135 research outputs found


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    Tο Beachrock (Br ή παραλιακοί ψαμμίτες) εμφανίζεται σε παράκτιες ζώνες και έχει σύνθετο ρόλο όσον αφορά στη μορφοδυναμική εξέλιξη τους. Αν και το Br έχει μελετηθεί ευρέως, ωστόσο, δύο βασικά θέματα χρήζουν επιπρόσθετης έρευνας. Το πρώτο αφορά στη σημασία της αλληλεπίδρασης του δυναμικά μεταβαλλόμενου παράκτιου περιβάλλοντος με την χρονικά μεταβαλλόμενη επιφανειακή και υπόγεια υδρογεωλογική ισορροπία. Το δεύτερο θέμα έχει να κάνει με τη χωρική κατανομή και την εξέλιξη του Br σε σχέση με συγκεκριμένο περιβάλλον που το “φιλοξενεί”. H παρούσα εργασία αναδεικνύει τη μέθοδο της ειδικής ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης του υπεδάφους, ως ένα σύγχρονο εργαλείο που μπορεί να συμβάλει στη μελέτη των παραπάνω προβληματισμών. Η έρευνα περιέλαβε μετρήσεις με τη γεωηλεκτρική μέθοδο συνεχούς ρεύματος κατά μήκος δύο τομών στην παραλία των Βατερών της Λέσβου, όπου παρατηρούνται σημαντικές επιφανειακές εμφανίσεις Br. Πραγματοποιήθηκαν δώδεκα γεωηλεκτρικές βυθοσκοπήσεις, με ανάπτυγμα ηλεκτροδίων Axial Pole-Dipole. Οι μετρήσεις της ειδικής ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης επέτρεψαν μία έμμεση εκτίμηση του TDS, το οποίο απεικονίζει την διεπιφάνεια γλυκού-θαλασσινού νερού. Κατά την ερμηνεία του γεωηλεκτρικού μοντέλου αναδείχθηκαν δύο σχηματισμοί που αντιστοιχούν σε Br. Ο πρώτος αποτελεί επέκταση του Br προς την ξηρά και ο δεύτερος πιστεύεται ότι είναι Br σε πρώιμο στάδιο ωρίμανσης.Beachrock (Br) is encountered on the coastal zones, playing an important but also complex role in their morphodynamic evolution. Although Br has been widely studied, two important issues require further investigation. The first concerns the importance of the interaction of the dynamically changing coastal environment with the temporal changing surficial and underground hydrogeological balance. The second has to do with the spatial distribution and the evolution of Br with respect to the specific “host” coastal zone geo environment. This paper designates the electrical resistivity method as a tool that contribute in arguing in the abovementioned issues. The research comprised subsurface measurements with the DC resistivity method along two profiles located on Vatera beach (Lesvos Island), where there is a significant Br outcrops. Twelve geoelectric soundings were carried out using the Axial Pole-Dipole electrode array. The electrical resistively measurements permitted an indirect estimation of TDS, which depicts the coastal interface of fresh water - sea water. The interpreted geoelectric model shows two thin formations attributed to Br. The first is the inland extension of the Br outcrop and the second it is believed to be a primary stage of Br build up

    European marine aggregates resources: Origins, usage, prospecting and dredging techniques

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    Marine aggregates (sand and gravel) are important mineral resources and traded commodities. Their significance is bound to increase further, due to increasing coastal zone development, stricter environmental regulation concerning land-won aggregates and increasing demand for beach replenishment material. Marine aggregate (MA) deposits can be differentiated into relict and modern deposits. The former consist of sedimentary material deposited in the past and under different environmental and sedimentary regimes than those existing presently (e.g. the gravel/ sand deposits of the Pleistocene buried river valleys of the northwestern European shelves). The latter are deposits, which have been formed and controlled by the modern hydro-and sediment dynamic conditions (e.g. the linear sand banks of the southern North Sea). The present contribution reviews the current state of affairs in 9 representative European Member States concerning the prospecting and extraction (dredging) techniques as well as the levels of production and usage. The review has shown a mixed record as, in some of the studied States, marine aggregate production is an important and streamlined activity, whereas other States have not yet developed efficient marine aggregate policies and industries. It has also shown that although attempts have been lately made to coordinate the field, the industry still faces problems, which hinder its sustainable development. These include (amongst others): lack of standardisation of the relevant information, difficulties in the access to information, non-coherent regulatory regimes and limited collaboration/coordination between the marine scientific research establishments and the marine aggregate industry. These issues should be addressed as quickly as possible in order to exploit effectively this important mineral resource

    Potential Impact of the Financial Crisis on Outpatient Hospital Visits due to Otorhinolaryngologic Disorders in Crete, Greece

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    The public health effect of financial crises has been emphasized in previous studies. In addition, a series of otorhinolaryngologic disorders and manifestations has been related to psychological factors in the literature. Such conditions include temporomandibular joint disorders, laryngopharyngeal reflux, chronic tinnitus, and vertigo. Focusing on the outpatient database records of a large hospital in Crete, Greece, the objective of this retrospective study was to explore possible occurrence variations within the prementioned otorhinolaryngologic morbidity which may be potentially attributed to increased levels of socioeconomic stress. Results revealed that although the total number of visits between two periods - before and after the beginning of the financial crisis in Greece - was comparable, a significant increase in the diagnosis of two disorders, namely vertigo and tinnitus was found. In addition, a trend toward increased rate of diagnosis for reflux and temporomandibular joint disorders was noted. Potential implications of these findings are discussed. In conclusion, health care providers in this as well as in other countries facing similar socio-economic conditions should be aware of potential changes in the epidemiologic figures regarding specific medical conditions

    Marine aggregate extraction regulation in EU member states

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    This paper provides a brief review of regulations and procedures relevant to the authorization of marine aggregate (MA) operations in eight EU Member States. MA operations are affected by a multi-level legislative/regulatory regime, consisting of international conventions (e.g. the UNCLOS 1982, OSPAR, Helsinki, ICES, Barcelona and Espoo Conventions), secondary EC legislation (e.g. the Environmental Impact Assessment Directives (85/337/EEC and 97/11 EC) and the Freedom of Access to Environmental Information Directive (2003/4/EC)) and national legislation or regulation. It appears that rules and procedures relevant to MA extraction vary considerably between the considered Member States. In general, relevant information is not easily available in accurate, comprehensive and up-to date form. As a result, it is difficult to assess whether and to which extent national practice in relation to MA extraction authorization is in substantive compliance with the requirements of existing international and European rules and regulations aimed at sustainable development and protection of the marine and coastal environment

    Nonmicrosurgical reconstruction of the auricle after traumatic amputation due to human bite

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    BACKGROUND: Traumatic auricular amputation due to human bite is not a common event. Nonetheless, it constitutes a difficult challenge for the reconstructive surgeon. Microsurgery can be performed in some cases, but most microsurgical techniques are complex and their use can only be advocated in specialized centers. Replantation of a severed ear without microsurgery can be a safe alternative as long as a proper technique is selected. METHODS: We present two cases, one of a partial and one of a total traumatic auricular amputation, both caused by human bites, that were successfully managed in our Department. The technique of ear reattachment as a composite graft, with partial burial of the amputated part in the retroauricular region, as first described by Baudet, was followed in both cases. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The prementioned technique is described in detail, along with the postoperative management and outcome of the patients. In addition, a brief review of the international literature regarding ear replantation is performed. CONCLUSION: The Baudet technique has been used successfully in two cases of traumatic ear amputation due to human bites. It is a simple technique, without the need for microsurgery, and produces excellent aesthetic results, while preserving all neighboring tissues in case of failure with subsequent need for another operation

    Ectopic internal carotid artery presenting as an oropharyngeal mass

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    Ectopic internal carotid artery (ICA) is a very rare variation. The major congenital abnormalities of the ICA can be classified as agenesis, aplasia and hypoplasia, and they can be unilateral or bilateral. Anomalies of the neck artery may be vascular neoplasms or ectopic position. Carotid angiograms provide absolute confirmation of an aberrant carotid artery, while EcoColorDoppler (ECD) gives also important information about the evaluation of carotid vassels. Nevertheless Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the neck provide spatial information about the adjacent pharyngeal anatomy and are less invasive than angiogram. Injuries to the ICA during simple pharyngeal surgical procedures can be catastrophic due to the risk of massive bleeding. We report a case of a 56 year-old male patient suffering from dysphagia associated with aberrant ICA manifesting itself as a pulsative protruding of the left lateral wall of the oropharynx

    Climate change impacts on critical international transportation assets of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS): the case of Jamaica and Saint Lucia

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    This contribution presents an assessment of the potential vulnerabilities to climate variability and change (CV & C) of the critical transportation infrastructure of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It focuses on potential operational disruptions and coastal inundation forced by CV & C on four coastal international airports and four seaports in Jamaica and Saint Lucia which are critical facilitators of international connectivity and socioeconomic development. Impact assessments have been carried out under climatic conditions forced by a 1.5 °C specific warming level (SWL) above pre-industrial levels, as well as for different emission scenarios and time periods in the twenty-first century. Disruptions and increasing costs due to, e.g., more frequent exceedance of high temperature thresholds that could impede transport operations are predicted, even under the 1.5 °C SWL, advocated by the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) and reflected as an aspirational goal in the Paris Climate Agreement. Dynamic modeling of the coastal inundation under different return periods of projected extreme sea levels (ESLs) indicates that the examined airports and seaports will face increasing coastal inundation during the century. Inundation is projected for the airport runways of some of the examined international airports and most of the seaports, even from the 100-year extreme sea level under 1.5 °C SWL. In the absence of effective technical adaptation measures, both operational disruptions and coastal inundation are projected to increasingly affect all examined assets over the course of the century

    The Papyrus Digital Library: Discovering History in the News

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    Abstract. Digital archives comprise a valuable asset for effective information retrieval. In many cases, however, the special vocabulary of the archive restricts its access only to experts in the domain of the material it contains and, as a result, researchers of other disciplines or the general public cannot take full advantage of the wealth of information it offers. To this end, the Papyrus research project has worked towards a solution which makes cross-discipline search possible in digital libraries. The developed prototype showcases this approach demonstrating how we can discover history in news archives. In this demo we focus on demonstrating two of the end user tools available in the prototype, the cross-discipline search and the Papyrus browser