3 research outputs found

    Rapid Lava Sand Filtration for Decentralized Produced Water Treatment System in Old Oil Well Wonocolo

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    The Cepu Block Oil Field has been traditionally extracted since 2008 by the local community in Wonocolo. The oil well-produced gas and fluids consisted of crude oil and produced water. This oil production activity discharges high amounts of produced water. The fluids have been settled down in the sedimentation tank to gain the crude oil optimally. The remaining fluid called produced water has been discharged to the surface towards the river without any further treatment.  This activity led to the deterioration of environmental quality. This study aimed to analyze the performance of produced water treatment by rapid sand filtration by measuring the degree of turbidity removal under the specific condition on a laboratory scale using lava sand. The sedimentation was conducted in 3 hours of retention time following the real field condition of the oil production process by community in one sample well. The rapid sand filtration was conducted by a fixed bed column method with 0.2 cm of grain size. The sedimentation process followed by the rapid sand filtration in produced water treatment yielded the high efficiency of turbidity removal reaching 98.65 %. The rapid sand filter also worked excellently in turbidity removal attaining 96.48 % of efficiency. These results confirmed that the sedimentation already done by the community followed by the rapid sand filtration is promising decentralized technology to be applied in a remote area such as Old Oil Wells Wonocolo regarding turbidity removal

    Data Produksi Untuk Analisis Penurunan Produksi Uap

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    Saat ini, Lapangan Panasbumi PPL menghasilkan listrik 56.2 MWe, dari Unit 1 sejak 2014 dan  nilai ini akan diupayakan untuk mencapai 60 MWe. Usaha yang dilakukan, dengan melakukan optimasi peralatan produksi,  sehingga akan meminimalisir terbentuknya kondensat di sepanjang pipa produksi, akibat penurunan tekanan dan temperature. Total produksi uap semula terproduksi dari setiap sumur adalah 370,175 ton/jam, akan tertapi saat ini berkurang menjadi 365,175 ton/jam. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain kebocoran pipa scaling, serta terbentuknya kondensat berlebih yang menyebabkan produksi pembangkit listrik hanya menghasilkan 56,2 MWe. Dalam menghitung kehilangan tekanan dan temperature pada pipa digunakan simulator. Sedangkan  pengambilan data adalah pembacaan langsung alat di lapangan dan data civil construction untuk rute dan spesifikasi pipa. Data dimasukan kedalam simulator untuk melakukan kalibrasi pada satu segmen pipa. Dilanjutkan uji validasi hingga persentase kesalahan <10, dilanjutkan dengan membuat model jaringan pipa lapangan. Terakhir adalah penentuan nilai Pwh optimum, penurunan exergy serta penurunan enthalpy setiap segmen pipa main line, sehingga dapat ditentukan kehilangan exergy  dan enthalpy terbesar, dan diketahui faktor-faktor penyebab menurunnya supply uap menuju turbin.               Kata Kunci: Panasbumi, Produksi Optimum, Exergi, Entalpi

    Rapid Lava Sand Filtration for Decentralized Produced Water Treatment System in Old Oil Well Wonocolo

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    The Cepu Block Oil Field has been traditionally extracted since 2008 by the local community in Wonocolo. The oil well-produced gas and fluids consisted of crude oil and produced water. This oil production activity discharges high amounts of produced water. The fluids have been settled down in the sedimentation tank to gain the crude oil optimally. The remaining fluid called produced water has been discharged to the surface towards the river without any further treatment. This activity led to the deterioration of environmental quality. This study aimed to analyze the performance of produced water treatment by rapid sand filtration by measuring the degree of turbidity removal under the specific condition on a laboratory scale using lava sand. The sedimentation was conducted in 3 hours of retention time following the real field condition of the oil production process by community in one sample well. The rapid sand filtration was conducted by a fixed bed column method with 0.2 cm of grain size. The sedimentation process followed by the rapid sand filtration in produced water treatment yielded the high efficiency of turbidity removal reaching 98.65 %. The rapid sand filter also worked excellently in turbidity removal attaining 96.48 % of efficiency. These results confirmed that the sedimentation already done by the community followed by the rapid sand filtration is promising decentralized technology to be applied in a remote area such as Old Oil Wells Wonocolo regarding turbidity removal