979 research outputs found

    Electron capture rates in a plasma

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    A new general expression is derived for nuclear electron capture rates within dense plasmas. Its qualitative nature leads us to question some widely accepted assumptions about how to calculate the effects of the plasma on the rates. A perturbative evaluation, though not directly applicable to the strongly interacting case, appears to bear out these suspicions.Comment: 9 page

    Asymmetric Two-component Fermion Systems in Strong Coupling

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    We study the phase structure of a dilute two-component Fermi system with attractive interactions as a function of the coupling and the polarization or number difference between the two components. In weak coupling, a finite number asymmetry results in phase separation. A mixed phase containing symmetric superfluid matter and an asymmetric normal phase is favored. With increasing coupling strength, we show that the stress on the superfluid phase to accommodate a number asymmetry increases. Near the infinite-scattering length limit, we calculate the single-particle excitation spectrum and the ground-state energy at various polarizations. A picture of weakly-interacting quasi-particles emerges for modest polarizations. In this regime near infinite scattering length, and for modest polarizations, a homogeneous phase with a finite population of excited quasi-particle states characterized by a gapless spectrum should be favored over the phase separated state. These states may be realized in cold atom experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figur

    Anomalous specific heat jump in a two-component ultracold Fermi gas

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    The thermodynamic functions of a Fermi gas with spin population imbalance are studied in the temperature-asymmetry plane in the BCS limit. The low temperature domain is characterized by anomalous enhancement of the entropy and the specific heat above their values in the unpaired state, decrease of the gap and eventual unpairing phase transition as the temperature is lowered. The unpairing phase transition induces a second jump in the specific heat, which can be measured in calorimetric experiments. While the superfluid is unstable against a supercurrent carrying state, it may sustain a metastable state if cooled adiabatically down from the stable high-temperature domain. In the latter domain the temperature dependence of the gap and related functions is analogous to the predictions of the BCS theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. v2 includes a discussion of instabilities; v3: final version to appear in PR

    Neutrino Superfluidity

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    It is shown that Dirac-type neutrinos display BCS superfluidity for any nonzero mass. The Cooper pairs are formed by attractive scalar Higgs boson exchange between left- and right-handed neutrinos; in the standard SU(2)xU(1) theory, right-handed neutrinos do not couple to any other boson. The value of the gap, the critical temperature, and the Pippard coherence length are calculated for arbitrary values of the neutrino mass and chemical potential. Although such a superfluid could conceivably exist, detecting it would be a major challenge.Comment: This is the version published in PR

    Finite Temperature Phase Diagram of a Two-Component Fermi Gas with Density Imbalance

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    We investigated possible superfluid phases at finite temperature in a two-component Fermi gas with density imbalance. In the frame of a general four-fermion interaction theory, we solved in the BCS region the gap equations for the pairing gap and pairing momentum under the restriction of fixed number densities, and analyzed the stability of different phases by calculating the superfluid density and number susceptibilities. The homogeneous superfluid is stable only at high temperature and low number asymmetry, the inhomogeneous LOFF survives at low temperature and high number asymmetry, and in between them there exists another possible inhomogeneous phase, that of phase separation. The critical temperatures and the orders of the phase transitions among the superfluid phases and normal phase are calculated analytically and numerically. The phase diagram we obtained in the temperature and number asymmetry plane is quite different from the one in temperature and chemical potential difference plane for a system with fixed chemical potentials.Comment: Final published versio

    Constraining the nuclear equation of state at subsaturation densities

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    Only one third of the nucleons in 208^{208}Pb occupy the saturation density area. Consequently nuclear observables related to average properties of nuclei, such as masses or radii, constrain the equation of state (EOS) not at saturation density but rather around the so-called crossing density, localised close to the mean value of the density of nuclei: ρ\rho\simeq0.11 fm3^{-3}. This provides an explanation for the empirical fact that several EOS quantities calculated with various functionals cross at a density significantly lower than the saturation one. The third derivative M of the energy at the crossing density is constrained by the giant monopole resonance (GMR) measurements in an isotopic chain rather than the incompressibility at saturation density. The GMR measurements provide M=1110 ±\pm 70 MeV (6% uncertainty), whose extrapolation gives K_\infty=230 ±\pm 40 MeV (17% uncertainty).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of Diamagnetism in the Pseudogap Phase: Implications from the Self energy of Angle Resolved Photoemission

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    In this paper we apply the emerging- consensus understanding of the fermionic self energy deduced from angle resolved photoemisssion spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments to deduce the implications for orbital diamagnetism in the underdoped cuprates. Many theories using many different starting points have arrived at a broadened BCS-like form for the normal state self energy associated with a d-wave excitation gap, as is compatible with ARPES data. Establishing compatibility with the f-sum rules, we show how this self energy, along with the constraint that there is no Meissner effect in the normal phase are sufficient to deduce the orbital susceptibility. We conclude, moreover, that diamagnetism is large for a d-wave pseudogap. Our results should apply rather widely to many theories of the pseudogap, independent of the microscopic details.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Multi-scale fluctuations near a Kondo Breakdown Quantum Critical Point

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    We study the Kondo-Heisenberg model using a fermionic representation for the localized spins. The mean-field phase diagram exhibits a zero temperature quantum critical point separating a spin liquid phase where the f-conduction hybridization vanishes, and a Kondo phase where it does not. Two solutions can be stabilized in the Kondo phase, namely a uniform hybridization when the band masses of the conduction electrons and the f spinons have the same sign, and a modulated one when they have opposite sign. For the uniform case, we show that above a very small Fermi liquid temperature scale (~1 mK), the critical fluctuations associated with the vanishing hybridization have dynamical exponent z=3, giving rise to a specific heat coefficient that diverges logarithmically in temperature, as well as a conduction electron inverse lifetime that has a T log T behavior. Because the f spinons do not carry current, but act as an effective bath for the relaxation of the current carried by the conduction electrons, the latter result also gives rise to a T log T behavior in the resistivity. This behavior is consistent with observations in a number of heavy fermion metals.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Surface Energy in Cold Asymmetrical Fermion Superfluids

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    We derive the energy of the surface between the normal and superfluid components of a mixed phase of a system composed of two particle species with different densities. The surface energy is obtained by the integration of the free energy density in the interface between the two phases. We show that the mixed phase remains as the favored ground state over the gapless phase in weak coupling. We find that the surface energy effects emerge only at strong coupling.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected, published versio