183 research outputs found

    Evidence for Rapid Variability in the Optical Light Curve of the Type Ia SN 2014J

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    We present results of high-cadence monitoring of the optical light curve of the nearby, Type Ia SN 2014J in M82 using the 2.3m Aristarchos telescope. BB and VV-band photometry on days 15-18 after tmax(B)t_{max}(B), obtained with a cadence of 2 min per band, reveals evidence for rapid variability at the 0.02-0.05 mag level on timescales of 15-60 min on all four nights, taking the red noise estimation at face value. The decline slope was measured to be steeper in the BB-band than in VV-band, and to steadily decrease in both bands from 0.15 mag/day (night 1) to 0.04 mag/day (night 4) in V and from 0.19 mag/day (night 1) to 0.06 mag/day (night 4) in B, corresponding to the onset of the secondary maximum. We propose that rapid variability could be due to one or a combination of the following scenarios: the clumpiness of the ejecta, their interaction with circumstellar material, the asymmetry of the explosion, or the mechanism causing the secondary maximum in the near-infrared light curve. We encourage the community to undertake high-cadence monitoring of future, nearby and bright supernovae to investigate the intraday behavior of their light curves.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Object-X: The Brightest Mid-IR Point Source in M33

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    We discuss the nature of the brightest mid-IR point source (which we dub Object X) in the nearby galaxy M33. Although multi-wavelength data on this object have existed in the literature for some time, it has not previously been recognized as the most luminous mid-IR object in M33 because it is entirely unremarkable in both optical and near-IR light. In the Local Group Galaxies Survey, Object X is a faint red source visible in VRI and H-alpha but not U or B. It was easily seen at JHK_s in the 2MASS survey. It is the brightest point source in all four Spitzer IRAC bands and is also visible in the MIPS 24-micron band. Its bolometric luminosity is 5x10^5 L_sun. The source is optically variable on short time scales (tens of days) and is also slightly variable in the mid-IR, indicating that it is a star. Archival photographic plates (from 1949 and 1991) show no optical source, so the star has been obscured for at least half a century. Its properties are similar to those of the Galactic OH/IR star IRC+10420 which has a complex dusty circumstellar structure resulting from episodic low velocity mass ejections. We propose that Object X is a M>30 M_sun evolved star obscured in its own dust ejected during episodic mass loss events over at least half a century. It may emerge from its current ultra-short evolutionary phase as a hotter post-RSG star analogous to M33 Var A. The existence and rarity of such objects can be an important probe of a very brief yet eventful stellar evolutionary phase.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication by Ap

    An obscured AGN population hidden in the VIPERS galaxies: identification through spectral energy distribution decomposition

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    The detection of X-ray emission constitutes a reliable and efficient tool for the selection of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), although it may be biased against the most heavily absorbed AGNs. Simple mid-IR broad-band selection criteria identify a large number of luminous and absorbed AGNs, yet again host contamination could lead to non-uniform and incomplete samples. Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) decomposition is able to decouple the emission from the AGN versus that from star-forming regions, revealing weaker AGN components. We aim to identify the obscured AGN population in the VIPERS survey in the CFHTLS W1 field through SED modelling. We construct SEDs for 6,860 sources and identify 160 AGNs at a high confidence level using a Bayesian approach. Using optical spectroscopy, we confirm the nature of ~85% of the AGNs. Our AGN sample is highly complete (~92%) compared to mid-IR colour selected AGNs, including a significant number of galaxy-dominated systems with lower luminosities. In addition to the lack of X-ray emission (80%), the SED fitting results suggest that the majority of the sources are obscured. We use a number of diagnostic criteria in the optical, infrared and X-ray regime to verify these results. Interestingly, only 35% of the most luminous mid-IR selected AGNs have X-ray counterparts suggesting strong absorption. Our work emphasizes the importance of using SED decomposition techniques to select a population of type II AGNs, which may remain undetected by either X-ray or IR colour surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS in May 4, 2020. 18 figures, 3 tables

    Fundamental Parameters of four Massive Eclipsing Binaries in Westerlund 1

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    We present fundamental parameters of 4 massive eclipsing binaries in the young massive cluster Westerlund 1. The goal is to measure accurate masses and radii of their component stars, which provide much needed constraints for evolutionary models of massive stars. Accurate parameters can further be used to determine a dynamical lower limit for the magnetar progenitor and to obtain an independent distance to the cluster. Our results confirm and extend the evidence for a high mass for the progenitor of the magnetar.Comment: 2 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the IAUS 282 on "From Interacting Binaries to Exoplanets:Essential Modelling Tools" (Tatranska Lomnica, July 18-22, 2011), Cambridge University Pres

    The Infrared Massive Stellar Content of M83

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    We present an analysis of archival Spitzer images and new ground-based and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) near-infrared (IR) and optical images of the field of M83 with the goal of identifying rare, dusty, evolved massive stars. We present point source catalogs consisting of 3778 objects from SpitzerSpitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) Band 1 (3.6 μ\mum) and Band 2 (4.5 μ\mum), and 975 objects identified in Magellan 6.5m FourStar near-IR JJ and KsK_{\rm s} images. A combined catalog of coordinate matched near- and mid-IR point sources yields 221 objects in the field of M83. Using this photometry we identify 185 massive evolved stellar candidates based on their location in color-magnitude and color-color diagrams. We estimate the background contamination to our stellar candidate lists and further classify candidates based on their appearance in HSTHST Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) observations of M83. We find 49 strong candidates for massive stars which are very promising objects for spectroscopic follow-up. Based on their location in a BVB-V versus VIV-I diagram, we expect at least 24, or roughly 50%, to be confirmed as red supergiants.Comment: 32 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Accurate fundamental parameters and distance to a massive early-type eclipsing binary in the Danks 2 cluster

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    We present a study of the properties of the O-type, massive eclipsing binary 2MASS J13130841-6239275 located in the outskirts of the Danks 2 cluster in the G305 star-forming complex, using near-infrared spectroscopy from VLT/ISAAC. We derive the masses and radii to be 24.5±\pm0.9 M_{\odot} and 9.2±\pm0.1 R_{\odot} for the primary and 21.7±\pm0.8 M_{\odot} and 8.7±\pm0.1 R_{\odot} for the secondary component. In addition, we evaluate the sensitivity of our parameters to the choice of the spectral features used to determine the radial velocities. Both components appear to be main-sequence O6.5-O7 type stars at an age of \sim5 Myr, which is in agreement with the age of the cluster. A high visual extinction of A5495_{5495}=11.9±\pm0.1 mag is reported, which is likely attributed to the cold molecular gas contaminating the north-east region of the cluster. By fitting the spectral energy distribution of the system to the available BVIcJHKsBVI_{c}JHK_{s} photometry, we determine a distance to the system of 3.52±\pm0.08 kpc with a precision of 2%\%, which is the most well-determined distance to the Danks 2 cluster and the host complex reported in the literature.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Monitoring luminous yellow massive stars in M33: new yellow hypergiant candidates

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    The evolution of massive stars surviving the red supergiant (RSG) stage remains unexplored due to the rarity of such objects. The yellow hypergiants (YHGs) appear to be the warm counterparts of post-RSG classes located near the Humphreys-Davidson upper luminosity limit, which are characterized by atmospheric instability and high mass-loss rates. We aim to increase the number of YHGs in M33 and thus to contribute to a better understanding of the pre-supernova evolution of massive stars. Optical spectroscopy of five dust-enshrouded YSGs selected from mid-IR criteria was obtained with the goal of detecting evidence of extensive atmospheres. We also analyzed BVI photometry for 21 of the most luminous YSGs in M33 to identify changes in the spectral type. To explore the properties of circumstellar dust, we performed SED-fitting of multi-band photometry of the 21 YSGs. We find three luminous YSGs in our sample to be YHG candidates, as they are surrounded by hot dust and are enshrouded within extended, cold dusty envelopes. Our spectroscopy of star 2 shows emission of more than one Hα\alpha component, as well as emission of CaII, implying an extended atmospheric structure. In addition, the long-term monitoring of the star reveals a dimming in the visual light curve of amplitude larger than 0.5 mag that caused an apparent drop in the temperature that exceeded 500 K. We suggest the observed variability to be analogous to that of the Galactic YHG ρ\rho Cas. Five less luminous YSGs are suggested as post-RSG candidates showing evidence of hot or/and cool dust emission. We demonstrate that mid-IR photometry, combined with optical spectroscopy and time-series photometry, provide a robust method for identifying candidate YHGs. Future discovery of YHGs in Local Group galaxies is critical for the study of the late evolution of intermediate-mass massive stars.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, 7 Tables. A&A in pres

    Identification of red supergiants in nearby galaxies with mid-IR photometry

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    The role of episodic mass loss in massive star evolution is one of the most important open questions of current stellar evolution theory. Episodic mass loss produces dust and therefore causes evolved massive stars to be very luminous in the mid-infrared and dim at optical wavelengths. We aim to increase the number of investigated luminous mid-IR sources to shed light on the late stages of these objects. To achieve this we employed mid-IR selection criteria to identity dusty evolved massive stars in two nearby galaxies. The method is based on mid-IR colors, using 3.6 {\mu}m and 4.5 {\mu}m photometry from archival Spitzer Space Telescope images of nearby galaxies and J-band photometry from 2MASS. We applied our criteria to two nearby star-forming dwarf irregular galaxies, Sextans A and IC 1613, selecting eight targets, which we followed up with spectroscopy. Our spectral classification and analysis yielded the discovery of two M-type supergiants in IC 1613, three K-type supergiants and one candidate F-type giant in Sextans A, and two foreground M giants. We show that the proposed criteria provide an independent way for identifying dusty evolved massive stars, that can be extended to all nearby galaxies with available Spitzer/IRAC images at 3.6 {\mu}m and 4.5 {\mu}m.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, A&A in pres

    Detection of a Variable Infrared Excess Around SDSS 121209.31+013627.7

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    We present near-infrared JHKsJHK_s photometry and light curves of the candidate magnetic white dwarf+brown dwarf binary SDSS J121209.31+013627.7 and report on the detection of near-infrared excess and variability in the KsK_s-band. The observed near-infrared excess can be explained by the presence of an L7 brown dwarf and an extra emission source. The JJ and HH light curves appear flat, which rules out eclipses deeper than 0.2 mag and the presence of an accretion hot spot on the white dwarf. From the variable KsK_s lightcurve, we get a refined period for the system of 88±\pm1 minutes. We show that the observed variability in KsK_s-band can be explained by cyclotron emission, which can be modeled by a small spot on the surface of the white dwarf. SDSS 1212 exhibits similarities to the ultra-short period polar EF Eridani, however the lack of evidence for Roche-lobe overflow accretion suggests it may be a pre-polar.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted to ApJ