1,102 research outputs found

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    Multiple Time Scales in Diffraction Measurements of Diffusive Surface Relaxation

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    We grew SrTiO3 on SrTiO3 (001) by pulsed laser deposition, using x-ray scattering to monitor the growth in real time. The time-resolved small angle scattering exhibits a well-defined length scale associated with the spacing between unit cell high surface features. This length scale imposes a discrete spectrum of Fourier components and rate constants upon the diffusion equation solution, evident in multiple exponential relaxation of the "anti-Bragg" diffracted intensity. An Arrhenius analysis of measured rate constants confirms that they originate from a single activation energy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure


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    The aim of this study was to investigate counter-movement jump performance and variability in a large population of children and adolescents with respect to age, gender, and activity level. 1835 subjects performed three counter-movement jumps with arms akimbo on a force platform. The subjects were divided into 6 age groups and three activity level groups. Jump height and maximum rate of force development were calculated for all jumps. The best trial out of three was considered for further calculations. Variability of both parameters was indicated by the coefficient of variation over three jumps. Both parameters increased with increasing age while their variability decreased. Boys jumped higher than girls. Regarding maximum rate of force development female subjects showed higher values. The active subjects jumped higher and with less variability than the sedentary group. Jump height and maximum rate of force development are good parameters to describe the development of jumping performance regarding age, gender and activity aspects. Due to the high variability of maximum force rate development, however, this parameter has to be interpreted with caution in subject-specific assessments

    Measurements of Surface Diffusivity and Coarsening During Pulsed Laser Deposition

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    Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) of homoepitaxial SrTiO3 was studied with in-situ x-ray specular reflectivity and surface diffuse x-ray scattering. Unlike prior reflectivity-based studies, these measurements access both the time- and the length-scales of the evolution of the surface morphology during growth. In particular, we show that this technique allows direct measurements of the diffusivity for both inter- and intra-layer transport. Our results explicitly limit the possible role of island break-up, demonstrate the key roles played by nucleation and coarsening in PLD, and place an upper bound on the Ehrlich-Schwoebel (ES) barrier for downhill diffusion

    Revestimiento de canales

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    La maquinaria moderna alemana empleada para el revestimiento de canales de gran sección, presenta grandes ventajas de economía, rendimiento, regularidad e impermeabilidad de la construcción. Para la aplicación de esta maquinaria —inicialmente se ha procedido a la excavación del canal mediante el empleo de maquinaria ordinaria de desmonte y la maquinaria especial— comienza su trabajo con el enrase de las cotas previstas

    A Social Network-Guided Approach to Machine Learning for Metal-Organic Framework Property Prediction

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    The number of new materials and applications of these materials is experiencing rapid growth. ‎Today, increased computational power and the established use of automated machine learning ‎approaches make data science tools available, which provide an overview of the chemical space, ‎support the choice of appropriate materials, and predict specific properties of materials for the ‎desired application. Among the different data science tools, graph theory approaches, where data ‎generated from numerous real-world applications are represented as a graph (network) of ‎connected objects, has been widely used in a variety of scientific fields such as social sciences, ‎health informatics, biological sciences, agricultural sciences, and economics. In this work, we ‎describe applying a particular graph theory approach, social network analysis (SNA), to the metal-organic framework (MOF). To demonstrate MOF materials, we construct a social network called ‎MOFSocialNet from geometrical MOFs descriptors in the CoRE-MOFs database. The MOFSocialNet ‎is an undirected, weighted, and heterogeneous social network; following the construction of this ‎graph, a set of social network analysis processes is conducted to extract valuable knowledge from ‎the MOFs data using graph machine learning algorithms. Community detection is one of the well-known SNA techniques employed on the MOFSocialNet to extract the most similar MOF ‎communities. To evaluate whether the properties of new MOFs can be predicted using MOF ‎communities, we randomly chose three from the CoRE MOFs database. For these MOFs, we ‎excluded the crystal density as input during featurization and placed the MOFs within the ‎MOFSocialNet. The crystal density of the new MOFs is predicted by simply averaging the crystal ‎density of the ten nearest neighbors. ‎ Additionally, communities extracted from MOFSocialNet can be leveraged to predict MOF gas ‎adsorption properties for CO2 and CH4.
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