10 research outputs found

    Loss of Sialic Acid Binding Domain Redirects Protein σ1 to Enhance M Cell-Directed Vaccination

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    Ovalbumin (OVA) genetically fused to protein sigma 1 (pσ1) results in tolerance to both OVA and pσ1. Pσ1 binds in a multi-step fashion, involving both protein- and carbohydrate-based receptors. To assess the relative pσ1 components responsible for inducing tolerance and the importance of its sialic binding domain (SABD) for immunization, modified OVA-pσ1, termed OVA-pσ1(short), was deleted of its SABD, but with its M cell targeting moiety intact, and was found to be immunostimulatory and enhanced CD4+ and CD8+ T cell proliferation. When used to nasally immunize mice given with and without cholera toxin (CT) adjuvant, elevated SIgA and serum IgG responses were induced, and OVA-pσ1(s) was more efficient for immunization than native OVA+CT. The immune antibodies (Abs) were derived from elevated Ab-forming cells in the upper respiratory tissues and submaxillary glands and were supported by mixed Th cell responses. Thus, these studies show that pσ1(s) can be fused to vaccines to effectively elicit improved SIgA responses

    Parental smoking and lung function in children: an international study.

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    RATIONALE: Both prenatal and postnatal passive smoking have been linked with respiratory symptoms and asthma in childhood. Their differential contributions to lung function growth in the general children's population are less clear. OBJECTIVE: To study the relative impact of pre- and postnatal exposure on respiratory functions of primary school children in a wide range of geographic settings, we analyzed flow and volume data of more than 20,000 children (aged 6-12 yr) from nine countries in Europe and North America. METHODS: Exposure information had been obtained by comparable questionnaires, and spirometry followed a protocol of the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society. Linear and logistic regressions were used, controlling for individual risk factors and study area. Heterogeneity between study-specific results and mean effects were estimated using meta-analytic tools. MAIN RESULTS: Smoking during pregnancy was associated with decreases in lung function parameters between -1% (FEV1) and -6% maximal expiratory flow at 25% of vital capacity left (MEF25). A 4% lower maximal midexpiratory flow (MMEF) corresponded to a 40% increase in the risk of poor lung function (MMEF < 75% of expected). Associations with current passive smoking were weaker though still measurable, with effects ranging from -0.5% (FEV1) to -2% maximal expiratory flow (MEF50). CONCLUSIONS: Considering the high number of children exposed to maternal smoking in utero and the even higher number exposed to passive smoking after birth, this risk factor for reduced lung function growth remains a serious pediatric and public health issue


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    Mikoproteiny stanowią biomasę komórek grzybowych z rodzaju Fusarium venenatum o zredukowanej ilości RNA. W ich skład wchodzi około 50 % białek, 12 % tłuszczu, 12 % cukrów i 25 % włókna pokarmowego. Skład aminokwasowy białka mikoprotein jest porównywalny z ich zawartością w białkach mięsa, jaj, soi i pszenicy. Mikoproteiny poddane teksturyzacji mogą być wykorzystane jako substytut mięsa.Mycoprotein is a biomass of the fungi cells of Fusarium venenatum with a reduced content of RNA. It consists of about 50 % of protein, 12 % of lipids, 12 % of sugars, and 25 % of dietary fibre. The amino acid content in mycoprotein is comparable with the amino acid content in meat, egg, soy, and wheat proteins. The mycoprotein processed by texturization can be used as a meat substitute

    PM10 and children's respiratory symptoms and lung function in the PATY study

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    Studies of the impact of long-term exposure to outdoor air pollution on prevalence of respiratory symptoms and lung function in children have yielded mixed results, partly related to differences in study design, exposure assessment, confounder selection and data analysis.We assembled respiratory health and exposure data for more than 45,000 children from comparable cross-sectional studies in 12 countries. Eleven respiratory symptoms were selected for which comparable questions were asked. Spirometry was performed in about half of the children. Exposure to air pollution was mainly characterized by annual average concentrations of particulate matter smaller than 10 mum (PM10) measured at fixed sites within the study areas.Positive associations were found between the average PM10 concentration and the prevalence of phlegm (Odds Ratio per 10 mug.m(-3) 1.15, 95% Confidence Interval 1.02-1.30), hay fever (1.20 (0.99-1.46)), bronchitis (1.08 (0.98-1.19)), morning cough (1.15 (1.02-1.29)) and nocturnal cough (1.13 (0.98-1.29)). There were no associations with diagnosed asthma and asthma symptoms. PM10 was not associated with lung function across all studies combined.Our study adds to the evidence that long-term exposure to outdoor air pollution, characterized by the concentration of PM10, is associated with increased respiratory symptom

    Parental education and lung function of children in the PATY study

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    Studies of the relationships between low socio-economic status and impaired lung function were conducted mainly in Western European countries and North America. East–West differences remain unexplored. Associations between parental education and lung function were explored using data on 24,010 school-children from eight cross-sectional studies conducted in North America, Western and Eastern Europe. Parental education was defined as low and high using country-specific classifications. Country-specific estimates of effects of low parental education on volume and flow parameters were obtained using linear and logistic regression, controlling for early life and other individual risk factors. Meta-regressions were used for assessment of heterogeneity between country-specific estimates. The association between low parental education and lung function was not consistent across the countries, but showed a more pronounced inverse gradient in the Western countries. The most consistent decrease associated with low parental education was found for peak expiratory flow (PEF), ranging from −2.80 to −1.14%, with statistically significant associations in five out of eight countries. The mean odds ratio for low PEF (<75% of predicted) was 1.34 (95% CI 1.06–1.70) after all adjustments. Although social gradients were attenuated after adjusting for known risk factors, these risk factors could not completely explain the social gradient in lung function