126 research outputs found

    Индивидуализация ответственности за "коллективные" преступления в международном уголовном праве

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    Волчкова А. О. Индивидуализация ответственности за "коллективные" преступления в международном уголовном праве / А. О. Волчкова // Міжнародні читання з міжнародного права пам’яті професора П.Є. Казанського : матер. третьої міжнар. наук. конф. (м. Одеса, 2–3 листопада 2012 р.) / відп. за випуск М. І. Пашковський ; НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 436-439.Автор статьи делает вывод о том, что идея индивидуальной ответственности за нарушение норм международного права от коллективного порицания к справедливой оценке личного участия каждого виновного лица в международных преступлениях претерпела ряд изменений с момента создания Нюрнбергского трибунала. И на сегодняшний день возникла явная потребность в ограждении обвиняемого от размытых и расширенных границ ответственности

    Интерпретация понятия "умышленное убийство" в практике Международного трибунала по бывшей Югославии

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    Волчкова А. О. Интерпретация понятия "умышленное убийство" в практике Международного трибунала по бывшей Югославии / А. О. Волчкова // Правове життя сучасної України : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. та аспірант. складу (м. Одеса, 16-17 травня 2013 р.) / відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. - Т. 1. - С. 378-380

    The specifics of teaching the course «Advertising and public relations» for international students of the preparatory department

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    В статье освещается опыт преподавания курса «Реклама и связи с общественностью» на Подготовительном отделении Уральского федерального университета, а также излагаются основы построения учебного пособия по курсу. Этот предмет имеет ряд особенностей, обусловленных как междисциплинарным характером рекламы и СО, так и практической направленностью этих сфер коммуникации. Это обусловливает сложность лексической, грамматической, текстовой работы на занятиях. К тому же приходится учитывать разный уровень языковой компетенции учащихся.The article highlights the experience of teaching the course “Advertising and Public Relations” at the Preparatory Department of the Ural Federal University, and outlines the basics of building a textbook for the course. This subject has a number of features due to both the interdisciplinary nature of advertising and CO, and the practical orientation of these areas of communication. This determines the complexity of lexical, grammatical, and textual work in the classroom. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the different level of language competence of students

    Release of Viral Glycoproteins during Ebola Virus Infection

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    AbstractMaturation and release of the Ebola virus glycoprotein GP were studied in cells infected with either Ebola or recombinant vaccinia viruses. Significant amounts of GP were found in the culture medium in nonvirion forms. The major form represented the large subunit GP1that was shed after release of its disulfide linkage to the smaller transmembrane subunit GP2. The minor form were intact GP1,2complexes incorporated into virosomes. Vector-expressed GP formed spikes morphologically indistinguishable from spikes on virus particles, indicating that spike assembly is independent of other viral proteins. Analysis of a truncation mutant revealed an early and almost complete release of GP1,2molecules, showing that membrane anchoring is mediated by the carboxy-terminal hydrophobic domain of GP2. We have also compared wild-type virus which requires transcriptional editing for synthesis of full-length GP with a variant that does not depend on editing. Both viruses released comparable amounts of GP1, but the variant expressed only minute amounts of the small, soluble GP which is the expression product of nonedited mRNA species of the GP gene. The abundant shedding of soluble GP1may play an important role in the immunopathology of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in experimentally and naturally infected hosts

    Organization of Educational Environment at Pedagogical University: Concepts and Scenario of Changes

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    The subjects of education satisfaction analysis with the teacher training results at the University was carried out. The training deficiencies and new challenges were identified, which made it possible to determine the guidelines for the development of pedagogical university. A variant to transform the organizational scheme of communications between university departments was presented to increase the efficiency of educational environment organization for professional training of future teachers

    Orthoparamyxovirinae C Proteins Have a Common Origin and a Common Structural Organization

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    The protein C is a small viral protein encoded in an overlapping frame of the P gene in the subfamily Orthoparamyxovirinae. This protein, expressed by alternative translation initiation, is a virulence factor that regulates viral transcription, replication, and production of defective interfering RNA, interferes with the host-cell innate immunity systems and supports the assembly of viral particles and budding. We expressed and purified full-length and an N-terminally truncated C protein from Tupaia paramyxovirus (TupV) C protein (genus Narmovirus). We solved the crystal structure of the C-terminal part of TupV C protein at a resolution of 2.4 Å and found that it is structurally similar to Sendai virus C protein, suggesting that despite undetectable sequence conservation, these proteins are homologous. We characterized both truncated and full-length proteins by SEC-MALLS and SEC-SAXS and described their solution structures by ensemble models. We established a mini-replicon assay for the related Nipah virus (NiV) and showed that TupV C inhibited the expression of NiV minigenome in a concentration-dependent manner as efficiently as the NiV C protein. A previous study found that the Orthoparamyxovirinae C proteins form two clusters without detectable sequence similarity, raising the question of whether they were homologous or instead had originated independently. Since TupV C and SeV C are representatives of these two clusters, our discovery that they have a similar structure indicates that all Orthoparamyxovirine C proteins are homologous. Our results also imply that, strikingly, a STAT1-binding site is encoded by exactly the same RNA region of the P/C gene across Paramyxovirinae, but in different reading frames (P or C), depending on which cluster they belong to.French Agence Nationale de la RechercheFond de la Recherche Médicale (FRM)Grenoble Instruct-ERIC centerFRISBIUniversity Grenoble Alpes graduate school (Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche)Peer Reviewe

    Favorable Outcome of Severe Acute Methadone Poisoning (Clinical Case)

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    Purpose: to contribute to relief of metabolic disorders associated with hypoxia by including a succinate correcting tissue metabolism into the scheme of intensive care of acute severe methadone poisoning complicated by the crush syndrome.Materials and methods. We examined the dynamics of clinical manifestation of acute methadone poisoning complicated by crush syndrome: changes in clinical and biochemical parameters, coagulation test findings, blood gas composition and acid-base state, ECG and X-ray findings.Results. By the 7th day after patient's admission in the ICU, stabilization of hemodynamics, recovery of spontaneous breathing and consciousness, reduction of swelling and the beginning of the formation of pressure ulcers were observed; on the 8 the day, restoration of urination and characteristics of urine were registered. On the 12th day, the patient was transferred to the toxicology unit being in a state of moderate severity and demonstrating positive changes in all clinical parameters.Conclusion. The inclusion of a drug with antioxidant/antihypoxant properties in the infusion therapy scheme allows to relieve metabolic disorders associated with hypoxia, and thereby increase the effectiveness of treatment: i.e. to relief clinical and laboratory manifestations and reduce the ICU stay

    Formation of Methodical Approach to the Assessment of Coherence of Socio-economic Space of Agglomeration

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    The research context lays around the issues of coherence of socio-economic space of agglomerations in aspects of the balanced development of the country. The vector of the study is interfaced with the increasing course of Russian regions towards formation of agglomerations and with insufficient study of coherence of the properties of socio-economic space in this regard. Formation of methodical approach to the assessment of coherence of social and economic space in agglomerations makes the scientific and practical novelty of research. The paper is based on a case study of Tomsk agglomeration. The study concludes that coherence of socio-economic space acts as the defining factor of formation and development of agglomerative processes. Keywords: agglomeration, regional development, socio-economic space, coherence JEL Classifications: E2, R12, O1