304 research outputs found

    Periods of development of additional education

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    In article, the periods of development of additional education in Russia are considered. The definitions of the periods of development of additional education by scientists are considered. Stages of development of additional education within emergence of forms of realization of additional education are offeredВ статье рассматриваются периоды развития дополнительного образования в России. Рассмотрены определения учеными периодов развития дополнительного образования. Предложены этапы развития дополнительного образования в рамках возникновения форм реализации дополнительного образовани

    Portfolio as the indicator of readiness of the graduate to independent work

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    In the article analyzed the formation of a portfolio of the student as indicator of readiness of the graduate for independent work. Considered the relationship between the filling of the portfolio with information on achievements by types of activity and characteristics of the graduate's readinessВ статье анализируется формирование портфолио обучающегося как показателя готовности выпускника к самостоятельной трудовой деятельности. Рассматривается взаимосвязь наполнения портфолио информацией о достижениях по видам деятельности и результативными характеристиками готовности выпускник

    Features of distance educational technologies in additional professional education

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    The article describes the technologies of distance learning in additional professional education. The factors that determine the implementation and development of distance learning tech nologies. Advantages of distance educational technologies are listed. Characteristic features of training with application of distance educational technologies are presented. The moments that require improvement of the distance learning implementation system are identifiedРассматриваются дистанционные образовательные технологии в условиях дополнительного профессионального образования. Выделены факторы, определяющие внедрение и развитие дистанционных технологий, описаны их преимущества. Представлены характерные черты обучения с применением дистанционных образовательных технологий. Определены проблемные моменты, требующие совершенствования системы дистанционного обучени

    Current problems of additional education

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    This article is devoted to additional education. The problems of additional adult education are considered: motivation of adult educational activity, education of different categories of adults, professional activity of educator, the quality of additional educationВ статье рассматриваются проблемы дополнительного образования взрослого населения: мотивация образовательной деятельности взрослых, образование разных категорий взрослых, профессиональная деятельность педагога, качество дополнительного образовани

    The ethical aspects of russian national holidays’ names: the price of mistakes

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    Этическая проблематика неразрывно связана с понятием нормы. Что есть норма по отношению к культурному наследию в современной России? Следует ли ориентироваться на западные образцы при создании символических российских репрезентаций? По-своему отвечая на заданные вопросы, автор предлагает методику анализа культурно-коммуникативных формул — названий российских праздников — с привлечением данных Национального корпуса русского языка. В основе описываемой методики лежит тезаурусная методология Вал. А. Лукова и Вл. А. Лукова, позволяющая создавать тезаурусные эскизы как отдельных личностей, так и больших социумов, и соотносить их при этом с понятием нормы, сопряженной с понятием своё. Автор обращает внимание на неслучайный характер бытующих в российском общественном сознании оговорок, связанных с современными названиями праздников. Исследование опирается на данные соцопроса Левада-Центра, посвященного узнаваемости праздников в новейшей истории России.The problem of ethics is deeply rooted within the concept of the norm. There are two central questions, which this article is based on: what is the norm for the modern Russian cultural heritage and must this norm be integrated into Western context? In the article the concept of the norm deeply correlates with the idea native Russian intrinsic values. The article is a part of a research program, centered around the analysis of modern social communities through communicative prism, which allows the researcher to identify native intrinsic values. The author puts forward a new communicative methodology of Russian holidays’ names, based on the data from Russian National Corpus. The research is focused on the thesaurus method, formulated by distinguished Russian scholars Valery A. and Vladimir A. Lukov. This method contributes to the understanding of individual thesaurus representations, as well as society’s thesaurus representations. The author outlines deliberate manipulative character of certain misconceptions of Russian holidays’ names, typical of modern Russian society. The research is based on the data from Levada-Centre survey of modern Russian holidays’ names

    The emergence and concept the additional education

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    The article is devoted the emergence and development the additional education in Russia. The concepts «out-of-school education» and «additional education» are compared. Understanding of the term "additional education" on the basis of positions of various authors is analyzedВ статье рассматривается возникновение и развитие дополнительного образования в России. Сопоставляются понятия «внешкольное образование» и «дополнительное образование». Анализируется понимание термина «дополнительное образование» на основании позиций различных авторо

    Ranking of transport network development projects in the Sverdlovsk railroad area based on fuzzy logic

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    Relevance.  Due to the turbulence of economic processes in the period of sanctions pressure on the economy, decisions should be made, effective, first of all, from a national position.  For this purpose, it is necessary to justify them using multi-criteria and all available information, which at the initial stages is fundamentally incomplete, insufficiently reliable and sometimes weakly formalized. In such cases, it is advisable to use special methods to assess the decisions made in conditions of uncertainty, in particular methods of fuzzy logic and mathematics.Purpose of the study. The study is aimed at assessing the order of priority of transport rail support on the investigated most important in the federal and regional scale main lines by including the most significant technological and economic criteria, reflecting the nationwide priority.Data and Methods. To compare different methods of priority construction of the main lines of railway lines, we used the procedure of fuzzy multi-criteria analysis of the projects. The assumed priorities of transport rail support are based on four trunk line projects: the Middle Urals Latitudinal Railway on the N-Tagil - Perm section; the Troitsko-Pechorsk - Ivdel section; the Perm - Chernushka section; the Ust - Aha - Uray - Khanty-Mansiysk - Salym section.Results. The paper proves the possibility of applying the approach based on fuzzy logic to the analysis of economic processes in the period of shocks to the economy, caused, in particular, by the introduction of sanctions from unfriendly countries. The estimated priority of transport rail support on the four projects of the most important trunk lines is assessed.Conclusions. With the help of fuzzy logic methods, it is possible to find compromise options that satisfy the various interests of those affecting the decisions, regardless of the structural organization of the backbone industries, one of which is undoubtedly the transport industry

    Causal analysis of the interinfluence of workforce productivity and rail freight intensity in the regions of the Ural Federal District

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    Relevance. The development of the railway industry has a significant positive impact on socio-economic dynamics at both the state and regional levels, which has been confirmed by numerous domestic and foreign studies. However, the issue of mutual influence of such categories as regional labour productivity and rail freight intensity has been little studied. At the same time, the most important task today is to find effective incentives for the growth of regional labour productivity.Research Objective. This study aims to econometric analysis of the relationship between rail freight intensity and workforce productivity in the Ural Federal District (UFD).Data and Methods. The study uses official statistical data on Russian regions provided by the Federal State Statistics Service. The methods of Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) and pooled mean group estimates (PMG method) formed the methodological basis of the study.Results. The study has shown that there is a relationship between workforce productivity and rail freight intensity. At that point, in a short-term period growth of rail freight intensity leads to an increase in workforce productivity, which in a long-term period itself becomes an incentive to increase the shipped commodity mass and rail freight intensity.Conclusions. The findings can be of interest to public authorities at the national and regional levels, for heads of industrial structures and functional institutions, representatives of business and scientific communities interested in the development and modernization of transport infrastructure, being a basic condition for the increased intensity of cargo transportation in the region

    The ethics of international relations and the forms of its explication

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    Статья посвящена этике международных отношений. На примере российско-турецких отношений авторы анализируют истоки и возможные решения потенциальных конфликтов между странами. Специфика международных отношений заключается в том, что они всегда погружены в исторический контекст и развиваются в условиях многополярного диалога, нередко с участием третьих сторон. Международные отношения рассмотрены в диахроническом и синхроническом аспектах, что позволяет вскрыть этические кризисы прошлого и современности.The article is centered around the ethics of international relations. On the example of Russian-Turkish relations the authors discuss foundations and possible solutions of potential conflicts between these two countries. International relations are always context-bound and their development lies within the framework of multilateral dialogues, involving third parties. International relations are given in diachronic and synchronic aspects, which allow to identify ethic crises of the past and the present


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    The article analyzes different approaches and practical aspects of the strategy format. The aim of the study is to understand the formats of existing strategies of enterprises. On this basis, it is revealed which of them are more often used in practice, what kind of ready-made strategy has, how it relates to the recommendations of the theory. Among the theory of strategy, three groups of approaches identified: strategy as a goal, strategy as an action and their mix. On their basis, the strategies of the largest Russian companies consider in detail. They made it possible to identify the specific features of the strategic structure. It includes duration, type, target orientation, publicity. The largest Russian companies form the strategy in accordance with the recommendations of the modern theory of strategic planning. Usually, the strategy is presented as public, with a limited validity period, detailed by areas of activity. It is with the direction sets of strategic decisions or vectors of development in this area