459 research outputs found

    Damagnetization cooling of a gas

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    We demonstrate demagnetization cooling of a gas of ultracold 52^{52}Cr atoms. Demagnetization is driven by inelastic dipolar collisions which couple the motional degrees of freedom to the spin degree. By that kinetic energy is converted into magnetic work with a consequent temperature reduction of the gas. Optical pumping is used to magnetize the system and drive continuous demagnetization cooling. Applying this technique, we can increase the phase space density of our sample by one order of magnitude, with nearly no atom loss. This method can be in principle extended to every dipolar system and could be used to achieve quantum degeneracy via optical means.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Observation of Feshbach resonances in an ultracold gas of 52{}^{52}Cr

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    We have observed Feshbach resonances in elastic collisions between ultracold 52{}^{52}Cr atoms. This is the first observation of collisional Feshbach resonances in an atomic species with more than one valence electron. The zero nuclear spin of 52{}^{52}Cr and thus the absence of a Fermi-contact interaction leads to regularly-spaced resonance sequences. By comparing resonance positions with multi-channel scattering calculations we determine the s-wave scattering length of the lowest 2S+1Σg+^{2S+1}\Sigma_{g}^{+} potentials to be \unit[112(14)]{a_0}, \unit[58(6)]{a_0} and -\unit[7(20)]{a_0} for S=6, 4, and 2, respectively, where a_{0}=\unit[0.0529]{nm}.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Depolarisation cooling of an atomic cloud

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    We propose a cooling scheme based on depolarisation of a polarised cloud of trapped atoms. Similar to adiabatic demagnetisation, we suggest to use the coupling between the internal spin reservoir of the cloud and the external kinetic reservoir via dipolar relaxation to reduce the temperature of the cloud. By optical pumping one can cool the spin reservoir and force the cooling process. In case of a trapped gas of dipolar chromium atoms, we show that this cooling technique can be performed continuously and used to approach the critical phase space density for BECComment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Determination of the s-wave Scattering Length of Chromium

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    We have measured the deca-triplet s-wave scattering length of the bosonic chromium isotopes 52^{52}Cr and 50^{50}Cr. From the time constants for cross-dimensional thermalization in atomic samples we have determined the magnitudes ∣a(52Cr)∣=(170±39)a0|a(^{52}Cr)|=(170 \pm 39)a_0 and ∣a(50Cr)∣=(40±15)a0|a(^{50}Cr)|=(40 \pm 15)a_0, where a0=0.053nma_0=0.053nm. By measuring the rethermalization rate of 52^{52}Cr over a wide temperature range and comparing the temperature dependence with the effective-range theory and single-channel calculations, we have obtained strong evidence that the sign of a(52Cr)a(^{52}Cr) is positive. Rescaling our 52^{52}Cr model potential to 50^{50}Cr strongly suggests that a(50Cr)a(^{50}Cr) is positive, too.Comment: v3: corrected typo in y-axis scaling of Figs. 3 and

    Production of a chromium Bose-Einstein condensate

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    The recent achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation of chromium atoms [1] has opened longed-for experimental access to a degenerate quantum gas with long-range and anisotropic interaction. Due to the large magnetic moment of chromium atoms of 6 {μ\mu}B, in contrast to other Bose- Einstein condensates (BECs), magnetic dipole-dipole interaction plays an important role in a chromium BEC. Many new physical properties of degenerate gases arising from these magnetic forces have been predicted in the past and can now be studied experimentally. Besides these phenomena, the large dipole moment leads to a breakdown of standard methods for the creation of a chromium BEC. Cooling and trapping methods had to be adapted to the special electronic structure of chromium to reach the regime of quantum degeneracy. Some of them apply generally to gases with large dipolar forces. We present here a detailed discussion of the experimental techniques which are used to create a chromium BEC and alow us to produce pure condensates with up to {10510^5} atoms in an optical dipole trap. We also describe the methods used to determine the trapping parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Stellar Kinematics and Structural Properties of Virgo Cluster Dwarf Early-Type Galaxies from the SMAKCED Project. I. Kinematically Decoupled Cores and Implications for Infallen Groups in Clusters

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    We present evidence for kinematically decoupled cores (KDCs) in two dwarf early-type (dE) galaxies in the Virgo cluster, VCC 1183 and VCC 1453, studied as part of the SMAKCED stellar absorption-line spectroscopy and imaging survey. These KDCs have radii of 1.8'' (0.14 kpc) and 4.2'' (0.33 kpc), respectively. Each of these KDCs is distinct from the main body of its host galaxy in two ways: (1) inverted sense of rotation; and (2) younger (and possibly more metal-rich) stellar population. The observed stellar population differences are probably associated with the KDC, although we cannot rule out the possibility of intrinsic radial gradients in the host galaxy. We describe a statistical analysis method to detect, quantify the significance of, and characterize KDCs in long-slit rotation curve data. We apply this method to the two dE galaxies presented in this paper and to five other dEs for which KDCs have been reported in the literature. Among these seven dEs, there are four significant KDC detections, two marginal KDC detections, and one dE with an unusual central kinematic anomaly that may be an asymmetric KDC.The frequency of occurence of KDCs and their properties provide important constraints on the formation history of their host galaxies. We discuss different formation scenarios for these KDCs in cluster environments and find that dwarf-dwarf wet mergers or gas accretion can explain the properties of these KDCs. Both of these mechanisms require that the progenitor had a close companion with a low relative velocity. This suggests that KDCs were formed in galaxy pairs residing in a poor group environment or in isolation whose subsequent infall into the cluster quenched star formation.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Buffer gas cooling and trapping of atoms with small magnetic moments

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    Buffer gas cooling was extended to trap atoms with small magnetic moment (mu). For mu greater than or equal to 3mu_B, 1e12 atoms were buffer gas cooled, trapped, and thermally isolated in ultra high vacuum with roughly unit efficiency. For mu < 3mu_B, the fraction of atoms remaining after full thermal isolation was limited by two processes: wind from the rapid removal of the buffer gas and desorbing helium films. In our current apparatus we trap atoms with mu greater than or equal to 1.1mu_B, and thermally isolate atoms with mu greater than or equal to 2mu_B. Extrapolation of our results combined with simulations of the loss processes indicate that it is possible to trap and evaporatively cool mu = 1mu_B atoms using buffer gas cooling.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Dipolar Relaxation in an ultra-cold Gas of magnetically trapped chromium atoms

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    We have investigated both theoretically and experimentally dipolar relaxation in a gas of magnetically trapped chromium atoms. We have found that the large magnetic moment of 6 μB\mu_B results in an event rate coefficient for dipolar relaxation processes of up to 3.2⋅10−113.2\cdot10^{-11} cm3^{3}s−1^{-1} at a magnetic field of 44 G. We present a theoretical model based on pure dipolar coupling, which predicts dipolar relaxation rates in agreement with our experimental observations. This very general approach can be applied to a large variety of dipolar gases.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    On the stellar populations in NGC 185 and NGC 205, and the nuclear star cluster in NGC 205 from Hubble Space Telescope observations

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    [Abridged] We present a first detailed analysis of resolved stellar populations in the dwarf galaxies NGC 185 and NGC 205 based on archival V- and I-band WFPC2 pointings. For NGC 185 we deduce that star formation was probably still active about 4 x 10^8 yr ago. Key abundance-related results are: (1) We identify ancient stars with [Fe/H] <~ -1.5 dex by a well-defined horizontal branch (HB). (2) We find a prominent RGB/ faint-AGB clump/ bump- like feature with the same mean V-band magnitude as the HB, within uncertainties; from a comparison with theory, ancient stars have [Fe/H] ~ -1.5 dex, with a higher abundance level for intermediate-age stars. (3) From colour information we infer that the median [Fe/H] > -1.11 +/- 0.08 dex for ancient stars. For NGC 205, we record (m-M)o = 24.76 +/- 0.1 mag, based on the RGB I-band tip magnitude method. We find that stars were probably still forming less than 3 x 10^8 yr ago, which is compatible with star formation triggered by an interaction with M31. Key abundance-related results are: (1) The RGB/ faint-AGB is significantly skewed to redder values than that of a control field in the outskirts of M31; it probably results from a relatively narrow metallicity and or age range for a significant fraction of the dwarf's stars. (2) For ancient stars we infer from colour information that the median [Fe/H] > -1.06+/-0.04 dex. We briefly compare the stellar populations of NGC 205, NGC 185 and NGC 147. Finally, we find an apparent blue excess in the outer region of the nuclear star cluster in NGC 205. It is as compact as a typical galactic globular cluster, but is quite bright (10^6 L_solar,R); and by matching its blue colour with models, its stellar population is young, up to a few times 10^8 yr old.Comment: To appear in the May edition of the Astronomical Journal. Some figures have been degraded in quality for the purpose of submissio
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