2,111 research outputs found

    A spin-boson thermal rectifier

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    Rectification of heat transfer in nanodevices can be realized by combining the system inherent anharmonicity with structural asymmetry. we analyze this phenomenon within the simplest anharmonic system -a spin-boson nanojunction model. We consider two variants of the model that yield, for the first time, analytical solutions: a linear separable model in which the heat reservoirs contribute additively, and a non-separable model suitable for a stronger system-bath interaction. Both models show asymmetric (rectifying) heat conduction when the couplings to the heat reservoirs are different.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX

    Cavity QED in superconducting circuits: susceptibility at elevated temperatures

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    We study the properties of superconducting electrical circuits, realizing cavity QED. In particular we explore the limit of strong coupling, low dissipation, and elevated temperatures relevant for current and future experiments. We concentrate on the cavity susceptibility as it can be directly experimentally addressed, i.e., as the impedance or the reflection coefficient of the cavity. To this end we investigate the dissipative Jaynes-Cummings model in the strong coupling regime at high temperatures. The dynamics is investigated within the Bloch-Redfield formalism. At low temperatures, when only the few lowest levels are occupied the susceptibility can be presented as a sum of contributions from independent level-to-level transitions. This corresponds to the secular (random phase) approximation in the Bloch-Redfield formalism. At temperatures comparable to and higher than the oscillator frequency, many transitions become important and a multiple-peak structure appears. We show that in this regime the secular approximation breaks down, as soon as the peaks start to overlap. In other words, the susceptibility is no longer a sum of contributions from independent transitions. We treat the dynamics of the system numerically by exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian of the qubit plus up to 200 states of the oscillator. We compare the results obtained with and without the secular approximation and find a qualitative discrepancy already at moderate temperatures.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Time-convolutionless master equation for quantum dots: Perturbative expansion to arbitrary order

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    The master equation describing the non-equilibrium dynamics of a quantum dot coupled to metallic leads is considered. Employing a superoperator approach, we derive an exact time-convolutionless master equation for the probabilities of dot states, i.e., a time-convolutionless Pauli master equation. The generator of this master equation is derived order by order in the hybridization between dot and leads. Although the generator turns out to be closely related to the T-matrix expressions for the transition rates, which are plagued by divergences, in the time-convolutionless generator all divergences cancel order by order. The time-convolutionless and T-matrix master equations are contrasted to the Nakajima-Zwanzig version. The absence of divergences in the Nakajima-Zwanzig master equation due to the nonexistence of secular reducible contributions becomes rather transparent in our approach, which explicitly projects out these contributions. We also show that the time-convolutionless generator contains the generator of the Nakajima-Zwanzig master equation in the Markov approximation plus corrections, which we make explicit. Furthermore, it is shown that the stationary solutions of the time-convolutionless and the Nakajima-Zwanzig master equations are identical. However, this identity neither extends to perturbative expansions truncated at finite order nor to dynamical solutions. We discuss the conditions under which the Nakajima-Zwanzig-Markov master equation nevertheless yields good results.Comment: 13 pages + appendice

    Excitation energy transfer: Study with non-Markovian dynamics

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    In this paper, we investigate the non-Markovian dynamics of a model to mimic the excitation energy transfer (EET) between chromophores in photosynthesis systems. The numerical path integral method is used. This method includes the non-Markovian effects of the environmental affects and it does not need the perturbation approximation in solving the dynamics of systems of interest. It implies that the coherence helps the EET between chromophores through lasting the transfer time rather than enhances the transfer rate of the EET. In particular, the non-Markovian environment greatly increase the efficiency of the EET in the photosynthesis systems.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Multiple-time correlation functions for non-Markovian interaction: Beyond the Quantum Regression Theorem

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    Multiple time correlation functions are found in the dynamical description of different phenomena. They encode and describe the fluctuations of the dynamical variables of a system. In this paper we formulate a theory of non-Markovian multiple-time correlation functions (MTCF) for a wide class of systems. We derive the dynamical equation of the {\it reduced propagator}, an object that evolve state vectors of the system conditioned to the dynamics of its environment, which is not necessarily at the vacuum state at the initial time. Such reduced propagator is the essential piece to obtain multiple-time correlation functions. An average over the different environmental histories of the reduced propagator permits us to obtain the evolution equations of the multiple-time correlation functions. We also study the evolution of MTCF within the weak coupling limit and it is shown that the multiple-time correlation function of some observables satisfy the Quantum Regression Theorem (QRT), whereas other correlations do not. We set the conditions under which the correlations satisfy the QRT. We illustrate the theory in two different cases; first, solving an exact model for which the MTCF are explicitly given, and second, presenting the results of a numerical integration for a system coupled with a dissipative environment through a non-diagonal interaction.Comment: Submitted (04 Jul 04

    Quantum theory of the low-frequency linear susceptibility of interferometer-type superconducting qubits

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    We use the density matrix formalism to analyze the interaction of interferometer-type superconducting qubits with a high quality tank circuit, which frequency is well below the gap frequency of a qubit. We start with the ground state characterization of the superconducting flux and charge qubits. Then, by making use of a dressed state approach we describe the qubits' spectroscopy when the qubit is irradiated by a microwave field which is tuned to the gap frequency. The last section of the paper is devoted to continuous monitoring of qubit states by using a DC SQUID in the inductive mode.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; the title and abstract are slightly changed; several typos are corrected; in order to make our argumentation more clear we added some comments in the introduction and other section

    Decoherence in a superconducting flux qubit with a pi-junction

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    We consider the use of a pi-junction for flux qubits to realize degenerate quantum levels without external magnetic field. On the basis of the Caldeira-Leggett model, we derive an effective spin-Boson model, and study decoherece of this type of qubits. We estimate the dephasing time by using parameters from recent experiments of SIFS junctions, and show that high critical current and large subgap resistance are required for the pi-junction to realize a long coherent time.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The Effects of Source and Amount of Nitrite on Quality Characteristics of All-Beef Frankfurters

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    In an effort to meet consumers’ demand for foods with more natural ingredients, processors have begun manufacturing meat products cured with natural nitrite sources. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality characteristics of all-beef frankfurters cured with traditional or alternative sources of nitrite and using equivalent amounts of nitrite. Frankfurters cured with alternative sources of nitrite had a slightly darker, less red exterior and slightly more yellow interior than those containing sodium nitrite. No differences were observed for pH or water activity. Both curing methods can be used to manufacture all-beef frankfurters with similar characteristics when using equivalent amounts of nitrite

    The Effects of Source and Amount of Nitrite on Quality Characteristics of All-Beef Frankfurters

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    In an effort to meet consumers’ demand for foods with more natural ingredients, processors have begun manufacturing meat products cured with natural nitrite sources. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality characteristics of all-beef frankfurters cured with traditional or alternative sources of nitrite and using equivalent amounts of nitrite. Frankfurters cured with alternative sources of nitrite had a slightly darker, less red exterior and slightly more yellow interior than those containing sodium nitrite. No differences were observed for pH or water activity. Both curing methods can be used to manufacture all-beef frankfurters with similar characteristics when using equivalent amounts of nitrite

    Circuit theory for decoherence in superconducting charge qubits

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    Based on a network graph analysis of the underlying circuit, a quantum theory of arbitrary superconducting charge qubits is derived. Describing the dissipative elements of the circuit with a Caldeira-Leggett model, we calculate the decoherence and leakage rates of a charge qubit. The analysis includes decoherence due to a dissipative circuit element such as a voltage source or the quasiparticle resistances of the Josephson junctions in the circuit. The theory presented here is dual to the quantum circuit theory for superconducting flux qubits. In contrast to spin-boson models, the full Hilbert space structure of the qubit and its coupling to the dissipative environment is taken into account. Moreover, both self and mutual inductances of the circuit are fully included.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; v2: published version; typo in Eq.(30) corrected, minor changes, reference adde
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