49 research outputs found

    Prediction of rainfall intensity measurement errors using commercial microwave communication links

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    Commercial microwave radio links forming cellular communication networks are known to be a valuable instrument for measuring near-surface rainfall. However, operational communication links are more uncertain relatively to the dedicated installations since their geometry and frequencies are optimized for high communication performance rather than observing rainfall. Quantification of the uncertainties for measurements that are non-optimal in the first place is essential to assure usability of the data. <br><br> In this work we address modeling of instrumental impairments, i.e. signal variability due to antenna wetting, baseline attenuation uncertainty and digital quantization, as well as environmental ones, i.e. variability of drop size distribution along a link affecting accuracy of path-averaged rainfall measurement and spatial variability of rainfall in the link's neighborhood affecting the accuracy of rainfall estimation out of the link path. Expressions for root mean squared error (RMSE) for estimates of path-averaged and point rainfall have been derived. To verify the RMSE expressions quantitatively, path-averaged measurements from 21 operational communication links in 12 different locations have been compared to records of five nearby rain gauges over three rainstorm events. <br><br> The experiments show that the prediction accuracy is above 90% for temporal accumulation less than 30 min and lowers for longer accumulation intervals. Spatial variability in the vicinity of the link, baseline attenuation uncertainty and, possibly, suboptimality of wet antenna attenuation model are the major sources of link-gauge discrepancies. In addition, the dependence of the optimal coefficients of a conventional wet antenna attenuation model on spatial rainfall variability and, accordingly, link length has been shown. <br><br> The expressions for RMSE of the path-averaged rainfall estimates can be useful for integration of measurements from multiple heterogeneous links into data assimilation algorithms

    Lean Production Concept and Opportunities for its Implementation in the Republic of Belarus

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    Implementation of lean production concept is carried out at industrial companies in many developed and developing countries of the world community. The Republic of Belarus is no exception: the tools and methods of lean production are used with great success in our companies

    Humanitarization of University and Social Engagement Mission

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    The paper focuses on substantiating the institutional significance of the humanitarian component of University education and demonstrating opportunities for its implementation through non-profit activities of the University community. Transition to the new technological order accentuates the relevance of new personal and communicative competencies formed on the basis of education in humanities. Humanitarization is a priority task, which is reflected in the University education practices in the United States and European countries. The idea of upbringing a humanitarianly educated and humanitarianly oriented personality is declared in the discourses of the world leading Universities’ missions, whose activities are aimed at achieving public good for the society and its sustainable development. Russian documents and discussions on higher education emphasize the importance of humanitarization, but in practice, the humanitarian component in Russian universities is clearly being underestimated. In our opinion, this is due to the fact that humanitarization means mainly the strengthening of the cognitive element of University programs – the expansion of humanitarian specialties and humanitarian courses, but socially oriented University practices are not taken into account. Meanwhile, humanitarization includes both the translation of humanitarian knowledge and values – the strategic goals of the development of society, the state, the region, and the activity-based approbation of the knowledge gained in extra-curricular practices.Humanitarization of higher education is considered in the article from the standpoint of social and philosophical analysis, within the ontological aspect as a mode of being of an institutionally organized human activity on knowledge production and translation, which has closely been expressed in creating University 3.0, as well as in the idea and discourse of the third mission of University. The third mission sufficiently strengthens its emphasis on the anthropological and social function – orientation of University activities towards the genesis of a creative personality and the increased good for society. The goal of achieving the good is explicitly present in those social practices that are aimed at participating in the life of society without direct commercial gain and is implemented outside the University. The article examines the main types of socio-humanitarian practices in universities in Western countries

    Higher Education for Global and Local Sustainable Development

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    The Russian universities’ contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals is analyzed from the prospect of globalism crisis and transition to the global-local paradigm of the existence of a society. The authors proceed from the theoretical premise that the internationally recognized threefold concept of sustainable development encompassing economic development, social stability and environmental sustainability is based on the understanding of the development as a process and a result of subjective and objective factors that effective in activity aimed at building the future of the humankind. Sociocultural approach allows considering the universities’ practices on achieving global goals of sustainable development through local (national and cultural) practices: ecological, economical and socially oriented activity and/ or building ecosystems at a local level. The article is aimed to define the universities’ organizational environment and conditions providing the high level of sustainable development goals’ achievement.Universities implement various strategies to introduce the concept of sustainability into the programs of their development. The practices of the universities known for the effective implementation of sustainability concept into educational, research and social practices oriented to the regional sustainable development are analyzed. The universities under consideration provide stimulating ground for establishing horizontal and vertical relationships among all subjects of sustainable development within their educational environment, fostering sustainability culture and motivating students, teachers and other personnel to achieve sustainability goals. Their experience might be informative for Russian Universities as far as the principles of sustainable development and orientation at building educational ecosystems are formulated in the national programs of regional development in Russia (Flagship Universities Program and Priority 2030 Program). In the Priority 2030 Program, the ecosystem principle is one of the fundamental for the result-oriented innovative development of regional clusters created by the joint efforts of universities, businesses, state and social organizations. However, Russian universities in their striving for designing educational ecosystem mostly focus on research and financial aspects than on the development of a man, whose professional, intellectual and moral formation might contribute to the sustainable development of the region, the nation and the world

    Diseases of the Cardio-Vascular System in Athletes.

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    Современный спорт высоких достижений – это сфера деятельности, в которой организм спортсмена подвергается экстремальным и психологическим нагрузкам. Патология сердечно-сосудистой системы у спортсменов занимает одно из первых мест в структуре их общей заболеваемости. Modern sport of high achievements is a sphere of activity in which the organism of sportsman is exposed to the extreme and psychological loads. Pathology of the саrdiо-vascular system for sportsmen occupies one of the first places in the structure of their general morbidity

    На пути модернизации: миссия университета в региональном развитии

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    The authors highlight that foundation of basic universities are founded in Russia due to modernization and reforming of national education. The aim of the basic universities is contribution to regional development. The interaction between higher education and the regions is associated with strengthening of the «third mission» of universities. Implementation of the «third mission» makes the university key player of regional economic and social development and introduces significant changes in the university»s relations with its partners considered to be industry, business, government and civil society institutions. Implementation of the «third mission» requires modernization in teaching and research system of the university, development of entrepreneurship, implementation of business projects, while maintaining its institutional identity. On analyzing the practices of German universities, the author makes conclusion that creation of inter-institutional partnership and cooperation between the government, regional and local authorities, universities and business contribute to the regional  growth.На современном этапе модернизации отечественного образования происходит формирование опорных университетов, целью которых является развитие регионов. Взаимодействие высшей школы с регионами сопряжено с усилением «третьей миссии» университетов, реализация которой делает его ключевым «игроком» экономического и социального развития региона и вносит существенные изменения в отношения университета со своими партнерами: промышленностью, бизнесом, органами государственного управления, институтами гражданского общества. Выполнение «третьей миссии» требует модернизации обучающей и исследовательской системы университета, развития предпринимательства, реализации бизнес-проектов при сохранении институциональной идентичности. Анализируя опыт германских университетов, автор приходит к выводу, что для регионального развития важно создание межинституциональных партнерских связей государства, местных органов управления, университетов и  бизнеса

    Экономические основы развития логистики международных автомобильных перевозок грузов в Республике Беларусь в условиях пандемии коронавируса

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    The paper considers an issue of international logistics development in Belarus under world coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of analytical reviewing of the up-to-date scientific literature on the problem under study, the expediency is stated for highlighting the logistics of international road freight transportation as an independent area of theoretical research and practical activity. Further development of international road freight transportation logistics in the Republic of Belarus requires a complex economic analysis of the present state and dynamics of the international road freight transportation market, which is the main purpose of the present publication. The paper contains the results of the analysis of the market for international and transit freight road transportation. Separately the paper points out the dynamics of transit goods transportation segment in this market in response to the reorientation of international freight flows. Interconnection is shown between the volume indices of international road freight transit through the territory of Belarus and the dynamics of goods import to the Russian Federation from the EU countries. For the first time a proposal is given to use the methodological tools of systemmatrix diagnostic analysis for investigation of the macroeconomic development process of international road freight transit logistics. The author’s set of initial parameters for the analysis has been formed, and its results are presented on the basis of the data of the State statistical reporting form for 2019–2020. A suggestion is given for joint usage of system-matrix diagnostic tools in combination with author’s methodology for assessing the effectiveness of transit (international) freight transportation while evaluating the competitiveness of economic entities in the industry. The most typical trends of the market development in the short term are stated, taking into account the more complicated market conditions.Рассмотрен вопрос развития международной логистики в Беларуси в условиях мировой пандемии коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19. При аналитическом обзоре современной научной литературы по исследуемой проблеме отмечена целесообразность выделения логистики международных автомобильных перевозок грузов в качестве самостоятельного направления теоретических исследований и практической деятельности. Дальнейшее развитие логистики международных грузовых перевозок в Республике Беларусь требует проведения комплексного экономического анализа текущего состояния и динамики рынка международных автомобильных перевозок грузов, реализация которого является целью настоящей публикации. В статье представлены результаты анализа рынка международных и транзитных грузовых автомобильных перевозок. Отдельно охарактеризована динамика сегмента транзитной транспортировки товаров на этом рынке в условиях переориентации международных грузовых потоков. Отмечена взаимосвязь между объемными показателями международного автомобильного транзита грузов через территорию Беларуси с динамикой импорта товаров в Российскую Федерацию из стран Европейского союза. Впервые предложено использование методического инструментария системно-матричного диагностического анализа для исследования макроэкономического процесса развития логистики международных автомобильных перевозок грузов. Сформирован авторский набор исходных параметров для проведения анализа, представлены его результаты на основе данных формы государственной статистической отчетности за 2019–2020 гг. Предложено совместное использование инструментария системно-матричного диагностического анализа в сочетании с авторской методикой оценки эффективности транзитных (международных) автомобильных грузоперевозок при оценке конкурентоспособности хозяйствующих субъектов отрасли. Отмечены наиболее характерные тенденции развития рынка в краткосрочной перспективе с учетом усложнившейся рыночной конъюнктуры

    Плиты для сборных дорожных покрытий с наименьшим «клавишным» эффектом

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    The paper studies the issue of improving the evenness of the prefabricated concrete pavement by changing the design of the slabs from which it is assembled. Irregularities of the prefabricated pavement mainly occur at the junction of the plates and are called “keyboard” effect. The reason for the unevenness is the vertical movement of the ends of the plates relative to each other when the car passes. In order to correct this situation, the authors propose to arrange transverse ribs of rectangular cross section at the ends of the plates. Such ribs will create a reliable support at the edges of the slab, which will reduce the vertical movement of its ends. To determine the effectiveness of the use of transverse ribs, a concrete slab with dimensions of  3´6 m has been examined in the paper. The transverse rib in cross section had the shape of a rectangle with sides 20´10 cm. In order to compare the test results, a concrete slab of the same dimensions, but without transverse ribs, has been studied. Deformations and stresses of the slab under load have been determined by the finite element method using the Lira software package. Calculations have shown the effectiveness of the slabs with transverse ribs mounted on its edges. The vertical displacements of the ends of the slabs with ribs are two times less than those of the slabs without ribs, and the stresses are 2.4 times less. It is obvious that the use of concrete slabs with transverse ribs at the ends will reduce the unevenness of the prefabricated coating at the points of their mating.Изучен вопрос улучшения ровности сборного бетонного покрытия посредством изменения конструкции плит, из которых оно собирается. Неровности сборного покрытия, так называемый «клавишный» эффект, в основном возникают в местах сопряжения плит. Причина неровностей – вертикальные перемещения торцов плит друг относительно друга при проезде автомобиля. С целью исправления этой ситуации авторы предлагают устраивать на концах плит поперечные ребра прямоугольного сечения. Такие ребра будут создавать надежную опору на краях плиты, что уменьшит вертикальные перемещения ее торцов. Чтобы определить эффективность применения поперечных ребер, исследовали бетонную плиту размерами 3´6 м. Поперечное ребро в сечении имело форму прямоугольника со сторонами 20´10 см. Для сравнения результатов испытаний исследовали бетонную плиту таких же размеров, но без поперечных ребер. Деформации и напряжения плиты под нагрузкой определяли методом конечных элементов с использованием программного комплекса «Лира». Расчеты показали, что вертикальные перемещения торцов плит с ребрами в два раза, а напряжения – в 2,4 раза меньше, чем плит без ребер. Таким образом установлено, что использование бетонных плит с поперечными ребрами на торцах позволит уменьшить неровности сборного дорожного покрытия