6,084 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: Ξcc+\Xi_{cc}^{+} and Ξcc++\Xi_{cc}^{++}

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    Using the quark-diquark approximation in the framework of Buchm\" uller-Tye potential model, we investigate the spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: Ξcc++\Xi_{cc}^{++} and Ξcc+\Xi_{cc}^{+}. Our results include the masses, parameters of radial wave functions of states with the different excitations of both diquark and light quark-diquark system. We calculate the values of fine and hyperfine splittings of these levels and discuss some new features, connected to the identity of heavy quarks, in the dynamics of hadronic and radiative transitions between the states of these baryons.Comment: 10 pages, Latex file, 1 fig, corrected some typo

    One-dimensional metallic behavior of the stripe phase in La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4

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    Using an exact diagonalization method within the dynamical mean-field theory we study stripe phases in the two-dimensional Hubbard model. We find a crossover at doping δ0.05\delta\simeq 0.05 from diagonal stripes to vertical site-centered stripes with populated domain walls, stable in a broad range of doping, 0.05<δ<0.170.05<\delta<0.17. The calculated chemical potential shift δ2\propto -\delta^2 and the doping dependence of the magnetic incommensurability are in quantitative agreement with the experimental results for doped La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4. The electronic structure shows one-dimensional metallic behavior along the domain walls, and explains the suppression of spectral weight along the Brillouin zone diagonal.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spectra of Doubly Heavy Quark Baryons

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    Baryons containing two heavy quarks are treated in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Schr\"odinger equation for two center Coulomb plus harmonic oscillator potential is solved by the method of ethalon equation at large intercenter separations. Asymptotical expansions for energy term and wave function are obtained in the analytical form. Using those formulas, the energy spectra of doubly heavy baryons with various quark compositions are calculated analytically.Comment: 19 pages, latex2e, published at PRC61(2000)04520

    Ground-state phase diagram of the spin-1/2 square-lattice J1-J2 model with plaquette structure

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    Using the coupled cluster method for high orders of approximation and Lanczos exact diagonalization we study the ground-state phase diagram of a quantum spin-1/2 J1-J2 model on the square lattice with plaquette structure. We consider antiferromagnetic (J1>0) as well as ferromagnetic (J1<0) nearest-neighbor interactions together with frustrating antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor interaction J2>0. The strength of inter-plaquette interaction lambda varies between lambda=1 (that corresponds to the uniform J1-J2 model) and lambda=0 (that corresponds to isolated frustrated 4-spin plaquettes). While on the classical level (s \to \infty) both versions of models (i.e., with ferro- and antiferromagnetic J1) exhibit the same ground-state behavior, the ground-state phase diagram differs basically for the quantum case s=1/2. For the antiferromagnetic case (J1 > 0) Neel antiferromagnetic long-range order at small J2/J1 and lambda \gtrsim 0.47 as well as collinear striped antiferromagnetic long-range order at large J2/J1 and lambda \gtrsim 0.30 appear which correspond to their classical counterparts. Both semi-classical magnetic phases are separated by a nonmagnetic quantum paramagnetic phase. The parameter region, where this nonmagnetic phase exists, increases with decreasing of lambda. For the ferromagnetic case (J1 < 0) we have the trivial ferromagnetic ground state at small J2/|J1|. By increasing of J2 this classical phase gives way for a semi-classical plaquette phase, where the plaquette block spins of length s=2 are antiferromagnetically long-range ordered. Further increasing of J2 then yields collinear striped antiferromagnetic long-range order for lambda \gtrsim 0.38, but a nonmagnetic quantum paramagnetic phase lambda \lesssim 0.38.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figure

    Hadronic Production of Doubly Charmed Baryons via Charm Exitation in Proton

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    The production of baryons containing two charmed quarks Xi_cc in hadronic interactions at high energies and large transverse momenta is considered. It is supposed, that Xi_cc-baryon is formed during a non-perturbative fragmentation of the (cc)-diquark, which was produced in the hard process of cc-quark scattering from the colliding protons: c+c -> (cc) +g. It is shown that such mechanism enhances the expected doubly charmed baryon production cross section on Tevatron and LHC colliders approximately 2 times in contrast to predictions, obtained in the model of gluon - gluon production of (cc)-diquarks in the leading order of perturbative QCD.Comment: LaTeX2e, 13 pages plus 4 fig. using revtex4.sty, epsfig.sty. Talk was presented at International Seminar on Physics of Fundamental Interactions in ITEP, Moscow, Russia, November 27 - December 1, 200

    Quark-meson coupling model for finite nuclei

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    A Quark-Meson Coupling (QMC) model is extended to finite nuclei in the relativistic mean-field or Hartree approximation. The ultra-relativistic quarks are assumed to be bound in non-overlapping nucleon bags, and the interaction between nucleons arises from a coupling of vector and scalar meson fields to the quarks. We develop a perturbative scheme for treating the spatial nonuniformity of the meson fields over the volume of the nucleon as well as the nucleus. Results of calculations for spherical nuclei are given, based on a fit to the equilibrium properties of nuclear matter. Several possible extensions of the model are also considered.Comment: 33 pages REVTeX plus 2 postscript figure

    Quantum Dot Potentials: Symanzik Scaling, Resurgent Expansions and Quantum Dynamics

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    This article is concerned with a special class of the ``double-well-like'' potentials that occur naturally in the analysis of finite quantum systems. Special attention is paid, in particular, to the so-called Fokker-Planck potential, which has a particular property: the perturbation series for the ground-state energy vanishes to all orders in the coupling parameter, but the actual ground-state energy is positive and dominated by instanton configurations of the form exp(-a/g), where a is the instanton action. The instanton effects are most naturally taken into account within the modified Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions whose expansion leads to the generalized perturbative expansions (so-called resurgent expansions) for the energy values of the Fokker-Planck potential. Until now, these resurgent expansions have been mainly applied for small values of coupling parameter g, while much less attention has been paid to the strong-coupling regime. In this contribution, we compare the energy values, obtained by directly resumming generalized Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions, to the strong-coupling expansion, for which we determine the first few expansion coefficients in powers of g^(-2/3). Detailed calculations are performed for a wide range of coupling parameters g and indicate a considerable overlap between the regions of validity of the weak-coupling resurgent series and of the strong-coupling expansion. Apart from the analysis of the energy spectrum of the Fokker-Planck Hamiltonian, we also briefly discuss the computation of its eigenfunctions. These eigenfunctions may be utilized for the numerical integration of the (single-particle) time-dependent Schroedinger equation and, hence, for studying the dynamical evolution of the wavepackets in the double-well-like potentials.Comment: 13 pages; RevTe

    New Algorithm for Mixmaster Dynamics

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    We present a new numerical algorithm for evolving the Mixmaster spacetimes. By using symplectic integration techniques to take advantage of the exact Taub solution for the scattering between asymptotic Kasner regimes, we evolve these spacetimes with higher accuracy using much larger time steps than previously possible. The longer Mixmaster evolution thus allowed enables detailed comparison with the Belinskii, Khalatnikov, Lifshitz (BKL) approximate Mixmaster dynamics. In particular, we show that errors between the BKL prediction and the measured parameters early in the simulation can be eliminated by relaxing the BKL assumptions to yield an improved map. The improved map has different predictions for vacuum Bianchi Type IX and magnetic Bianchi Type VI0_0 Mixmaster models which are clearly matched in the simulation.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, 4 eps figure

    Composite nucleons in scalar and vector mean-fields

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    We emphasize that the composite structure of the nucleon may play quite an important role in nuclear physics. It is shown that the momentum-dependent repulsive force of second order in the scalar field, which plays an important role in Dirac phenomenology, can be found in the quark-meson coupling (QMC) model, and that the properties of nuclear matter are well described through the quark-scalar density in a nucleon and a self-consistency condition for the scalar field. The difference between theories of point-like nucleons and composite ones may be seen in the change of the ω\omega-meson mass in nuclear matter if the composite nature of the nucleon suppresses contributions from nucleon-antinucleon pair creation.Comment: 10 page

    Deconfinement in the Quark Meson Coupling Model

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    The Quark Meson Coupling Model which describes nuclear matter as a collection of non-overlapping MIT bags interacting by the self-consistent exchange of scalar and vector mesons is used to study nuclear matter at finite temperature. In its modified version, the density dependence of the bag constant is introduced by a direct coupling between the bag constant and the scalar mean field. In the present work, the coupling of the scalar mean field with the constituent quarks is considered exactly through the solution of the Dirac equation. Our results show that a phase transition takes place at a critical temperature around 200 MeV in which the scalar mean field takes a nonzero value at zero baryon density. Furthermore it is found that the bag constant decreases significantly when the temperature increases above this critical temperature indicating the onset of quark deconfinement.Comment: LaTeX/TeX 15 pages (zk2.tex)+ 6 figures in TeX forma