16 research outputs found

    Kazakhstani material testing Tokamak KTM. project status

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    Creation of cost-efficient and safe fusion reactor will require the development of special structural materials for first wall, blanket, reactor components, which will be operated under conditions of the high heat fluxes, superconducting magnets, plasma heating systems and other elements. The existing tokamaks and other fusion facilities do not currently allow for conduction of specialized researches of plasma-facing structural materials. Kazakhstani Material Testing Tokamak (hereinafter - KTM) provides for a unique opportunity to conduct materials research and testing of separate units and components of fusion reactors..

    Kazakhstani material testing Tokamak KTM. project status

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    Creation of cost-efficient and safe fusion reactor will require the development of special structural materials for first wall, blanket, reactor components, which will be operated under conditions of the high heat fluxes, superconducting magnets, plasma heating systems and other elements. The existing tokamaks and other fusion facilities do not currently allow for conduction of specialized researches of plasma-facing structural materials. Kazakhstani Material Testing Tokamak (hereinafter - KTM) provides for a unique opportunity to conduct materials research and testing of separate units and components of fusion reactors..

    Epidemiological Situation on Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis in the Russian Federation in 2022 and Forecast of its Development for 2023

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    The aim of this review is to predict the incidence of tick-borne viral encephalitis (TBVE) in the Russian Federation for 2023 based on analysis of the epidemiological situation on TBVE during 2012–2022. Over the decade, the highest incidence of TBVE was registered in the Siberian, Volga and Ural Federal Districts. In 2022, the Ural Federal District took the second place, the share of the North-Western one decreased by almost two times. Ranking of territories according to the rate of TBVE incidence at the level of constituent entities has made it possible to attribute 16 of them to the group of regions with a high epidemic risk, 14 – to medium epidemic risk, and 18 – to a low epidemic risk. In 2022, the incidence of TBVE in Russia increased by 1.9 times compared to 2021, and amounted to 1.34 0/0000. Despite the increase in the incidence of TBVE in 2022, a significant downward trend has been retained. The rate of infection of ticks removed from humans in 2022 was below the long-term average values. PCR and ELISA were applied for tests. Infection rate of ticks from environmental objects when studied by PCR was higher than the multi-year average values, and lower when studied by ELISA. In 2022, 3.5 million people were immunized against TBVE (vaccinated and revaccinated). Emergency immunoprophylaxis with immunoglobulin covered 24.5 % of the people affected by tick bites (children accounted for 34.3 %). The forecast for TBVE incidence in Russia in 2023 remains favorable. It is expected to be reduced to (0.83±0.298) 0/0000. However, there was not only an increase in the number of TBVE cases, but also the proportion of clinical manifestations of the disease, as well as lethal outcomes among those who suffered from tick bites in 2022. If this pattern holds, the incidence of TBVE in 2023 will be higher than predicted, especially in the constituent entities where the share of individuals with manifest forms among those who suffered from tick bites has increased greatly

    Epizootiological and Epidemiological Situation on Leptospirosis in the Russian Federation over the Period of 2013–2022 and the Forecast for 2023

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    The aim of the work was to analyze the epizootic and epidemiological situation on leptospirosis in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2013–2022 and to forecast its development in 2023. The long-term dynamics of leptospirosis incidence in the Russian Federation tends to decrease. Cases were registered in 58 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in all federal districts. The highest incidence rates were noted in the North-Western Federal District. When studying the material from small mammals using bacteriological, immunological and molecular-biological methods, Leptospira circulation was detected in 52 entities of the Russian Federation, in all federal districts. In 2023, sporadic cases of infection are to be expected in the territories of the North-Western Federal District, the Central Federal District, and the Southern Federal District; imported cases of infection from countries with subequatorial and equatorial climates are not excluded

    Rabies re-emergence after long-term disease freedom (Amur Oblast, Russia)

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    Retrospective descriptive epizootological study was conducted in the Amur Oblast (Russian Far East), where a rabies outbreak was reported in 2018. The aim of the study was to analyze probable routes of rabies introduction and features of its spatial and temporal spread in the territory that remained free from this infection from 1972 to 2018. In 2018–2021, altogether 1,416 animals were examined for the infection with the rabies virus. Forty-seven animal rabies cases were confirmed; the proportion of wild animals (Vulpes vulpes, Nyctereutes procyonoides, Canis lupus) amounted to 66%. The first cases were detected within 30 km from the state border with China. Nucleotide sequences of the nucleoprotein gene of three rabies virus isolates were determined and their belonging to the Arctic-like-2 genetic lineage was established. Genetically closest rabies virus isolates have been found in Heilongjiang Province (China, 2011, 2018) and Jewish Autonomous Oblast (Russia, 1980). GIS and open Earth remote sensing data were used to map the rabies cases. After 2018, the epizootic spread within the forest-steppe landscapes of the Zeya-Bureya Plain, where human and animal rabies cases had been earlier reported (until 1972). The front of the epizootic spread in a north-eastern direction at an average speed of 59 (16–302) km during one epizootic cycle. The introduction of the rabies virus was most likely along the Amur River valley from downstream regions of Russia and China that are rabies infected


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    The aim of the present study was to analyze the frequency of ENPP1 gene K121Q polymorphism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (Т2DM) in individuals of different sexes in Ukrainian population.Material and methods. For this study, we used venous blood of 163 patients with Т2DM (53.4% of women and 46.6% of men) and 110 healthy individuals (control group). Genotyping K121Q (rs1044498) polymorphism was performed using PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction with following restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis) method. All statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Science program (SPSS for Windows, version 17.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). The differences were considered statistically significant with a P-value <0.05.Results. As a result of the genotyping of the groups of comparison for the ЕNРР1 gene К121Q polymorphism, it was found that among women with type 2 diabetes, the frequency of the K/K genotype is 64.7%, K/Q + Q/Q – 35.3%, and in the control group – 78.1 and 21.9% respectively (P = 0.063). For males, the frequency of the K/K genotype among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus was 71.1%, K/Q + Q/Q – 28.9%, in the control group - 74.4 and 25.6 % respectively (P = 0.645).Conclusion. There is no association between the ЕNРР1 gene К121Q polymorphism and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus among the female and male subjects.Цель работы –  установление возможной связи полиморфизма K121Q гена ЕNРР1 с риском развития сахарного диабета (СД) 2-го типа у лиц разного пола.Материалы и методы. Для исследования была использована венозная кровь 163 больных с СД 2-го типа (53,4 % женщин и 46,6 % мужчин) и 110 практически здоровых лиц (контрольная группа). Определение полиморфизма K121Q (rs1044498) гена ЕNРР1 выполнено с помощью метода полимеразной цепной реакции с последующим анализом длины рестрикционных фрагментов. Основную часть статистического анализа выполнено с использованием программы SPSS (версия 17.0).Результаты. В результате генотипирования в группах сравнения по полиморфному сайту K121Q гена ЕNРР1 было выявлено, что среди женщин с СД 2-го типа частота К/К-генотипа составляет 64,7%, К/Q+Q/Q – 35,3%, а в контрольной группе – 78,1 и 21,9% соответственно (P = 0,063). В отношении лиц мужского пола, то частота К/К-генотипа среди больных с СД 2-го типа составила 71,1%, К/Q+Q/Q – 28,9%, в группе контроля – 74,4 и 25,6% соответственно (P = 0,645).Вывод. Не существует ассоциации между К121Q полиморфизмом гена ЕNРР1 и развитием сахарного диабета 2-го типа отдельно среди лиц женского и мужского пола.Мета роботи – встановлення можливого зв’язку поліморфізму K121Q гена ЕNРР1 з ризиком розвитку цукрового діабету (ЦД) 2-го типу в осіб різної статі.Матеріали і методи. Для дослідження використана венозна кров 163 хворих з ЦД 2-го типу (53,4 % жінок і 46,6 % чоловіків) та 110 практично здорових осіб (контрольна група). Визначення поліморфізму K121Q (rs1044498) гена ЕNРР1 проведене за допомогою методу полімеразної ланцюгової реакції з подальшим аналізом довжини рестрикційних фрагментів. Статистичний аналіз виконано з використанням програми SPSS (версія 17.0).Результати. У результаті генотипування осіб груп порівняння за поліморфним сайтом K121Q гена ЕNРР1  виявлено, що серед жінок із ЦД 2-го типу частота К/К-генотипу становить 64,7 %, К/Q+Q/Q – 35,3 %, а у контрольній групі – 78,1 і 21,9 % відповідно (P = 0,063). Щодо осіб чоловічої статі, то частота К/К-генотипу серед хворих із ЦД 2-го типу становила 71,1 %, К/Q+Q/Q – 28,9 %, у групі контролю – 74,4 і 25,6 % відповідно (P = 0,645).Висновок. Не виявлено асоціації між К121Q поліморфізмом гена ЕNРР1 і розвитком цукрового діабету 2-го типу окремо серед осіб жіночої та чоловічої статі

    Application of GIS and Earth Remote Sensing Data for the Evaluation of the Spatiotemporal Spread of Rabies in Eastern Trans-Baikal Region

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    The aim of the study was to improve monitoring of natural foci of rabies based on the use of modern technologies of cartographic analysis.Materials and methods. A retrospective study was carried out on the data of official registration of rabies in the Trans-Baikal Territory (Eastern Trans-Baikal Region) for 1950–2020. The spatial spread of rabies among animals was compared for two time periods: 1972–1978 (n=157 cases) and 2014–2020 (n=61 cases). Software packages QGIS 3.16.0, ArcMap 10.8.1, ArcScene 10.8.1 and electronic landscape-geographical maps of the world “Natural Earth”, “OpenStreetMap” were used for the mapping. Analyzed territorial units (ATUs) tied to a degree grid (0,5º × 0,5º) were marked on the cartograms. The interdependence between the localization of rabies cases and landscape elements was assessed statistically, comparing between the rabies free and the rabies affected ATUs.Results and discussion. Differences in the landscape confinedness of rabies epizootics in Eastern Trans-Baikal Region at different periods of time have been established. Until 1983, dog rabies prevailed, and epizootics spread beyond the forest-steppe zone. In 1984–2013 rabies among animals was not recorded. In 2014–2020 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were the main source of the rabies virus. The area of the epizootic has more than halved in comparison with 1972–1978. The main manifestations of rabies were observed at the junction of lowland and mountainous, steppe and forest areas. The rabies affected ATUs were characterized by more pronounced landscape variables. Possible routes of cross-border spread of the rabies virus have been identified. The connection between the features of the spatiotemporal spread of rabies and genetic variants of the virus, climate change, animal migrations and anthropogenic factors in Eastern Trans-Baikal Region in 1950–2020 is discussed. The results of the study are proposed to be used to adjust the programs for barrier oral vaccination of the foxes

    Clinical features and immune status in patients with erysipelas

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    The aim is to study the state of research on clinical, epidemiological and immunological features of erysipelas, to determine the directions for solving the problem of preventing relapses of the disease. Materials and methods – meta-analysis of databases with scientific publications (Pubmed / Medline, Scopus, Ebsco, Index Copernicus) was carried out, and a bibliographic and semantic research method was used. Erysipelas is an infectious and allergic disease caused by beta-hemolytic Streptococcus with the development of erythematous, bullous or hemorrhagic inflammation and is an urgent issue today. A significant role in its development is played by provoking factors and belonging of the patient to the risk group: diabetes mellitus, lymph and circulatory disorders, inactivity, bad habits and mycoses. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of clinical cases that are accompanied by a severe course and complications (the predominance of intoxication syndrome, the occurrence of hemorrhagic forms, a tendency to relapse), which in turn lead to disability of working-age patients and an increase in mortality among the elderly. Intoxication syndrome develops due to an increase in the level of endogenous toxins. Medium-molecular peptides are considered a universal marker of endogenous intoxication, the level of which reflects the degree of protein catabolism and correlates with the main clinical and prognostic criteria for metabolic disorders. Accordingly, excessive intensity of lipid peroxidation of biological membranes may be the result of increased activity of the pro-oxidant system or antioxidant insufficiency, as well as a combination of these factors. The role of ceruloplasmin as the main blood antioxidant that binds superoxide radicals and prevents lipid peroxidation of cell membranes was studied. The relationship of disorders of the balance of free radical oxidation, the antioxidant defense system and endotoxicosis with each other in the pathogenesis of erysipelas requires further study. The importance of lactoferrin in the development of an inflammatory response to bacterial agents was studied. It is a biologically active protein that plays an important role as a pro-inflammatory factor, but there are no data on its association with the development of relapses in erysipelas, which requires further research. Thus, despite the well-studied pathogenesis of erysipelas, the issue of preventing relapses remains relevant and unresolved, the search for a “universal” marker of intoxication did not give the desired results. There is no exhaustive information about lactoferrin and ceruloplasmin, the dependence of changes in the level of these blood enzymes as anti-inflammatory factors, with the development of relapses of erysipelas, the period of the disease, the frequency of the course, the presence of an unfavorable premorbid background and complications

    Lessons learnt from measures taken to prevent rabies introduction and spread into a long rabies free territory (case study of the Irkutsk Oblast)

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    Rabies is endemic on the considerable part of the Russian Federation, and it is associated with current natural outbreaks of the infection. The highest animal morbidity rates are reported in the central and southern regions of the European part of Russia and in the southern part of Western Siberia. The Irkutsk Oblast is among the few regions of our country, which are rabies free for several decades. The research was aimed at the analysis of factors aiding to the maintenance of the rabies free status of the region. Retrospective study of archive and previously published reports on human and animal rabies cases in the Irkutsk Oblast starting from 1954 was performed. Epidemics of urban rabies ceased in the region in 1970s. Sporadic rabies cases in dogs, reported in 1976 and later, could be imported or could result from the infection from bats. Diagnostic errors were also possible. Rabies is reported in foxes in the Subjects bordering the Irkutsk Oblast: Krasnoyarsk Krai and Republic of Buryatia. It is supposed that in case of the infection introduction the forest-steppe agricultural areas near the Angara River are likely to be affected due to high population of foxes. Relative geographic isolation of the Irkutsk Oblast favors to the long animal rabies freedom of this territory. The vast area of mountain taiga with low fox population serves as an ecological barrier. In 2007–2009 and in 2019, barrier oral vaccination was carried out along the border with the Krasnoyarsk Krai and on the west coast of Baikal Lake. Measures for anti-rabies vaccination of dogs and cats were intensified. Active virological monitoring is performed on a regular basis. The paper demonstrates cartograms of fox and wolf population density along with designation of sites, where oral vaccination of wild carnivores was performed

    Retrospective Evaluation of Implementation of Long-Term Forecast on Spatial Spread of Rabies in the Asian Part of Russia

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    Objective: To evaluate the historical long-term forecast of the spatial spread of rabies in Siberia and Far East and to characterize modern approaches to spatial forecasting. The concept of spatial spread of rabies in the Asian part of Russia, developed in the 80s of the twentieth century, is subjected to critical analysis based on information on rabies registration for 1881–1980 and zoogeographic data. At that time, 5 rabies enzootic regions were identified, and the most probable directions of further exportation of infection suggested. At first, a review of published data on human and animal rabies cases for the period of 1985–2019 was undertaken (including reference publications). Data on cases of rabies among humans and animals were selected for which geographical coordinates could be determined. Mapping was performed using GIS (QGIS 3.12.0 software and “Natural Earth” and “OpenStreetMap” electronic maps). Comparison of maps for different time periods demonstrated that rabies incidence was recorded mainly within the previously identified risk areas. However, the occurrence of human disease in different regions did not always correspond to the intensity of epizootics and the predicted risk. Next, in an attempt to correct the prognosis of the spatiotemporal rabies spread, we reviewed publications that incorporated virus genetic data along with GIS technology and modeling application. The distribution of the three major rabies virus lineages (“steppe”, “Arctiс-like”, “Arctic”) corresponded to the regions that were previously identified. The spread of fox rabies (the “steppe” rabies virus lineage) in the north-east direction was described. In several instances, rabies outbreaks in southern Siberia and Far East were associated with cross-border movement of the virus from Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. Data on the speed of the epizootic waves, pathways, and natural barriers for virus spread are discussed. The correction of the forecast for rabies virus circulation and spread is important for the development of control strategies in the region, including oral vaccination of wildlife virus reservoirs