441 research outputs found

    Moisture sorption by dairy powders studied by low-field NMR

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    The influence of moisture sorption on spin–spin (T2) relaxation times for skim milk powder (SMP), milk protein concentrates (MPC50 and MPC80) and amorphous lactose was studied by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). For amorphous lactose and MPC80, only one main peak was observed in the T2 distribution, whereas for SMP and MCP50, two main peaks, relating to the water associated with the amorphous lactose and protein, were observed at aw w >0.4 lactose crystallised and no peak relating to water associated with lactose was visible in the T2 spectrum (water of crystallisation for crystalline lactose has shorter relaxation times, which cannot be detected by low-field NMR). T2 peak position and peak area for the protein fraction increased with increasing aw. Shifts in the T2 peak position showed the transition from mono- and bilayer water at low aw to more rapidly exchanging forms of water at higher aw.</p

    Effect of Cutting Date on Quality of Red Clover Forage

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    Development stage or plant age is an important factor determining the chemical composition and quality of red clover forage (Ignjatovic et al., 2001). In early spring, young red clover plants have large leaf mass, high contents of moisture, protein and minerals and a low fibre content. In the course of the growing season, under the effects of long days and high temperatures, the plant undergoes morphological changes: leaves grow more slowly, the stem elongates, dry matter yield increases and quality drops, especially digestibility and the contents of protein and minerals

    HPV16 L1 and L2 DNA methylation predicts high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women with mildly abnormal cervical cytology

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    Cancer Research UK, Queen Mary University of London. Grant Number: project grant C8162/A4609 and programme grants C8162/A10406, C569/A10404 and C236/A1179

    What is the impact of increasing the prominence of calorie labelling? A stepped wedge randomised controlled pilot trial in worksite cafeterias.

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    BACKGROUND: Calorie labelling may help to reduce energy consumption, but few well-controlled experimental studies have been conducted in real world settings. In a previous randomised controlled pilot trial we did not observe an effect of calorie labelling on energy purchased in worksite cafeterias. In the present study we sought to enhance the effect by making the labels more prominent, and to address the operational challenges reported previously by worksites. METHODS: Three worksite cafeterias were randomised in a stepped wedge design to start the intervention at one of three fortnightly periods between March and July 2018. The intervention comprised introducing prominent calorie labelling for all cafeteria products for which calorie information was available (on average 87% of products offered across the three sites were labelled). Calorie content was displayed in bold capitalised Verdana typeface with a minimum font size of 14 e.g.120 CALORIES. Feasibility and acceptability were assessed using post-intervention surveys with cafeteria patrons and semi-structured interviews with managers. Effectiveness was assessed using total daily energy (kcal) purchased from intervention items across the three sites, analysed using semi-parametric GAMLSS models. RESULTS: Recruitment and retention of worksite cafeterias proved feasible: all three randomised sites successfully completed the study. Post-intervention feedback suggested high levels of intervention acceptability: 87% of responding patrons wanted calorie labelling to remain in place. No effect of the intervention on daily energy purchased was observed: -0.6% (95%CI -2.5 to 1.2, p = .487). By-site analyses showed similar null effects at each of the three sites, all ps > .110. CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence that prominent calorie labelling changed daily energy purchased across three English-based worksite cafeterias. The intervention was feasible to implement and acceptable to patrons and managers

    Optimizing strength training protocols in young females: A comparative study of velocity-based and percentage-based training programs

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of velocity-based strength training (VBT) and percentage-based strength training (PBT) on absolute strength, explosive strength, speed, and agility, as well as markers of muscle damage after 6 weeks of exercise programs. The study included 30 young female individuals, divided into three groups of 10 participants: VBT, PBT, and control group. The main findings indicated that the VBT group and PBT group showed significant improvement in 1RM squat exercise (Δ% 27.87 and Δ% 8.98, respectively) and 1RM bench press (Δ% 14.47 and Δ% 8.65, respectively), but a greater enhancement was observed in the VBT group. In addition, VBT induced substantial changes in SJ (Δ% 14.32) and CMJ height (Δ% 7.69), while PBT had an improvement only in the SJ test (Δ% 6.72). The improvement noted in the VBT group could be attributed to its ability to tailor training intensity according to the speed of movement execution. This approach allows athletes to perform each repetition as fast as possible, thus maintaining an optimal intensity for explosive strength development. The capacity of VBT to adapt training intensity based on the speed of movement execution may be the key factor contributing to these results. Therefore, coaches and athletes should consider implementing VBT as a valuable tool to optimize strength and power development. In conclusion, VBT induced greater improvement in the 1RM squat, 1RM bench press, SJ, and CMJ compared to the group that performed the traditional strength training modality. Therefore, VBT is considered a more effective training tool regarding the development of absolute and explosive strength in young women

    What is the impact of amino acid mutations in the primary structure of caseins on the composition and functionality of milk and dairy products?

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    The impact of amino acid mutations within the peptide structure of bovine milk protein is important to understand as it can effect processability and subsequently effect its physiological properties. Genetic polymorphisms of bovine caseins can influence the chemical, structural, and technological properties, including casein micelle morphology, calcium distribution, network creation upon gelation, and surface activity. The A1 and A2 genetic variants of β-casein have recently acquired growing attention from both academia and industry, prompting new developments in the area. The difference between these two genetic variants is the inclusion of either proline in β-casein A2 or histidine in β-casein A1 at position 67 in the peptide chain. The aim of this review was to examine the extent to which milk and ingredient functionality is influenced by β-casein phenotype. One of the main findings of this review was although β-casein A1 was found to be the dominant variant in milks with superior acid gelation and rennet coagulation properties, milks comprised of β-casein A2 possessed greater emulsion and foam formation capabilities. The difference in the casein micelle assembly, hydrophobicity, and chaperone activity of caseins may explain the contrast in the functionality of milks containing β-casein from either A1 or A2 families. This review provides new insights into the subtle variations in the physicochemical properties of bovine milks, which could potentially support dairy producers in the development of new dairy products with different functional properties

    Finite element and in vitro study on biomechanics behavior of endodontically treated premolars restored with direct or indirect composite restorations

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    Objectives of the study were to investigate biomechanical properties of severely compromised premolars restored with composite restorations using finite element analysis (FEA), and in vitro fracture resistance test. A 3-D model of an endodontically treated premolar was created in Solidworks. Different composite restorations were modelled (direct restoration-DR; endo-crown-EC; post, core, and crown-C) with two different supporting tissues: periodontal ligament/alveolar bone (B), and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Models were two-point axially loaded occlusally (850 N). Von Mises stresses and strains were calculated. The same groups were further tested for static fracture resistance in vitro (n = 5, 6.0 mm-diameter ball indenter, vertical load). Fracture resistance data were statistically analyzed (p &lt; 0.050). The highest stresses and strains in all FEA models were observed on occlusal and vestibular cervical surfaces, corresponding to fracture propagation demonstrated in vitro. C showed the lowest stress in dentin, while EC showed lower stresses and strains in crown cement. B models demonstrated larger high stress areas in the root than PMMA models. No significant differences in fracture resistance (N) were observed between groups (DR: 747.7 ± 164.0, EC: 867.3 ± 108.1, C: 866.9 ± 126.3; p = 0.307). More conservative restorations seem a feasible alternative for endodontically treated premolars to conventional post-core-crown