1,004 research outputs found

    Space-Terrestrial Integrated Internet of Things: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Large geographical regions of our planet remain uncovered by terrestrial network connections. Sparse and dense constellations of near-Earth orbit satellites can bridge this gap by providing Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity on a world-wide scale in a flexible and cost-effective manner. This paper presents a novel space-terrestrial integrated IoT network architecture spanning direct- and indirect-to-satellite access from IoT assets on the surface. Framed on the identified requirements, we analyze NB-IoT and LoRa/LoRaWAN features to put these technologies forward as appealing candidates for future satellite IoT deployments. Finally, we list and discuss the key open research challenges to be addressed in order to achieve a successful space-terrestrial IoT integration

    La satisfaction au travail chez les enseignantes et enseignants du Québec

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    Cet article examine si l'enseignant est satisfait de son travail, s'il veut le quitter et quels sont les motifs les plus probables qui peuvent l'amener à le vouloir.This article deals with work satisfaction among French and English-speaking teachers in Québec Province's primary and secondary schools of the public and private sectors.The study is based on a sample of 4 000 teachers, three-quarters of whom replied to the questionnaire's 424 questions. After describing the theoretical and practical approach used, the authors present results common to all teachers, as well as those particular to certain groups.The concept of work satisfaction is based on: the origins of research in this field, links between performance and satisfaction, possible links between satisfaction and problems retention, absenteism, etc. The authors make reference to Hergberg and use factorial analysis techniques.Results show that teachers are generally moderately satisfied, but that job instability could affect between 11 and 25% of them. The authors conclude that intervention is possible to improve the situation, in spite of certain reserves

    Gender Differences in Psychosocial Determinants of University Students' Intentions to Buy Fair Trade Products

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    This study examined gender differences in university students’ intentions to buy fair trade (FT) products through the lens of the moral-norm-extended theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Data were obtained from 782 students at the University of Luxemburg. Results of structural equation analysis indicated that the inclusion of moral norms increased the explained variance in behavioural intentions from 62% to 68%. Compared to men, women reported more favourable attitude, higher moral obligation, and stronger intentions toward buying FT products. Moderating analyses showed that the attitude–intentions relationship was stronger for men, whereas the perceived behavioural control–intentions relationship was stronger for women. The implications of the moderation analysis are that sustainability professionals seeking to encourage university students’ intentions to buy FT products should develop gender-targeted interventions: for men, more emphasis should be placed on attitude toward buying FT products (i.e., the advantages of adopting this behaviour), and for women, more emphasis should be placed on perceived behavioural control (e.g., factors that facilitate the purchase of FT products)

    Biodiversidade, biotecnologia e organismos transgênicos.

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    Esta publicação tem a finalidade de esclarecer dúvidas que porventura ainda persistam quanto a aplicabilidade de plantas transgêncas para o beneficio da qualidade alimentar e nutricional. Traz em seu bojo, a converg~encia entre biodiversidade, biotecnologia e fundamentos técnico-científicos para a geração de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs)

    Melhoramento genético na seringueira (Hevea sp).

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    Descrição sumária da metodologia utilizada na obtenção dos clones das séries Fx e IAN. Clones recomendados para plantio. A fase atual do melhoramento genético da seringueira.bitstream/item/198257/1/Melhoramento-Genetico-na-Seringueira.pdfTrabalho apresentado no 4º Curso Intensivo de Heveicultura para Técnicos Agrícolas, 1980, Manaus

    Pesquisa de seringueira e dendê.

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    Antecedentes. Objetivos do CNPSD. PNP de Seringueira. PNP de Dendê. Resultados e ações de pesquisa

    Possibilidades da cultura do dende na Amazonia.

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    Expressão de caracteres em seringueira e obtenção de clones produtivos e resistentes ao mal-das-folhas.

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    RESUMO - Em termos gerais, este trabalho apresenta metodologia de pesquisa com seringueira (Hevea spp.), visando a obtenção dé clones produtivos e com resistência permanente ao fungo Micro cyclus ulei Mostra, também, aspectos relacionados com a influência de genes maiores na expressãn de caracteres e suas relações com o ataque de praga e doença, bem como o nível atual de conhecimentos da interação hospedeiro x patógeno x ambiente no referente ao mal-das-folhas da seringueira. ABSTRACT - In general terms, this report shows a research methodology with rubber tree (Neves spp) for obtainment of produtive clones with permanent resistance to fungi Microcyclus ulei. It also shows aspects in relation to major influence of genes in characters and their relations with attack of pest and disease and atual level of knowledgement of host x guest x environment interaction in relation to the rubber tree South American Leaf Blight.Título em inglês: Characters expression in rubber tree and obtainment of clones with production and resistance to south american leaf blight
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