725 research outputs found

    Loop and Path Spaces and Four-Dimensional BF Theories: Connections, Holonomies and Observables

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    We study the differential geometry of principal G-bundles whose base space is the space of free paths (loops) on a manifold M. In particular we consider connections defined in terms of pairs (A,B), where A is a connection for a fixed principal bundle P(M,G) and B is a 2-form on M. The relevant curvatures, parallel transports and holonomies are computed and their expressions in local coordinates are exhibited. When the 2-form B is given by the curvature of A, then the so-called non-abelian Stokes formula follows. For a generic 2-form B, we distinguish the cases when the parallel transport depends on the whole path of paths and when it depends only on the spanned surface. In particular we discuss generalizations of the non-abelian Stokes formula. We study also the invariance properties of the (trace of the) holonomy under suitable transformation groups acting on the pairs (A,B). In this way we are able to define observables for both topological and non-topological quantum field theories of the BF type. In the non topological case, the surface terms may be relevant for the understanding of the quark-confinement problem. In the topological case the (perturbative) four-dimensional quantum BF-theory is expected to yield invariants of imbedded (or immersed) surfaces in a 4-manifold M.Comment: TeX, 39 page

    Loop observables for BF theories in any dimension and the cohomology of knots

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    A generalization of Wilson loop observables for BF theories in any dimension is introduced in the Batalin-Vilkovisky framework. The expectation values of these observables are cohomology classes of the space of imbeddings of a circle. One of the resulting theories discussed in the paper has only trivalent interactions and, irrespective of the actual dimension, looks like a 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theory.Comment: 13 page

    Four-Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory as a Deformation of Topological BF Theory

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    The classical action for pure Yang--Mills gauge theory can be formulated as a deformation of the topological BFBF theory where, beside the two-form field BB, one has to add one extra-field η\eta given by a one-form which transforms as the difference of two connections. The ensuing action functional gives a theory that is both classically and quantistically equivalent to the original Yang--Mills theory. In order to prove such an equivalence, it is shown that the dependency on the field η\eta can be gauged away completely. This gives rise to a field theory that, for this reason, can be considered as semi-topological or topological in some but not all the fields of the theory. The symmetry group involved in this theory is an affine extension of the tangent gauge group acting on the tangent bundle of the space of connections. A mathematical analysis of this group action and of the relevant BRST complex is discussed in details.Comment: 74 pages, LaTeX, minor corrections; to be published in Commun. Math. Phy

    A real-time compact monitor for environmental radiation: Cosmic rays and radioactivity

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    We report here about the possibility of using a compact scintillation NaI(Tl) detector, long-term stable and reliable, to monitor separately the components of the environmental radiation, i.e. in the energy range 0.28–2.8 MeV, due to very low energy secondary (Ultrasoft) cosmic radiation and radioactivity, airborne and from environment matter. We suggest some procedures to accomplish time variation analysis, by using a sample of data collected in Bologna

    Silicon Photo-Multiplier radiation hardness tests with a beam controlled neutron source

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    We report radiation hardness tests performed at the Frascati Neutron Generator on silicon Photo-Multipliers, semiconductor photon detectors built from a square matrix of avalanche photo-diodes on a silicon substrate. Several samples from different manufacturers have been irradiated integrating up to 7x10^10 1-MeV-equivalent neutrons per cm^2. Detector performances have been recorded during the neutron irradiation and a gradual deterioration of their properties was found to happen already after an integrated fluence of the order of 10^8 1-MeV-equivalent neutrons per cm^2.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Nucl. Inst. Meth.

    Link Invariants of Finite Type and Perturbation Theory

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    The Vassiliev-Gusarov link invariants of finite type are known to be closely related to perturbation theory for Chern-Simons theory. In order to clarify the perturbative nature of such link invariants, we introduce an algebra V_infinity containing elements g_i satisfying the usual braid group relations and elements a_i satisfying g_i - g_i^{-1} = epsilon a_i, where epsilon is a formal variable that may be regarded as measuring the failure of g_i^2 to equal 1. Topologically, the elements a_i signify crossings. We show that a large class of link invariants of finite type are in one-to-one correspondence with homogeneous Markov traces on V_infinity. We sketch a possible application of link invariants of finite type to a manifestly diffeomorphism-invariant perturbation theory for quantum gravity in the loop representation.Comment: 11 page

    4-Dimensional BF Theory as a Topological Quantum Field Theory

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    Starting from a Lie group G whose Lie algebra is equipped with an invariant nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form, we show that 4-dimensional BF theory with cosmological term gives rise to a TQFT satisfying a generalization of Atiyah's axioms to manifolds equipped with principal G-bundle. The case G = GL(4,R) is especially interesting because every 4-manifold is then naturally equipped with a principal G-bundle, namely its frame bundle. In this case, the partition function of a compact oriented 4-manifold is the exponential of its signature, and the resulting TQFT is isomorphic to that constructed by Crane and Yetter using a state sum model, or by Broda using a surgery presentation of 4-manifolds.Comment: 15 pages in LaTe

    Braneworld Flux Inflation

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    We propose a geometrical model of brane inflation where inflation is driven by the flux generated by opposing brane charges and terminated by the collision of the branes, with charge annihilation. We assume the collision process is completely inelastic and the kinetic energy is transformed into the thermal energy after collision. Thereafter the two branes coalesce together and behave as a single brane universe with zero effective cosmological constant. In the Einstein frame, the 4-dimensional effective theory changes abruptly at the collision point. Therefore, our inflationary model is necessarily 5-dimensional in nature. As the collision process has no singularity in 5-dimensional gravity, we can follow the evolution of fluctuations during the whole history of the universe. It turns out that the radion field fluctuations have a steeply tilted, red spectrum, while the primordial gravitational waves have a flat spectrum. Instead, primordial density perturbations could be generated by a curvaton mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, references adde

    Brain volume and cortical thickness characterization of the FTD-ALS

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    Preliminary test results on the new electronic readout of the YAP(S)PET small animal scanner

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    A small animal PET-SPECT scanner (YAP-(S)PET) prototype was built at the Physics Department of the University of Ferrara and is presently being used at the Nuclear Medicine Department for radiopharmaceutical studies on rats. The first YAP-(S)PET prototype shows very good performances, but needs some improvements before it can be used for intensive radiopharmaceutical research. The main problem of the actual prototype is its heavy electronics, based on NIM and CAMAC standard modules. For this reason a new, compact readout electronics was developed and tested. The results of a first series of tests made on the first prototype will be presented in this paper
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