36 research outputs found

    Comparing DNA replication programs reveals large timing shifts at centromeres of endocycling cells in maize roots.

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    Plant cells undergo two types of cell cycles-the mitotic cycle in which DNA replication is coupled to mitosis, and the endocycle in which DNA replication occurs in the absence of cell division. To investigate DNA replication programs in these two types of cell cycles, we pulse labeled intact root tips of maize (Zea mays) with 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine (EdU) and used flow sorting of nuclei to examine DNA replication timing (RT) during the transition from a mitotic cycle to an endocycle. Comparison of the sequence-based RT profiles showed that most regions of the maize genome replicate at the same time during S phase in mitotic and endocycling cells, despite the need to replicate twice as much DNA in the endocycle and the fact that endocycling is typically associated with cell differentiation. However, regions collectively corresponding to 2% of the genome displayed significant changes in timing between the two types of cell cycles. The majority of these regions are small with a median size of 135 kb, shift to a later RT in the endocycle, and are enriched for genes expressed in the root tip. We found larger regions that shifted RT in centromeres of seven of the ten maize chromosomes. These regions covered the majority of the previously defined functional centromere, which ranged between 1 and 2 Mb in size in the reference genome. They replicate mainly during mid S phase in mitotic cells but primarily in late S phase of the endocycle. In contrast, the immediately adjacent pericentromere sequences are primarily late replicating in both cell cycles. Analysis of CENH3 enrichment levels in 8C vs 2C nuclei suggested that there is only a partial replacement of CENH3 nucleosomes after endocycle replication is complete. The shift to later replication of centromeres and possible reduction in CENH3 enrichment after endocycle replication is consistent with a hypothesis that centromeres are inactivated when their function is no longer needed

    Fragmentation and logical omniscience

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    It would be good to have a Bayesian decision theory that assesses our decisions and thinking according to everyday standards of rationality — standards that do not require logical omniscience (Garber 1983, Hacking 1967). To that end we develop a “fragmented” decision theory in which a single state of mind is represented by a family of credence functions, each associated with a distinct choice condition (Lewis 1982, Stalnaker 1984). The theory imposes a local coherence assumption guaranteeing that as an agent's attention shifts, successive batches of "obvious" logical information become available to her. A rule of expected utility maximization can then be applied to the decision of what to attend to next during a train of thought. On the resulting theory, rationality requires ordinary agents to be logically competent and to often engage in trains of thought that increase the unification of their states of mind. But rationality does not require ordinary agents to be logically omniscient

    Genome-Wide Analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana Replication Timing Program

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    Eukaryotes use a temporally regulated process, known as the replication timing program, to ensure that their genomes are fully and accurately duplicated during S phase. Replication timing programs are predictive of genomic features and activity, and considered to be functional readouts of chromatin organization. Although replication timing programs have been described for yeast and animal systems, much less is known about the temporal regulation of plant DNA replication or its relationship to genome sequence and chromatin structure. We used the thymidine analog, 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine, in combination with flow sorting and Repli-Seq to describe a high-resolution, genome-wide replication timing program for Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 suspension cells. We identified genomic regions that replicate predominantly during early, mid and late S phase, and correlated these regions with genomic features and with data for chromatin state, accessibility and long-distance interaction. Arabidopsis chromosome arms tend to replicate early while pericentromeric regions replicate late. Early and mid-replicating regions are gene-rich and predominantly euchromatic, while late regions are rich in transposable elements and primarily heterochromatic. However, the distribution of chromatin states across the different times is complex, with each replication time corresponding to a mixture of states. Early and mid-replicating sequences interact with each other and not with late sequences, but early regions are more accessible than mid regions. The replication timing program in Arabidopsis reflects a bipartite genomic organization with early/mid replicating regions and late regions forming separate, non-interacting compartments. The temporal order of DNA replication within the early/mid compartment may be modulated largely by chromatin accessibility

    Differential Reliance on Lipid Metabolism as a Salvage Pathway Underlies Functional Differences of T Cell Subsets in Poor Nutrient Environments

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    Summary: T cells compete with malignant cells for limited nutrients within the solid tumor microenvironment. We found that effector memory CD4 T cells respond distinctly from other T cell subsets to limiting glucose and can maintain high levels of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) production in a nutrient-poor environment. Unlike naive (TN) or central memory T (TCM) cells, effector memory T (TEM) cells fail to upregulate fatty acid synthesis, oxidative phosphorylation, and reductive glutaminolysis in limiting glucose. Interference of fatty acid synthesis in naive T cells dramatically upregulates IFN-γ, while increasing exogenous lipids in media inhibits production of IFN-γ by all subsets, suggesting that relative ratio of fatty acid metabolism to glycolysis is a direct predictor of T cell effector activity. Together, these data suggest that effector memory T cells are programmed to have limited ability to synthesize and metabolize fatty acids, which allows them to maintain T cell function in nutrient-depleted microenvironments. : Ecker et al. distinguish unique metabolic and functional properties of naive and memory T cell subsets during glucose limitation. During glucose starvation, T cells begin to differentially rely on fatty acid synthesis and glutamine utilization to survive. Unexpectedly, reliance on fatty acid synthesis alters the ability to produce IFN-γ. Keywords: lipid droplets, IFN-γ, oxidative phosphorylation, reductive glutaminolysis, serum-free media, naive T cell, glycolysis, effector memory T cell, fatty acid synthesi