227 research outputs found

    Short Soft X-Ray Sources

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    EnWe report on the characterization of pulsed soft X-rays emitted from laser-produced plasma. The plasma was generated by 40, 80 and 120 mJ laser energies provided by a pulsed KrF excimer laser focused on pure Si, Cu and Ta targets. The utilized detector was a very sensitive Faraday cup which opportunely biased was able to record time resolved signals of X-rays and to estimate their energy. The found X-rays energy values were compared with the ion temperature of the plasma obtained by fitting the time resolved ion current signals with a shifted Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution. The results showed that the laser produced Ta plasma induced bunch of X-rays having in average the highest energy values and it was also characterized by ion temperature higher than the ones of the laser produced Si and Cu plasmas

    Subtransmission overhead lines mechanical monitoring for fast detection of damaging events

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    Different harmful events affecting high voltage overhead lines (OHLs) cause changes in the mechanical tension (tensile strength) of conductors. A mechanical monitoring of OHLs, therefore, can provide useful additional information (compared with the information provided by the widely used SCADA systems) about the power system state. The tension measurements combined with a few environmental measurements (air temperature, wind speed) can be used for an automatic (fast) detection of different events and for their approximate location along an OHL, reducing the impact of these events. Referring to 132-150 kV sub-transmission OHLs, this paper proposes some original algorithms, based on the mechanical monitoring of OHLs, for the automatic detection of the following events: conductor breaking, fall of trees on the conductors, ice/snow sleeve accretion on the conductors, strands breaking and galloping. The proposed algorithms require a limited number of sensors placed along the OHLs for measurements of the conductor tension and weather-related quantities

    Secondary metabolites in xylella fastidiosa-plant interaction

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    During their evolutionary history, plants have evolved the ability to synthesize and accumulate small molecules known as secondary metabolites. These compounds are not essential in the primary cell functions but play a significant role in the plants’ adaptation to environmental changes and in overcoming stress. Their high concentrations may contribute to the resistance of the plants to the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, which has recently re‐emerged as a plant pathogen of global importance. Although it is established in several areas globally and is considered one of the most dangerous plant pathogens, no cure has been developed due to the lack of effective bactericides and the difficulties in accessing the xylem vessels where the pathogen grows and produces cell aggregates and biofilm. This review highlights the role of secondary metabolites in the defense of the main economic hosts of X. fastidiosa and identifies how knowledge about biosynthetic pathways could improve our understanding of disease resistance. In addition, current developments in non-invasive techniques and strategies of combining molecular and physiological techniques are examined, in an attempt to identify new metabolic engineering options for plant defense

    Teachers’ stress experiences during COVID-19-related emergency remote teaching: Results from an exploratory study

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    The study provides a portrait of teachers’ stress experience in the face of the needed introduction of information systems (IS) during COVID-19-related emergency remote teaching. Researchers contacted the headmasters at several Italian schools, who choose teacher’s representatives. The latters shared the online questionnaire among colleagues; the teachers voluntarily decided to participate. The cross-sectional study involved 237 Italian teachers (81.5% female; Mage = 50.20; SDage = 8.87). This survey wanted to detect information systems-related distress and eustress on the job, and technostress creators and inhibitors. Descriptive statistics, correlational analyses, and a multiple regression model using structural equation modeling were run. As according to the model, IS-related distress and eustress on the job were the dependent variables, technostress creators and inhibitors the independent ones, and respondents’ gender and age the control ones. Both technostress creators and inhibitors showed significant relationships with IS-related distress and eustress. Technostress creators showed a positive relationship with IS-related distress and a negative one with IS-related eustress; conversely, technostress inhibitors showed an opposite pattern of relationships. Only technostress creators significantly associate to both age and gender in the model, suggesting that older, female teachers tended to experience more technostress creators. Due to the increases in remote work, the awareness of IS-related stress experiences represents a key factor to evaluate work-related risks and prevent stress-related problems. The results from this study suggest that using technologies can represent both a threat to one’s well-being, highlighting the need to provide adequate trainings and support, but also a resource for personal enrichment

    The role of sexual orientation in the relationships between body perception, body weight dissatisfaction, physical comparison, and eating psychopathology in the cisgender population

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    Purpose: Body weight dissatisfaction (BWD) and visual body perception are specific aspects that can influence the own body image, and that can concur with the development or the maintenance of specific psychopathological dimensions of different psychiatric disorders. The sexual orientation is a fundamental but understudied aspect in this field, and, for this reason, the purpose of this study is to improve knowledge about the relationships among BWD, visual body size-perception, and sexual orientation. Methods: A total of 1033 individuals participated in an online survey. Physical comparison, depression, and self-esteem was evaluated, as well as sexual orientation and the presence of an eating disorder. A Figure Rating Scale was used to assess different valences of body weight, and mediation analyses were performed to investigated specific relationships between psychological aspects. Results: Bisexual women and gay men reported significantly higher BWD than other groups (p < 0.001); instead, higher body misperception was present in gay men (p = 0.001). Physical appearance comparison mediated the effect of sexual orientation in both BWD and perceptual distortion. No difference emerged between women with a history of eating disorders and without, as regards the value of body weight attributed to attractiveness, health, and presence on social media. Conclusion: This study contributes to understanding the relationship between sexual orientations and body image representation and evaluation. Physical appearance comparisons should be considered as critical psychological factors that can improve and affect well-being. The impact on subjects with high levels of eating concerns is also discussed. Level of evidence: Level III: case\u2013control analytic study

    Hemorrhagic uterine necrosis after surgical vessel ligation and B-Lynch suture in persistent post-cesarean uterine atony: case report and review of literature

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    Uterine necrosis is a rare life-threatening condition reported in few case reports and series, associated with uterine artery embolization for uterine fibroids or postpartum hemorrhage. We report a hemorrhagic uterine necrosis in a nulliparous 35 years-old woman underwent cesarean section at 40+1 weeks of gestation for obstructed labor, presenting post-partum persisting bleeding and uterine atony and congestion. Bleeding stopped only after placement of two set of compressive sutures, curettage of uterine cavity and placement of Bakri Balloon but the uterine body never contracted and become congested. Notwithstanding an effective antibiotic therapy, the patient developed an intermittent fever and signs of severe anemia. Clinical and radiological diagnosis with CT and MRI scan were compatible with uterine necrosis characterized by hemorrhagic infarction of the uterine wall and decomposition of its muscular tissue. Hysterectomy was discussed with patient and performed on day 32 after C-section. Uterine apoplexy, a rare life-threatening disease, was detected with CT by lack of uterine contrast enhancement and a gas-filled uterine cavity and necrosis was confirmed with MRI by showing fluid degeneration of the myometrium. Failure to recognize a necrotic uterus on imaging can cause delayed hysterectomy, which is mandatory and potentially life-saving

    Dominance of charged excitons in single quantum dot photoluminescence spectra

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    Single InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum dot photoluminescence spectra, obtained by low-temperature near-field scanning optical microscopy, are compared with theoretically derived optical spectra. The spectra show shell filling as well as few-particle fine structure associated with neutral and charged multiexcitons, in good agreement with the many-body calculations. There appears to be a greater tendency to charged-exciton formation, which is discussed in terms of the high diffusivity of photogenerated electrons