451 research outputs found

    Observation of the Kondo Effect in a Spin-3/2 Hole Quantum Dot

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    We report the observation of Kondo physics in a spin- 3/2 hole quantum dot. The dot is formed close to pinch-off in a hole quantum wire defined in an undoped AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. We clearly observe two distinctive hallmarks of quantum dot Kondo physics. First, the Zeeman spin-splitting of the zero-bias peak in the differential conductance is independent of gate voltage. Second, this splitting is twice as large as the splitting for the lowest one-dimensional subband. We show that the Zeeman splitting of the zero-bias peak is highly-anisotropic, and attribute this to the strong spin-orbit interaction for holes in GaAs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Cytokines and local chronic inflammation in the formation of infertility in fertile age women

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the characteristics of the content of cytokines in the peritoneal fluid in women of reproductive age with infertility against the background of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in the stage of clinical remission.Material and methods. A study was conducted of 50 patients aged 23-36 years with a verified diagnosis of infertility of tubal peritoneal genesis against a background of chronic inflammatory diseases of the reproductive sphere in the stage of clinical remission. As a control group, 15 practically healthy women aged 25-37 years were examined. Concentration of cytokines TNF-a, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-y, MCP-1 in the peritoneal fluid was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Results and discussion. In the main group of patients with tubal-peritoneal infertility, the activity of local inflammatory reactions is tested in the period of clinical remission of a chronic inflammatory process. This is confirmed by a significantly higher level of TNF-a, IL-4, IL-6, IFN-y, MCP-1 in the peritoneal fluid compared to the control group. The studied biologically active substances play a significant role in the development of the immune response, as well as fibroplastic processes. The results can be regarded as the latent development of the immune response in reactions to constant antigenic stimulation from the focus of chronic inflammation, which is a significant factor in the development of adhesions in the formation of infertility, and requires the inclusion of immunotropic therapy methods in treatment

    Comprehensive Treatment of Noninfectious Uveitis Accompanied by Macular Edema with the Use of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma

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    Background. A common cause of visual impairment in patients with non-infectious uveitis is macular edema, developing in 38–84 % of cases. Plasma enriched with platelets is widely used in various branches of medicine, the effectiveness of its use in the treatment of non-infectious uveitis, accompanied by macular edema, has not been sufficiently investigated. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of autologous platelet-rich plasma in the complex treatment of non-infectious uveitis accompanied by macular edema.Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the academician S.N. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution in the period from 2016 to 2018, which included 123 people (176 eyes) from 18 to 50 years with non-infectious uveitis, accompanied by macular edema: 46 men, 77 women. Patients were divided into 2 groups. The main group consisted of patients receiving autologous platelet-rich plasma and anti-inflammatory treatment; the comparison group consisted of patients receiving anti-inflammatory treatment. The results of visual acuity, intraocular pressure, biomicroophthalmoscopy, optical coherence tomography of the macular zone, microperimetry, ultrasound examination on the side of the affected eye were evaluated. Statistical processing of the data was carried out in the program Statistica 10.Results. Maintenance of autologous platelet-rich plasma contributes to a statistically significant improvement in visual acuity on the 10th day of treatment by 64.2 %, a decrease in the thickness of the retina in fovea by 36.3 % and an increase in retinal photosensitivity by 34.6 % compared to the group of patients receiving only anti-inflammatory treatment. Conclusions. The use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in the complex treatment of non-infectious uveitis allows to accelerate the natural mechanisms of tissue regeneration, contributing to the reduction of macular edema, and improve visual performance

    Clinical and diagnostic evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of optic neuropathy in patients with edematous endocrine ophthalmopathy

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    The aim: to conduct a clinical and diagnostic evaluation of the effectiveness of the administration of a complex of drugs in the region of hemolymphocirculation in optical neuropathy in patients with edematous form of endocrine ophthalmopathy.Materials and methods. The results of diagnosis and treatment of 31 patients (61 eyes) with optical neuropathy on the background of edematous exophthalmos in endocrine ophthalmopathy were analyzed. To identify hidden forms of optical neuropathy, such studies were prescribed as computer microperimetry on a confocal infrared ophthalmoscope, a complex of electroretinographic studies: registration of maximum ERG, oscillatory potentials. Latent forms of optical neuropathy were detected in 22 cases. In 9 cases, there were obvious forms of optical neuropathy. All patients underwent a 10-day course of intensive complex treatment, consisting of injections into the region of hemolymphocirculation (projection of the pterygoid fossa) No. 6–8 (No. 3–4 on each side) with an interval of 24 hours of a drug mixture, the formulation of which included Lidocaine 20 mg, Dexazone 4 mg, Hemase 3000 UNITS, Dalargin 1 mg.Results. In all patients, there was a pronounced positive dynamics in the form of a significant (from 0.6 to 1.0) increase in visual acuity, a decrease in exophthalmos from (2.0 to 3.0 mm), an increase in color and contrast sensitivity.Conclusions. Due to the violation of venous and lymphatic outflow due to thickening of extraocular muscles and retrobulbar fiber, injections into the hemolymphocirculation region (projection of the pterygoid fossa) of drugs with a wide range of decongestant and metabolic effects are justified, effective and safe