910 research outputs found

    Corrosion of industrial ironwork

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    Fatal Eyeballing: Sex, Violence, and Intimate Voyeurism in Richard Wright’s Native Son

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    The plots of US crime ctions often turn on the fate of the body of a woman who has suffered male violence. The resurfacing of a female corpse and the upsetting evidence it brings to light prove crucial to the conviction of the main criminal in James Ellroy’s Clandestine (1982) and James Lee Burke’s Cimarron Rose (1997), for example. Elsewhere, in William Faulkner’s potboiler Sanctuary (1931) and Patricia Highsmith’s A Game for the Living (1958), central female gures survive their ordeal and go on to describe their physical degradation in the cause of prosecution. The bodies of most female victims, however, testify after death. The detection of their blood or the traces of their DNA remind the living that they were once the focus of an annihilating passion: that the sexual consumption of their bodies itself turned them into potential courtroom proof and that this then led their attackers to try to hide or wipe them from view. Many US crime stories can still be charted by the appalling, yet revealing, descents undergone by the female bodies at their heart. Sources of desire and victims of violence, silenced objects that still sometimes voice and sometimes become damning evidence, these bodies are in every way central, and to track their transformations is often to retell nothing less than the story itself

    An efficient mixed integer programming model for pairing containers in inland transportation based on the assignment of orders

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    The inland transportation takes a significant portion of the total cost that arises from intermodal transportation. In addition, there are many parties (shipping lines, haulage companies, customers) who share this operation as well as many restrictions that increase the complexity of this problem and make it NP-hard. Therefore, it is important to create an efficient strategy to manage this process in a way to ensure all parties are satisfied. This paper investigates the pairing of containers/orders in drayage transportation from the perspective of delivering paired containers on 40-ft truck and/or individual containers on 20-ft truck, between a single port and a list of customer locations. An assignment mixed integer linear programming model is formulated, which solves the problem of how to combine orders in delivery to save the total transportation cost when orders with both single and multiple destinations exist. In opposition to the traditional models relying on the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickups and deliveries and time windows formulation, this model falls into the assignment problem category which is more efficient to solve on large size instances. Another merit for the proposed model is that it can be implemented on different variants of the container drayage problem: import only, import–inland and import–inland–export. Results show that in all cases the pairing of containers yields less cost compared to the individual delivery and decreases empty tours. The proposed model can be solved to optimality efficiently (within half hour) for over 300 orders

    Scenario-based learning

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    Continuing the theme of using the real world as a teaching resource, Smith, Warnes and van Hoestenberghe describe learning scenarios where students find their own way and make their own choices in exploring an authentic situation. The intended learning outcomes are explained to the students to guide them to what is relevant, but these are thoroughly embedded in the tasks set: they do not have to make a special effort to work out what is being assessed. Again, assessment requires careful thought, which makes having student input to the design all the more relevant; this allows the teaching staff to actively guide students through their learning rather than merely acting as dispensers of knowledge: just as the Connected Curriculum strategy invites, students find things out for themselves

    Intravascular ultrasound imaging: In vitro validation and pathologic correlation

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    AbstractIntravascuiar ultrasound imaging is a new method in which high resolution images of the arterial wall are obtained with use of a catheter placed within an artery. An in vitro Plexiglas well model was used to validate measurements of the luminal area, and an excellent correlation was obtained. One hundred thirty segments of fresh peripheral arteries underwent ultrasound imaging and the findings were compared with the corresponding histopathologic sections. luminal areas determined with ultrasound imaging correlated well with those calculated from microscopic slides (r = 0.98).Three patterns were identified on the ultrasound images: 1) distinct interface between media and adventitia, 2) indistinct interface between media and adventitia but different echo density layers, and 3) diffuse homogeneous appearance. The types of patterns depended on the relative composition of the and adventitia. Calcification of intimal plaque obscured underlying structures. Atherosclerotic plaque was readily visualized but could not always be differentiated from the underlying media

    Compromised Function of Regulatory T Cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Reversal by Anti-TNFα Therapy

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    Regulatory T cells have been clearly implicated in the control of disease in murine models of autoimmunity. The paucity of data regarding the role of these lymphocytes in human autoimmune disease has prompted us to examine their function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Regulatory (CD4+CD25+) T cells isolated from patients with active RA displayed an anergic phenotype upon stimulation with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies, and suppressed the proliferation of effector T cells in vitro. However, they were unable to suppress proinflammatory cytokine secretion from activated T cells and monocytes, or to convey a suppressive phenotype to effector CD4+CD25− T cells. Treatment with antitumor necrosis factor α (TNFα; Infliximab) restored the capacity of regulatory T cells to inhibit cytokine production and to convey a suppressive phenotype to “conventional” T cells. Furthermore, anti-TNFα treatment led to a significant rise in the number of peripheral blood regulatory T cells in RA patients responding to this treatment, which correlated with a reduction in C reactive protein. These data are the first to demonstrate that regulatory T cells are functionally compromised in RA, and indicate that modulation of regulatory T cells by anti-TNFα therapy may be a further mechanism by which this disease is ameliorated

    Preimplantation development of in vitro-matured and in vitro-fertilized ovine zygotes: comparison between coculture on oviduct epithelial cell monolayers and culture under low oxygen atmosphere.

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    The roles of medium composition, serum source, embryo coculture, and culture under low O2 conditions on the development of in vitro-matured and in vitro-fertilized (IVMF) ovine zygotes were investigated in three separate experiments. In the first experiment, the proportion of cocultured IVMF zygotes developing to the blastocyst stage was significantly higher (38.0% vs. 3.5%; p \u3c 0.05) than that of non-cocultured zygotes treated within three embryo culture media (TCM-199 + 10% fetal bovine serum [FBS]; bicarbonate-buffered, glucose-free synthetic oviduct fluid medium [mod-SOFM] + 10% FBS; and bicarbonate-buffered BSA-free Tyrode\u27s salt solution [mod-TALP] + 10% FBS) under a 5% CO2 atmosphere in air. In a second experiment, a significantly higher (p \u3c 0.05) proportion of cocultured zygotes placed in TCM-199 medium survived to the blastocyst stage (37.4% blastocysts vs. 23.4% in mod-SOFM). No significant effect of serum (FBS vs. human serum [HS]) was observed on embryonic development, but coculture was confirmed to exert a significant influence on development to the blastocyst stage. In the final experiment, survival of the embryo under a reduced oxygen (5% CO2:5% O2:90% N2) atmosphere was investigated. In contrast to results in the initial experiments, embryonic survival was significantly higher (p \u3c 0.05) in the non-cocultured treatment groups (21.9% blastocysts vs. 0.4% for cocultured zygotes). Serum source also had a significant (p \u3c 0.05) influence upon the development of non-cocultured zygotes: 32.3% of zygotes cultured with HS progressed to the blastocyst stage vs. 11.5% of zygotes cultured in FBS-supplemented medium. These results have characterized two distinct culture environments, each capable of supporting the development of high frequencies of unselected IVMF zygotes to the blastocyst stage in vitro
