipid oxidation throughout shelf life. Fatty acid profiles were evaluated in lean, subcutaneous fat, and ground composite samples. All distillers grain diets increased C18:2 and polyunsaturated fatty acids in beef. There were no dietary differences in lipid oxidation throughout shelf life of raw ground beef and cooked beef links and no differences in color characteristics of raw ground beef. Finishing cattle on distillers grains altered fatty acid composition but did not impact shelf life characteristics of raw or cooked ground beef. The amount of oil in the distillers grains did not result in any significant differences in fatty acid profile and shelf life measures

    Editorial review essay

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    Passing On the Monopoly Overcharge: A Response to Landes and Posner

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    More on Passing on: A Reply to Cooter and to Viton and Winston

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    Passing on the Monopoly Overcharge: A Comprehensive Policy Analysis

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