116 research outputs found

    Update of Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias (International Endohernia Society (IEHS)) : Part B

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    In 2014 the International Endohernia Society (IEHS) published the first international "Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias". Guidelines reflect the currently best available evidence in diagnostics and therapy and give recommendations to help surgeons to standardize their techniques and to improve their results. However, science is a dynamic field which is continuously developing. Therefore, guidelines require regular updates to keep pace with the evolving literature. Methods For the development of the original guidelines all relevant literature published up to year 2012 was analyzed using the ranking of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based-Medicine. For the present update all of the previous authors were asked to evaluate the literature published during the recent years from 2012 to 2017 and revise their statements and recommendations given in the initial guidelines accordingly. In two Consensus Conferences (October 2017 Beijing, March 2018 Cologne) the updates were presented, discussed, and confirmed. To avoid redundancy, only new statements or recommendations are included in this paper. Therefore, for full understanding both of the guidelines, the original and the current, must be read. In addition, the new developments in repair of abdominal wall hernias like surgical techniques within the abdominal wall, release operations (transversus muscle release, component separation), Botox application, and robot-assisted repair methods were included. Results Due to an increase of the number of patients and further development of surgical techniques, repair of primary and secondary abdominal wall hernias attracts increasing interests of many surgeons. Whereas up to three decades ago hernia-related publications did not exceed 20 per year, currently this number is about 10-fold higher. Recent years are characterized by the advent of new techniques-minimal invasive techniques using robotics and laparoscopy, totally extraperitoneal repairs, novel myofascial release techniques for optimal closure of large defects, and Botox for relaxing the abdominal wall. Furthermore, a concomitant rectus diastasis was recognized as a significant risk factor for recurrence. Despite still insufficient evidence with respect to these new techniques it seemed to us necessary to include them in the update to stimulate surgeons to do research in these fields. Conclusion Guidelines are recommendations based on best available evidence intended to help the surgeon to improve the quality of his daily work. However, science is a continuously evolving process, and as such guidelines should be updated about every 3 years. For a comprehensive reference, however, it is suggested to read both the initially guidelines published in 2014 together with the update. Moreover, the presented update includes also techniques which were not known 3 years before

    Impact of Borderline Resectability in Pancreatic Head Cancer on Patient Survival: Biology Matters According to the New International Consensus Criteria

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    Background: International consensus criteria (ICC) have redefined borderline resectability for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) according to three dimensions: anatomical (BR-A), biological (BR-B), and conditional (BR-C). The present definition acknowledges that resectability is not just about the anatomic relationship between the tumour and vessels but that biological and conditional dimensions also are important. Methods: Patients’ tumours were retrospectively defined b

    Robotische Hernienchirurgie I

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    The treatment of inguinal hernias with open and minimally invasive procedures has reached a high standard in terms of outcome over the past 30 years. However, there is still need for further improvement, mainly in terms of reduction of postoperative seroma, chronic pain, and recurrence. This video article presents the endoscopic anatomy of the groin with regard to robotic transabdominal preperitoneal patch plasty (r‑TAPP) and illustrates the surgical steps of r‑TAPP with respective video sequences. The results of a cohort study of 302 consecutive hernias operated by r‑TAPP are presented and discussed in light of the added value of the robotic technique, including advantages for surgical training. r‑TAPP is the natural evolution of conventional TAPP and has the potential to become a new standard as equipment availability increases and material costs decrease. Future studies will also have to refine the multifaceted added value of r‑TAPP with new parameters

    Robotische Hernienchirurgie III : Robotische Inzisionalhernienversorgung mit „transversus abdominis release“ (r‑TAR). Videobeitrag und Ergebnisse einer Kohortenstudie

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    Das Prinzip der gezielten Trennung bzw. Schwächung einzelner Komponenten der Bauchdecke zur Spannungsentlastung der Medianlinie bei großen abdominellen Rekonstruktionen ist seit über 30 Jahren als anteriore Komponentenseparation (aKS) bekannt und ein etabliertes Verfahren. Auf der Suche nach Alternativen mit geringerer Komplikationsrate wurde die posteriore Komponentenseparation (pKS) entwickelt; der „transversus abdominis release“ (TAR) ist eine nervenschonende Modifikation der pKS. Mit den ergonomischen Ressourcen der Robotik (z. B. abgewinkelte Instrumente) kann der TAR minimal-invasiv durchgeführt werden (r-TAR): Bruchlücken von bis zu 14 cm lassen sich verschließen und ein großes extraperitoneales Netz implantieren. In diesem Videobeitrag wird die Versorgung großer Inzisionalhernien in der r‑TAR-Technik präsentiert. Exemplarisch werden die Ergebnisse einer Kohortenstudie an 13 konsekutiven Patienten vorgestellt. Der Eingriff ist anspruchsvoll, die eigenen Ergebnisse sind – wie auch die Berichte aus der Literatur – ermutigend. Der r‑TAR entwickelt sich zur Königsdisziplin der Bauchdeckenrekonstruktion. = The principle of targeted separation or weakening of individual components of the abdominal wall to relieve tension in the median line during major abdominal reconstruction has been known for over 30 years as anterior component separation (aKS) and is an established procedure. In search of alternatives with lower complication rates, posterior component separation (pKS) was developed; transversus abdominis release (TAR) is a nerve-sparing modification of pKS. With the ergonomic resources of robotics (e.g., angled instruments), TAR can be performed in a minimally invasive manner (r-TAR): hernia gaps of up to 14 cm can be closed and a large extraperitoneal mesh implanted. In this video article, the treatment of large incisional hernias using the r‑TAR technique is presented. Exemplary results of a cohort study in 13 consecutive patients are presented. The procedure is challenging, but our own results—as well as reports from the literature—are encouraging. The r‑TAR is becoming the pinnacle procedure for abdominal wall reconstruction

    Varicella-zoster virus infections in immunocompromised patients - a single centre 6-years analysis

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    Background: Infection with varicella-zoster virus (VZV) contemporaneously with malignant disease or immunosuppression represents a particular challenge and requires individualized decisions and treatment. Although the increasing use of varicella-vaccines in the general population and rapid initiation of VZVimmunoglobulins and acyclovir in case of exposure has been beneficial for some patients, immunocompromised individuals are still at risk for unfavourable courses. Methods: In this single center, 6-year analysis we review incidence, hospitalization and complication rates of VZVinfections in our center and compare them to published data. Furthermore, we report three instructive cases. Results: Hospitalization rate of referred children with VZV-infections was 45%, among these 17% with malignancies and 9% under immunosuppressive therapy. Rate of complications was not elevated in these two high-risk cohorts, but one ALL-patient died due to VZV-related complications. We report one 4-year old boy with initial diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia who showed a rapidly fatal outcome of his simultaneous varicella-infection, one 1.8-year old boy with an identical situation but a mild course of his disease, and an 8.5-year old boy with a steroiddependent nephrotic syndrome. This boy developed severe hepatic involvement during his varicella-infection but responded to immediate withdrawl of steroids and administration of acyclovir plus single-dose cidofovir after nonresponse to acyclovir after 48 h. Conclusion: Our data show that patients with malignant diseases or immunosuppressive therapy should be hospitalized and treated immediately with antiviral agents. Despite these measures the course of VZV-infections can be highly variable in these patients. We discuss aids to individual decision-making for these difficult situations

    Goettingen Minipigs (GMP): Comparison of Two Different Models for Inducing Diabetes

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    Purpose: Preclinical experiments on large animals are indispensable for evaluating the effectiveness of diabetes therapies. Miniature swine are well suited for such studies due to their physiological and pathophysiological responses. Methods: We compare two methods for inducing diabetes in Goettingen minipigs (GMP), in five with the beta cell toxin streptozotocin (STZ) and in five other GMP by total pancreatectomy (PE). Glucose homeostasis was assessed with the intravenous glucose-tolerance test (IVGTT) and continual monitoring of interstitial glucose levels. At conclusion of the observation period, the pancreata were examined histologically. Three non-diabetic GMP served as control group. Results: The IVGTT revealed markedly diabetic profiles in both GMP groups. STZ-GMP were found to harbor residual C-peptides and scattered insulin-positive cells in the pancreas. PE-GMP survived the total pancreatectomy only with intensive postoperative care. Conclusions: Although both methods reliably induced diabetes in GMP, the PE-GMP clearly had more health problems and required a greater expenditure of time and resources. The PE-GMP model, however, was better at eliminating endogenous insulin and C-peptide than the STZ-GMP model

    Update of guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias (International Endohernia Society (IEHS))-Part A

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    In 2014, the International Endohernia Society (IEHS) published the first international "Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias." Guidelines reflect the currently best available evidence in diagnostics and therapy and give recommendations to help surgeons to standardize their techniques and to improve their results. However, science is a dynamic field which is continuously developing. Therefore, guidelines require regular updates to keep pace with the evolving literature. Methods For the development of the original guidelines, all relevant literature published up to year 2012 was analyzed using the ranking of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. For the present update, all of the previous authors were asked to evaluate the literature published during the recent years from 2012 to 2017 and revise their statements and recommendations given in the initial guidelines accordingly. In two Consensus Conferences (October 2017 Beijing, March 2018 Cologne), the updates were presented, discussed, and confirmed. To avoid redundancy, only new statements or recommendations are included in this paper. Therefore, for full understanding both of the guidelines, the original and the current, must be read. In addition, the new developments in repair of abdominal wall hernias like surgical techniques within the abdominal wall, release operations (transversus muscle release, component separation), Botox application, and robot-assisted repair methods were included. Results Due to an increase of the number of patients and further development of surgical techniques, repair of primary and secondary abdominal wall hernias attracts increasing interests of many surgeons. Whereas up to three decades ago hernia-related publications did not exceed 20 per year, currently this number is about 10-fold higher. Recent years are characterized by the advent of new techniques-minimal invasive techniques using robotics and laparoscopy, totally extraperitoneal repairs, novel myofascial release techniques for optimal closure of large defects, and Botox for relaxing the abdominal wall. Furthermore, a concomitant rectus diastasis was recognized as a significant risk factor for recurrence. Despite insufficient evidence with respect to these new techniques, it seemed to us necessary to include them in the update to stimulate surgeons to do research in these fields. Conclusion Guidelines are recommendations based on best available evidence intended to help the surgeon to improve the quality of his daily work. However, science is a continuously evolving process, and as such guidelines should be updated about every 3 years. For a comprehensive reference, however, it is suggested to read both the initial guidelines published in 2014 together with the update. Moreover, the presented update includes also techniques which were not known 3 years before

    Tumor Suppressor Pdcd4 Attenuates Sin1 Translation to Inhibit Invasion in Colon Carcinoma

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    Programmed cell death 4 (Pdcd4), a tumor invasion suppressor, is frequently downregulated in colorectal cancer and other cancers. In this study, we find that loss of Pdcd4 increases the activity of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) and thereby upregulates Snail expression. Examining the components of mTORC2 showed that Pdcd4 knockdown increased the protein but not mRNA level of stress-activated-protein kinase interacting protein 1 (Sin1), which resulted from enhanced Sin1 translation. To understand how Pdcd4 regulates Sin1 translation, the SIN1 5′ untranslated region (5′UTR) was fused with luciferase reporter and named as 5′Sin1-Luc. Pdcd4 knockdown/knockout significantly increased the translation of 5′Sin1-Luc but not the control luciferase without the SIN1 5′UTR, suggesting that Sin1 5′UTR is necessary for Pdcd4 to inhibit Sin1 translation. Ectopic expression of wild-type Pdcd4 and Pdcd4(157–469), a deletion mutant that binds to translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A), sufficiently inhibited Sin1 translation, and thus suppressed mTORC2 kinase activity and invasion in colon tumor cells. By contrast, Pdcd4(157–469)(D253A,D418A), a mutant that does not bind to eIF4A, failed to inhibit Sin1 translation, and consequently failed to repress mTORC2 activity and invasion. In addition, directly inhibiting eIF4A with silvestrol significantly suppressed Sin1 translation and attenuated invasion. These results indicate that Pdcd4-inhibited Sin1 translation is through suppressing eIF4A, and functionally important for suppression of mTORC2 activity and invasion. Moreover, in colorectal cancer tissues, the Sin1 protein but not mRNA was significantly upregulated while Pdcd4 protein was downregulated, suggesting that loss of Pdcd4 might correlate with Sin1 protein level but not mRNA level in colorectal cancer patients. Taken together, our work reveals a novel mechanism by which Pdcd4 inhibits Sin1 translation to attenuatemTORC2 activity and thereby suppresses invasion