29 research outputs found
The safety and efficacy of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose in anaemic patients undergoing haemodialysis: a multi-centre, open-label, clinical study
Background. Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often present with iron depletion and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) because of frequent blood (and iron) loss. Therapy consists of repletion of iron stores and intravenous (i.v.) iron has become the standard care in this setting. However, older i.v. iron preparations have their limitations. This study primarily investigated the safety, and also the efficacy, of ferric carboxymaltose (FCM), a next-generation i.v. iron formulation, given as a bolus–push injection in patients with CKD undergoing maintenance haemodialysis (HD)
Research staff All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center in collaboration with Russian state agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev agricultural Academy conducted research (2014-2016) on the effect of fertilizers and plant growth regulators on changes in the quality of onions of the Pervenets F1, Bennito F1 hybrids and Poisk 012 F1 during storage. As a result of research, the greatest effect was obtained from the complex application of N90P90K90 in combination with trace elements (tenso-cocktail) and a growth regulator Zircon. This system allowed to obtain high biochemical parameters of onions. At the end of the 7 months of storage (October-may), the highest dry matter and sugar content and the minimum nitrate content was observed in Pervenets F1 onions, as well as in hybrid Bennito F1. In the latematuring hybrid onions Poisk 012 F1 at the end of storage, the dry matter content decreased to 6,8-7,3%, sugars to 3,6-4,1%, vitamin "C" to 3,2-4,9 mg%, and nitrates increased to 92,1 mg/kg, which led to a decrease in product quality and large losses of onions from diseases and natural losses (up to 48-59%). The main reason for these losses was the lack of maturity of bulbs,low solids and sugars during harvest. It is obvious that for long-term storage it is necessary to use bulbs with a dry matter content of at least 10%. It was found out that feeding of onions during the beginning of the formation of food organizations with potassium nitrate, treatment with a growth regulator of Zircon and a complex of microelements of tenso-cocktail contributes to better preservation of the quality of onions.Научными сотрудниками ВНИИО-филиал ФНЦО в содружестве с МСХА им. К.А. Тимирязева проводились исследования (2014- 2016 гг.) по влиянию удобрений и регуляторов роста растений на изменение качества гибридов лука репчатого Первенец F1, Беннито F1 и Поиск 012 F1 в процессе хранения. В результате исследований наибольший эффект был полу-чен от комплексного применения N90P90K90 в сочетании с микроэлементами (тенсококтейль) и регулятором роста Циркон. Данная система позволила получить высокие биохимические показатели лука. В конце 7ми месяцев хранения (октябрь-май), наиболее высокое содержание сухого вещества и сахаров и минимальное содержание нитратов было отмечено у лука Первенец F1, а также у голландского гибрида Беннито F1. У позднеспелого гибрида лука Поиск 012 F1 в конце хранения содержание сухих веществ снизилось до 6,8-7,3%, сахаров до 3,6-4,1%, витамина «С» до 3,2-4,9 мг%, а нитраты выросли до 92,1 мг/кг, что обусловило снижение качества продукции и большие потери лука от болезней и естественной убыли (до 48- 59%). Главной причиной этих потерь оказалась недостаточная зрелость луковиц, низкое содержание сухих веществ и сахаров в период уборки урожая. Очевидно, что для закладки на длительное хранение необходимо использовать луковицы с содержанием сухих веществ не менее 10%. Выяснено, что подкормка лука во время начала образования продуктовых орга-нов калийной селитрой, обработка регулятором роста Циркон и комплексом микроэлементов тенсо-коктейль способствует лучшему сохранению качества лука
Evaluation and Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Gastroenterological Perspective
A substantial volume of the consultations requested of gastroenterologists are directed towards the evaluation of anemia. Since iron deficiency anemia often arises from bleeding gastrointestinal lesions, many of which are malignant, establishment of a firm diagnosis usually obligates an endoscopic evaluation. Although the laboratory tests used to make the diagnosis have not changed in many decades, their interpretation has, and this is possibly due to the availability of extensive testing in key populations. We provide data supporting the use of the serum ferritin as the sole useful measure of iron stores, setting the lower limit at 100 μg/l for some populations in order to increase the sensitivity of the test. Trends of the commonly obtained red cell indices, mean corpuscular volume, and the red cell distribution width can provide valuable diagnostic information. Once the diagnosis is established, upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy is usually indicated. Nevertheless, in many cases a gastrointestinal source is not found after routine evaluation. Additional studies, including repeat upper and lower endoscopy and often investigation of the small intestine may thus be required. Although oral iron is inexpensive and usually effective, there are many gastrointestinal conditions that warrant treatment of iron deficiency with intravenous iron
A miniature world in decline: European Red List of Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts
AimThis Red List is a summary of the conservation status of the European species of mosses, liverworts and hornworts, collectively known as bryophytes, evaluated according to IUCN’s Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional Level. It provides the first comprehensive, region-wide assessment of bryophytes and it identifies those species that are threatened with extinction at a European level, so that appropriate policy measures and conservation actions, based on the best available evidence, can be taken to improve their status.ScopeAll bryophytes native to or naturalised in Europe (a total of 1,817 species), have been included in this Red List. In Europe, 1,796 species were assessed, with the remaining 21 species considered Not Applicable (NA). For the EU 28, 1,728 species were assessed, with a remaining 20 species considered NA and 69 species considered Not Evaluated (NE). The geographical scope is continentwide, extending from Iceland in the west to the Urals in the east, and from Franz Josef Land in the north to theCanary Islands in the south. The Caucasus region is not included. Red List assessments were made at two regional levels: for geographical Europe and for the 28 Member States of the European Union.ResultsOverall, 22.5% of European bryophyte species assessed in this study are considered threatened in Europe, with two species classified as Extinct and six assessed as Regionally Extinct (RE). A further 9.6% (173 species) are considered Near Threatened and 63.5% (1,140 species) are assessed as Least Concern. For 93 species (5.3%), there was insufficient information available to be able to evaluate their risk of extinction and thus they were classified as Data Deficient (DD). The main threats identified were natural system modifications (i.e., dam construction, increases in fire frequency/intensity, and water management/use), climate change (mainly increasing frequency of droughts and temperature extremes), agriculture (including pollution from agricultural effluents) and aquaculture.RecommendationsPolicy measures• Use the European Red List as the scientific basis to inform regional/national lists of rare and threatened species and to identify priorities for conservation action in addition to the requirements of the Habitats Directive, thereby highlighting the conservation status of bryophytes at the regional/local level.• Use the European Red List to support the integration of conservation policy with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other national and international policies. For example, CAP Strategic Plans should include biodiversity recovery commitments that could anticipate, among others, the creation of Important Bryophyte Areas. An increased involvement of national environmental agencies in the preparation of these strategic plans, and more broadly in ongoing discussions on the Future CAP Green Architecture, would likely also ensure the design of conservation measures better tailored to conserve bryophytes in agricultural landscapes.• Update the European Red List every decade to ensure that the data remains current and relevant.• Develop Key Biodiversity Areas for bryophytes in Europe with a view to ensuring adequate site-based protection for bryophytes.Research and monitoring• Use the European Red List as a basis for future targeted fieldwork on possibly extinct and understudied species.• Establish a monitoring programme for targeted species (for example, threatened species and/or arable bryophytes).• Use the European Red List to obtain funding for research into the biology and ecology of key targeted species.Action on the ground• Use the European Red List as evidence to support multi-scale conservation initiatives, including designation of protected areas, reform of agricultural practices and land management, habitat restoration and rewilding, and pollution reduction measures.• Use the European Red List as a tool to target species that would benefit the most from the widespread implementation of the solutions offered by the 1991 Nitrates Directive (Council Directive 91/676/EEC), including the application of correct amounts of nutrients for each crop, only in periods of crop growth under suitable climatic conditions and never during periods of heavy rainfall or on frozen ground, and the creation of buffer zones to protect waters from run-off from the application of fertilizers.Ex situ conservation• Undertake ex situ conservation of species of conservation concern in botanic gardens and spore and gene banks, with a view to reintroduction where appropriate.</p
Інформаційна технологія моніторингу технічного стану систем посадки літаків у процесі експлуатації
The paper deals with developing methods of aircraft landing systems technical state data processing during operation. The created methods are the adaptive methods to the increasing amount of the current information.В статье рассмотрены вопросы построения рациональной и адаптивной к нарастающему объему текущей информации методики сбора и обработки данных о техническом состоянии систем посадки самолетов на этапе эксплуатации.Розглядаються питання побудови раціональної й адаптивної до наростаючого обсягу поточної інформації методики одержання й обробки даних про технічний стан систем посадки літаків на етапі експлуатації
Imported Items Found at the Uvek Site (Accidental Finds Kept at the Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore)
A collection of 396 imported items found on the Uvek fortified settlement site as accidental discoveries is discussed in the article. Among them, the majority of ceramic products are mostly ceremonial utensils. Mirrors, jewelry, glass and metal vessels are also represented. Most finds relevant to external imports come from Iran, Byzantium, Trebizond, the Mamluk State, China and Central Asia (with the exception of Khwarezm). Domestic import is dominated by products from South-Eastern Crimea, Khwarezm and the Lower Volga area. The peak of trade routes development is dated by the period from the 1270s through to the 1330s
Modification of MOS Devices by High-Field Electron Injection and Arc Plasma Jet Treatment
Methods of modification of gate dielectrics of the MOS structures by high-field electron injection and arc plasma jet treatment were studied. It is possible to use them for correction of parameters, decreasing defects number and increasing reliability of MOS devices. It was found that the negative charge accumulated in the film of the phosphorus-silicate glass of the MOS structures with the two-layer gate dielectric SiO₂-phosphorus-silicate glass under the high-field electron injection can be used for modification of devices with the same structures. It is shown that the injection-thermal treatment allows to find and exclude MOS structures with defects of isolation and charge defects. Arc plasma jet treatment was found to improve characteristics of the MOS devices. These treatments increase injection and radiation resistance of the gate dielectric by creating the needed density of electron traps in the bulk of SiO₂ film
Modification of Gate Dielectric in MOS Devices by Injection-Thermal and Plasma Treatments
The influence of injection-thermal and plasma treatments on the characteristics of the MOS-structure is studied. It is shown that the thermal stable part of the negative charge which accumulates in the phosphorus-silicate glass (PSG) film in the structures with the two-layer gate dielectric -PSG under high-field Fowler-Nordheim electron injection can be used for the characteristics modification of MOS-structures with above described structure. The injection-thermal and plasma treatments of MOS-structures are offered to use for improving the reliability and finding the samples which have the charge defects. It is found that using the injection-thermal and plasma treatments allows to increase the injection and radiation stability of the dielectric films of MOS-structures due to structural changes in the film and interface
Modification of MIS Devices by Irradiation and High-Field Electron Injection Treatments
Methods to modify gate dielectrics of MIS structures by irradiation treatments and high-field electron injection into dielectric are considered. In addition, distinctive features of these methods used to correct parameters of MIS devices are studied. It was found out that negative charge, accumulating in the thin film of phosphosilicate glass (PSG) of the MIS structure having a two-layer gate dielectric SiO_2-PSG under the high-field injection or during the irradiation treatment can be used to correct the threshold voltage to improve the charge stability and raise the voltage of breakdown for the MIS devices. It is proved that the density of electron traps rises with the increasing thickness of the PSG film. In this paper a method to modify electrophysical characteristics of MIS structures by the high-field tunnel injection of electrons into the gate dielectric under the mode of controlled current stress is proposed. The method allows to monitor changing of MIS structure parameters directly during the modification process
Practical use of modern guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in patients with chronic pancreatitis
The article presents a review of current European and Russian guidelines on diagnostics and treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Results of our own comparative study on treatment of 55 chronic pancreatitis patients with low and adequate doses of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) confirm the need for usage of recommended doses of modern micronized polyenzyme drugs since it improves both clinical manifestation and nutritional status in such patients unlike the lower doses. Our research findings show that the optimal criterium for PERT efficacy assessment is the normalization of antropometric and biochemical nutritional markers